Out of Space, Out of Time (A Lost Regiment Inspired Quest)

[x]Meet and Greet: We don't want them to get to close, head out with a Troop of cavalry (around sixty men) and intercept the column. Have Miss Moore with us and attempt a dialogue that doesn't turn into a fight.
[x]Meet and Greet: We don't want them to get to close, head out with a Troop of cavalry (around sixty men) and intercept the column. Have Miss Moore with us and attempt a dialogue that doesn't turn into a fight.
[x]Meet and Greet: We don't want them to get to close, head out with a Troop of cavalry (around sixty men) and intercept the column. Have Miss Moore with us and attempt a dialogue that doesn't turn into a fight.
A Fateful Meeting...
A Fateful Meeting...

Once more she was going out into the fires of hell, least that is how she viewed it. Alison Moore had cursed her parents every day as since the storm, every day since she had spoken up she knew some Russian, every day since that day...

She closed her eyes and pushed the thoughts of that day out of her thoughts, deciding to concentrate on her riding instead. Alison opened her eyes and patted the horse she rode, a luxury she missed when she and her parents would go out to the family farm in upstate New York and spend hours riding. Oh, she missed it so. Now she was in this hell of a place. A place that haunted her even now.

"Sarge, I know I was wrong, I do. But can't I at least share some of the duties with the rest of the squad?

Alison turned to see Corporal Wilson, everyone knowing who he was now after the fight three days back arguing with a much older soldier. "No damnit. You screwed up, you are paying for it. You are luckily the General even let come with us. Hell, I am surprised he didn't shoot you."

Shoot him? Oh god, what was she doing with these people? Alison shook her head, the knot in her stomach returning once more as she started to panic. What if she screwed up? What if she got them all killed? She had no idea what to do and it was eating her up inside.

"Just view them as being naked."

Alison blinked rapidly, blushing as she turned her head to see Mister Willard Maar riding by her side. "I beg your pardon?"

Willard laughed with a toothy grin. "When you are talking to them, just think of them as being naked. After all, how can you be scared of someone who is naked hm?"

Alison opened her mouth to respond. That was ridiculously, just what? She shook her head. No, she couldn't do that... but. She burst out laughing. "Oh my goodness, I... does that work?"

"Oh sure lass, I do it all the time when covering politicians back in New York City or Washington. Really makes it a whole new experience I must say."

Several of the men riding with her looked over at her to see what she was laughing at but at the moment she didn't care. For the first time since they had arrived, she finally felt like she might be in a place of normalcy. She was smiling as they approached the group of mounted men that had come from the city.

They were all professionals this time. Each having a set of very shiny armor, what looked like a long spear, and a sword fastened to their hip. A very well made and colorful flag flew from several poles, it flapping in the wind as a large, very determined man sat upon a jet black horse, he having been seen several days ago before the madness of the fighting had taken place. Alison grimaced but secretly did as was suggested and had to strife a laugh as the man known as Vladimir approached, holding a rather worn book.

"Good... Aft..afternoon."

From General Shaw down, everyone was shocked as Vladimir continued in extremely broken and heavily accented English. "Hope make deal, yes?"

"You speak English now?" General Shaw responded, trying his best to recover.

Vladimir nodded slowly. "Yankee yes."


Vladimir nodded rapidly, holding out the book. "Here. Book."

"Grab it please Corporal." He just so happen to looking at Wilson.

"Yes Sir." Alex dropped down from his horse and cautiously advanced, taking a book in black leather and binding from Vladamir's hands and moving back to hand it to General Shaw. The General took a moment to leaf through it, his eyes widening as he did. Finally, he spoke. "Son of a bitch."

Alex lifted an eyebrow. "Sir?"

"We are the first to come here. As in first Americans. Jesus."

"What do you mean General? You know where Here is now?" Willard spoke up, his curiosity peaked beyond measure. "Not yet no Mister Marr, but I can tell you that we aren't the first visitors to this land. Looks like a Regiment from Maine showed up, 35th Maine to be precious."

"Never heard of it..."

"Civil War Mister Marr."

Silence washed over the wayward travelers as they realized that somehow some people from their past, thirty-thirty-five years in their past had come to this land and made contact with these people before. "But General if that is true then why don't they know English or didn't say they did until now?" This time it was Alison asking the question.

"Secret..." Vladamir answered, he glancing back at the man on the horse who was watching them all intensity. "Little speak..."

"I know the feeling..." Alison whispered as she glanced over at Vladamir, nodding. "Well sir what's the book say?"

"From what I have seen it is a dictionary, with a couple of passages about the Regiment while it was here." Shaw let out a large sigh before looking up. "Alright Vladamir, let's talk. What does your Duke want?"

"Ah hm, yes. The Great and Illustrious Grand Duke Vasili Bynko of the great city of Suzdal wishes to talk peace. He wish, uh how say... вассал?"

"Vassel?" Alison suggested?

Vladimir shook his head. "No no."

"Vassal." The General said, smirking. "He wants us to be his vassals." Vladamir nodded slowly. "Yes."

Shaw shook his head. "A moment please Vladamir." Without waiting Shaw turned his horse and moved back a little way so it would be harder to hear what he was saying, he signaling for Captain Blackstone and Lieutenant Colonel Cooper to join him, he also looking to Alison and Mister Marr. "What do you all think?"

"I don't think he is in any position to demand we become vassals sir. Not after the licking, we gave him the other day." Colonel Cooper said matter of factly. "We rightly gave them a whooping and they should damn well know it."

Alison sheepishly spoke up. "I... I do agree that what he wants is a bit well. Out there. But I might also add we are strangers in this land. We will most likely need their help?"

"That book says what happened to the 35th General?" Willard asked he mighty curious to in it. Shaw handed it over. "No idea." Willard gingerly took the book and began to leaf through it.

"Alright. We can either become his vassals, with whatever comes with that. Which I bet means us handing over our weapons or something to that effect. Or we don't and we fight again and that has its own worm of problems. Or we try and find a middle ground. What exactly that is I have no idea...."

Alrighty folks! Sorry for the delay had some medical stuff had to deal with but we are back on track! Lots going on, and whoa someone was here before us?! What is going on? And now the Duke wants us to be his vassals? Huh, Interesting. So couple things with this vote. I am going to give some vague options, but I encourage you all talking this out and coming up with some write-ins for the options cuz it is pretty important what happens here.
What should we do?
  • []Nope, Nope, Nope: Not happening, we won and you want us to be your vassal? Ha!
    • []Write-In Diplomatic Action​
    • []Write-In Throw it in his face Action​
  • []I am sorry?: There is no way we can be your vassal sir, but perhaps we can come to an arrangement?
    • []Write-In What do you propose Action
    • []Write-In We are superior to you, do what we say Action
  • []Very Well: It can't be too bad right? Become a Vassal of the Grand Duke.
    • []Write-In Your acceptance Action
    • []Write-In Okay.. but Action
The Book:
  • []Skimming is Key: Have Willard just skim over it, just finding what the can quickly.
  • []We must know Everything: Have Willard take his time and read through the book so he can find all the details.
  • []Now is not the Time: Have Willard read the book later, we have things to do.
  • []Write-In
Holy shit were on the same world as the 35th that simplifies and complicates things a great deal it also means where dealing with a God damned human eating horde of aliens most likely.
Here is an idea well a rough one anyways.

[]We must know Everything: Have Willard take his time and read through the book so he can find all the details.
-[] check to see if anything like lemon juice or other methods was used to disguise a message in the pages.
[X] Plan got to know everything @kelgar04 plan
We still have to vote on the vassal deal
[X] Plan we need to vote.
-[X]I am sorry?: There is no way we can be your vassal sir, but perhaps we can come to an arrangement?
--[X] Offer an alliance with him, fighting for him if necessary, but without firm hierarchical submission to him.
-[X]We must know Everything: Have Willard take his time and read through the book so he can find all the details.
--[X] check to see if anything like lemon juice or other methods was used to disguise a message in the pages.
Just want to give a heads up, I am still running this, just had to take a break from stuff due to everything going in the US. I plan to get a post up either later tonight or tomorrow!
At the moment I am running a very detailed GSRPG on the site in a setting I created from scratch so that is taking a lot of my time. I might come back to this soon, but I am not giving any promises of when.