World of Chaos - Fantasy Crossover NRP

@Mental Omega

Is the UASR going to be proactive in trying to usurp monarchist governments? In the case of war with them, the Greater Empire of Japan might just decide to withdraw the expedition entirely and wait until the German-American-Japanese Cold War is over (whether with a bang or with a whimper) before sending out another, more prepared expedition, maybe even with the Germans this time; although this will take place in the 1990's or 2,000's, and would be very impractical RP-wise.

I imagine that, forgoing a more overt stance, the UASR would try use its agents to convert the Japanese on Worluk to communism. This would be rather hard, as Kokutai has never been stronger, especially with the defeat of the monarch-killing Soviet Union and the emergence of Japan as a superpower. Not to mention, with all the territories Japan has got and its increasing belief of its racial superiority (and that of the Germans), it has absolutely no intention of being nice towards the nations it's occupied. For example, Gandhi was jailed in 1945 for organizing peaceful protests and died in a fruitless hunger strike as the IJA 14th Army crossed the India-Iran border. Maj. Gen. Aung San never got his dream of an independent Burma because he was executed by the rampaging Kempeitai in 1946. The 40,000 Indian Army troops that had been captured in the Malaya campaign of 1941 and volunteered to fight against the British found themselves disarmed and killed slowly from '44 to '47, company by company until being extinguished as 3rd Batt., 5th Regiment tried to break free of the IJA and its killer hounds in an epic firefight.

What follows after 1949 shall be the greatest genocide in human history, surpassing the death toll of World War I, as the Kempeitai kills all, burns all, and loots all, trying to make the land Japanese with a Total Exploitation stance. What's terrifying is that, with the conquest of China in 1939 and a rapidly expanding industrial base, Japan has easily got the resources (not to mention will) to do this. After all, there can be no progress without sacrifice, and while the loss of these many lives is regrettable, ultimately it paves the way for a better future where the German and Japanese master races will multiply in the vacated land and be dominate over all.
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Is the UASR going to be proactive in trying to usurp monarchist governments? In the case of war with them, the Greater Empire of Japan might just decide to withdraw the expedition entirely and wait until the German-American-Japanese Cold War is over (whether with a bang or with a whimper) before sending out another, more prepared expedition, maybe even with the Germans this time; although this will take place in the 1990's or 2,000's, and would be very impractical RP-wise.

I imagine that, forgoing a more overt stance, the UASR would try use its agents to convert the Japanese on Worluk to communism. This would be rather hard, as Kokutai has never been stronger, especially with the defeat of the monarch-killing Soviet Union and the emergence of Japan as a superpower. Not to mention, with all the territories Japan has got and its increasing belief of its racial superiority (and that of the Germans), it has absolutely no intention of being nice towards the nations it's occupied. For example, Gandhi was jailed in 1945 for organizing peaceful protests and died in a fruitless hunger strike as the IJA 14th Army crossed the India-Iran border. Maj. Gen. Aung San never got his dream of an independent Burma because he was executed by the rampaging Kempeitai in 1946. The 40,000 Indian Army troops that had been captured in the Malaya campaign of 1941 and volunteered to fight against the British found themselves disarmed and killed slowly from '44 to '47, company by company until being extinguished as 3rd Batt., 5th Regiment tried to break free of the IJA and its killer hounds in an epic firefight.

What follows after 1949 shall be the greatest genocide in human history, surpassing the death toll of World War I, as the Kempeitai kills all, burns all, and loots all, trying to make the land Japanese with a Total Exploitation stance. What's terrifying is that, with the conquest of China in 1939 and a rapidly expanding industrial base, Japan has easily got the resources (not to mention will) to do this. After all, there can be no progress without sacrifice, and while the loss of these many lives is regrettable, ultimately it paves the way for a better future where the German and Japanese master races will multiply in the vacated land and be dominate over all.
You know what?
You are starting to make me think forceclosing your gate is a really good idea. Your Japan sounds easily WORSE than Nazi Germany.Quite a feat.
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You know what?
You are starting to make me think forceclosing your gate is a really good idea. Your Japan sounds easily WORSE than Nazi Germany.Quite a feat.

If it makes it any better, it's the Gestapo performing Holocaust duty in Japanese-controlled Palestine, not the Kempeitai, at Himmler's personal request.
@Mental Omega
Where's your new starting location, again?
I think I suggested many places but never heard you saing which you chose in the end. That red dot.

I'm starting more less next to @Neravarine and @MS-21H 'Hawke'

Is the UASR going to be proactive in trying to usurp monarchist governments? In the case of war with them, the Greater Empire of Japan might just decide to withdraw the expedition entirely and wait until the German-American-Japanese Cold War is over (whether with a bang or with a whimper) before sending out another, more prepared expedition, maybe even with the Germans this time; although this will take place in the 1990's or 2,000's, and would be very impractical RP-wise.

I imagine that, forgoing a more overt stance, the UASR would try use its agents to convert the Japanese on Worluk to communism. This would be rather hard, as Kokutai has never been stronger, especially with the defeat of the monarch-killing Soviet Union and the emergence of Japan as a superpower. Not to mention, with all the territories Japan has got and its increasing belief of its racial superiority (and that of the Germans), it has absolutely no intention of being nice towards the nations it's occupied. For example, Gandhi was jailed in 1945 for organizing peaceful protests and died in a fruitless hunger strike as the IJA 14th Army crossed the India-Iran border. Maj. Gen. Aung San never got his dream of an independent Burma because he was executed by the rampaging Kempeitai in 1946. The 40,000 Indian Army troops that had been captured in the Malaya campaign of 1941 and volunteered to fight against the British found themselves disarmed and killed slowly from '44 to '47, company by company until being extinguished as 3rd Batt., 5th Regiment tried to break free of the IJA and its killer hounds in an epic firefight.

What follows after 1949 shall be the greatest genocide in human history, surpassing the death toll of World War I, as the Kempeitai kills all, burns all, and loots all, trying to make the land Japanese with a Total Exploitation stance. What's terrifying is that, with the conquest of China in 1939 and a rapidly expanding industrial base, Japan has easily got the resources (not to mention will) to do this. After all, there can be no progress without sacrifice, and while the loss of these many lives is regrettable, ultimately it paves the way for a better future where the German and Japanese master races will multiply in the vacated land and be dominate over all.
The UASR is likely to remind the Japanese what happened to their incarnation of the Japanese Empire and the Greater German Reich if they decide to impinge on their attempts to grow a Worluk internationale. With the cold war still going on, they're not quite as likely to try and invade your universe as they'd like to (plus the populace is generally dove favouring), but they would certainly work to stymie and frustrate Imperial Japanese efforts once they find an Imperial Japan is in work here. If they can, they'd even do things like smuggle weapons to dissidents and encourage the spread of antifa movements.

By the dominant current in American politics, empires like Japan cannot survive. Their collapse is inevitable and the UASR is going to outlast them because its ideology is superior and more sustainable and is what the people want and need. Fascism is the final gasp of a dying capitalist system that has decided to give up all pretenses at bourgeois liberties to try and survive and turn back the clock of progress; and like all reactionary movements, it's doomed in the long run. Whether Japan can defy these expectations is up to them of course, but the UASR is watching India, the Western European Union, and the Empire of Brazil crumble under the strain of trying to compete with America, the Soviets, and China and the Axis was consigned to the dustbin of history.

Hitler's Germany is very much a construct that couldn't last forever. The structuring was positively insane and its ideal has no appeal outside of a certain context and the way its run is going to make everyone hate it. It's unlikely to even have the longevity of the OTL soviet union. Japan might last longer as it was not quite the nightmarish, chaotic mess Nazi Germany was past the veneer of order and the Emperor is a more long lived thing to rally behind than the position of Fuhrer (there really isn't much of anyone in Germany who could fill Hitler's shoes and a power struggle is inevitable) but to the UASR, it's also doomed.

As for Monarchy, the UASR regards it as a holdover from the Feudal and Ancient modes of production. While they dislike the concept, they aren't vehemently against it as they used to be, now it's regarded as more...quaint. Something to look down on rather than to actively despise like they did in the first period (the 30s through to the emergence of the new left in the late 50s and 60s). If letting people keep their monarchy in a constitutional form is the price of bringing about socialism, so be it.

The CUP-SEU coalition government is going to be regarded as soft by states like Japan, even softer than their versions of the Axis powers thought of the Socialist Labour Party government that started the revolution in response to the American right's attempt to thwart their electoral victory in 1933 and managed the UASR in World War two. I mean, they have a Lesbian feminist and a gay man as premier and president, their people are loose with their sexuality and entirely too free with their bodies. They care about all manner of minorities that the Empire or the Reich would have consigned to annihilation and seem obsessed with "womanly virtues" like compassion, tolerance, egalitarianism. They're a country whose dominant parties regard nationalism as a danger rather than a virtue. But of course, they're soft the way water is, when stirred into motion few things hit like a tidal wave.

In essence, the UASR is basically the political antithesis of what your Empire of Japan stands for. It would be very hard for them to be more diametrically opposed in ideology, and I think that is probably going to scare the Empire to some extent. That a country can be so utterly different, so utterly profane to the ideals that they espouse...and yet be in the position it is. Of course, the idea of a world where Japan is a superpower in it's Imperial stage is also going to frighten and anger the UASR's electorate, but they kind of already have a context for Imperial Japan.
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You'd fit in as if you were a local.

Ok how about this:
Each ACU can control up to 1000 units, each Sub-ACU can control 500 units. All T1 units counts as 1 unit agains the cap, all T2 units count as 5, all T3 count as 10, and expirementals count as 50. Buildings don't count as units because they're stationary and act as primarily defensive structures.

Build time would be hours for T1 units, a day for T2 units, days for T3 units, and expirementals would take 2-3 week. Building would take diffrent times depending on they're tiers, so let's say I can build residential buildings in hours but it would take me a week to build a fully upgraded factory and even longer to build a nuclear weapon launcher and build the accompanying nuke.
Well, if you are fine with this it does sounds like a good baseline.
IMO warships would cost more control and time while lighter unit types would cost less.
But well, here's my alternative, then:

Your Quantum linkage system and Quantum Computer has limits since you only recovered portion of it after what happened during FA. You need to recover thus your army size is limited. This includes automated turrets, factories and everything. But these are generally less straining than actual combat units.
You can gradually upgrade this system as the game progresses so you'll keep up with people.
what is your real advantage is exploiting the land and building entire armies within days at worst. Basically take the game's build times and multiply that by 100. Resource costs are generally taken by common sense and RP-ing it out if neccessary. This method may be still unrealistic but beats having to thinker on each and every unit or structure.
Your Quantum Link can handle up to 5000 cap for now.

T1 Bots/engineers and those in comparable size cost 0.5 command
Most T1 vehicles are 1 command
2.5 command for T1 navy
T2 units in general are 5-20 (albeit your T2 bot/engineer is only 2)
T3 Units are 50-200 depending on their size
Experimentals 1000 command points (you need 25 T3 non-armored bots to handle these so it sounds reasonable)

This system is far from perfect. I already can imagine several dozen ways to break it. So use these things with moderation.
Still, it should work.

Approved. You'll be roughly at the same spot as Mental Omega, right?

I've written up some descriptions and a bit of background for my five warlocks who will probably be some of the most important characters in my faction, I might expand upon or refine them a bit more of course, and I've edited it into my post. What do you guys think?

Vallasor Cragfist
Vallassor Cragfist is the Chieftain of the Durgin Kriel, ostensibly the highest authority, the truth is that she shares power with the Council of Elders which help to mediate conflicts and use their great wisdom and experience to make the important day to day decisions that greatly impact the lives of those in the Kriel. Vallasor stands tall and broad of shoulder with a statuesque and solid build. As a Sorcerer from birth she is an albino with the white skin and red-pink eyes that denote her power, It is often remarked that she seems to have been carved from marble, her head quills are dark gray in color in contrast to many Sorcerers who have reddish quills. Vallassor is a Runeshaper, with an innate connection to earth and stone she can command the very earth to rise and attend to her will. She concentrates her power using mystical runes that manifest in the stones she commands, and she can raise walls of stone and lift great boulders into the air to be used as shields or to hurl at her enemies. Vallassor is as canny and quick witted as she is solid however and she is always searching for new ways to apply her powers. Although the Runeshaper tradition is separate from the magical runes and stone commanders of the Blackclad Druids, and despite the conflicts between the Blackclads and her Kriel, Vallassor still finds their rune-magic to be of great interest and has studied it whenever possible. She and the elders both know the true reason the Blackclads covet their land - their Kriel's location over a powerful natural layline which was transferred with the Kriel. Vallasor would harness the power of this layline if she could, which she sees as the natural power of Dhunia herself, not the Devourer Wyrm as the Blackclads believe. She feels if the Kriel could tap into that power, and if they could create some of the great wood and stone Wolds as the Blackclads do, it would be a great boon to her Kriel, especially now in these dangerous times. In combat she often utilizes forces of unrelenting unstoppable strength, she is fond of bringing warders, runeshapers and stonebearers, as well as troll bouncers and earthborn dire trolls.

Callum Kinroot
Somewhat stooped and bowed by age, Callum has a craggy beard of almost obsidian black growths and dark brown wood colored spines, his skin is wrinkled and leathery, a somewhat faded dark blue. His strength shows despite his age and while he is quite thin he is far from frail with the same wiry musculature as Rona, like thick tree roots beneath his dark skin. He often has an easy smile on his face and he uses a rune inscribed staff carved from an incredibly ancient tree from the Mistboughs to help support his weight, though most suspect this is merely an affectation as he has shown remarkable alacrity and mobility in combat while relying very little on the cane, which is also a repository and conduit of great natural magics and his own substantial power. Callum Kinroot is the oldest and wisest of the Council of Elders. He is second only to Vallassor in authority and she is smart enough to listen his wisdom and experience and they usually see eye to eye. Callum has long been a Warlock of great power, and used to be the Chieftain of the Durgin Kriel, when he began to get on in years he recognized the strength and quick with of Vallassor and stepped aside to allow her to rise to his place, even as he took his place on the Elder Council as the oldest among them. Callum is a Shaman of Dhunia, with all of the fecundity typical of a devout priest of that goddess, and it is said at least half of the Durgin Kriel are his kith, his direct blood descendants and relatives. He is always ready with a calm word and a compassionate ear, to most he seems quite easygoing and calm, and his friendly demeanor allows him to resolve many disputes and conflicts within the Kriel that cannot be easily solved by a simple agreement or duel, and when they come to him such disputes are resolved quite amiably and fairly, recognized to be so by all sides. Callum however was quite the firebrand in his younger days, and retains quite a bit of vigor and vitality. When the Kriel is threatened Callum is more than prepared to take to the field, using his Dhunian magic to support his fellow Trollbloods, to give them Dhunia's strength and to help heal their many wounds. Trolls and even Dire Trolls seem to respect to his strength and his connection to Dhunia and get along quite well with the old Shaman. Callum is a pillar of the Kriels community and despite his age he has many years of life ahead of him to help guide the Durgin Kriel to a more prosperous future.

Haakon Wartamer
Haakon is a scarred and grizzled veteran warrior, the scars alone contesting to his frequent and intense participation in combat, since scars are hard to acquire and to keep for a Trollkin. Thickly built and heavily muscled, Haakon also has a pronounced gut no doubt greatly contributed to by his immensive appetite which he has developed increasingly over the years because of how much energy he requires both for his intense fighting style and because of how much he must regenerate after combat. Haakon is quite handsome among Trollkin, his scars merely adding to his dashing good looks, he has a strong powerful chin and a broad grin, he is extremely serious in combat but once the fighting is done he is as jovial and boastful as the next warrior proudly proclaiming his great deeds in combat, he has a respectable beard of light gray growths, a fairly thick growth of orange-yellow spines on his head and vibrant blue skin. Possibly the greatest warrior in all the Kriel, a title only disputed by a very few Trollkin, Haakon is acknowledged as Kithkar of all the Champions in the Kriel, and he is widely acknowledged as the greatest Hero of the Champions, and so is regarded as the leader of all the members of that warrior tradition in the whole of the Kriel news of his great strength and skill has attracted warriors from all over to take the kulgat blood oath to be regarded as a member of his kith and Kriel and to be take into the same blood family as this renowned figure. Haakon was one of the Trollkin of Durgin Kriel to take a number of Champions and Kriel Warriors off to join the United Kriels for a time, before returning to Durgin with this knowledge and experience from those battle, as well as to bring the news of their kins' plight back to the Durgin Kriel. As a Warlock Haakon grants his fellow warriors strength of arm and increased coordination, but much of his magic is focused into making himself the most powerful warrior he can manage to become, rightly believing that by the strength of his own blades and the trolls he commands he can sway the tide of an entire battle. A whirlwind of biting steel, cutting blades and iron cudgels Haakon cuts a hole in the enemy line with his Champions and Trolls and tear the enemy apart. Such is his great warrior strength and the renown his martial skills have brought him that even full blooded trolls, Axers in particular, have sworn the kulgat blood oath and become mighty Champions, acknowledging him as Kithkar. They have even begun to take specific training under his direction, and hopefully a new tradition of full blooded Troll warriors besides the Axers, Bouncers and Impalers will be born.

Korgan Thunderrider
Korgan is a bit short for a trollkin but solidly built, some joke that he has some kinship with the dwarves, others say that he must surely have some bison heritage in his blood. It is true that he bears some resemblance to both of these groups, with a more pronounced stone "beard" than even most other trollkin, his chin is practically solid gray of stone growths, however he also has the flat broad face reminiscent of a Bison and often times has a temperament to match, he is also completely bald, and his skin is a dark greenish blue color. It is true he has an undeniable affinity with Bisons. A renowned Long Rider Korgan Thunderrider is the Trollkin in charge of all the Bison herds under the Kriel's protection that the Long Riders rely on for mounts, and which the Kriel to some extent relies upon for meat and milk. Elsewhere the Bison have begun to thin as humanity and war has pushed into their native habitats, and the Durgin Kriel has taken to sheltering a great number of these herds, even as they search for a new place that many of these herds may be released to roam the countryside under their direction. In the meantime, Korgan sees to their protection and takes an active hand in raising both those used for meat and milk as well as those trained as war mounts and to pull the Trollkin's great war wagons. Korgan is a master of devastating charges, blitz attacks and cavalry tactics. Under his magical direction his warriors and trolls quickly close the distance and crash into the enemy with terrible destructive force, Korgan is more than capable of getting stuck into a fight and holding his own but he prefers to break the enemy utterly in a single devastating charge, crushing his enemies under the force of his first attack. He usually rides into battle on his huge and battle-scarred bison mount with the most elite of his Long Riders besides him, war wagons interspersed with his forces with a few dire troll blitzers offering their strength and firepower to any such overwhelming attack. Besides being the cavalry leader of the Kriel and taking full charge of the management of the Bison herds, Korgan also makes sure the edges of the Durgin's kriel territory that extends into the plains near their forest home is well patrolled and that the grazing grounds they often relied upon to feed their herds are well cared for and they are not encroached upon by any enemies of the Kriel.

Rona Sturmdottir
Vallassor Cragfist is an undeniably powerful Runeshaper and a charismatic leader, and Callum is a venerated Shaman of Dhunia, but in terms of sheer arcane might none in all of the Kriels match the magical strength of Rona Sturmdottir. Like Vallassor she is an albino, a born sorceress, but physically they are quite distinct. Where Vallassor embodies the solid toughness and unwavering resilience of a mountain, Rona is the unbridled destructive potential of the storms themselves, as well as the nobility of the winds. Both are quite tall but there the differences end. Rona is fairly thin, though far from frail hers is a wiry untapped strength always seeming barely controlled and just on the edge of being unleashed she has all the grace of the winds and the beauty of a distant thunder storm, but behind this lays the terrible rage of the whirlwind and fury of the lightning. Her eyes are the same pinkish red as any albino, but they usually glow with a crackling blue power, and her skin, unlike Vallassor's marble white is the blue-white of a lightning strike, and her head quills are a bluish color as well. In battle she calls on the power of the winds to shield herself and allies from the weapons of the enemy especially at range, and confounds the enemies attempts to strike their foes with gusts of disorienting wind. However she is best known for her terrible power, unleashing lightning strikes and blasts of thunder to tear apart her enemies along with great cutting winds that can blow her enemies about like ragdolls and rip them limb from limb. She often prefers to strike from afar and waiting until the enemy is broken or severely battered before they either reach her melee combatants or she orders her warriors into battle. She often calls on scattergunners, bushwackers, thumpers and sluggers along with Dire Troll bombers and Troll Impalers to break down the enemy at range, and then sending in Fenn Blades, Storm Trolls and warriors to finish off the enemy, keeping some Warders back to protect her more vulnerable troops from any enemies who might break through. Among the Kriel she has a position of some authority, she is called the "High Sorceress" of the Kriel and all other magic users, especially sorcerers hold her in high regard for her power and the control she has over it. She does not merely serve in combat but helps to bring good weather to the Kriel and aid in their agricultural efforts by bring rain and staving off drought. She is also wise to the ways of nature and will often wander out into the forest to become better acquainted with the natural world, she often returns from these trips with a troll or two especially storm trolls who seem drawn to her. She combines a clinical approach to studying her magic to the more naturalistic ways of a sorcerer as she attempts to fully understand her powers and how to apply them.
Due to the shortage of my time I haven't looked this up yet in full.
I think they are fine at the glace and I suggest moving these into your faction profile for the sake of organization.
@willyvereb would you prefer a short or a long profile?
You use Avatarverse even if it's AU. Of course you can use the Short Profile. At worst if you have unique/original unit types or similar concepts then detail them a tiny bit.

- VX-117 flying machine: This new type air superiorit craft uses spirit vine engine for unpararelled performance. It's armored enough to resist arrows and can carry a large compartment of bombs for high speed ground assaults.

OOC: Pretty sure I'll have to downsize my army and navy by quite a bit, but here's the first draft.

The Unified Skaven Army
Alternate Universe: Warhammer Fantasy

Leader: Warlord-General Ratton
Population: 2.2 Million?
Faction Rank: (WIP)
Assigned GM: Dunno.
Starting Area: Can't get map working, so the northern part of the largest of the Jidor Islands.

Faction Introduction: Oh great and ingenious Warlord-General Ratton, the stupid-stupid enemies of our worlds have been kill-killed, and all Skaven bow to your brilliant leadership, yes-yes. Now new-unique world discovered, but fool-fool enemies sabotage your great creation, so we must go-go and conquer with what we have. Soon all world will bow before Skaven, then we return and punish fool-fools who oppose you, oh grand emissary and champion of the Horned Rat!

In other words, an alternate universe where the Skaven have conquered the entire Warhammer World, and now under the General of the Unified Skaven Army, is now eager to conquer a second world for the Under-Empire.

Faction Features:
-We Have Reserves:
There is one thing the Skaven have no shortage of, and that is numbers. Aside from the natural Skaven reproduction rate, the Warlord-General Ratton has arrived here with a vast amount of specially mutated Breeders to cause the Skaven population to reach even higher levels.
-Streamlined Backstabbing...: With such a toxic culture of treachery and murder, the Skaven have, by necessity, learned to ensure that such actions don't damage the overall war effort... too much.

-Is Still Backstabbing: However well the Skaven have prepared to survive and minimize the damage of treachery, it doesn't change the fact that the Skaven are still going to do that backstabbing whenever they can. Which is all the time.
-Toxic Culture: The Skaven culture declares that they are the rightful rulers of all that exists and everything else is just vermin(the irony is lost on most Skaven). Diplomacy with other races is only for until the Skaven promptly backstab whoever they're negotiating with, and most groups that know the Skaven's intentions(particularly good-aligned groups) will hasten to try and destroy them.

Faction Army:
-1,200,000 Skavenslaves
-400,000 Clanrats
-100,000 Stormvermin
-100,000 Plague Censer Bearers
-50,000 Poison Wind Globadiers
-50,000 Ratling Guns
-50,000 Warpfire Throwers
-40,000 Warplock Jezzails
-60,000 Gutter Runners
-45,000 Rat Ogres
-10,000 Hell Pit Abominations

-40,000 Warp Lightning Cannons
-20,000 Plagueclaw Catapults
-20,000 Plague Furnaces
-5,000 Stormfiends
-Indeterminate number of various spell casters and leaders/characters/heroes.
-5 Screaming Bells

-5 Skaven Doombringers: Skaven Flagships with a Screaming Bell, acting of command ships and enhancers for Skaven spell casters.
-50 Captured Ironclads: Ironclads taken from the hated Dwarves of Barak Varr to act as heavy brawlers for the Skaven Navy, armed with broadsides of Ratling Cannons and Warp-Lightning Cannons to inflict horrific damage. Either on the enemy, or on the Skaven if the generators explode.
-100 Skaven Deathburners: Skaven vessels armed with a massive Plague Censer, to ram the enemy, let the Censer do its horrible work, and then board with a horde of Plague Monks and Censer Bearers.
-250 Skaven Warp-raiders: Speedy but fragile Skaven vessels built around a single bow-mounted Warp-Lightning Cannon.
-250 Skaven Ratling Raiders: Speedy but fragile Skaven vessels with a couple top-mounted Ratling Cannons for usage against either lighter ships or aircraft.
Approved. Welcome aboard!
If possible can I also ask you for GM duties? I counted people and just by the approved profiles we have 12 players.
And I expect the double of this soonish.
So yeah, I probably have to rely on @SillyGoy too.
Again, his help is appreciated.

As for your army size, keep it for the lulz. Like I said, balance is something which can be dealt by the nature of IC interactions.
in short, you'll need your precious meatshields.
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If possible can I also ask you for GM duties? I counted people and just by the approved profiles we have 12 players.
Not at the moment, I've already got a bunch of stuff on my plate as it is.

As for your army size, keep it for the lulz. Like I said, balance is something which can be dealt by the nature of IC interactions.
in short, you'll need your precious meatshields.
Excellent! Half the fun of Skaven is watching things go hilariously wrong for them. And since they're assholes, I don't feel bad when it happens, while when they win I can take satisfaction in winning.
Not at the moment, I've already got a bunch of stuff on my plate as it is.

Excellent! Half the fun of Skaven is watching things go hilariously wrong for them. And since they're assholes, I don't feel bad when it happens, while when they win I can take satisfaction in winning.
I mean, five guys wiped out a whole Skaven clan attacking Ubersreik after all.
Probably very...quaint, but workable. Certainly preferable to the Empire or the Skaven and Americas may as well stick together even if they find one another strange.
There would certainly be hilarity on the side of the Nobility and NSA Civilians when confronted with the UASR's 'Free Love'.

"Now, I appreciate her enthusiasm, but isn't there a time and place for such things?"
-Random Ordo Malleus Knight.

-Off Duty Mandate Trooper.
Joke's on you, this Skaven faction is America!Skaven. No one shall match them in the field of irresponsibly handled firepower!
Chimera's thing seems to paint them as just a successful but otherwise business as usual underempire.
I can swear I saw your map location somewhere. Did you accidentally delete that part?
Anyways, factions map is practically done.

Albeit everyone should rethink their color choices. There are 5 reds and 3 golden colors.