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You know, in my opinion we should probably in the future when casting votes in decisions, have a deadline so that folks have some sense of "urgency" to cast their vote
I want to know the argument for not communist Batman, they just seems objectively better then the other option, their character has more potential, and their abilities are far superior in every way
It's a shame, I'd love to work with a character like Verano, the frogman who's a one man Spectre of Communism haunting the world. But I value InfoSec and internal security against infiltrators more. Preventing people like Fred Hampton from getting assassinated because his bodyguard was a government plant. And the like.
Shinzo doesn't give internal defense bonuses, they give bonuses to infiltration of other nations and starting spy rings and revolutionary chapters and such, they give a reroll to finding infiltrators but that's it. And since its a runoff, they will be second in command, so we could just have them do internal security while Verano focuses on external issues
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I want to know the argument for putting Shinzo as security, it just doesn't make any sense to me when Verano seems better in pretty much every way

Please can someone tell me why Shinzo seems better to them, I honestly don't understand
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I want to know the argument for putting Shinzo as security, it just doesn't make any sense to me when Verano seems better in pretty much every way

Please can someone tell me why Shinzo seems better to them, I honestly don't understand

For Shinzo is mainly because of the penalties we can impose to our enemy spies in their rolls while we also get also some buffs. At the same time, Shinzo's negative stats are less severe than that from Verano. And don't forget that we have some nice bonuses from occupied territories.
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Adding my reasoning for voting Shinzo - he has excellent base espionage credentials, gives a bonus to networking with other potential revolutionaries, and increases our internal security and counterintelligence capabilities without heavy-handed security ops that would cause resentment. Great positives across the board, and I believe his downsides can be mitigated. Additionally, Qalhari, Phat, and Shinzo together all provide bonuses to encouraging revolutions.
Voting will close in three hours.
Final Civilian Central Committee Results
Adhoc vote count started by EternalStruggle on Nov 12, 2020 at 11:29 AM, finished with 63 posts and 28 votes.


Commissar for Research and Development

[] Anna Jonsson: Anna is the quintessential mad scientist and probably a bit too obsessed with the weapons applications of just about every weird principal she can find. One of the premier people behind the development of Tesla weapons and Cryolasers, Anna Jonsson hasn't met a principle of particle physics she hasn't created multiple diagrams to figure out how to turn towards destructive ends. Voted "most likely to blow up one of the planets of the solar system" for several years in a row, this quirky young redhead's wide grin and cybernetic glasses usually have goggles fitted over them as the Swedish girl indulges every dangerous experiment she was not allowed to in her days as a child prodigy after turning eighteen just two years ago. She is also quite famous for discovering a method of faster than light travel by accident while trying to develop a system meant to give particle cannons enough reach to hit the moon.

  • +: The Madgirl from Stockholm: Anna genuinely has a somewhat aberrant brain that learns far better than virtually anyone else's and can visualise information in her head almost as if it were real. She provides an overwhelming +100 bonus to Academic rolls. She also doesn't feel stress, at all.
  • +: I can weaponise this: Anna cuts the research point costs and minimum accumulated roll value needed of creating a new military project out of new phenomenon or capabilities to a quarter.
  • +: I did it in my sleep: Anna generates a massive five free research dice if she is on the Committee due to her manic obsession with science.
  • +: Nothing is impossible: Anna gets access to special experimental projects that push the boundaries of what even the natives believe is practical, safe, or even possible.
  • +: Known phenomenon? Easy: Anna cuts the research points cost of developing new technology from any already known phenomenon and well understood principles in half even if she finds such work boring and will require diplomacy checks to keep on task if not given novel, esoteric, or experimental research.
  • +: Magic you say?: Anna is very eager to find out how magic works and can reroll any dice for adding Academic points to esoteric research and take the better of the three.
  • =: Well that wasn't supposed to happen: Experimental Projects managed by Anna may end up turning out a completely different result than expected if she stumbles upon something else.
  • -: Ooooh shiny: Anna gets bored easily and her bonus towards a project is reduced by half for every turn past the first it takes for the project to be completed and the risk of a natural failure increases by one each turn (from 1 to 2 to 3 etc.)
  • -: Oops: Critical failed rolls for experimental projects will turn one territory point's status into "Damaged".
  • -: Threat to one and all: Most people find Anna to be more than a little scary and so granting her this high position causes a -15 diplomacy malus and a bleed of -5 Favour points from all organisations and member countries.
Mannfred will be Deputy Commissar and will apply a set of traits to be revealed when the Deputy Commissar post is done.

Commissar for Security.

[] Akifume Shinzo: A veteran of the Japanese revolution, Akifume Shinzo is a transman with something to prove. Famous for finally eliminating the Yakuza after his predecessors had struggled with the remnants of the group for a decade, Akifume has been fighting the revolutionary struggle since he was a teenager. Akifume is an expert in sussing out reactionary infiltrators and calling upon the populace to deal with the threats amidst them themselves rather than relying on heavy-handed purges or policing. He is also tremendously skilled at getting reactionary groups to turn upon themselves and tear themselves apart to save the people the pain of a protracted struggle. He is also well familiar with the on the ground facts of revolution and foreign spy work, and is a master of setting up spy rings in foreign countries and knows more about the Australian government's military disposition than the Australian prime minister.
  • +: Proletarians, defend yourselves!: Shinzo forces foreign infiltrators to have to reroll successes when they try to infiltrate your field of operations if he is the Commissar of Security, while failed rolls to find infiltrators can be rerolled.
  • +: Spying is Risky work: Shinzo increases the automatic failure range for enemy spying efforts to 1-5, while increasing the automatic success range for his spy work to 95-100.
  • +: A velvet glove: Shinzo does not generate resentment when he does security actions, particularly useful in occupied territory.
  • +: Revolutionary Networking: Shinzo halves the diplomacy points needed to turn occupied territories politically reliable and halves the number of diplomacy points needed to build revolutionary cells or organizations abroad.
  • +: Elusive Shadow: Shinzo gets a general +12 bonus to any espionage rolls that increases to +20 when dealing with counter-revolutionaries or when assisting revolutionaries.
  • +: Sorge reborn: Shinzo halves the espionage points needed to build new spy rings and grants two extra ones for free upon elected.
  • -: Brooding Shadow: Shinzo is something of a social wilting flower and will quickly back down from suggestions if confronted on them.
  • -: Inexperienced with Commando work: Shinzo takes a -5 penalty on special forces military rolls due to his lack of experience with the skulduggery of Spetsnaz operations.
  • -: Japanese: Japan is a young revolutionary republic and as such it does not carry the same prestige as some other revolutionary states. Until Japan has established itself more solidly he causes an automatic bleed of 1 favour points with the Chinese and Germans.
Verano will be Deputy Commissar and will apply a set of traits to be revealed when the Deputy Commissar post is done.

In universe post and the STAVKA elections will be coming next.

STAVKA positions to be voted on.

Generalissimus of Otmetsozob
Chief of the Military Political Officers
Chief Marshal of the Army
Chief Strategos of the Navy
Chief Archon of the Air Force
Chief of Special Operations
Chief of Procurement & Logistics

This voting session will be a bit shorter and will begin as soon as I finish writing up the next post.
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