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Generalissimus of Otmesozob
[1] Cheng Ling
[2] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[3] Bahir Karam

Chief of Military Political Officers
[1] Mthunzi Makinana
[2] Velibor Šaponjić
[3] Bhumika Bharadwaj

Death to the GTO devils!
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As a note, if you have Amalia only be a chief marshal of the army; her bonus would only apply to ground units and not to air or naval units which will form a very large portion of the game's combat. Nor to subterranean units when that inevitably gets its own branch of the military.

None of the air or naval commander options you can have at the start of the game would even remotely on Amalia's level.
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Wouldn't it make equal sense for subterranean units to still be part of the army? Perhaps more than say an Army Air service, since they're essentially underground marines?
Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

[x] Amalia Moltke Weisskopf - I actually don't want someone who's so overpowered be even more overpowered in a specialized position, sounds rather boring
[x] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov

Chief of the Military Political Officers
[x] Velibor Šaponjić
[x] Mthunzi Makinana
Generalissimus of Otmesozob
[1] Cheng Ling
[2] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[3] Amalia Moltke Weisskopf

Chief of Military Political Officers
[1] Mthunzi Makinana
[2] Velibor Šaponjić
[3] Xuan Xiulan
I don't think that Xuan is fit for this position. I think putting them as a field commander or something would be a better use of their talents
If you guys feel that Amalia is too powerful altogether or would make the game boring, you can also vote to have her sent back to the German military or ULAPAC joint command and thus dismiss her from the Otmesozob entirely.
Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

[1st] - Bahir Karam
[2nd] - Cheng Ling
[3rd] - Amalia Moltke Weisskopf

Chief of the Military Political Officers

[1st] - Velibor Šaponjić
[2nd] - Xuan Xiulan
[3rd] - Mthunzi Makinana
And if you really want to play with fire and turn on hardmode you can vote to have her framed for a career-ending scandal which removes her as a factor entirely but also weakens the ULAPAC's military as a whole.
This is basically how Zubarov approaches siege situations against extremely strong positions. Except missing the aerial bombardment, missiles, SPGs, Mortars, superheavy pieces, and rockets he'd also be using.
Zubarov: "We formally request that you evacuate [target city] of all civilians and non-combatants. It will no longer exist after tomorrow."
Enemy commander: "Yeah right, that's just a bluff to scare us. Ignore him."
*Zubarov destroys the city.*
Zubarov: "We formally request that you evacuate [next target city] of all civilians and non-combatants. It will no longer exist after tomorrow."
Zubarov is the first one whose one bonus scares me more than drawbacks lol.

Special Connections: Zubarov halves the political points costs for WMD usage.

Anyway, I propose Cheng Ling for generalissimus as the most flexible among three non-protagonists. Zurabov is hard to level while Bahir will be worse than nothing when fighting "suddenly supernaturals". Cheng Ling's biggest drawback is probably "GTO hate magnet", which is a bit alleviated by our diplomat, but having a military politics commisar be amicable would help too, so I propose Velibor Šaponjić for the job. I know a bit about how conflict diplomacy works, and behind-the-closed-doors meeting of top and mid level military officials can resolve quite a bit of low-scale conflict and clashes. Velibor's "I can convince you" would be pretty helpful in making small conflicts not grow into a World War. Besides, his second drawback is hilarious and worth it just for the sake of the story.

Generalissimus of Otmesozob
[x] Cheng Ling

Chief of the Military Political Officers
[x] Velibor Šaponjić
As for me I am totally ok with Amalia as a Chief Marshal of the Army. As I understand, this world is a very dangerous place, and we need every advantage we could get.

I want Velibor to win. His drawbacks seems as advantages to me, especially "Even the Gods are part of the class struggle". Make the gods to be the part of the class struggle seems very cool to me.
[x] Amalia Moltke Weisskopf - I actually don't want someone who's so overpowered be even more overpowered in a specialized position, sounds rather boring
proper non phone vote -

Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

[1st] - Amalia Moltke Weisskopf
[2st] - Bahir Karam
[3nd] - Cheng Ling

Chief of the Military Political Officers

[1nd] - Xuan Xiulan
[2st] - Velibor Šaponjić
[3rd] - Mthunzi Makinana

we have the mad scientist "a threat to all" lady with us so we need someone to inspire confidence. Plus were likely to be facing some pretty tough fights so having a pseudo-protagonist with us will help a lot
[1] Cheng Ling
[2] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[3] Bahir Karam

[1] Mthunzi Makinana
[2] Velibor Šaponjić
[3] Bhumika Bharadwaj
Got bad news, the vote counter can't handle this so I'm going to have to do this manually.

Any help would be appreciated.

Scheduled vote count started by Krasnyy Spartak on Nov 17, 2020 at 6:15 PM, finished with 34 posts and 9 votes.

The result here is obviously nonsense.
Alright, all votes have been tallied up. Please feel free to double-check it for accuracy.

1st​ Choice Votes for Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

Amalia Moltke Weisskopf – 4 Votes (Falcon87456 / araa / SpookyBoy / Questwolf)

Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov – 2 Votes (Ultrackius / Doctor Elsewhere)

Cheng Ling – 5 Votes (Kiridifferent / ProjectUnidad / EternalStruggle / Aule / Random Member)

Bahir Karam – 10 Votes (Rise Comics / Lord_Asmodeus / BobTheNinja / vilani99 / Regency / Hunter531 / Coffeelatte / thewatcher / Arhin / SilentSpaniard)

2nd​ Choice Votes for Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

Amalia Moltke Weisskopf – 0 Votes

Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov – 11 Votes (vilani99 / Regency / Hunter531 / Kiridifferent / Coffeelatte / thewatcher / Arhin / ProjectUnidad / SpookyBoy / EternalStruggle / Random Member)

Cheng Ling – 4 Votes (Rise Comics / Lord_Asmodeus / BobTheNinja / SilentSpaniard)

Bahir Karam – 3 Votes (Ultrackius / Doctor Elsewhere / Questwolf)

3rd​ Choice Votes for Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

Amalia Moltke Weisskopf – 3 Votes (BobTheNinja / EternalStruggle / SilentSpaniard)

Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov – 2 Votes (Rise Comics / Lord_Asmodeus)

Cheng Ling – 8 Votes (Doctor Elsewhere / vilani99 / Regency / Hunter531 / Coffeelatte / thewatcher / Arhin / Questwolf)

Bahir Karam – 3 Votes (Kiridifferent / ProjectUnidad / Random Member)

* * * * *

1st​ Choice Votes for Chief of the Military Political Officers

Velibor Šaponjić – 9 Votes (Ultrackius / Lord_Asmodeus / BobTheNinja / vilani99 / thewatcher / Arhin / SpookyBoy / SilentSpaniard / Aule)

Bhumika Bharadwaj – 0 Votes

Mthunzi Makinana – 6 Votes (Rise Comics / Doctor Elsewhere / Kiridifferent / ProjectUnidad / EternalStruggle / Random Member)

Xuan Xiulan – 6 Votes (Falcon87456 / Regency / Hunter531 / Coffeelatte / araa / Questwolf)

2nd​ Choice Votes for Chief of the Military Political Officers

Velibor Šaponjić – 8 Votes (Doctor Elsewhere / Regency / Hunter531 / Kiridifferent / ProjectUnidad / EternalStruggle / Questwolf / Random Member)

Bhumika Bharadwaj – 1 Vote (Rise Comics)

Mthunzi Makinana – 6 Votes (Ultrackius / Lord_Asmodeus / vilani99 / Coffeelatte / Arhin / SpookyBoy)

Xuan Xiulan – 3 Votes (BobTheNinja / thewatcher / SilentSpaniard)

3rd ​Choice Votes for Chief of the Military Political Officers

Velibor Šaponjić – 1 Vote (Coffeelatte)

Bhumika Bharadwaj – 5 Votes (Lord_Asmodeus / Doctor Elsewhere / Kiridifferent / ProjectUnidad / Random Member)

Mthunzi Makinana – 6 Votes (BobTheNinja / Regency / Hunter531 / thewatcher / SilentSpaniard / Questwolf)

Xuan Xiulan – 2 Votes (Arhin / EternalStruggle)
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Chief Marshal of the Army Vote
Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

[X] Bahir Karam: A highly decorated Egyptian military commander, Bahir Karam is well regarded for being a builder of armies and an amazing drillmaster who can forge a professional and disciplined force from even the most rudimentary materials and make use of them with expert skill and precision. He is also well known for his study of partisan tactics and warfare and will ensure that any land taken will forever be a problem for any attacker to hold, assuming they can take it in the first place given his ironclad defences and expert usage of planning and laying out of comprehensive lines of battle that even a sparrow would have issue finding an opening in. His expert management of command staff has also earned him high praise, with his ability to organise and settle down various larger than life personalities being virtually second to none.
  • +: Organizer in Chief: Bahir Karam allows for forces under his purview to accumulate experience at double the normal rate, reroll failed casualty recovery rolls, cuts the costs needed to produce more military assets by half, and doubles the rate at which doctrine points are gained. He generates three free additional military dice and grants a general +15 bonus to Military, Administration, and Diplomacy dice.
  • +: Always a Plan: Bahir Karam increases the likelihood that the doctrines your forces will use in a combat will be one that counters that the enemy uses by a very significant margin due to his extensive layers of contingencies. He also halves the amount of time needed to create a battleplan and receive its bonuses and doubles the effects of a good plan.
  • +: A gun behind every Dune: Territory lost to the enemy or where you spend an espionage action to set up a partisan or revolutionary movement in will have their partisan strength tripled, greatly increasing the number of forces needed to keep them suppressed as well as increasing the chances of the formation of Partisan military assets which will operate at increased power and organization. The Espionage points needed to establish partisan units is also halved.
  • +: Verdun has nothing on this: The trenchworks and fortifications, as well as the extremely intricate defensive plans and contingencies Bahir sets up, are the stuff of legend. On the defensive, all military assets have their military power doubled and the enemy rate of advance is halved due to the grinding nature of trying to breach through his defences. You can reroll your own casualty recovery dice, while the enemy will have to reroll successful casualty recover dice. Fortifications have their Production point cost cut down to half.
  • +: Team Manager: Bahir Karam has a +30 bonus to diplomacy checks within the STAVKA and with the Central Committee and can reroll failed rolls, allowing him to keep everyone's heads in order and smooth over various difficulties. He also generates five favour points with all parties automatically per turn.
  • +: The Well fed and the well supplied: Bahir Karam is a master of logistics and allows for advances to be made 50% faster, increases movement by 50% and increases morale by 50% and can reroll failed operations to supply units that are cut off or overstretched. Nobody will go without guns or butter in his army.
  • -: This was unforeseen: If Bahir does not have a plan for the occasion, he will lose most of his additive bonuses and as such is very poor at launching impromptu operations.
  • -: Mosssad Target: The Israeli intelligence agency has a high chance to start schemes to kill him every 3d3 turns, requiring espionage points to be put into keeping him safe.
  • -: The Unexpected: Bahir struggles with more esoterical enemies and will suffer a -25 penalty to military dice against highly unusual opponents until he finally wraps his head around them through investment into his skill tree.
Chief of the Military Political Officers

[X] Velibor Šaponjić: A man of the Yugoslav military's political office, Velibor is experienced in keeping the ethnically divided Yugoslav military's head in the game and resolving the long history of division in the Federal Republic. Though a Serb himself, Velibor is a vigorous anti-racist and is extremely experienced at resolving divides of religion, culture, ethnicity, race, and his conflict management skills and morale work has been long praised in countless political and military circles. He is also great at making communists out of even the most thoroughly brainwashed of lumpenproles and famously managed to convince the last President of France to renounce his former Liberalism, denounce French chauvinism, and become an ardent defender of socialist analysis and anti-imperialist thought.
  • +: The peacemaker: Velibor gets a +25 bonus to diplomacy in general that doubles when it comes to resolving internal conflicts within the military or in dealing with internal divisions in member states of the alliance and in comintern aligned parties. Velibor also halves the necessary points needed to be invested into a region to pacify it and makes it substantially easier across the board to resolve existing disputes in occupied regions; allowing for their transition towards socialism to be much more painless.
  • +: I can convince you: Velibor never critically fails efforts to convince someone to change their politics and critically succeeds on a roll of 95 or higher (though this can't affect people who will never change under the circumstances), useful at turning prominent anti-communist leaders in an area into allies of the cause.
  • +: Strength in Diversity: Velibor removes the penalties for having a task force with units from too many different countries or from heavily divided countries, allowing for highly diverse task forces to operate as fluidly and efficiently as mononational ones even when they have no real history of alliance.
  • +: Ura!: Velibor allows all military units to reroll failed morale checks, halves the rate at which combat can negatively affect their morale, and doubles the rate of morale recovery while increasing base morale by 50%.
  • +: Honour in Warfare; Velibor allows for two rerolls for any discipline check; thus greatly reducing the chance of any excessively brutal actions by military forces and ensuring that everyone retains the highest standards expected of them by the International Armed Forces. Thus greatly reducing the chances of Resentment being built up or damaging territories.
  • +: Integration: Velibor halves the number of points needed to be sunk into a fully occupied country across the board (production for rebuilding, diplomatic for political transformation, administration for governmental transformation etc) to turn it into a fully-fledged member of the ULAPAC or to integrate other Socialist countries or alliance networks into the ULAPAC and eliminates the possibility of critical failure.
  • -: Everyone gets a second chance: Velibor is sometimes a bit naive and doesn't quite believe the locals and their talk of the impossibility of maintaining a conscience when corrupted by Druzh. He will require points to be sunk into trying to convert even the terminally Druzhically corrupted without a diplomacy check to convince him otherwise even though this is useless.
  • -: Even the Gods are part of the class struggle: Velibor will, upon learning of the magomorphs, seek to make it his mission to convince even the mightiest among them of the necessity of the revolution and develop class consciousness amongst the magic spheres. While this might gain allies, it can also sour relations with some pantheons if not handled carefully.
  • -: Inexperienced with Nonhumans: Velibor has never really given that much thought to working beings with radically nonhuman psychology and will lose most of his diplomatic bonuses to working with the radically inhuman until he invests at least one level point into fixing this.

This vote will be open until I finish my Sunday routine and wake up tomorrow in about 18 hours.

At the end; if requested; we can have another 24-hour vote for all candidates at once.

Chief Marshal of the Army

[] Amalia Moltke Weisskopf - The greatest military mind to have perhaps ever been born, Amalia is Germany's most treasured martial daughter; young but her overwhelming success in simulation command, charming personality, steely grit, and flawless record in field service has fast-tracked her through promotions and STAVKA elections. As a commander she is virtually without flaw, as an organizer her work is impeccable, and as a morale officer, her efforts are indispensable. If there is any weakness to her, it is that she greatly prefers field command and would ideally prefer to remain in a corps-level capacity where she can retain tactical level command where she feels most at home. However her utterly astounding talents have made her feel as though not at least offering to serve in a higher capacity would be squandering her abilities. Her victories in skirmishes around the world range from the heroic, such as repelling an attempted Brazilian incursion into the Platine over a border incident with less than a hundred casualties to her side; to the outright ludicrous where with a single division under her command she routed the entire American Third Tank Army in an attempted invasion of Nicaragua. She has never lost so much as a chess game in her entire life and seems to be supernaturally lucky as well as impossibly talented.
  • +: Tyr Incarnate: Amalia is only a few years into adulthood and yet the platinum blonde is the single most feared military commander in the entirety of the ULAPAC. As Chief Marshal she would provide a +100 bonus to all military dice rolled for land units only and all military actions and your total military dice are tripled for free (applying at the end of counting all bonuses, only may be used for land units). She is a universally respected rising star and generates 15 favour points per turn with all aspects of society (and an extra +10 with the ULAPAC and Germany) and her election would also provide a general +25 diplomacy bonus. She also offers a general +50 espionage bonus. Morale amongst the military is tripled as well and she generates ten free military dice.
  • +: I do not know failure: Amalia never suffers critical failure (not subject to modifiers) and can always reroll military dice twice and take the best of the three. Her critical success range is 80-100 (cannot be lowered below 80) and can roll to confirm for either a standard critical or a supercritical with even greater effect should she get another critical. Enemies fighting her cannot make critical successes unless their critical success range is 79 or better and roll critical failures on 20 or lower per dice (subject to modifiers) and can roll a supercritical failure. She is also immune to assassination and kidnapping attempts. She accumulates stress at a quarter rate and halves the rate at which the rest of the STAVKA accrues stress, and allows for rerolls against stress or to remove stress.
  • +: Panzermeisterin: Amalia is the greatest commander of armoured and mechanised military assets the world has ever seen, armoured and mechanised assets count for quadruple military power under her. This bonus also applies to power armoured infantry, self-propelled artillery, tank destroyer, and mecha units. Such units also have their morale further increased to quintuple morale points under her. Her bonuses also apply to amphibious armoured, mechanised, and motorised assets as well as air deployed ones even if they are normally outside of her purview.
  • +: The Red Zephyr: Amalia is an expert at moving around units at maximum pace without overstretching logistics, allowing for military assets to move at triple speed without penalty and to advance at triple the usual rate while also somehow managing to always be in supply.
  • +: Metamorphic Doctrine: Amalia adjusts her doctrine on the fly and adapts to new and strange enemies or tricks extremely quickly. Forces under her purview never suffer strange enemy, countered doctrine, or surprised penalties and will always use the best available counter-doctrine either on the offensive or defensive. Finally, she reduces the military points needed to develop a battleplan or to give special orders to a fifth, and triples the effectiveness of plans. She also offers a general +50 Academic bonus.
  • +: Volksarmeebauer: Amalia quadruples the rate at which military assets accrue experience, including herself (hextuples for when they do training exercises), quadruples the rate of Doctrine Experience gain, and reduces the production point cost of military assets down to a fifth. She also offers a general +50 administration bonus and reduces the diplomacy cost to turn occupied territories into pacified and then integrated territories down to a fifth, and does not generate resentment upon taking or holding territories. She finally allows rolls to determine whether casualties are permanent or not to be rerolled thrice in your favour for both yourself and the enemy.​
  • =: German: Amalia is German, though the bonus for that is already integrated into Tyr incarnate.​
  • -: More of a field commander: The primary downside to using Amalia is that she's even better in lower capacities.​
  • -: Loathed by Bahir: Bahir hates Amalia for her skipping ahead of so much of the usual promotion process due to her hypertalent and at some point invariably either he will drum her out of the Otmezosob and permanently deny you access to her or she will have him tossed out of his job regardless of the position she is assigned to in the organisation depending on who you choose to favour. If she is not dismissed, Bahir will seek to find ways to dismiss her and then if you do not choose to sabotage her career to either force her out of the military, demote her to a lieutenant as would be more typical of a twenty-year-old officer school graduate, or drop her into the enlisted ranks will seek to sabotage her career on his own without difficult diplomacy checks to stop him. As Bahir was only eligible for Generalissimus positions; this was not relevant in the prior election.​
  • -: Maverick: Amalia is a hypertalented individual like Anna; and as such she has a particular idea of what is fitting for the Red Army that will typically seem overly novel or unusual for older superior officers; especially with her habit of continually altering doctrines for the best results. This means she has a low risk of causing stress in the Generalissimus every other turn as at the chief of the army level; she has enough influence to affect doctrine but not enough power to do so entirely to her heart's content.​

[] Martin Beaufort - Part of a new Generation of French post-revolutionary commanders; Martin Beaufort is a rare hypertalented individual that the French government is very reluctant to allow out of their auspices and as such; if he is not made either a commander or a STAVKA official this turn he will not be available for later. At nineteen, he would be the youngest member of the STAVKA, but the skills that he possesses as a hypertalent are simply impeccable. A master of defence and a maestro of artillery, Martin is not called the new Bonaparte for the simple reason that he is quite clearly far superior and of course; the negative connotations that Napoleon has in French revolutionary contexts. Though fresh out of officer school and still getting used to wearing his Kepi; Martin's ability to get a draw out of Amalia in a simulation aroused immediate worldwide attention. The Yin to her Yang, Martin has yet to prove himself in the field, but his performance in simulations against Artificial Intelligences and the best the ULAPAC STAVKA have to offer has made him someone to keep an eye on; his blond hair and striking sea-blue eyes complimenting a charming smile and belying an aberrant intellect.
  • +: Maginot but it actually works: Martin offers a quintupling to the effects of fortifications and defensive bonuses if he is made the Chief of the Army; his lines are as trustworthy as the mountains themselves against the wind. He also offers a large number of context-sensitive bonus military dice when on the defensive, ranging from 10 to 30 depending on how much he has to work with, while also getting to reroll all dice thrice and take the best when fighting defensively. He is also immune to assassination and kidnapping attempts. On the defensive, he always uses the best doctrine against an attacker and cannot be surprised by an attack nor will he suffer strange enemy penalties, while reducing the military points cost into creating a battle plan to a fifth with his expertise in drafting maps and strategems while tripling their effectiveness. His forces are always supplied.
  • +: A Marshal to Surpass Napoleon: Martin offers a general +75 bonus to all land based military rolls (is not quintupled by Maginot but it actually works) when made Chief Marshal of the Army, and generates a +10 bonus to favour points with the ULAPAC and all three ULAPAC primary members while also offering a tripled bonus to morale that increases further to quadruple when on the defensive. Rolls to determine whether casualties are permanent or not to be rerolled thrice in your favour for both yourself and the enemy. He accumulates stress at a quarter rate and halves the rate at which the rest of the STAVKA accrues stress, and allows for rerolls against stress or to remove stress. He can reroll twice and take the best of three on military rolls.
  • +: The Guillotine of Battle: Martin is the greatest artillery commander in an age, artillery, heavy weapons, tank destroyer, anti-air, bombardment and ground support assets count for quadruple military power under his auspices; which increases to quintuple when on the defensive. He eliminates the possibility of damaging territories when using artillery bombardment. His bonuses will also apply to aerial bombardment and naval artillery assets.
  • +: On ne Passe pas!: Enemy movement rates are cut in third when moving through territory that you influence when Martin is your Chief of the Army and their rate of advance after successful actions is further cut by a third. If this reduces the enemy's movement to below one, they do not move at all that turn regardless of whether they won or not. He never suffers critical failure and critically succeeds on a 85 or above, increasing to 70 or above when on the defensive, and his enemies cannot critically succeed unless they roll an 86 or above on the defensive or 71 or above on the offensive, and will critically fail on a 15 or below on the defensive or a 30 or below on the offensive. His forces also may reroll twice and take the best result to regroup if routed.
  • +: Vauban's Heir: Martin is a master of setting up fortifications, reducing the production points cost of fortifications and defensively useful fortifications to a fifth and quadruples the rate of experience gain and quadruples the rate of doctrine gain, he reduces the production costs of units to a third as well. He reduces the diplomacy cost to turn occupied territories into pacified and then integrated territories down to a fifth, and does not generate resentment upon taking or holding territories. His infrastructure mastery also doubles the rate of advancement and movement for soldiers under his influence.
  • +: Charming Frenchboy: Martin offers a +35 bonus to diplomacy, espionage, and administration and as close friends with the likes of Anna and Amalia; if selected for service in the Otmesozob they will be able to combine their general additive bonuses whenever they're working on something together such as designing new types of fortifications or planning a major operation.
  • -: Inexperienced Playboy: While Amalia's sexual relation with Martin has not affected her career due to her victory at Nicaragua silencing most of her critics, Martin has still to prove himself to many of his sceptics and he's not quite twenty years old yet and hasn't cut his teeth in a real battle. Older Commanders will be sceptical of his assignment to this position and have a heightened chance of dissatisfaction per turn (exact numbers kept ambiguous as they're context sensitive.)
  • -: Bahir's Grumblings: Bahir does not like the increasing influence of Hypertalents in the military and has already come to dislike Martin, especially for his close relations to Amalia and his desire to drum Martin back down to his proper posting is the same as hers.
  • -: More of a Field Commander: The primary downside to using Martin is that he's even better in lower capacities and that the French government is reluctant to loan him out and will seek his return if possible to argue for.

[] Mikhail Ivanovich Orlov: The lighting marshal, Mikhail's successes in a number of surprise assault operations; including rapidly mobilising his VDV forces to annihilate the IDF at the battle of Jata and crushing the GTO garrison at Taiwan in a series of rapid-fire attacks so quick that nearby garrisons were unable to respond as well as his masterful Belgian, Norwegian, and Swiss campaigns that cracked open the three fortress countries in a matter of days. With his distinctive VDV officer's cap and pencil-thin moustache, Orlov has a commanding presence and a nearly legendary status as the great liberator even as he approaches his seventies. However Orlov has remained in the military out of a belief that the third world war is inevitable; preparing for the great clash with America where his fast moving soldiers would surely be needed to liberate America and Brazil. He has approached the Otmetsozob too with glowing praise from the VDV, offering his services in whatever capacity Valeriya desires to ensure that whatever crises the organisation will meet; they'll do it with the blue berets on their side.
  • +: Marshal of Victory: Mikhail is famous for winning. He's never lost a battle in his dozens of campaigns and his name is spoken of in awe and fear. Orlov is beloved by his men who believe that he will see them through, and his experiences are numerous and manifold. He offers a general +50 military bonus and a +25 bonus to all other rolls he has any influence over. He also may always reroll and take the best of the two and force his enemy to reroll and take the worse result. He does not critically fail and critically succeeds on a 90 to a 100, and increases his enemy's critical failure range to 10 or under.
  • +: Like Lightning Itself: Orlov's forces are always considered supplied as long as they have sufficient aerial cover and can move at tripled speed and advance at a tripled rate; similarly when pursuing routing forces he inflicts triple casualties as his whirlwind offensives chop apart the enemy's lines of retreat and communication and his helicopters and paratroopers have a high chance of causing enemy assets to be considered unsupplied, leaving them far more vulnerable. He is also a master of evacuating soldiers, and has a tripled chance of breaking out encircled soldiers and tripled chance to recover casualties.
  • +: The Airborne Death: Orlov triples the military power value of paratroopers, air-dropped vehicular assets, army controlled air assets such as Helicopters, air cavalry units, aerial mounted infantry or vehicular assets. So long as he has any army aerial assets in the region his forces also always are considered as having proper reconnaissance unless this trait is properly countered; and his forces gain a tripled bonus to reconnaissance.
  • +: Friend of the Spetsnaz and Air Force: Mikhail's bonuses can be applied to the air force, naval aviation, and special forces even if he's not in these fields; or if he's in one of them and not the army; to the relevant army assets.
  • +: People's Marshal: Mikhail triples the morale of all forces that his bonus applies to due to the military's utmost confidence in him, and he provides a +15 favour bonus with all sectors of Communist Bloc society due to the sheer magnitude of his popularity and the lustre of his triumphs.
  • +: Precise and clean: Orlov's forces are very good at getting in and out and hitting what they need to and nothing else. Collateral damage chance is cut down to a third should he be given this posting with the assets that his bonuses apply to.
  • =: Soviet Citizen: You know the drill.
  • -: Not much for standing Still: Orlov's bonuses are cut in half should he be forced into static or trench warfare where little movement can be done or where his mastery of mobility is rendered irrelevant; being far too used to massive and sweeping deep operations.
  • -: GTO Boogeyman: Orlov causes strain in the relations with the GTO due to the many defeats he's inflicted upon them and the fear they hold him in.
  • -: Where's our air support?: Orlov's bonuses are further halved in any situation where air support cannot be relied on due to the primacy of the role that airborne assets have in his battle plans.
[] Cheng Ling: Famous for her time in the Socialist's Liberation Army Experimental Task Forces, Cheng Ling has a revered military record; including inflicting a crushing defeat upon Australian Forces in the liberation of Thailand and Myanmar in support of the Thai Red Army that virtually wiped out most of the Australian military and forced ANZAC to have to be rebuilt from the ground up and wiped out the JSDF in exile and caused the impeachment of the sitting American president at the time. As such she is someone with a formidable reputation as a Marshal of Victory as well as one of Amalia's teachers. Cheng Ling's capacity for massive shock offensives and deep penetration attacks is well known, as is her mastery of defence in depth. When she moves forward, it is as if flames of the great Asian Dragon are rolling forward like a tsunami. When she defends, it is like trying to breach a mountain range of iron scales. As the world prepared for what seemed to be an inevitable third world war; she was the frontrunner for the choice of having the honour of planning the invasion of the Continental United States.
  • +: Dragonstorm: On the offensive, Cheng Ling's attacks are like the wrath of a sea of flame as massive advances pierce into any discovered weak points and advance with a furious but measured tempo to make Tukhachevsky proud to seize centres of production, communication, and disrupt lines of supply, movement, and retreat until further combat is impossible. When on the attack; Cheng Ling allows for military power to be increased by 50%, inflicts a severe morale penalty on the defender, and inflicts a -30 penalty on enemy casualty recovery dice due to the collapse of communication while getting to reroll to check if overextended forces are out of supply. She also needs only half the usual military points in a contested area to deny the enemy usage of industrial or resource assets in that territory.
  • +: Forward, o brave children of the Red Army: Cheng Ling encourages pragmatic fearlessness in her soldiers that makes them willing to move with bold vigour even in the face of danger, doubling their morale and tripling it when on the attack or counter-offensive. Routing units will also be able to reroll reorganization attempts to get back into the fight. Army groups under her tutleage can also make a roll; on a 50 or higher they move at double speed and get a doubled advance that phase.
  • +: Dragon of Harbin: Cheng Ling grants a +20 general bonus to military dice and a +15 bonus to Administration and Espionage Dice. She also halves the military points costs of military plans. She also generates 10 favour points with the ULAPAC STAVKA automatically. She generates three free additional military dice.
  • +: The Iron Scales: Cheng Ling halves the production point costs of fortifications allowing them to be set up far more quickly and will increase the likelihood that defending units will be able to withdraw to other positions if they are overrun and thus continue to fight a battle of defence in depth.
  • +: Eyes of the Orient: Cheng Ling gives Special forces an additional +15 bonus to military or espionage dice as she relies on them heavily to find the best possible avenues of attack for her forces.
  • +: Mistress of the Experimental Task Forces: Cheng Ling gives Experimental or Esoterical forces a +15 bonus to their military dice rolls and reduces the production cost needed to create experimental or esoterical military assets by a quarter.
  • =: Chinese: Cheng Ling generates an additional 5 favour points with Zhonghua automatically.
  • -: GTO hate magnet: Cheng Ling's appointment would be viewed as a very aggressive move by the GTO and would significantly increase chances of war with them down the line and significantly heat up relations with them.
  • -: Not one for static warfare: Cheng Ling loses all the bonuses she offers when she is overseeing operations with a significant amount of siege or trench combat that sees little in the way of long term advances by either side.
  • -: High Strung: Cheng Ling is often frustrated by visible lacks of progress and will have to roll against stress if there are no advances, counter-attacks, or successful defenses being made in any sector while at war.
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Revised Vote for Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

[X] Cheng Ling

Chief Marshal of the Army

[X] Mikhail Ivanovich Orlov

[X] Promote Martin Beaufort to High Marshal to ensure ULAPAC keeps hold of his talents.
[X] Promote Amalia Weisskopf to High Marshal to ensure ULAPAC keeps hold of her talents.
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