World of Chaos - Fantasy Crossover NRP

Right, since my faction is pretty much tired of fighting, they'll probably be diplomats. However, they will fight back.
Sorry, I don't speak American.

What do you mean?
Could you put Armenia and Georgia in as purple?

Also updated the map.

Light green is shia islam,

Green is sunni.

Yellow is Hinduism.

Orange is the various flavors of buddhist influenced east asian religions.
Could you put Armenia and Georgia in as purple?

Also updated the map.

Light green is shia islam,

Green is sunni.

Yellow is Hinduism.

Orange is the various flavors of buddhist influenced east asian religions.

You got Armenia right. Eritrea is that small state between Ethiopia and Sudan, on the Red Sea.
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So watchoo playin' as?

I had in mind a Tsaescified Marukhati Empire in the Seventh Era, but considering that
  1. The idea is in itself rather silly
  2. There would be nothing vaguely recognizable in this
I decided I'll figure out something original. Maybe, just maybe, something vaguely similar (I may keep the serpentine vampiric people motif) but from its own self-contained setting.
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I had in mind a Tsaescified Marukhati Empire in the Seventh Era, but considering that
  1. The idea is in itself rather silly
  2. There would be nothing vaguely recognizable in this
I decided I'll figure out something original. Maybe, just maybe, something vaguely similar (I may keep the serpentine vampiric people motif) but from its own self-contained setting.
Ah, sounds good.

Hmm, if I were to make an army of the Skaven, how large should I make its population and military?

If players are still being accepted.
Invests in seismic weaponry.
If you're going with Skaven, we're gonna get along very well.
Skaven are xenophobic and xenocidal and believe that they're the only form of intelligent life that deserves to live and are incapable of forming bonds of trust. Sooner or later, you're going to start keeling over and dying from a plague while the council of thirteen laughs in your face.
Could you put Armenia and Georgia in as purple?

Also updated the map.

Light green is shia islam,

Green is sunni.

Yellow is Hinduism.

Orange is the various flavors of buddhist influenced east asian religions.
A question and a nitpick.
So, the rusUSSR relaxed their stance on religion?
And..minor thing, but Oman is Ibadid islam.A minor, very interesting sect quite distinct from sunna and shia.
Hmm, I need to go back and read a bunch of the sheets, but Mental Omega, do you have a lot of aircraft? One thing I'm sort of wondering is how soon you were anticipating running into me since I'm pretty sure you're two continents away. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm alone in the PC's on the particular continent I'm on.

Given the way you described some of the religious beliefs of your people with neo-paganism and new ageism and the like, I think that some of them might take to Dhunia worship (which is in a lot of ways a Caen specific variation of the Great Mother or World Mother worship of a sort of primal mother figure representing the world itself) as to whether any of them could at some point because Dhunian Shamans or Priests depends pretty much entirely on whether they are "accepted" by Dhunia and/or whether any of your people are born with an aptitude for magic, which is up to the GM to decide I'd think.

Since they're more the hippy type I doubt any would get into Devourer Wurm worship, which isn't really common among Trollkin (my Trollkin don't worship the Wurm) but the Wurm is acknowledged among the Trollbloods as the "father" of their race even though they worship their divine mother. Devourer Wurm worship can range from a sort of generic totemic worship of powerful predatory creatures and that sort of thing, to the more extreme/devout worshipers who emulate the Wurm through blood sacrifice to the wurm, cannibalism, holding great hunts and reveling in violence and the survival of the fittest.
A question and a nitpick.
So, the rusUSSR relaxed their stance on religion?
And..minor thing, but Oman is Ibadid islam.A minor, very interesting sect quite distinct from sunna and shia.
The Stalinist/Kruschevist government was usurped by a government even farther to the left than the UASR in the 80s or the 90s. This lead to the USSR abandoning conscription, relaxing a lot of former restrictions; and prompted it to cease competing against the Western European Union and the Union of American Socialist Republics; allying with the latter against the former. China also decided to go from wishy washy self service (flip flopping as to whose side it was on as was convenient) to being all in with the comintern at about the same time.

The WEU and it's principal allies; Brazil and India, are steadily crumbling and have been for a while. The timeline is meant to stop at the 2015 British general elections to leave it ambiguous or not as to whether the FBU voted in the Labour-Communist party coalition and finally ousted the ruling conservatives.

The parties of the FBU (reflected across the combined empires of France and Britain) are as follows

People's Alliance/Alliance Populaire

The party of perpetual government in the post-WW2 era, formed at the start of the Cold War in 1949 from the ad hoc alliance between the British Conservative and Unionist Party and the French Rally of Popular Republicans (itself a merger of the pre-war French center and right). The People's Alliance is founded on the "Three Arrows" which form the core of its ideology: Free Enterprise, Civilization, and Anti-Communism.

The practice of these, of course, is hotly contested and seldom resembles the conventional meanings of the words. The left-wing mocks the Three Arrows with their own slogan, "Cronyism, Imperialism, and Fascism".

In spite of the genuflections to free market ideology, the People's Alliance has deliberately constructed the political economy of the FBU along corporatist lines, establishing pro-business "patriotic unions" as a counterweight to the left-wing unions, and doling out patronage through a very sophisticated system of government planning to ensure social stability.

On social matters, they have remained consistently conservative, holding back women, minority, and LBGT movements and only making reforms opportunistically. However, only a small percentage of the party leadership are true reactionaries seeking to turn back the clock; most recognize that some pretense of "progressive conservatism" is necessary to grease wheels.

As the capitalist fortress state, an ever increasing prerogative of the corporatist economy has become national defense. Even those on the right who come to lament that the level of defense spending cannot be sustained indefinitely.

The party is currently led by Prime Minister Anthony Blair, an ambitious reformer who has been described, perhaps prematurely, as "the Franco-British Kirov". Nonetheless, his attempts to bring armistice to the government's confict with the revolutionary trade unions, restructure the ailing economy and seek detente with the Comintern have appeared promising.

The People's Alliance has a number of cadet branches in the various Dominions of the FBU Commonwealth. They are more ideologically diverse than the mother party, and occaisionally come into conflict with it, but they keep the Dominions on the same general course.


Liberty is the predominant right-wing opposition in the FBU. While it functions a traditional political party, electing representatives to parliament and to local councils, it does not style itself as a political party. Rather, Liberty is a counter organization to the existing state, supported by a group of close knit venture capitalists and an armed paramilitary wing.

Liberty styles itself as an ideologically liberal organization, but it maintains a highly ahistorical and fundamentalist view of what constitutes liberal philosophy. Colored by the writings of Ludwig von Mises and Ayn Rand, their liberalism is fanatically egoistic.

Their far-right credentials truly come into play with the group's ultranationalism and anti-communism, and the apparent disconnect between their professed anti-statism and flirtations with anarcho-capitalism on the one hand, and their support for authoritarian measures in the battle against communism on the other, is the subject of much consternation and ridicule. A common term of abuse against Liberty members among the left is to deride them as "Reverse Jacobins,". The political mainstream considers them useful idiots, and their paramilitaries are easily used as a catspaw against the labor movement. They do not have as many cadet organizations as the People's Alliance; thus far only the Australian Liberty League has shown much success.

Labour Party/Parti d'Ouvriers*

The merger between the UK's Labour Party and the Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière (SFIO), the once dominant left-wing party of the FBU does not, by convention, directly translate its name. In English speaking areas, it is known as the Labour Party, but in Francophone regions it is known as the Parti d'Ouvriers (Party of Workers).

Labour is a party of contradictions. It began the Cold War era as a big tent, with factions on the revolutionary left and nationalistic cold warriors on the right wing of the party. While the reformist center dominated, the party could never bring its program of nationalization and a womb to tomb welfare state into practice.

By the early 60s, the right-wing had joined the People's Alliance, and the center, under the leadership of the Fabian Society, dwindled. By the 1970s, the party had gone from pink to red, and the leadership was taken over by Marxists who wished to chart a more moderate path to revolution.

Labour remains closely tied to the trade union movement, and both are under constant siege both by the propaganda media as well as the FBU internal security apparatus. It jockies back and forth with the Communists over which philosophy will predominate on the left. Only recently have the two been able to cooperate towards larger goals in activism and elections, thanks in no small part to the personal friendship between their leaders.

Currently led by Scottish journalist and novelist Iain Banks, Labour face the prospect of taking power for the first time in almost sixty years. Labour has several cadet branches in the the Dominions.

Entente Section of the Communist International/Section d'Entente de L'Internationale Communiste

The ESCI, more commonly known as the Communist Party, is the long-time revolutionary rival of the Labour Party turned close electoral ally. The party, though not without its factional catastrophes, has remained united around a general program of revolutionary socialism heavily inspired by the orthodox line emanating from DeLeon-Debs.

Since the 70s, the chief difference between Labour and the Communists, beyond the level of intensity in the fanfare for revolution, has been the two party's vary differing stances on the hot-button social issues. For better or worse, Labour is the party of leftists from Middle England and Parisian haute culture, and they've been much more lukewarm about embracing identity based politics.

The Communists, by contrast, are where the hotbead of feminist, LBGT liberation, and multicultural thought is emanating from. And at times, the party's presence on campuses and the younger sections of the labor movement seems more like a Bacchanalia than a serious political movement. This image is in part calculated by the party leadership, as it ensures the party is viewed less threateningly, especially following the period after the party militant turned to armed insurrection in the 70s.

Led by the other half of the "Caledonian Mafia" of British politics, Peter Capaldi, in recent years the party has become well known for its very effective PR (for revolutionary fifth columnists, that is), and well-focused internal discipline. In spite of their open allegiance to the official enemy, they have remained an above ground party for the entirety of the Cold War largely for realpolitik reasons (though they certainly faced their share of abuse by state security).

The Communists don't have subordinate cadet parties; they insist that their relationship to the parties in the Dominions are fraternal parties, and they support their moves towards independence. They also maintain fraternal linkages to parties in nations that have successfully left the FBU.

Membership by party in the Commons Assembly

People's Alliance: 498
Independent Conservative: 24
Independents: 3

Right Opposition:
Liberty: 42
Action Francaise: 8
English Defense League: 2

Left Opposition:
Labour: 124
Communists: 131
Independent Labour: 12

Compare this to the Socialist Ecology Union, Communist Unity Party, Democratic Farmour Labour Party, Progressive Labour Party, Democratic-Republican Party, True Democrat divide in the UASR.

The political make up of the 90s USSR and China (beyond the Socialist Republic of China's principal party being a Guomindang/Communist party of China permanent coalition) as of yet remains unknown.

Ah right, not sure what colour I should give them.
Hmm, I need to go back and read a bunch of the sheets, but Mental Omega, do you have a lot of aircraft? One thing I'm sort of wondering is how soon you were anticipating running into me since I'm pretty sure you're two continents away. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm alone in the PC's on the particular continent I'm on.

Given the way you described some of the religious beliefs of your people with neo-paganism and new ageism and the like, I think that some of them might take to Dhunia worship (which is in a lot of ways a Caen specific variation of the Great Mother or World Mother worship of a sort of primal mother figure representing the world itself) as to whether any of them could at some point because Dhunian Shamans or Priests depends pretty much entirely on whether they are "accepted" by Dhunia and/or whether any of your people are born with an aptitude for magic, which is up to the GM to decide I'd think.

Since they're more the hippy type I doubt any would get into Devourer Wurm worship, which isn't really common among Trollkin (my Trollkin don't worship the Wurm) but the Wurm is acknowledged among the Trollbloods as the "father" of their race even though they worship their divine mother. Devourer Wurm worship can range from a sort of generic totemic worship of powerful predatory creatures and that sort of thing, to the more extreme/devout worshipers who emulate the Wurm through blood sacrifice to the wurm, cannibalism, holding great hunts and reveling in violence and the survival of the fittest.
I'm bringing in civilian aircraft and I do have a pretty substantial military air fleet ready to bring ☭freedom☭ to wherever it's needed.

I do expect foreign religions to intermingle with the new ageism, the trinitarians, the protestants, the nontheists and the smaller religious minorities among my citizenry.

Any religion that demands the subservience of politics to faith or promotes prosperity theology is going to get the Secreteriat of Public Safety's attentions though.
(I may be a bit of a sucker for Fairies, anyway, it's no big deal.)​

Alright, desperate times call for desperate measures, who here doesn't want to be "Liberated"? No?, just me?, ok

Eos certainly doesn't want to be liberated. We'll ally with you right up to the point where it's convenient to go to war with you again (i.e. when we rid the world of those misguided Communists). Unless you declare undying fealty to the one true god and queen, Eos, Dawn-Bringer, in which case we'll have no problem with you.


But! We have glowy energy weapons!
(I may be a bit of a sucker for Fairies, anyway, it's no big deal.)​

Eos certainly doesn't want to be liberated. We'll ally with you right up to the point where it's convenient to go to war with you again (i.e. when we rid the world of those misguided Communists). Unless you declare undying fealty to the one true god and queen, Eos, Dawn-Bringer, in which case we'll have no problem with you.


But! We have glowy energy weapons!
Why am I your number one threat?

I just want to make everyone have a nice life free of exploitation.

Besides, as we all know; Gou'alds are deathly allergic to Americans.
I'm bringing in civilian aircraft and I do have a pretty substantial military air fleet ready to bring ☭freedom☭ to wherever it's needed.

I do expect foreign religions to intermingle with the new ageism, the trinitarians, the protestants, the nontheists and the smaller religious minorities among my citizenry.

Any religion that demands the subservience of politics to faith or promotes prosperity theology is going to get the Secreteriat of Public Safety's attentions though.

Well, they're not exactly Sul-Menites, to the Trollkin religion and government are often indistinguishable since they are all at least fairly devout and Shamans, Priests and others who seek to do Dhunia's will quite often rise to leadership positions, or are at least respected members of the community who carry a fair amount of weight in any decisions that are made, but they don't believe that Dhunian faith necessarily supercedes government. After all, to them Dhunia is their people's mother and priests of Dhunia are often very wise and connected to the land, as well as powerful.

They wouldn't expect others to suborn their government to Dhunian faith though, for one even if non Dhunian (meaning, not born by) people decide to worship Dhunia they aren't actually her children, and secondly although they are often quite devout followers of Dhunia, being devout (and, to some extent, worshiping Dhunia) aren't really necessary to become a leader, though of course not everyone might approve of someone who didn't worship Dhunia for a variety of reasons.

TL;DR As you might expect, Trollkin don't really do much to separate their religious leaders and their secular leaders, if they care to do so at all, but they wouldn't expect other nations/groups to have the same customs, and they'd hardly press for priests of Dhunia to be the leaders of anyone else's nations. Largely since that wouldn't really concern them one way or the other.
Well, they're not exactly Sul-Menites, to the Trollkin religion and government are often indistinguishable since they are all at least fairly devout and Shamans, Priests and others who seek to do Dhunia's will quite often rise to leadership positions, or are at least respected members of the community who carry a fair amount of weight in any decisions that are made, but they don't believe that Dhunian faith necessarily supercedes government. After all, to them Dhunia is their people's mother and priests of Dhunia are often very wise and connected to the land, as well as powerful.

They wouldn't expect others to suborn their government to Dhunian faith though, for one even if non Dhunian (meaning, not born by) people decide to worship Dhunia they aren't actually her children, and secondly although they are often quite devout followers of Dhunia, being devout (and, to some extent, worshiping Dhunia) aren't really necessary to become a leader, though of course not everyone might approve of someone who didn't worship Dhunia for a variety of reasons.

TL;DR As you might expect, Trollkin don't really do much to separate their religious leaders and their secular leaders, if they care to do so at all, but they wouldn't expect other nations/groups to have the same customs, and they'd hardly press for priests of Dhunia to be the leaders of anyone else's nations. Largely since that wouldn't really concern them one way or the other.
Say, are there elves where your guys come from?And if so, whar do you think of them?
Let's be honest, here. Unless they've declared loyalty to her, everyone is Eos' number one threat. Any alliance will just be made in counter-alliance to Worluk's current largest powers. I may also be eying the Golden Empire as a potential ally. I mean, surrounded by militaristic states as the elves are, propping up a potential conflict to drain her enemy's resources wouldn't be a bad idea.

That being said, you Commies are: A) a little too close to the Tau'ri for Eos' comfort, B) already attempting to form a system of alliances, C) not only godless (as far as Eos is concerned), but also holding false gods above her, and D) of the belief that freedom can exist.

In other words: threat, threat, threat, and threat.

Not that I don't expect Eos to eventually die a horrible death. She is basically the bad guy here, and I know it. Alliances of convenience are a two-way street, after all. She may even end up declaring her own undying loyalty to a greater power (at least until she thinks she can outdo them). I hear it's the standard fare for where I'm starting.
Thinking on how the People's Secreteriat of Public Safety is going to classify more fantastical factions like @gaiachild 's.
In my case, probably first put them high on the threat scale due to their highly advanced technology and magic, then lower the bar significantly once it becomes clear that the Remnants use that technology to make shiny swords, and being a wizard/fairy does in no way make you bullet proof.
Other than that, under normal circumstances, I would have no incentive to go to war with your faction and the Remnants would be quite open to an alliance. Chances of people becoming communists are low though, with a few exceptions they don't have much of a reason to be disatisfied with their current state-form.
And they can't teach people magic, in Winx Club that's something you are either born with or you are not. However, one magical parent would be enough for the next generation...

Let's be honest, here. Unless they've declared loyalty to her, everyone is Eos' number one threat. Any alliance will just be made in counter-alliance to Worluk's current largest powers. I may also be eying the Golden Empire as a potential ally. I mean, surrounded by militaristic states as the elves are, propping up a potential conflict to drain her enemy's resources wouldn't be a bad idea.

Not that I don't expect Eos to eventually die a horrible death. She is basically the bad guy here, and I know it. Alliances of convenience are a two-way street, after all. She may even end up declaring her own undying loyalty to a greater power (at least until she thinks she can outdo them). I hear it's the standard fare for where I'm starting.

That makes me wonder: Could the Remnants be seen as just as much of a threat as the reds? After all, their fleet is full of people who can do magic, to an extend that servants of Eos might confuse them with gods. At the same time, the Remnants are "godless" as well, and would not be shy about saying that they don't consider Eos a deity, only someone with powerful magic, but not really special.
War between the two would actually be pretty fun, seeing how they both have advanced technology and aircraft, but their infantry wield rather impractical arms.
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Say, are there elves where your guys come from?And if so, whar do you think of them?

There are two kinds of elves, the Nyss and the Iosians. The Nyss are also called "Winter Elves" and worship the god Nyssor, they used to live in the far north and were somewhat isolated from everyone else, they lived far north of where my Trollkin would have been from. Somewhat recently in the history of the world, a dragon (which is a bigger threat in their world than most) corrupted a whole bunch of Nyss and sent most of the rest fleeing south. Before this happened there was an uneasy and somewhat hostile truce between the Nyss and the northern Trollkin, as the Nyss lived north of even where the Trollkin tended to live, and their territory was well marked. Trollkin knew not to intrude on their territory, and the Nyss knew not to rouse the anger of the larger and perhaps more powerful Trollkin Kriels. Now that many Nyss are forced to flee south, and both often have to fight the forces of that dragon, among other enemies, many Nyss have taken refuge in Trollkin Kriels, as they are fairly well protected and the Kriels aren't hostile towards them, they sell their services to these Kriels in exchange for protection (possibly even this Kriel, I'll have to ask willyvereb if it would be alright if I had a small Nyss shard living in the Durgin Kriel. It would make sense, they are fairly well protected) and the Nyss were more wilderness types than the other elves, they lived off the land as hunters and lived in harsh places.

The other elves are the Iosians. The Durgin Kriel is technically partly in their territory, being located on the western edge of the Mistboughs in territory partly claimed by the elves of Ios and the human nation of Llael. As for how they feel about them, I'd say they mostly don't. The elves of Ios are extremely paranoid and insular, they apparently have very little contact with outsiders, the most being with the Dwarves who they apparently got along with better a few hundred years ago, but have grown even more withdrawn since then. The vast majority of the Trollkin of this Kriel, despite technically living in territory claimed by Ios, have probably never even seen an Iosian elf. Maybe some of the elders have met one or two, for one reason or another, but mostly not. Since the elves gods' tried to reach the world of Caen by means of a bridge between worlds, which shattered and caused massive destruction the world over thousands of years ago, the elves moved to Ios, and the past few hundred years their gods have begun to grow weak and die, and they don't know why. They were always mysterious and withdrawn before then and only became more so. The only Elves from Ios who regularly venture out of their territory now are extremists who blame the rise of human magic in the last few hundred years for the death of their gods (somehow) and so seek to kill all human spellcasters in an attempt to save their gods and wreak vengeance for their deaths, partially for their gods' sake, and partially because without their gods their children are born soulless and unresponsive. However this pretty much exclusively targets human mages, and they have no particular reason to think Trollkin magic has anything to do with it, since there have been Dhunian priests for thousands of years and their gods were fine. Also, the Nyss are not, thankfully suffering these issues, especially since their god is not dying (though he may be sealed in a solid block of ice, and there's good reason to believe the Khadorans kidnapped him, which has rather upset the Nyss)

So, @willyvereb, would you be alright if I included a small community of Nyss elves within my Trollkin Kriel?
When can we get the OP started?