Gundam:??? (NO SV, the Universal Century is Coming to YOU!)

External threats right? Can't believe we need to quick diplomacy the oppressive elitist empire from Iron blooded orphans.
Well yeah and the reason they are here will be explained later in the other one.

So here's something you should know...their fleets ships suck.

They've never had to deal with a Peer opponent in 300 years before IBO, that will something that will be reflected in both their military and their diplomacy.

The Feddies have better ships then them.
Diplomatic Miniturn: Beyond the Time Part 1
Diplomatic Miniturn: Beyond the Time Part 1

It started like any other, looking for the signals that would give a semblance of life to the Federation's distant colonies and shores.

The Jupiter Energy Fleet was an organization with great and abundant powers as of later, the H3 was the fuel of their society that kept the Sides operating at high efficiency. It was the largest single corporation in the Universal Century.

Well one of them at least.

Fai was calm, mulling over his lost fortune with a calmness found in a man who had lost a part of himself and trudged forward regardless.

It was remarkable, one could say.

"Sir I think we have something?" The communications officer said.

"Put it on…and keep it from leaking out we need the information controlled." You said.

"Should we tell them about the "Physics crap" that got us here?" He said.

"No…we don't have a clear picture…best to let them continue running the experiments with the Scientists on earth. We don't need to add to their workflow with politics." You ordered.

"Yes sir…the message broadband has been sent sir." He said. "We are now waiting for their response."

Attention UNKNOWN POLITY! You are on the Dominion and Property of the Gjallarhorn Defence League of the Seven Stars…state your business and purpose or we will be forced to take hostile and aggressive action for such a grand and open display of defiance to the stability of our nation.

"What the hell is this?!" you said as the message repeated. "Who the hell are they?"

"Sir…I don't know." The Communications officer said. "We're trying to get a lock on their frequency…its a code I've never seen before."

We are waiting for your response.

"Get High Com on the line and prepare the Luna II Fleet for action and tell the Luna I Fleet to be the reserve if they are taking action I want to be ready to respond in kind." You barked.

The Communications officer nodded and prepared and sent your order.

"Their waiting for a response sir…best not keep them waiting." He said.

"And they shall have it." You growled.

What do you say to this messenger?:

[]Write in (The Longer the Better, as it gives more of a bonus to the rolls)

AN: And here we go! Lets do it.
[] Greetings Gjallarhorn Defence League of the Seven Stars, I am Fia Newman, leader of the Earth Federation, which represents the United Armed Forces of Earth and her Space Colonies. We are currently dealing with the fallout of an inexplicable disaster of temporal nature which has thrown the Stellar System of Sol into chaos. Currently we are working to restore order and discover the source of this event, after recently restoring our Economy to a functional state. I'm afraid in the current state of emergency I cannot acknowledge any territorial claims or governing rights on such flimsy evidence as mere claims across an intercom. I have had a short data package containing historical accounts detailing both the federation history and our understanding of the disaster which I will have transmitted at the end of this communication. I humbly request you prepare something similar so that I may better validate any claims you wish to make. I have no doubt you are a good, honorable people, who would never take advantage of a state of disaster to steal a man's hard earned billions while he was occupied running the most powerful government in the world, but these are trying times and my position demands I follow certain protocols for the safety of my people. I hope we can resolve this matter peaceably. Transmitting data now.

They stole Fia's billions!!

[X] Lord Cheddar
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[X] Greetings Gjallarhorn Defence League of the Seven Stars, I am Fia Newman, leader of the Earth Federation, which represents the United Armed Forces of Earth and her Space Colonies. We are currently dealing with the fallout of an inexplicable disaster of temporal nature which has thrown the Stellar System of Sol into chaos. Currently we are working to restore order and discover the source of this event, after recently restoring our Economy to a functional state. I'm afraid in the current state of emergency I cannot acknowledge any territorial claims or governing rights on such flimsy evidence as mere claims across an intercom. I have had a short data package containing historical accounts detailing both the federation history and our understanding of the disaster which I will have transmitted at the end of this communication. I humbly request you prepare something similar so that I may better validate any claims you wish to make. I have no doubt you are a good, honorable people, who would never take advantage of a state of disaster to steal a man's hard earned billions while he was occupied running the most powerful government in the world, but these are trying times and my position demands I follow certain protocols for the safety of my people. I hope we can resolve this matter peaceably. Transmitting data now.
[X] Greetings Gjallarhorn Defence League of the Seven Stars, I am Fia Newman, leader of the Earth Federation, which represents the United Armed Forces of Earth and her Space Colonies. We are currently dealing with the fallout of an inexplicable disaster of temporal nature which has thrown the Stellar System of Sol into chaos. Currently we are working to restore order and discover the source of this event, after recently restoring our Economy to a functional state. I'm afraid in the current state of emergency I cannot acknowledge any territorial claims or governing rights on such flimsy evidence as mere claims across an intercom. I have had a short data package containing historical accounts detailing both the federation history and our understanding of the disaster which I will have transmitted at the end of this communication. I humbly request you prepare something similar so that I may better validate any claims you wish to make. I have no doubt you are a good, honorable people, who would never take advantage of a state of disaster to steal a man's hard earned billions while he was occupied running the most powerful government in the world, but these are trying times and my position demands I follow certain protocols for the safety of my people. I hope we can resolve this matter peaceably. Transmitting data now.
[X] Greetings Gjallarhorn Defence League of the Seven Stars, I am Fia Newman, leader of the Earth Federation, which represents the United Armed Forces of Earth and her Space Colonies. We are currently dealing with the fallout of an inexplicable disaster of temporal nature which has thrown the Stellar System of Sol into chaos. Currently we are working to restore order and discover the source of this event, after recently restoring our Economy to a functional state. I'm afraid in the current state of emergency I cannot acknowledge any territorial claims or governing rights on such flimsy evidence as mere claims across an intercom. I have had a short data package containing historical accounts detailing both the federation history and our understanding of the disaster which I will have transmitted at the end of this communication. I humbly request you prepare something similar so that I may better validate any claims you wish to make. I have no doubt you are a good, honorable people, who would never take advantage of a state of disaster to steal a man's hard earned billions while he was occupied running the most powerful government in the world, but these are trying times and my position demands I follow certain protocols for the safety of my people. I hope we can resolve this matter peaceably. Transmitting data now.
[X] Greetings to the force known as the Gjallarhorn Defence League of the Seven Stars. I am Fia Newman, democratically-elected prime minister of the Earth Federation, the lawful representative of the United Peoples of Earth and her Space Colonies. We are currently dealing with the fallout of an unexplained temporal disaster which seems to have brought the Sol system, except for Earth, back to the turn of the 20th century AD. My administration is currently working to restore contact and government services to the people of the solar system, as well as discover the source of this event. We were unaware that anyone else had been brought back to this time. Judging by the the fact that no entity known as 'Gjallarhorn' exists in our databases outside of the horn of Scandinavian myth, as well as your surprise at meeting us, I assume that you have also been brought to another time and place? Unfortunately, I am afraid that, in the current state of emergency, I cannot acknowledge any territorial claims or governing rights based on such flimsy evidence as mere claims across an intercom. I have had a short data package prepared, containing historical accounts detailing both the federation's history and our understanding of the disaster, which I will have transmitted at the end of this communication. I humbly request that you prepare a similar package so that I may better validate any claims you wish to make, and so that we may get to know each other better in the spirit of peace and cooperation. I have no doubt you are a good, honorable people, who would never take advantage of a terrible disaster to steal a man's hard earned billions AND sabotage his attempts at salvaging the situation while he was occupied running the most powerful government in history, but these are trying times and my position demands I follow certain protocols for the safety of the people of the solar system. I hope that we can resolve this matter peaceably and in a manner agreeable to all parties. Transmitting data now.

I've modified @Randino Treviani's write-up to polish up some of the language, expand it somewhat and finesse the diplo-speak somewhat (except for Fia's rant about THOSE SHITTERS ON THE MOON) so that it makes us look better and emphasises our role as the most powerful AND ONLY LEGITIMATE government in the Earth Sphere.

"Zeon who? Oh, you mean the nice people in the Autonomous Republic of Munzo? You can ignore them. No really, DON'T LOOK AT SIDE 3! EVERYTHING IS FINE!
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Who does Fia have to threaten with nukes to get his money back?
No one, he'd have to invade the Moon, or at least send men to do it and he dosnt' have a good enough excuse to use force.
Should have guessed a brand new stellar internet wouldn't have the parts or qualified mechanics to stay running long.
Well, then again, its a resource hog if you will, the Internet doesn't have all the neat little infestucture to run long term without a lot of work.
So far, Fia's whole thing is going economic mastermind while pulling the Fed economy of nothing up by it's bootstraps, and fuming at the greedy luna folks whom robbed him blind simply because he was distracted trying to keep the Federation from imploding on the back of lots of guns and many, many, MANY people twiddling their thumbs.
So far, Fia's whole thing is going economic mastermind while pulling the Fed economy of nothing up by it's bootstraps, and fuming at the greedy luna folks whom robbed him blind simply because he was distracted trying to keep the Federation from imploding on the back of lots of guns and many, many, MANY people twiddling their thumbs.
The Federation: THe Early years in a Nutshell.


The SIdes: RUN FOR IT.


Yang: Hello would you like to here about our Lord And Savior of the Earth, Mass Repression of Political Radicals?

The Federation: I WANT STABILITY!

Jupiter Energy FLeet: I would ask if you want me to betray the federation. "How Much?"
Jupiter Energy FLeet: I would ask if you want me to betray the federation. "How Much?"
...Oh yeah, those guys are around aren't they. At least we still got the equipment advantage and can shortcut to good mech thanks to those guys from way into the future or something. :V

Never mind whatever nonsense Mr. Tesla and other Earth Geniuses can do.

Maybe in this timeline Einstein can crack quantum mechanics and possibly prove god doesn't play dice?:D
[X] Greetings to the force known as the Gjallarhorn Defence League of the Seven Stars. I am Fia Newman, democratically-elected prime minister of the Earth Federation, the lawful representative of the United Peoples of Earth and her Space Colonies. We are currently dealing with the fallout of an unexplained temporal disaster which seems to have brought the Sol system, except for Earth, back to the turn of the 20th century AD. My administration is currently working to restore contact and government services to the people of the solar system, as well as discover the source of this event. We were unaware that anyone else had been brought back to this time. Judging by the the fact that no entity known as 'Gjallarhorn' exists in our databases outside of the horn of Scandinavian myth, as well as your surprise at meeting us, I assume that you have also been brought to another time and place? Unfortunately, I am afraid that, in the current state of emergency, I cannot acknowledge any territorial claims or governing rights based on such flimsy evidence as mere claims across an intercom. I have had a short data package prepared, containing historical accounts detailing both the federation's history and our understanding of the disaster, which I will have transmitted at the end of this communication. I humbly request that you prepare a similar package so that I may better validate any claims you wish to make, and so that we may get to know each other better in the spirit of peace and cooperation. I have no doubt you are a good, honorable people, who would never take advantage of a terrible disaster to steal a man's hard earned billions AND sabotage his attempts at salvaging the situation while he was occupied running the most powerful government in history, but these are trying times and my position demands I follow certain protocols for the safety of the people of the solar system. I hope that we can resolve this matter peaceably and in a manner agreeable to all parties. Transmitting data now.
[X]Plan Proper Diplomatic Conduct
-[X]"To the contact of the unconfirmed validity calling itself the Gjallarhorn Defense League of the Seven Stars, this is Earth Federation High Command. In the event that you possess a valid federal identification code, We would suggest that you send the code to Luna II. In the event you are in fact a undetected third party with zero prior connection to the Earth, we will for the time being request that you do not approach any closer than that of the distance of Lagrange Point 2. In addition, any attempt to directly approach the Lagrange Points or the Moon themselves will as of this point in time be seen as a direct hostile act by Gjallarhorn."
-[X]"We find it rather disconcerting that on first encountering an unknown space faring polity in what are very clearly abnormal circumstances that your own astronomers should have clearly noticed was actively threatening them for supposedly being on your territory when it should be clear that we have likely either been both brought backward in time from likely alternative timelines by an unknown force or outright transplanted into an alternative universe by that same force. If such conduct continues, we will have no choice but to treat your organization as inherently hostile."
-[X]"In the event that you do in fact wish to achieve a peaceful dialogue with the Earth Federation, we would be willing to provide one of our ships in return for one of yours to be offered up as hostage for the duration of establishing this dialogue. It is our hope that this offer made in good faith will be seen as an honorable arrangement to you."
-[X]"In addition, we would also be willing to arrange an exchange of data on each other's own cultures, histories, societies, and other such data if you are willing to share such information at this point in time. We look forward to your response. Ad Astra Per Aspera."

The idea for my speech is that its meant to not give away too much about who we are, make it clear we are willing to talk and not start a war, AND that if they want to make it a war, we WILL fight back. And yes....I am blatantly disregarding the parties that declared independence's opinions. They are seperatists, their nations don't actually legally exist.