Gundam:??? (NO SV, the Universal Century is Coming to YOU!)

Turn 1 Results
Turn 1 Results

-[X]Asset Reports (Fleet): Admiral Wekken, give us a report on our Fleet Status around Earth! NOW! DC:50 Reward: Fleet Status. Rolled: D100 => 93

"Well we have some good news...we have a fleet, the Whole Fleet is here," Wekken said.

Fai looked up. "How many do we have?"

"500 Light Patrol Shuttles. 1500 Transport and Convoy Ships. 50 Salmis Battleships and a few dozen of those Space Fighters we've been cooking up in the Labs." He said.

"Thats over 2000 Ships." Fai said.

"Yep...and we have enough firepower to tell the rest of them to play ball." He said.

"How so?" Fai said.

"We control almost 95% of all trade and Merchant Marines. So they can't trade even if they don't want to use our money." He said.

"So this is leverage?" Fai said.

"No. This is basically that...sir I was gonna say something cool." He said.

"What happened to the Other 5%?" Fai said.

"I think they are on Side 6 and the Moon, with a few spread out to the rest of the colonies." He said.

"Holy shit we have them by the balls." Fai said.

"That we do sir?" he said

"But there's always a catch isn't there?" Fai said.

"No, most of our shit is intact and loyal." He said.

"How soon can we do anything on Earth?" Fai said.

"Sir, we can't just invade and force Primitives to live like us, we have an Agreement in the FOUNDING CHARTER to be imperialism spamming assholes." He said.

"Why not?" Fai said.

"Because you promised the SIdes not to be an imperialist asshole." He said.

Reward:You have 2000 Ships, most are trade ships but they are YOURS!


-[X]Calm fears of the Sides: The Sides are considering leaving, shit, going to have to do a blanket speech to get them around to at least not leave just yet, at least file things properly if you do. DC:55 Reward:Try to keep the sides from leaving. Rolled: D100 => 65

You looked at the Side Leadership on the Zoom call.

"So...what are your caveats for calming the hell down?" You said.

"We get to print our own currency, backed by the states economy." The Leader of Side 1 said.

"Thats Economic Suicide, the Rate of Exchange will be a nightmare!" You said.

"Listen Fai, you fucked up the Currency, we have to make due with what we have." He said.

"Its not that bad?!" You complained.

"Fai we have Bread Riots because the Federation's currency is utterly worthless." Side 2's mayor said.

"A gross overstatement of the problem." You said.

"Damnit Fai, just shut up and swallow your damn pride and just admit decentralizing and using Local Currency is accepted." He said.

"FINE...but you have to pay a protectionist tariff all of you….even us, now lets now deal with the next problem. Bread Riots how archaic and maddening that we are now, dealing with THIS SHIT!" You said.

Reward: Oh boy, you've kept them around, but your looking less like the EU and More Pre EU Europe...But the Sides that haven't left are happy to stick around, you have all their ships after.

But you have lost a key bit of Leverage keeping them united.


Fragmentation Trait has been Delayed for three Turns.


-[X]Stabilize EVERYTHING!!: Stabilize the Markets and Currency, I don't care what Black Magic you use to do it, DO IT! DC:80 Reward: Do Economic Miracle and save your economy or at least start it. Rolled: D100 => 10

"What has happened to my ECONOMY!! GIVE ME BACK MY GDP!! LUNA GIVE IT BACK!!" You shouted in anger as you cried into the Economic Minister's arms.

"Its that bad sir...its that bad." She said.


"FUCK YOU LUNA FUCK YOU!!" You continued to rage.


The Finance Minister looked at the Economic Minister. "You're sure this is what is going on?"

"Yep...we're no longer the reserve currency and the Financial Capital of the Earth Sphere." She said.

"And the Inflation Rate?" The FM said calmly.

".99 Trillion Percent." The EM said.

"Fuck, we have no liquid assets." The FM said.

"Not even the Paper and Plastic its printed on is wanted its that distrusted." The EM said. "NO ONE wants to use our currency."

"Even the Stock Exchange?!" The FM said.

"THOSE FUCKS Jumped ship to Luna and Took most of our Gold Reserve!" The EM said.

"What about Silver?" The FM said.

"NO ONE Trusts Silver, not after the Delos Scandal! NO ONE WILL EVEN TOUCH THAT WORTHLESS ROCK!" The EM said.

"So...our Debt is worthless." The FM said.

"No one wants to buy anything we sell." The EM said. "Thats the Problem."

"So...we use all of our Economic might to save the earth, build colonies and then move billions of people into space, where they live comfortable and productive live and one disruption to our economy is enough for them to distrust the very money that built their homes, so they can use their own local money and get rich off of our suffering?" The FM said.

"Thats what they did." The EM said.

"Ungrateful Bastards!" The FM said.

Reward: No one will use you as an economic base...they won't even try to trade with you, you are considered economic poison to the Ecosystem of trade, were it not for you holding the fleet, you'd be embargoed for economic incompetence because they want to get rid of your economy.

Economic IOU has mutated into!!

Economic Freefall: Your Currency is worthless, your economy Impotent, the Inflation rate is worse then Pre Unification War South America. Your Assets Trash. Your People mistrust you.

Your Government in Panic.

Adam Smith and GOD help you all.


-[X]Establish a Clear Intelligence Apparatus: You lost the Intel guy's and it sucks, well time to pester people to let a few liberties be spied on in the name of state security. That and, have someone else do the Paperwork.DC:50 Reward:Establish Intelligence Agency.
Rolled: D100 => 92

Fai looked at his service pistol and thought about his failures in economics.

He'd built himself out of a smoldering ruin, it had been hard, but it was still possible.

This was a situation that even he could not predict or overcome.

He needed a more active hand...he needed something that could get him something.

Information was more important than money at this point.

Information was WORTH money.

He had a new plan, if Economics would not save the Federation...then you have to use the untasteful methods of the past.

Spy Rings, Information Brokers, and Double of Poor and questionable Character that would work not only for patriotism but the allure of influence and power.

They would be the key to the New Federation's plans.

If we could not Conquer them via economic might, we will do so through subterfuge and information.

It's how you got your start as a Businessman, you did insider trading and other White Collar Crime to get the capital to investors to see you were legit.

Well, that and your side job as a High Stakes Information Broker for five Different Countries but that's beside the point.

You had options now. And they would see to it.

Reward: Gain National Spirt:

Hades Intelligence Apparatus: The Descendant of Nearly every single Intelligence and Secret Police Organization known to man. It is the Best of the Best, no matter what they are thrown at.

Rumor Mill unlocked and will be Viewable on Turn 2.


Reaction Rolls:

Side 1: D100 => 54

SIde 1 is still on Side with you, though with considerable independence and power.

Reward: They are with you still.

Side 2: D100 => 79

Side 2 has ran to you and offered to pay the soldiers and dock part of your Fleet for Free.

They...didn't care if you were were still people.

It also helped that they were also very nice.

Reward: Be like Side 2.

Side 3/Munzo Republic: D100 => 13

Like you, Side 3 has...been suffering Economic Woes, though they are slightly better at hiding it.

But only Slightly…

Reward: Side 3 is filled with Woes.

Side 4: D100 => 43

Side 4 is still technically in with you but went off to Support Side 3 economically.

This has caused them to Struggle a fair bit.
Reward: Yeah...Something is going wrong.

Side 5: D100 => 68

Still with the Federation...and still struggling along economically.

Reward: Struggling along and Still Loyal.

The Riah Republic: D100 => 88

They left...and are having an economic boom.


Reward: They are Fine...doing better then fine actually.

Side 7: D100 => 98

So you paid your soldiers in Side 7s Future Property, even if its still under construction and very much not in livable condition.

As it turns out...they really wanted that...and are actually building it via their own resources.

Yang said it was to keep them from getting bored.

And then...something magical happened.

Your GDP and Side 7's newly established Currency "The Noa" replaced a fair chunk of your Federal Credits.

It wouldn't be enough to get you out of the Hole you seemed to have dug yourself in...but it gives you a chance to...get yourselves the tools to do it.

Reward: You paid the vets in Side 7's non-existent future Property.

They responded by giving you a temporary Bail out.

Granada City: D100 => 99

They have become the Finance Capital of Earth Sphere.

Reward: Its the Tin.

Von Braun City: D100 => 22

Being an Economic Patsy to Granada, they focus on Manufacturing...with Mixed Results.

Reward: No Products.

Earth: D100 => 92

Institutions of the World Gather In Vienna To Discuss new Stars and Small Moon.

By scientific Curiosity and Reason, thousands upon thousands of the Brightest Astronomers, Physicists, Doctors and other Learned Professionals have gathered in Vianna to discuss the Strange new Phenomena that is slowly unfolding in front of our Eyes.

(More on Page 2 and 3)

Reward: Earth is acting in a Sane and Rational Manner, gathering the Best and Brightest to see what is going on.

Missing Assets??: D100 => 92

"FED COM this is...Station NORAD...I can't Get Jaburo or Dekar or anyone on nearly any frequency Send Traffic? We've uh..shit how do we describe it. We're Sending this with NIKOLA TESLA...I can't describe it he's been asking Questions for weeks, I can't even beguin to describe what's going on"

Reward: Well, something else did come through. And they had to get creative to call you. New Action Avalible

The Jupiter Energy Fleet: D100 => 12

Luna's Office sent a Probe.

It hasn't sent a signal back since it passed the Belt.


AN: Well, this is a odd way to start, enjoy.
>worst than southamerica economic crash
>"99 Trillion Percent." The EM said.

may marx and smith have mercy on us
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...Fuck I'm scared.

Still, most of the other stuff is fairly good.

Missing Assets??: D100 => 92

"FED COM this is...Station NORAD...I can't Get Jaburo or Dekar or anyone on nearly any frequency Send Traffic? We've uh..shit how do we describe it. We're Sending this with NIKOLA TESLA...I can't describe it he's been asking Questions for weeks, I can't even beguin to describe what's going on"

Reward: Well, something else did come through. And they had to get creative to call you. New Action Avalible

The Jupiter Energy Fleet: D100 => 12

Luna's Office sent a Probe.

It hasn't sent a signal back since it passed the Belt.


Also damn our economy is worse than zimbabwe. Cyber what would it take to not explode within a few turns, I mean selling info is a probable option as stated.
We need to surch and start leveraging our merchant marine...

Calling the Vote [X]Plan Nonexistant Economy. wins.
[X]Plan Nonexistant Economy.
-[X]Calm fears of the Sides: The Sides are considering leaving, shit, going to have to do a blanket speech to get them around to at least not leave just yet, at least file things properly if you do. DC:55 Reward:Try to keep the sides from leaving.
-[X] Backroom Deals of Luna: You know these idiots, Anaheim Electronics, and the rest of their Ilk like Hervik. You at least want to make sure they didn't steal your assets as a private citizen...among other things. GOD damn Vist and his cronies. DC:60 Reward: Get some of your asset back.
-[X]Stabilize EVERYTHING!!: Stabilize the Markets and Currency, I don't care what Black Magic you use to do it, DO IT! DC:80 Reward: Do Economic Miracle and save your economy or at least start it.
-[X]There was an Idea...a Side Trade Clause Part 1: Your brainchild, your plan, your dream, they have to listen to this, somehow they have to listen. DC:??? Reward: Bask in the Vanity of Your Ambition and play them all like fiddles.
Speaking of which. Why did we get spooks instead of starting the side trade clause stuff?
Edit: Not that I am exactly complaining, cause that is one NICE spy agency we got.
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Oh god our poor economy.
At least we have all the trade ships they need us at least until they can build there own.
The bog standard salamis is currently a formidable ship... huh... that feels strange for a Gundam series. I know it was a good ship after it was converted to carry mobile suits but I just can't help but think of them as floating fireworks displays.

With those star fighters we could build a fighter core to escort our ships... when we have an economy.

Maybe complete side 7 as an agricultural side to sort out the food issues? Earth was a big exporter of food in the early UC.