World of Chaos - Fantasy Crossover NRP

Since it might be interesting, and will give some idea of the religious world the Immortals come from, here's a map of the old world's religions, as of 1990, when the Immortals crossed into Worluk

Dark Green - Sunni Islam
Light Spring Green - Shia Islam
Olive Green - Zoroastrianism
Purple - Orthodoxy Christianity
Beige - Catholicism
Yellow - Miaphisite Christianity
Pink - Nestorian Christianity
Blue - Lutheranism
Ice Blue - Scotianism (this world's equivalent of Anglicanism) and related Reformations
Red - Hinduism
Orange - Buddhism
Ocre - Jainism
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Typically I try to have paganism survive in some form in my CK2 games.

But neat.

I think I already showed this but this is the political make up of the world by 2015.

Red is comintern and blue is alliance of free states.

The major axes of the Comintern are the UASR, the USSR (the Stalinist/Kruschevists were ousted from power and replaced by Left-Communists in the 80s/90s), and the Socialist Republic of China (headed by the left of the Guomindang rather than the CCP, which is in a permanent coalition with the Guomindang)

The AFS' axes are the Franco-British Union (short for "the entente cordiale of France and the United Kingdom"), the second Empire of Brazil (after it's defeat in WW2, integralist Brazil had its monarchy restored after the FBU deeming her right-wing republican movements tainted by fascism), and the Dominion of the Raj.

South America's orientation is still something I'm not super sure of, I might have Boliva remain blue just so that they can have issues with Chile over sea-access inflamed by being on opposite sides of the cold war.

Canada I'm also not sure of. I might revise Quebec as not seceding from Canada.
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You know, just imagine how weird saying "A zoroastrian Iranian modern military order and the expeditionary forces of a communist America are close allies" would be to someone from a more OTL esque world.
@willyvereb No, I'm not. Winx Club is on Netflix, and I just watched the first two episodes. What's up with the need for magical girl transformation sequences, hey? When did cartoons become enamored with exciting fight scenes being broken up by "oh hey, hold on a minute, let me just magically change my clothes to be more glittery"? Back in my day, you'd never see that sort of thing in Sailor Moon.

...Oh, wait.

Did you know there's seven seasons? At 26 episodes each, assuming 22 minute episodes with the seventh having 20 episodes released so far, that's just over 64.5 hours.

Anyway, I was thinking three players. Four in a pinch.
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None. Sounds plausible and kind of like the standard AU change for games of this type. Foes it mean you also have future industries tech?

I honestly didn't think of that. I assume Kuvira would indeed adopt any technology made by Future Industries for the benefit of the Earth Empire, mainly because she believed that technological progress and development should be what drives a nation forward.

I'll try to get the app up tonight.

I think I already showed this but this is the political make up of the world by 2015.

Red is comintern and blue is alliance of free states.

Japan is red...

Excuse me, I need to go and vomit.
Hmm, if I were to make an army of the Skaven, how large should I make its population and military?

If players are still being accepted.
The Noble States of America Colonial Expedition.

The Noble States of America got there start from Noble Families moving to British North America, and eventually helping the continental army in exchange for recognition of their titles during the American Revolution. After the US got it's freedom, the nobility was allowed to keep it's titles and land, and even started accruing political power in the south. As the northern states urbanized, the Nobility moved south and west, running head long into the strange wildlife of the North American Continent and their neighbors. Over the next decades, the Southern Nobility would expand their power over the southern states as America expanded westward, encountering things great and fantastic in the untaimed interior of North America. The Southern Nobility's subtle takeover of Texas during and after it's own revolution scared the US Government. Over the next 4 years, the US Congress would fight over a bill that would de-fang the Nobility's power over the southern states. The people that this effected the worst was the 'American Elves' that flourished under the noble rule, who would have an uncertain future under the Federal Government. When the bill passed eventually, war followed afterwards. The war was a grueling 5 years, the more elite noble military smashing against a numerically superior American Military. The war was eventually decided by the work of elves, more specifically American Elves that felt that the Nobility would see to their needs better than the US government would. In the peace deal, the NSA took several Mid-Western territories as well as New Mexico/Arizona. After the war, the NSA expanded into the Caribbean at the behest of minor colonial powers, and expanded it's colonial reach as well. In a British/Canadian War against the United States, the NSA joined in to make sure to keep it's former parent/current rival down. The NSA developed strong ties to Rome, some Noble family scions going to serve with the Varangians as part of their training, Roman Tawhidism even gaining ground in the NSA. Ties were maintained with the British and Canadians as well, gaining Maryland and some other minor territory from a later war with the US. At a point during this time, the NSA bought Baja California, Sonora, and Chihuahua from the Elven Empire; using the territory to develoup a pacific fleet. After the turn of the century, the NSA started more involved traiding with Ethiopia as well as Japan. The NSA is a power on the rise, it's small size being made up for by the mineral and agricultural wealth of its' territory and it's noble protectors. By the 1950s, the first and second world wars had came and went; the first one over colonial possessions, and the second over the scraps of the ailing Holy Roman Empire. The NSA was on the winning side in both, owed to it's Alliance with the UK and Eastern Rome. As the century passed and came to an end, the NSA faught in it's share of minor and major wars, mostly against the United States in some capacity. In 2015, the Multiversal Theory was proven correct with the opening of a trans-dimensional Stargate in an NSA lab...This was seen as a major discovery and boon, as the NSA could launch a colonial expedition to gain access to resources that are eather held jealously by a rival nation on their home world or running out all together.


2nd Game Map

The government of the NSA is a Constitutional Noble Technocracy, the best fit for positions in the nobility and 'Plebians' are put in that place with those unfit being removed, with word or action as required. The current lead house is House Atreides, with family members in all of the major knightly orders. The State Governments are all run by state councils attended by members of the leading houses in the state they attend. Local level is directly run by 'City Lords' with a constituent council made up of educated citizens. The North-Western Territories are largely set aside for the American Elves, and as such are largely run by them, though they are a part of the Noble States of America, and do pay their dues with their boon to the Economic and Military might of the NSA. There are also minor Orc Tribes that have congealed into small towns over the decades. Any goblins that have survived the multiple purges have learned better than to touch a Lord's town, even if it be an Orc or Elven town. While most of the population is human, the basic NSA citizen has no problems with Orcs or Elves. Thanks to modern technology, the 'Serf' is a dead concept, and the NSA 'Plebian' population enjoys many rights under the technocratic regime engineered by the nobility to keep their own worst 'angels' in check. The Colonial Expedition is no different, with it being led by a Technocratic Senate with equal representation from the 'Plebians' and the Nobility and Pioneer-Lady Evelyn Atreides. The Expidition contains about 140,000 Civilians all told, including non-militaristic Noble Houses.


While the NSA has industrialized more than a century ago, most of it's wealth comes from it's wide variety of agricultural goods and mineral wealth. While it doesn't have ALL Of the mineral sites In the United States, the Noble States retained enough that it can put a slew of Minerals on the markets; Steel, Adamantium, and Nuclear Materials included. The State of Texas and other such areas are rich in Oil, which is a valued resource in this time of war. The NSA also plays host to artisan houses, Noble Houses who have taken up a crafting trade, many of such made items are highly valued by foreign elite. The NSA also does sell regular manufactured goods, but this is a very small part of their overall economy, as most of their industrial capacity is used on their own needs. A relatively new but bursting part of the NSA's Industry is the creation and sale Adamantium, a Steel/Adamantine alloy, and a poor man's alternative to the Ethiopian 'Blackvien'. The actual manufacting methods of Adamantium are secret, but it is known that it sacrifices a portion of it's redictulous striength for a ligher weight, Adamantium is sold to whoever will pay provided that they aren't an enemy to the NSA or an Ally at the time. Nuclear Power is becoming more and more the staple of energy production. Aetherite Airships have gotten better with advances of Technology. With Nuclear Power, Power Armor became possible for The Nobility, long having to use stuffy and heavy Adamantium Plate.


The Noble States of America isn't ignorant to it's status as the 'small guy' on the block, and so it's military focuses on a Quality-over-Quantity idea. The Training of even the 'peasant' military elements exceeds anything outside of other nation's special forces and other such units. The NSA Military makes heavy use of Adamantium in Armor and components manufacture. The Colonial Expidition was afforded a pretty sizable Mandate Force.

10,000x Mandate Army Troopers: Light Combat Armor, M4-Expy(using 6.8mm Cartridge: 6.8mm Remington SPC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), M1911 Modern Expy, Grenades. 1 out of 3 will be equipped with an AT-4 Expy.
1,750x Excaliber Teams: Two Man teams using 'Excaliber'(Javelin-Expy) Weapons Systems...equipped same as Above.
1,750x Skybreaker Teams: Two Man Teams using MANPAD-Expys, Equiped otherwise like Troopers.
2,500x Mortar Teams: Two Man Teams operating a simple 40mm Mortar, with a variety of rounds. Equiped same as Army Troopers.
1,000x Multi-role Trucks.(Full Diesel)
700x Warhorse Armored Cars(Caiman MRAP-Expys)
500x MTCS M4(Mobile Troop Carrier System Mark Four, Stryker Expy)
300x M1 Skysweepers(S500 SAMs Expy)
250x M24A1 'Mastiff' Light Advanced Gun Systems(An Expy of the fallen through M8 AGS Program, with modern and NSA fixings with it having been actually adopted here)
50x M1A4 CRP 'Blood Hound' Main Battle Tank(An expy of anouther failed American Project, the MBT-70, but actually adopted and modernized repeatedly over the decades to actually stand among later generations of MBTs and compete well enough that the 'Old Bitch' as many call her is still a sight to be feared by many on the battlefield.)
30x M3 155mm TAS'(M777 Expys)
50x F-200 'Starfighter III's(F-22 Expys)
40x F/A-11 'Thunderer' (WORKING F-35 Expy)
30x M-33 'Sparrow' Gunships( Apache Equivelent)
10x E-22 'Fourth Horseman' (Modern B-52 Expy)

Naval Fleet:
1x Enterprise-Class Attack Carrier: NSM Sir George Patton (Equivelent to the Nimitz, primary plane is the Naval Variant of the Thunderer(with Torpedo Capa, with a Commanche expy called the 'Seaknight')(did I get the compliment right-ish?)
2x Crusaider-Class Cruisers: NSM Texas and NSM Maryland (Virginia-Class Cruiser Expy)
4x Dallas-Class Destroyers: NSM San Diego, NSM Richmond, NSM Miami, and NSM Longview (Arliegh Burke Expy)
6x New York Class Frigates: NSM Santa Anna, NSM Atlantic, NSM Alamo, NSM Yorktown, NSM Paris, and NSM Havana(Freedom-Class Expy)

The Militant Knightly Orders;

The Militant Knightly Orders, while not as powerful as in the old days, are still quite Important. Knightly Orders serve to sort knights into what skills and roles they fit into, and Miltant Orders function like OTL Special Operations units, with the Knights being trained from a very young age. The Knights make up the one of the most effective fighting forces on the planet. Most Knights still wear Power Armor, made with Adamantium.

500x Ordo Malleus Knights: General Heavy Infantry/Cavalry Combat
Specs: Oldest Military Order, uses Heavy Combat Armor and SCAR-H Expy
50x Order of the Silent Rose Knights: Stealth Sniper, Recon, and Sabotage
Note: Female Order, wears lightly armored ghili suits, uses Sniper Rifles and Explosives to do their jobs.
100x Order of the Trench Knife Knights: Urban/CQC Combat
Note: Lighter Power Armor, uses Shotguns and SMGs.

50x Order of the Titan Knight Operators: Light Walker Combat, Infantry. Support
Note: Knight Uses Ultra-Heavy Power Armor/Light Walker with Heavy Weapons(Gattling Guns and Mortars)
30x Order of the Cliff Jumper Knights: Difficult Tarrain Assault, Sabotage/Explosives
Note: Uses Mobility-Specialized Power Armor, SCAR-L Expy, C-4 Expy, Mines.
10x Order of the Adamantine Bull Tanks: Uses M2A1 'Paladin', an M1A2 Abrams Expy
Note: Usually made up of Family Units of Nobles.


How's this look?
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I honestly didn't think of that. I assume Kuvira would indeed adopt any technology made by Future Industries for the benefit of the Earth Empire, mainly because she believed that technological progress and development should be what drives a nation forward.

I'll try to get the app up tonight.

Japan is red...

Excuse me, I need to go and vomit.
Operation downfall happened, or rather, operation Damocles in this timeline.

Here are some alternate alternate posts she made describing what went down.

AdmiralSanders said:
So I've been thinking of working on a new timeline, and it struck me that one of the things most of us seem to hold constant in all of timelines, regardless of the POD, is how the nuclear age begins at the end of the Second World War.

How can we do this differently? And what kind of ramifications are we talking about if, say, the nascent Franco-British Union's nuclear program gets off the ground first. Attlee's government devalued funding for the project in favour of conventional arms. Could we get the bomb in time to turn Berlin into a smoking crater? If what would the UASR do then? Does Operation Damocles go through as planned on Japan?

DeOppressoLiber said:
Now this is a discussion I can really get into.

I think the reason it's avoided is because figuring out the ramifications will be a lot of work. In many ways, the modern age began when Red Air Force bombers dropped Cortana on the city of Kokura, as a prelude to the invasion of Kyushu.

Now, I think there are several possible PODs that need to be considered for a different nuclear age. The one you mentioned is a possibility, but in my opinion its remote. Given the military situation, I don't think that you could get the Brits to be beat the Americans in the race by by at least four months in order to make nuking Berlin a viable option. Any later and Soviet and American troops are already in the suburbs of the city, and within a few weeks, British and French troops will be in the city from the west anyway. After that, Britain doesn't have any viable targets for the bomb. Japan is the only Axis power left, and the Franco-British Union had already had an armistice with them since late 43.

The reason why we wanted to go through with Operation Damocles on the old Empire of Japan was because both the American and Soviet leadership agreed that the complete obliteration of the Japanese state and the feudal superstructure of the society was necessary to pave the way for socialist revolution. That meant invasion and unconditional surrender. So American troops steam roll Kyushu while Soviet armored troops link up with American and Chinese troops to smash the bulk of the Japanese Army in Manchuria. And for the coup de grace, Joyeuse and Durandal get to flatten Yokohama and Kyoto.

However, if the Brit do succeed, it means the Cold War is far more serious far sooner. Americans always enjoyed a sense of military superiority to the Anglo-French througho?t the 1950s. If you beat us to the punch, I expect we'd feel a lot of the same insecurity that British and French people felt throughout that era. Part of the reason for the American-Soviet pole of the Cold War was due to how quickly the Soviets began building large arsenals of nuclear weapons right after the war. It seemed like a betrayal that after jointly developing the bomb with us, the Soviets seemed to be putting a gun to our head.

Under your scenario, '50s paranoia gets worse. The nuclear age is the age of extremes: the brilliant optimism of futurism armed with the seeming potential of nuclear power, and the terrible fear of global nuclear annihilation. So, paradoxically, I don't see it changing much in all. We're still going to have the civil defense drills, the bomb shelters.

America and the Soviets agreed that Japan's Imperial Government was part of the problem and told Japan to take its demand to retain the imperial throne and fuck itself with it and invaded the home islands to enact regime change, setting up a socialist republic over the ashes of the Japanese Empire as part of the last actions of world war two. The Japanese Emperor abdicated and to make himself seem useful to the USSR and UASR, declared that it really was the Japanese Imperial cult that was the source of the problem and (under external pressure from the communists) blessed the new Republic. The new republic was at first, very much an authoritarian place before eventual democratization in the 50s-60s.

This was a very...controversial decision in universe. But it did guarantee that East Asia would be red rather than risk Japan being a western Europe allied capitalist stronghold during the cold war.

The Noble States of America Colonial Expedition.

The Noble States of America got there start from Noble Families moving to British North America, and eventually helping the continental army in exchange for recognition of their titles during the American Revolution. After the US got it's freedom, the nobility was allowed to keep it's titles and land, and even started accruing political power in the south. As the northern states urbanized, the Nobility moved south and west, running head long into the strange wildlife of the North American Continent and their neighbors. Over the next decades, the Southern Nobility would expand their power over the southern states as America expanded westward, encountering things great and fantastic in the untaimed interior of North America. The Southern Nobility's subtle takeover of Texas during and after it's own revolution scared the US Government. Over the next 4 years, the US Congress would fight over a bill that would de-fang the Nobility's power over the southern states. The people that this effected the worst was the 'American Elves' that flourished under the noble rule, who would have an uncertain future under the Federal Government. When the bill passed eventually, war followed afterwards. The war was a grueling 5 years, the more elite noble military smashing against a numerically superior American Military. The war was eventually decided by the work of elves, more specifically American Elves that felt that the Nobility would see to their needs better than the US government would. In the peace deal, the NSA took several Mid-Western territories as well as New Mexico/Arizona. After the war, the NSA expanded into the Caribbean at the behest of minor colonial powers, and expanded it's colonial reach as well. In a British/Canadian War against the United States, the NSA joined in to make sure to keep it's former parent/current rival down. The NSA developed strong ties to Rome, some Noble family scions going to serve with the Varangians as part of their training, Roman Tawhidism even gaining ground in the NSA. Ties were maintained with the British and Canadians as well, gaining Maryland and some other minor territory from a later war with the US. At a point during this time, the NSA bought Baja California, Sonora, and Chihuahua from the Elven Empire; using the territory to develoup a pacific fleet. After the turn of the century, the NSA started more involved traiding with Ethiopia as well as Japan. The NSA is a power on the rise, it's small size being made up for by the mineral and agricultural wealth of its' territory and it's noble protectors. By the 1950s, the first and second world wars had came and went; the first one over colonial possessions, and the second over the scraps of the ailing Holy Roman Empire. The NSA was on the winning side in both, owed to it's Alliance with the UK and Eastern Rome. As the century passed and came to an end, the NSA faught in it's share of minor and major wars, mostly against the United States in some capacity. In 2015, the Multiversal Theory was proven correct with the opening of a trans-dimensional Stargate in an NSA lab...This was seen as a major discovery and boon, as the NSA could launch a colonial expedition to gain access to resources that are eather held jealously by a rival nation on their home world or running out all together.


2nd Game Map

The government of the NSA is a Constitutional Noble Technocracy, the best fit for positions in the nobility and 'Plebians' are put in that place with those unfit being removed, with word or action as required. The current lead house is House Atreides, with family members in all of the major knightly orders. The State Governments are all run by state councils attended by members of the leading houses in the state they attend. Local level is directly run by 'City Lords' with a constituent council made up of educated citizens. The North-Western Territories are largely set aside for the American Elves, and as such are largely run by them, though they are a part of the Noble States of America, and do pay their dues with their boon to the Economic and Military might of the NSA. There are also minor Orc Tribes that have congealed into small towns over the decades. Any goblins that have survived the multiple purges have learned better than to touch a Lord's town, even if it be an Orc or Elven town. While most of the population is human, the basic NSA citizen has no problems with Orcs or Elves. Thanks to modern technology, the 'Serf' is a dead concept, and the NSA 'Plebian' population enjoys many rights under the technocratic regime engineered by the nobility to keep their own worst 'angels' in check. The Colonial Expedition is no different, with it being led by a Technocratic Senate with equal representation from the 'Plebians' and the Nobility and Pioneer-Lady Evelyn Atreides. The Expidition contains about 140,000 Civilians all told, including non-militaristic Noble Houses.


While the NSA has industrialized more than a century ago, most of it's wealth comes from it's wide variety of agricultural goods and mineral wealth. While it doesn't have ALL Of the mineral sites In the United States, the Noble States retained enough that it can put a slew of Minerals on the markets; Steel, Adamantium, and Nuclear Materials included. The State of Texas and other such areas are rich in Oil, which is a valued resource in this time of war. The NSA also plays host to artisan houses, Noble Houses who have taken up a crafting trade, many of such made items are highly valued by foreign elite. The NSA also does sell regular manufactured goods, but this is a very small part of their overall economy, as most of their industrial capacity is used on their own needs. A relatively new but bursting part of the NSA's Industry is the creation and sale Adamantium, a Steel/Adamantine alloy, and a poor man's alternative to the Ethiopian 'Blackvien'. The actual manufacting methods of Adamantium are secret, but it is known that it sacrifices a portion of it's redictulous striength for a ligher weight, Adamantium is sold to whoever will pay provided that they aren't an enemy to the NSA or an Ally at the time. Nuclear Power is becoming more and more the staple of energy production. Aetherite Airships have gotten better with advances of Technology. With Nuclear Power, Power Armor became possible for The Nobility, long having to use stuffy and heavy Adamantium Plate.


The Noble States of America isn't ignorant to it's status as the 'small guy' on the block, and so it's military focuses on a Quality-over-Quantity idea. The Training of even the 'peasant' military elements exceeds anything outside of other nation's special forces and other such units. The NSA Military makes heavy use of Adamantium in Armor and components manufacture. The Colonial Expidition was afforded a pretty sizable Mandate Force.

10,000x Mandate Army Troopers: Light Combat Armor, M4-Expy(using 6.8mm Cartridge: 6.8mm Remington SPC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), M1911 Modern Expy, Grenades. 1 out of 3 will be equipped with an AT-4 Expy.
1,750x Excaliber Teams: Two Man teams using 'Excaliber'(Javelin-Expy) Weapons Systems...equipped same as Above.
1,750x Skybreaker Teams: Two Man Teams using MANPAD-Expys, Equiped otherwise like Troopers.
2,500x Mortar Teams: Two Man Teams operating a simple 40mm Mortar, with a variety of rounds. Equiped same as Army Troopers.
1,000x Multi-role Trucks.(Full Diesel)
700x Warhorse Armored Cars(Caiman MRAP-Expys)
500x MTCS M4(Mobile Troop Carrier System Mark Four, Stryker Expy)
300x M1 Skysweepers(S500 SAMs Expy)
250x M24A1 'Mastiff' Light Advanced Gun Systems(An Expy of the fallen through M8 AGS Program, with modern and NSA fixings with it having been actually adopted here)
50x M1A4 CRP 'Blood Hound' Main Battle Tank(An expy of anouther failed American Project, the MBT-70, but actually adopted and modernized repeatedly over the decades to actually stand among later generations of MBTs and compete well enough that the 'Old Bitch' as many call her is still a sight to be feared by many on the battlefield.)
30x M3 155mm TAS'(M777 Expys)
50x F-200 'Starfighter III's(F-22 Expys)
40x F/A-11 'Thunderer' (WORKING F-35 Expy)
30x M-33 'Sparrow' Gunships( Apache Equivelent)
10x E-22 'Fourth Horseman' (Modern B-52 Expy)

Naval Fleet:
1x Enterprise-Class Attack Carrier: NSM Sir George Patton (Equivelent to the Nimitz, primary plane is the Naval Variant of the Thunderer(with Torpedo Capa, with a Commanche expy called the 'Seaknight')(did I get the compliment right-ish?)
2x Crusaider-Class Cruisers: NSM Texas and NSM Maryland (Virginia-Class Cruiser Expy)
4x Dallas-Class Destroyers: NSM San Diego, NSM Richmond, NSM Miami, and NSM Longview (Arliegh Burke Expy)
6x New York Class Frigates: NSM Santa Anna, NSM Atlantic, NSM Alamo, NSM Yorktown, NSM Paris, and NSM Havana(Freedom-Class Expy)

The Militant Knightly Orders;

The Militant Knightly Orders, while not as powerful as in the old days, are still quite Important. Knightly Orders serve to sort knights into what skills and roles they fit into, and Miltant Orders function like OTL Special Operations units, with the Knights being trained from a very young age. The Knights make up the one of the most effective fighting forces on the planet. Most Knights still wear Power Armor, made with Adamantium.

500x Ordo Malleus Knights: General Heavy Infantry/Cavalry Combat
Specs: Oldest Military Order, uses Heavy Combat Armor and SCAR-H Expy
50x Order of the Silent Rose Knights: Stealth Sniper, Recon, and Sabotage
Note: Female Order, wears lightly armored ghili suits, uses Sniper Rifles and Explosives to do their jobs.
100x Order of the Trench Knife Knights: Urban/CQC Combat
Note: Lighter Power Armor, uses Shotguns and SMGs.

50x Order of the Diesel Knight Operators: Light Walker Combat, Infantry. Support
Note: Knight Uses Ultra-Heavy Power Armor/Light Walker with Heavy Weapons(Gattling Guns and Mortars)
30x Order of the Cliff Jumper Knights: Difficult Tarrain Assault, Sabotage/Explosives
Note: Uses Mobility-Specialized Power Armor, SCAR-L Expy, C-4 Expy, Mines.
10x Order of the Adamantine Bull Tanks: Uses M2A1 'Paladin', an M1A2 Abrams Expy
Note: Usually made up of Family Units of Nobles.


How's this look?
Aww I thought we were going to be Fallout buddies.
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@willyvereb No, I'm not. Winx Club is on Netflix, and I just watched the first two episodes. What's up with the need for magical girl transformation sequences, hey? When did cartoons become enamored with exciting fight scenes being broken up by "oh hey, hold on a minute, let me just magically change my clothes to be more glittery"? Back in my day, you'd never see that sort of thing in Sailor Moon.

...Oh, wait.

Did you know there's seven seasons? At 26 episodes each, assuming 22 minute episodes with the seventh having 20 episodes released so far, that's just over 64.5 hours.
Gah! I am so sorry for being the reason you watched that and thank you for your dedication.:oops:

Anyhow, in the case of you being able to tolerate the show, it REALLY isn't necessary to watch more than the first season, because that was the show's high point and I'm drawing most of my inspiration from it. The only thing I'm taking from the later seasons are visual designs for fairies and specialists, as well as aircraft. Otherwise I am ignoring most things from the later seasons, like the endless new transformations invented to sell more dolls.
In the case that you enjoy the show, I recommend to stop watching after season three. Up until then they were telling a more or less cohesive story, but afterwards it went downhill with high-points few and far between.

Alternatively, simply for militaristic information, you could skip forward to episode 19 and go from there.

Oh yeah, and I recommend the RAI English dub over the 4Kids dub.
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Thinking on how the People's Secreteriat of Public Safety is going to classify more fantastical factions like @gaiachild 's.
I've written up some descriptions and a bit of background for my five warlocks who will probably be some of the most important characters in my faction, I might expand upon or refine them a bit more of course, and I've edited it into my post. What do you guys think?

Vallasor Cragfist
Vallassor Cragfist is the Chieftain of the Durgin Kriel, ostensibly the highest authority, the truth is that she shares power with the Council of Elders which help to mediate conflicts and use their great wisdom and experience to make the important day to day decisions that greatly impact the lives of those in the Kriel. Vallasor stands tall and broad of shoulder with a statuesque and solid build. As a Sorcerer from birth she is an albino with the white skin and red-pink eyes that denote her power, It is often remarked that she seems to have been carved from marble, her head quills are dark gray in color in contrast to many Sorcerers who have reddish quills. Vallassor is a Runeshaper, with an innate connection to earth and stone she can command the very earth to rise and attend to her will. She concentrates her power using mystical runes that manifest in the stones she commands, and she can raise walls of stone and lift great boulders into the air to be used as shields or to hurl at her enemies. Vallassor is as canny and quick witted as she is solid however and she is always searching for new ways to apply her powers. Although the Runeshaper tradition is separate from the magical runes and stone commanders of the Blackclad Druids, and despite the conflicts between the Blackclads and her Kriel, Vallassor still finds their rune-magic to be of great interest and has studied it whenever possible. She and the elders both know the true reason the Blackclads covet their land - their Kriel's location over a powerful natural layline which was transferred with the Kriel. Vallasor would harness the power of this layline if she could, which she sees as the natural power of Dhunia herself, not the Devourer Wyrm as the Blackclads believe. She feels if the Kriel could tap into that power, and if they could create some of the great wood and stone Wolds as the Blackclads do, it would be a great boon to her Kriel, especially now in these dangerous times. In combat she often utilizes forces of unrelenting unstoppable strength, she is fond of bringing warders, runeshapers and stonebearers, as well as troll bouncers and earthborn dire trolls.

Callum Kinroot
Somewhat stooped and bowed by age, Callum has a craggy beard of almost obsidian black growths and dark brown wood colored spines, his skin is wrinkled and leathery, a somewhat faded dark blue. His strength shows despite his age and while he is quite thin he is far from frail with the same wiry musculature as Rona, like thick tree roots beneath his dark skin. He often has an easy smile on his face and he uses a rune inscribed staff carved from an incredibly ancient tree from the Mistboughs to help support his weight, though most suspect this is merely an affectation as he has shown remarkable alacrity and mobility in combat while relying very little on the cane, which is also a repository and conduit of great natural magics and his own substantial power. Callum Kinroot is the oldest and wisest of the Council of Elders. He is second only to Vallassor in authority and she is smart enough to listen his wisdom and experience and they usually see eye to eye. Callum has long been a Warlock of great power, and used to be the Chieftain of the Durgin Kriel, when he began to get on in years he recognized the strength and quick with of Vallassor and stepped aside to allow her to rise to his place, even as he took his place on the Elder Council as the oldest among them. Callum is a Shaman of Dhunia, with all of the fecundity typical of a devout priest of that goddess, and it is said at least half of the Durgin Kriel are his kith, his direct blood descendants and relatives. He is always ready with a calm word and a compassionate ear, to most he seems quite easygoing and calm, and his friendly demeanor allows him to resolve many disputes and conflicts within the Kriel that cannot be easily solved by a simple agreement or duel, and when they come to him such disputes are resolved quite amiably and fairly, recognized to be so by all sides. Callum however was quite the firebrand in his younger days, and retains quite a bit of vigor and vitality. When the Kriel is threatened Callum is more than prepared to take to the field, using his Dhunian magic to support his fellow Trollbloods, to give them Dhunia's strength and to help heal their many wounds. Trolls and even Dire Trolls seem to respect to his strength and his connection to Dhunia and get along quite well with the old Shaman. Callum is a pillar of the Kriels community and despite his age he has many years of life ahead of him to help guide the Durgin Kriel to a more prosperous future.

Haakon Wartamer
Haakon is a scarred and grizzled veteran warrior, the scars alone contesting to his frequent and intense participation in combat, since scars are hard to acquire and to keep for a Trollkin. Thickly built and heavily muscled, Haakon also has a pronounced gut no doubt greatly contributed to by his immensive appetite which he has developed increasingly over the years because of how much energy he requires both for his intense fighting style and because of how much he must regenerate after combat. Haakon is quite handsome among Trollkin, his scars merely adding to his dashing good looks, he has a strong powerful chin and a broad grin, he is extremely serious in combat but once the fighting is done he is as jovial and boastful as the next warrior proudly proclaiming his great deeds in combat, he has a respectable beard of light gray growths, a fairly thick growth of orange-yellow spines on his head and vibrant blue skin. Possibly the greatest warrior in all the Kriel, a title only disputed by a very few Trollkin, Haakon is acknowledged as Kithkar of all the Champions in the Kriel, and he is widely acknowledged as the greatest Hero of the Champions, and so is regarded as the leader of all the members of that warrior tradition in the whole of the Kriel news of his great strength and skill has attracted warriors from all over to take the kulgat blood oath to be regarded as a member of his kith and Kriel and to be take into the same blood family as this renowned figure. Haakon was one of the Trollkin of Durgin Kriel to take a number of Champions and Kriel Warriors off to join the United Kriels for a time, before returning to Durgin with this knowledge and experience from those battle, as well as to bring the news of their kins' plight back to the Durgin Kriel. As a Warlock Haakon grants his fellow warriors strength of arm and increased coordination, but much of his magic is focused into making himself the most powerful warrior he can manage to become, rightly believing that by the strength of his own blades and the trolls he commands he can sway the tide of an entire battle. A whirlwind of biting steel, cutting blades and iron cudgels Haakon cuts a hole in the enemy line with his Champions and Trolls and tear the enemy apart. Such is his great warrior strength and the renown his martial skills have brought him that even full blooded trolls, Axers in particular, have sworn the kulgat blood oath and become mighty Champions, acknowledging him as Kithkar. They have even begun to take specific training under his direction, and hopefully a new tradition of full blooded Troll warriors besides the Axers, Bouncers and Impalers will be born.

Korgan Thunderrider
Korgan is a bit short for a trollkin but solidly built, some joke that he has some kinship with the dwarves, others say that he must surely have some bison heritage in his blood. It is true that he bears some resemblance to both of these groups, with a more pronounced stone "beard" than even most other trollkin, his chin is practically solid gray of stone growths, however he also has the flat broad face reminiscent of a Bison and often times has a temperament to match, he is also completely bald, and his skin is a dark greenish blue color. It is true he has an undeniable affinity with Bisons. A renowned Long Rider Korgan Thunderrider is the Trollkin in charge of all the Bison herds under the Kriel's protection that the Long Riders rely on for mounts, and which the Kriel to some extent relies upon for meat and milk. Elsewhere the Bison have begun to thin as humanity and war has pushed into their native habitats, and the Durgin Kriel has taken to sheltering a great number of these herds, even as they search for a new place that many of these herds may be released to roam the countryside under their direction. In the meantime, Korgan sees to their protection and takes an active hand in raising both those used for meat and milk as well as those trained as war mounts and to pull the Trollkin's great war wagons. Korgan is a master of devastating charges, blitz attacks and cavalry tactics. Under his magical direction his warriors and trolls quickly close the distance and crash into the enemy with terrible destructive force, Korgan is more than capable of getting stuck into a fight and holding his own but he prefers to break the enemy utterly in a single devastating charge, crushing his enemies under the force of his first attack. He usually rides into battle on his huge and battle-scarred bison mount with the most elite of his Long Riders besides him, war wagons interspersed with his forces with a few dire troll blitzers offering their strength and firepower to any such overwhelming attack. Besides being the cavalry leader of the Kriel and taking full charge of the management of the Bison herds, Korgan also makes sure the edges of the Durgin's kriel territory that extends into the plains near their forest home is well patrolled and that the grazing grounds they often relied upon to feed their herds are well cared for and they are not encroached upon by any enemies of the Kriel.

Rona Sturmdottir
Vallassor Cragfist is an undeniably powerful Runeshaper and a charismatic leader, and Callum is a venerated Shaman of Dhunia, but in terms of sheer arcane might none in all of the Kriels match the magical strength of Rona Sturmdottir. Like Vallassor she is an albino, a born sorceress, but physically they are quite distinct. Where Vallassor embodies the solid toughness and unwavering resilience of a mountain, Rona is the unbridled destructive potential of the storms themselves, as well as the nobility of the winds. Both are quite tall but there the differences end. Rona is fairly thin, though far from frail hers is a wiry untapped strength always seeming barely controlled and just on the edge of being unleashed she has all the grace of the winds and the beauty of a distant thunder storm, but behind this lays the terrible rage of the whirlwind and fury of the lightning. Her eyes are the same pinkish red as any albino, but they usually glow with a crackling blue power, and her skin, unlike Vallassor's marble white is the blue-white of a lightning strike, and her head quills are a bluish color as well. In battle she calls on the power of the winds to shield herself and allies from the weapons of the enemy especially at range, and confounds the enemies attempts to strike their foes with gusts of disorienting wind. However she is best known for her terrible power, unleashing lightning strikes and blasts of thunder to tear apart her enemies along with great cutting winds that can blow her enemies about like ragdolls and rip them limb from limb. She often prefers to strike from afar and waiting until the enemy is broken or severely battered before they either reach her melee combatants or she orders her warriors into battle. She often calls on scattergunners, bushwackers, thumpers and sluggers along with Dire Troll bombers and Troll Impalers to break down the enemy at range, and then sending in Fenn Blades, Storm Trolls and warriors to finish off the enemy, keeping some Warders back to protect her more vulnerable troops from any enemies who might break through. Among the Kriel she has a position of some authority, she is called the "High Sorceress" of the Kriel and all other magic users, especially sorcerers hold her in high regard for her power and the control she has over it. She does not merely serve in combat but helps to bring good weather to the Kriel and aid in their agricultural efforts by bring rain and staving off drought. She is also wise to the ways of nature and will often wander out into the forest to become better acquainted with the natural world, she often returns from these trips with a troll or two especially storm trolls who seem drawn to her. She combines a clinical approach to studying her magic to the more naturalistic ways of a sorcerer as she attempts to fully understand her powers and how to apply them.
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I've written up some descriptions and a bit of background for my five warlocks who will probably be some of the most important characters in my faction, I might expand upon or refine them a bit more of course, and I've edited it into my post. What do you guys think?

Vallasor Cragfist
Vallassor Cragfist is the Chieftain of the Durgin Kriel, ostensibly the highest authority, the truth is that she shares power with the Council of Elders which help to mediate conflicts and use their great wisdom and experience to make the important day to day decisions that greatly impact the lives of those in the Kriel. Vallasor stands tall and broad of shoulder with a statuesque and solid build. As a Sorcerer from birth she is an albino with the white skin and red-pink eyes that denote her power, It is often remarked that she seems to have been carved from marble, her head quills are dark gray in color in contrast to many Sorcerers who have reddish quills. Vallassor is a Runeshaper, with an innate connection to earth and stone she can command the very earth to rise and attend to her will. She concentrates her power using mystical runes that manifest in the stones she commands, and she can raise walls of stone and lift great boulders into the air to be used as shields or to hurl at her enemies. Vallassor is as canny and quick witted as she is solid however and she is always searching for new ways to apply her powers. Although the Runeshaper tradition is separate from the magical runes and stone commanders of the Blackclad Druids, and despite the conflicts between the Blackclads and her Kriel, Vallassor still finds their rune-magic to be of great interest and has studied it whenever possible. She and the elders both know the true reason the Blackclads covet their land - their Kriel's location over a powerful natural layline which was transferred with the Kriel. Vallasor would harness the power of this layline if she could, which she sees as the natural power of Dhunia herself, not the Devourer Wyrm as the Blackclads believe. She feels if the Kriel could tap into that power, and if they could create some of the great wood and stone Wolds as the Blackclads do, it would be a great boon to her Kriel, especially now in these dangerous times. In combat she often utilizes forces of unrelenting unstoppable strength, she is fond of bringing warders, runeshapers and stonebearers, as well as troll bouncers and earthborn dire trolls.

Callum Kinroot
Somewhat stooped and bowed by age, Callum has a craggy beard of almost obsidian black growths and dark brown wood colored spines, his skin is wrinkled and leathery, a somewhat faded dark blue. His strength shows despite his age and while he is quite thin he is far from frail with the same wiry musculature as Rona, like thick tree roots beneath his dark skin. He often has an easy smile on his face and he uses a rune inscribed staff carved from an incredibly ancient tree from the Mistboughs to help support his weight, though most suspect this is merely an affectation as he has shown remarkable alacrity and mobility in combat while relying very little on the cane, which is also a repository and conduit of great natural magics and his own substantial power. Callum Kinroot is the oldest and wisest of the Council of Elders. He is second only to Vallassor in authority and she is smart enough to listen his wisdom and experience and they usually see eye to eye. Callum has long been a Warlock of great power, and used to be the Chieftain of the Durgin Kriel, when he began to get on in years he recognized the strength and quick with of Vallassor and stepped aside to allow her to rise to his place, even as he took his place on the Elder Council as the oldest among them. Callum is a Shaman of Dhunia, with all of the fecundity typical of a devout priest of that goddess, and it is said at least half of the Durgin Kriel are his kith, his direct blood descendants and relatives. He is always ready with a calm word and a compassionate ear, to most he seems quite easygoing and calm, and his friendly demeanor allows him to resolve many disputes and conflicts within the Kriel that cannot be easily solved by a simple agreement or duel, and when they come to him such disputes are resolved quite amiably and fairly, recognized to be so by all sides. Callum however was quite the firebrand in his younger days, and retains quite a bit of vigor and vitality. When the Kriel is threatened Callum is more than prepared to take to the field, using his Dhunian magic to support his fellow Trollbloods, to give them Dhunia's strength and to help heal their many wounds. Trolls and even Dire Trolls seem to respect to his strength and his connection to Dhunia and get along quite well with the old Shaman. Callum is a pillar of the Kriels community and despite his age he has many years of life ahead of him to help guide the Durgin Kriel to a more prosperous future.

Haakon Wartamer
Haakon is a scarred and grizzled veteran warrior, the scars alone contesting to his frequent and intense participation in combat, since scars are hard to acquire and to keep for a Trollkin. Thickly built and heavily muscled, Haakon also has a pronounced gut no doubt greatly contributed to by his immensive appetite which he has developed increasingly over the years because of how much energy he requires both for his intense fighting style and because of how much he must regenerate after combat. Haakon is quite handsome among Trollkin, his scars merely adding to his dashing good looks, he has a strong powerful chin and a broad grin, he is extremely serious in combat but once the fighting is done he is as jovial and boastful as the next warrior proudly proclaiming his great deeds in combat, he has a respectable beard of light gray growths, a fairly thick growth of orange-yellow spines on his head and vibrant blue skin. Possibly the greatest warrior in all the Kriel, a title only disputed by a very few Trollkin, Haakon is acknowledged as Kithkar of all the Champions in the Kriel, and he is widely acknowledged as the greatest Hero of the Champions, and so is regarded as the leader of all the members of that warrior tradition in the whole of the Kriel news of his great strength and skill has attracted warriors from all over to take the kulgat blood oath to be regarded as a member of his kith and Kriel and to be take into the same blood family as this renowned figure. Haakon was one of the Trollkin of Durgin Kriel to take a number of Champions and Kriel Warriors off to join the United Kriels for a time, before returning to Durgin with this knowledge and experience from those battle, as well as to bring the news of their kins' plight back to the Durgin Kriel. As a Warlock Haakon grants his fellow warriors strength of arm and increased coordination, but much of his magic is focused into making himself the most powerful warrior he can manage to become, rightly believing that by the strength of his own blades and the trolls he commands he can sway the tide of an entire battle. A whirlwind of biting steel, cutting blades and iron cudgels Haakon cuts a hole in the enemy line with his Champions and Trolls and tear the enemy apart. Such is his great warrior strength and the renown his martial skills have brought him that even full blooded trolls, Axers in particular, have sworn the kulgat blood oath and become mighty Champions, acknowledging him as Kithkar. They have even begun to take specific training under his direction, and hopefully a new tradition of full blooded Troll warriors besides the Axers, Bouncers and Impalers will be born.

Korgan Thunderrider
Korgan is a bit short for a trollkin but solidly built, some joke that he has some kinship with the dwarves, others say that he must surely have some bison heritage in his blood. It is true that he bears some resemblance to both of these groups, with a more pronounced stone "beard" than even most other trollkin, his chin is practically solid gray of stone growths, however he also has the flat broad face reminiscent of a Bison and often times has a temperament to match, he is also completely bald, and his skin is a dark greenish blue color. It is true he has an undeniable affinity with Bisons. A renowned Long Rider Korgan Thunderrider is the Trollkin in charge of all the Bison herds under the Kriel's protection that the Long Riders rely on for mounts, and which the Kriel to some extent relies upon for meat and milk. Elsewhere the Bison have begun to thin as humanity and war has pushed into their native habitats, and the Durgin Kriel has taken to sheltering a great number of these herds, even as they search for a new place that many of these herds may be released to roam the countryside under their direction. In the meantime, Korgan sees to their protection and takes an active hand in raising both those used for meat and milk as well as those trained as war mounts and to pull the Trollkin's great war wagons. Korgan is a master of devastating charges, blitz attacks and cavalry tactics. Under his magical direction his warriors and trolls quickly close the distance and crash into the enemy with terrible destructive force, Korgan is more than capable of getting stuck into a fight and holding his own but he prefers to break the enemy utterly in a single devastating charge, crushing his enemies under the force of his first attack. He usually rides into battle on his huge and battle-scarred bison mount with the most elite of his Long Riders besides him, war wagons interspersed with his forces with a few dire troll blitzers offering their strength and firepower to any such overwhelming attack. Besides being the cavalry leader of the Kriel and taking full charge of the management of the Bison herds, Korgan also makes sure the edges of the Durgin's kriel territory that extends into the plains near their forest home is well patrolled and that the grazing grounds they often relied upon to feed their herds are well cared for and they are not encroached upon by any enemies of the Kriel.

Rona Sturmdottir
Vallassor Cragfist is an undeniably powerful Runeshaper and a charismatic leader, and Callum is a venerated Shaman of Dhunia, but in terms of sheer arcane might none in all of the Kriels match the magical strength of Rona Sturmdottir. Like Vallassor she is an albino, a born sorceress, but physically they are quite distinct. Where Vallassor embodies the solid toughness and unwavering resilience of a mountain, Rona is the unbridled destructive potential of the storms themselves, as well as the nobility of the winds. Both are quite tall but there the differences end. Rona is fairly thin, though far from frail hers is a wiry untapped strength always seeming barely controlled and just on the edge of being unleashed she has all the grace of the winds and the beauty of a distant thunder storm, but behind this lays the terrible rage of the whirlwind and fury of the lightning. Her eyes are the same pinkish red as any albino, but they usually glow with a crackling blue power, and her skin, unlike Vallassor's marble white is the blue-white of a lightning strike, and her head quills are a bluish color as well. In battle she calls on the power of the winds to shield herself and allies from the weapons of the enemy especially at range, and confounds the enemies attempts to strike their foes with gusts of disorienting wind. However she is best known for her terrible power, unleashing lightning strikes and blasts of thunder to tear apart her enemies along with great cutting winds that can blow her enemies about like ragdolls and rip them limb from limb. She often prefers to strike from afar and waiting until the enemy is broken or severely battered before they either reach her melee combatants or she orders her warriors into battle. She often calls on scattergunners, bushwackers, thumpers and sluggers along with Dire Troll bombers and Troll Impalers to break down the enemy at range, and then sending in Fenn Blades, Storm Trolls and warriors to finish off the enemy, keeping some Warders back to protect her more vulnerable troops from any enemies who might break through. Among the Kriel she has a position of some authority, she is called the "High Sorceress" of the Kriel and all other magic users, especially sorcerers hold her in high regard for her power and the control she has over it. She does not merely serve in combat but helps to bring good weather to the Kriel and aid in their agricultural efforts by bring rain and staving off drought. She is also wise to the ways of nature and will often wander out into the forest to become better acquainted with the natural world, she often returns from these trips with a troll or two especially storm trolls who seem drawn to her. She combines a clinical approach to studying her magic to the more naturalistic ways of a sorcerer as she attempts to fully understand her powers and how to apply them.

Would you be amenable to help with industrializing in exchange for learning how to magic?
Would you be amenable to help with industrializing in exchange for learning how to magic?
Hm, well, I'm not entirely sure I would have a lot of problems industrializing if I need to, since even as a fairly remote Kriel they have had some contact with the heavily industrialized Iron Kingdoms of man, and no few members of the Kriel have lived in human cities and know how much of how industrialized equipment and factories work, and the Trollkin do know how to work iron and metals to a sophisticated degree, so if I need to industrialize I'm pretty sure I could manage it on my own.

On the other hand, GM/setting fiat aside, the magic my guys use isn't really the kind that can be taught to non-members. You either have it from birth (like sorcerers) or it comes from Dhunia (from her Shamans and Priests/Priestesses) which would require you to have some sort of connection to the goddess (which you might be able to form, I don't know) but would require at the very least those who use the magic to be worshipers and followers of Dhunia, or it's spiritual magic that comes from inscribing their history and legends, which can take on a kind of spiritual power in itself, which is very important culturally to the Trollkin and I doubt they would teach to outsiders unless they had enormous trust in them. Or it's magic like the Fell Callers use, which is based on bloodline.

Warlocking requires a deep connecting to nature and the natural world, and the ability to connect to the minds of great beasts, and this is usually something you're born with and can't really be learned, like being a sorcerer.
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Excerpts from the American constitution circa 1934 after establishing the UASR and officially dissolving the USA.

Basic Law of the Union of American Socialist Republics

Ratified 15 March 1934


The first chapter of American front of the world communist revolution has come to a close. The workers of the Union, a collection of many nations and creeds, have at last brought about their human emancipation. Under the leadership of the Workers' Party, an alliance of industrial workers, small farmers, tradesmen, sharecroppers, sailors and oppressed peoples, has destroyed the domestic threat of fascist reaction. The revolutionary vanguard has defeated all attempts by the bourgeoisie and landlords to bring the people back into bondage.

The men and women of the revolutionary vanguard have overcome the late degeneration of capitalist society into total barbarism. We will not go back to the old world, where great machinery of abundance served only to leave the great multitude in want, where there existed one law for the rulers and one law for the ruled.

The workers of America, having taken power through organized class struggle must now forge ahead. We will make a new world from the ashes of the old, freed from the greed, hate, ignorance and intolerance of the old society, with its classes and class wars. We reject the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, whether in the form of the liberal oligarchical state or the fascist state.

At this critical stage in the world communist revolution, we the workers and oppressed peoples of the United States, have resolved to continue our struggle until the final victory of the proletarians of all nations is achieved. To that end, to serve as the instrument of our class emancipation, the workers have instituted the democratic dictatorship of the proletariat. The workers' republic, unlike the bourgeois state, is not the instrument of class domination. In the workers' republic, the rule of men by men gives way to the administration of things. The libertarian society of socialism is predicated on the fact that the free development of each individual is the condition for the free development of all.

The workers' republic cherishes the individual freedom and democratic agency of its citizens. Absolutism, a relic of class society, is antithetical to its very nature. It is by no means the aim of the workers, who have got rid of the narrow mentality of humble subjects, to institute a state with unrestrained power. The workers recognize that freedom consists in converting the state from an organ superimposed upon society into one completely subordinate to it. Rather, it is the ultimate aim of the workers' party and the revolutionary socialist project to end man's inhumanity to man.

We seek a condition of society in which there should be neither rich nor poor, neither master nor master's man, neither idle nor overworked, neither brain-sick brain workers, nor heart-sick hand workers; in which all men would be living in equality of condition, and would manage their affairs unwastefully, and with the full consciousness that harm to one would mean harm to all—the realization at last of the meaning of the word commonwealth.

To defend the free association of workers from reaction, organize free and fair relations and administration in the lower stage of communism, promote the development of the material conditions of the higher stage of communism, and to advance the world communist revolution, we, the Congress of Soviets of Workers', Farmers', Soldiers' and Peoples' Deputies, do hereby establish the Union of American Socialist Republics as a federal socialist republic and a permanent, indivisible Union until the world victory of the proletariat and the establishment of world communism.

Article I: Organization of the Union

Section 1

The workers' republic is established as a North American Union of Socialist Council Republics, or a Union of American Socialist Republics. The political form of the workers' republic shall be a socialist federation of the toiling people.

Section 2

The Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and People's Deputies, which grew and attained strength as a result of the overthrow of the landlords and capitalists and the achievement of the dictatorship of the proletariat, constitute the political foundation of the UASR.

Section 3

All power belongs to the working people, as represented by the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and People's Deputies.

Section 4

The socialist system of economy and the socialist ownership of the means of production constitute the economic foundation of the UASR. Bearing in mind as its fundamental problem the abolition of the exploitation of men by men, the entire abolition of the division of the people into classes, the suppression of exploiters, the establishment of a socialist society, and the victory of socialism in all lands, it is resolved:
  1. For the purpose of attaining the socialization of land, all private property in land is abolished, and the entire land is declared to be common property and is to be apportioned among farmers without compensation of the former owners, to the measure of each one's ability to till it.
  2. All forests, treasures of the earth, and waters of general public utility, all equipment whether animate or inanimate, model farms and agricultural enterprises, are declared to be common property.
  3. As a first step toward complete transfer of ownership to the workers' republic of all factories, mills, mines, railways, and other means of production and transportation, the soviet law for the control of workmen and the establishment of a supreme economic council is hereby confirmed so as to insure the power of the workers over the exploiters.
  4. The transfer of all banks to the ownership of the Workers', Soldiers' and Peoples' Government, as one of the conditions of the liberation of the toiling masses from the yoke of capital, is confirmed.
  5. For the purpose of securing the working class in the possession of complete power, and in order to eliminate all possibility of restoring the power of the exploiters, it is decreed that all workers be armed, and that a Revolutionary Army and Navy be organized and the propertied class disarmed.

Article II: The Workers' State

Section 1

The All-Union Congress of Soviets of Workers', Farmers', Soldiers', Sailors', and People's Deputies is the supreme instrument of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Supreme executive power derives solely from the mandate of the masses expressed through the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and People's Deputies.

Section 2

All cities, towns, municipalities, communes and villages within the UASR shall be governed by a duly elected soviet, and shall be uniformly and proportionally represented according to population in the regional and provincial Congress of Soviets.

Section 3

The provincial Congresses of Soviets shall elect deputies to the All-Union Congress of Soviets according to a manner established by law.

Section 4

The All-Union Congress of Soviets shall be convened by the Central Executive Council at least twice a year. A special Congress may be called on the Congress's own volition, or by a call of Soviets representing not less than 1/3 of the population of the UASR. The Central Executive Council and/or the Presidium may call special conventions of the Congress.

Section 5:

The Congress of Soviets shall elect a Central Executive Council. The Central Executive Council shall be entirely responsible to the Congress of Soviets. In between sessions of the Congress of Soviets, the Central Executive Council shall exercise the legislative and executive powers of the union.

Section 6

The Congress of Soviets shall elect a Presidium, to fulfill the role of head of state of the UASR.

Article III: Federalism

Section 1

The Union is a compact among the toiling people of many nations and many states, and as such this compact is a federal republic. Members of the Union have rights and duties according to their historical situation within the Union.

Section 2

All states of the former United States, excepting the special exceptions granted by the Congress of Soviets upon the formation of this Union upon the petition of their peoples, are Integral Union Republics. Integral Union Republics, as they were under the United States, are permanent members of the Union, and possess no right to unilateral secession. Any other member of the Union has the right, with the consent of the Congress of Soviets, to irrevocably declare itself to be an Integral Union Republic.

Section 3

Oppressed nations within the boundaries of the former United States proper, have the right to form as they so choose, Autonomous Union Republics within and/or among the territory of the Integral Union Republics. This shall include, but will not be limited to, the African nations of the Deep South, and the tribal groups of the Native American peoples. As part of their role, Autonomous Republics possess the rights to autonomy in administering cultural practices, and the mandate by the All-Union government to economic development.

Section 4

Nations annexed to the UASR, but not part of the United States proper, maintain the right to form Associated Union Republics within the Union. Associated Union Republics reserve the right to self-determination, and may organize their internal structure with autonomy, and reserve the right to secede from the Union unilaterally. Associated Union Republics have mandates of developmental assistance from the All-Union government.

Section 5

The All-Union government shall have the right, with the consent of member yielding territory, to form Union Communes as federal enclaves for the purposes of government administration. At the time of ratification, the former District of Columbia shall be established as a Union Commune as the Debs Commune, to serve as the seat of the All-Union government. The All-Union government retains the right to establish its capital as a matter of law.

Section 6

Within the limits of the territory of each Integral Union Republic and each Autonomous Union Republic, the supreme organ of power is the Congress of Soviets of the Republic, and in Congressional recesses, its Central Executive Council, in a form described by the Union Republic's constitution.

Section 7

All members of the Union shall give full faith and credit to all public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other province. The All-Union government may by law prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings be proved and the effect thereof.

Section 8

All members of the Union shall enjoy the right of extradition with all other members.

Section 9

The Union of American Socialist Republics shall guarantee to all members the preservation of the democratic dictatorship of the proletariat, and shall protect each against invasion.

Section 10

The following powers are prohibited to all provinces:
  1. No member shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation.
  2. No member shall print or coin money.
  3. Neither bills of attainder nor any ex post facto laws shall be made.
  4. No member shall, without the consent of the All-Union Congress of Soviets or its constituent organs, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports. The net produce of all such imposts and duties shall be for use in the public trust of the Union, and all such laws shall be subject to revision and control by the All-Union Congress of Soviets.
  5. No member shall, without the consent of All-Union Congress of Soviets, keep troops in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with other provinces or with foreign powers, or engage in war, unless actually invaded or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.

Article IV: The Central Executive Council

Section 1

All legislative and executive powers herein granted shall be vested in the All-Union Central Executive Council, which shall be constituted of a Council of People's Deputies which shall represent the whole of the UASR, and a Council of the States, which shall represent the member republics of the Union.

All members of the CEC shall be members of at least one executive committee of an All-Union Secretariat, but no member shall chair more than one committee.

The All-Union Central Executive Council shall serve as the standing legislature of the UASR whenever the Congress of Soviets is not in session.

Section 2

The Congress of Soviets shall elect the members of the CEC's Council of People's Deputies from among its members according to the manner prescribed by law.

The Council of People's Deputies shall be elected to a term not exceeding four years from the date of the last election. This requirement shall not be infringed except in time of war, and only with the consent of the Congress of Soviets. New elections shall be held within sixty days of dissolution of the chamber. Council of People's Deputies may determine, in such times when the CEC plenum is not in session, when its sessions shall be adjourned and resumed. It may be called to reconvene if the Speaker calls for convention. He shall be obliged to do so if one third of the members, the Central Committee or the Presidium of the Union so demand.

The Council of People's Deputies shall elect its Speaker and all other officers, and adopt its rules of procedure.

Section 3

The Council of People's Deputies shall be a working body, devoted to the drafting, debate and recommendation of all legislation of all-Union importance

Section 4

The Council of the States shall be composed of one representatives from each member of the Union, elected according to all-Union electoral law by the Congress of Soviets of their member republic.

The Council of the States shall choose their President, and other officers.

Section 5

The Council of the States shall have the following enumerated powers:
  1. To propose amendments to legislation on the floor of the CEC, subject to approval by a simple majority of the CEC;
  2. To conduct official, independent inquiries and provide oversight over the All-Union and provincial governments.
  3. To oversee All-Union elections and to provide indictments for violation of election law;
  4. Confirmation of alterations of boundaries between Integral Union Republics;
  5. Confirmation of the formation of new Autonomous Republics within Integral Union Republics;

Section 6

The Central Committee of the Central Executive Council, shall consist of the executive committee chairman of the All-Union government, elected from the membership of the CEC. The Central Committee shall be a constituent organ of the CEC.

Upon election, chairmen of the executive committees shall be appointed by the Presidium and shall hold office with the confidence of the CEC.

On taking office, the People's Secretaries and other executive officers shall take the following oath of office:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Basic Law of the Union of American Socialist Republics against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.

If a constructive motion of no confidence receives the support of the majority of the CEC, then the current Central Committee must resign or be dismissed, and the new Central Committee appointed.

If at any time the Central Committee loses the confidence of the CEC, and no new Central Committee has been elected on the same ballot, then the CEC shall be dissolved, and new elections held.

Upon any dissolution of the CEC, the Presidium shall be required to convene the Congress of Soviets.

Section 7

The Central Executive Council shall be delegated the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying out the execution of the following, enumerated jurisdictions:
  1. Representation of the Union in international relations, conclusion and ratification of treaties with other states;
  2. Questions of war and peace;
  3. Control over the observance of the Basic Law of the UASR and ensuring conformity of the Basic Law of the members of the Union with the Basic Law of the UASR;
  4. Organization of the defense of the UASR and direction of Revolutionary Armed Forces;
  5. Foreign trade on the basis of state monopoly;
  6. Safeguarding the security of the state;
  7. Establishment of the national economic plans of the UASR;
  8. Approval of the single state budget of the UASR as well as of the taxes and revenues which go to the all-Union, Republican and local budgets;
  9. Administration of the banks, industrial and agricultural establishments and enterprises and trading enterprises of all-Union importance;
  10. Administration of transport and communications;
  11. Direction of the monetary and credit system;
  12. Organization of state insurance;
  13. Raising and granting of loans;
  14. Establishment of the basic principles for the use of land as well as for the use of natural deposits, forests and waters;
  15. Establishment of the basic principles in the spheres of education and public health;
  16. Organization of a uniform system of national economic statistics;
  17. Establishment of the principles of labor legislation;
  18. Legislation on the judicial system and judicial procedure; criminal and civil codes;
  19. Laws on citizenship of the Union; laws on the rights of foreigners;
  20. Issuing of All-Union acts of amnesty;
  21. The impeachment of the Presidium and all other public officers for official misconduct, high crimes or treason. All impeachments shall be tried by a special tribunal elected from the Congress of Soviets.

Section 8

The following powers are prohibited to the Central Executive Council:
  1. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be made or enforced.
  2. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any party to the Union.
  3. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one member over those of another.
  4. No money shall be appropriated from the public trust except by provisions of law. Regular statements and accounts of all receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published regularly.
  5. No title of nobility shall be granted by the Union, and no person shall accept any office or title of any kind from any foreign state except upon the consent of the CEC.
Section 9

Each chamber shall be the judge of the qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum; a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members.

Each chamber may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.

Each chamber shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and regularly publish the same.

Neither chamber, during the session of the Central Executive Council, shall adjourn for more than three days without the consent of the other.

Section 10

Members of the CEC shall receive compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law but not exceeding the wage of an average skilled worker, to be paid out of the public trust of the Union. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective chambers, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either chamber.

Article V: The Presidium

Section 1

The executive power of the head of state shall be invested in a collegial body, the Presidium of the Congress of Soviets.

Section 2

The Presidium shall consist of a Secretary-General, and such deputies and secretaries as shall be determined by law, elected by the Congress of Soviets. The Presidium shall be accountable to the Congress of Soviets for all its actions.

The Secretary-General may not be a member of the Central Executive Council or an officer of any member of the Union.

The Presidium of the Congress of Soviets shall oversee the enforcement of the Basic Law of the Union, and the fair enforcement of all laws and decrees enacted by the state.

Section 3

Members of the Presidium shall be elected to terms of fixed length not to exceed five years, as defined by statute, by a quorum of the Congress of Soviets, and shall hold office during good behavior.

Section 4

The Presidium shall be delegated the following enumerated powers.
  1. The promulgation of decrees and laws enacted by either the Congress of Soviets or the Central Executive Council.
  2. Thedissolution of the Central ExecutiveCouncil and the setting of new elections upon the recommendation of the Central Committeer.
  3. The appointment and dismissal of the Central Committee according to the confidence expressed by the CEC.
  4. The power to suspend all acts ratified by the Central Executive Committee for a period of up to six months, except upon the concurrence of 2/3rds of both chambers of the CEC. The Presidium may during this period order such acts submitted to the Congress of Soviets for ratification.
  5. The establishment of orders and medals in the UASR, and in the awarding of such
  6. The right of pardon
  7. Ratification of all treaties, upon the advice and consent of the Central Executive Council.
  8. Representing the Union in foreign affairs, including the reception of envoys, and in appointing and dismissing all ambassadors and other plenipotentiaries upon the advice and consent of the Central Executive Council.
  9. The power, with the advice and consent of the Central Executive Council, to appoint judges of the All-Union Court system.

Section 5

Members of the Presidium shall hold the privilege of speaking on the floor of any chamber of the Central Executive Council.

Article VI: The Judiciary

Section 1

In order to maintain revolutionary legality within the territory of the UASR, the judicial power shall be vested in a system of tribunals, consisting of an All-Union Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal, and all inferior tribunals established by law.

Section 2

The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Basic Law, the laws of the Union and treaties made; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls; to all cases of maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which the Union shall be a party; to controversies between two or more parties to the Union; between citizens of different parties to the Union, and between a party to the union or citizens thereof, and foreign states and citizens.

Section 3

The All-Union Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal shall have the following responsibilities;
  1. To give the Supreme Revolutionary of the member Republics the authentic interpretations on questions of federal legislation;
  2. To examine, on the request of the Solicitor-General of the UASR, the decrees, decisions, and verdicts of the Supreme Revolutionary Tribunals of the member Republics, with the view of discovering any infraction of the federal laws, or harming the interests of other Republics, and if such be discovered to bring them before the CEC of the UASR;
  3. To render decisions on the request of the CEC of the UASR as to the constitutionality of laws passed by the member Republics;
  4. To settle legal disputes between the member Republics;
  5. To hold original jurisdiction in all cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers and consuls, and those in which a party to the Union are involved
  6. To hold appellate jurisdiction in all other cases mentioned, both as to law and fact, with such exception and under such regulations as the Central Executive Council shall make.
Section 4

All members of the judiciary shall hold their office in good behavior, for terms established by law. A term shall not exceed ten years. In addition, the law may limit the lifetime tenure of any person to a specific judicial office, whether by fixing the number of terms permissible to hold that office, or the total time allowed to be spent in that office.

Article VII: Sovereignty

Section 1

The standard language of the All-Union government shall be American English. However, the promulgation of all laws, decrees and public documents by the All-Union government shall also be made available in German, Yiddish, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Polish and Russian. Union Republics with sizeable populations of non-English speakers shall be required to take similar measures with regards to their laws and decrees. Additionally, such republics shall be required to provide multilingual instruction in schools and universities, as well as provide reasonable accommodation in all public signage.

Section 2

The national flag shall be an engineer's compass overlaying a hammer, set in a circle formed by a half-gear and a wreath of grain. This emblem shall be centered on a field twice as long as tall. The field shall be divided diagonally from the bottom left to the upper right; the upper-left half shall be red, and the bottom-right half shall be black.

The anthem of the UASR shall be The Internationale

The maxim of the Union shall be "Workers of all nations, unite!"

Declaration of the Rights of Workers and Exploited Peoples

Ratified 7 October 1934


With the victory of proletarian revolution in America, and the establishment of a soviet society and economy now achieved, the revolutionary government has the duty sweep aside the reactionary and oppressive remnants of the old order, which treated people, especially those deemed lesser than the dominant clique of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, as disposable tools.

The dictatorship of the proletariat rejects the selfish and evil sentiment of class society that every man is for himself and let the devil take the hindmost. Freedom is more than just protections from undue abuse by the state. Individual freedom cannot exist without economic security, for necessitous men are not free men. People who are ostracized for their language, their nation, their race or their religion are not free. Women who are subjected to cruel dependency on men to support themselves and their children, and who must undertake the socially necessary but nonetheless unremunerated domestic labor that supports the basis for society, are not free.

This declaration is a compact by the revolutionary workers of the Union of American Socialist Republics to establish a social order where everyone would be free from fear and free from want.

Article I

The strength of the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat is unity in diversity. While we hold the full compatibility of social and cultural self-determination with the revolution, no article of this declaration shall be construed as undermining the revolutionary democratic institutions of workers power.

Article II

The Union of American Socialist Republics is a nation of nations. Pursuant to this, all peoples have the right of self-determination, and thus the right to freely determine their political status, and pursue economic, social and cultural development.

Article III

The many immigrant nations of the UASR have the right to speak their language, and pursue their own social, cultural and religious practices within the UASR.

Article IV

The development of productive forces across the imperial possessions of the old United States, as well as many areas within the country proper, has been highly uneven and malformed by bourgeois political economy. All parties of the Union, including the all-Union government, shall individually and collectively take steps to provide economic, technical, and educational assistance, maximizing the development of eusocial productive forces so that all may benefit.

Article V

All parties of the Union, including the all-Union government, must ensure the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all economic, social and cultural rights in this declaration. This article shall not be construed to prohibit the necessary protections women need as mothers and as a historically disadvantage sex to ensure they may enjoy equality of condition.

Article VI

All parties of the Union must ensure the equal right of all races, nationalities, and peoples to the enjoyment of all economic, social, and cultural rights in this declaration. This article shall not be construed to prohibit the necessary protections historically disadvantaged groups need against the legacy of disenfranchisement and prejudice to ensure they may enjoy equality of condition.

Article VII

1. All parties of the Union the right to work, which includes the right of everyone to the free association of labor, the democratic management of economic life, and will take appropriate steps to safeguard this right.
2. To achieve the full realization of this right, the all-Union government shall organize technical and vocational guidance and training programs, policies and techniques to achieve steady economic, social and cultural development and full and productive employment under conditions safeguarding fundamental political and economic freedoms to the individual.

Article VIII

All persons shall have the right to the enjoyment of just and favorable conditions of work which ensure:
a) Remuneration which provides all workers with fair wages and equal remunerations for work of equal value without distinction of any kind, in particular with respect to race, sex, or nation;
b) Safe and healthy working conditions;
c) Equal opportunity for everyone to be promoted to an appropriate higher level, subject to no considerations other than seniority and competence;
d) Rest, leisure and reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay, as well as remuneration for public holidays;

Article IX

All parties to the present declaration shall ensure:
a) The right of everyone to form and to join alternative trade unions of their choice, subject only to the rules of the organization concern, for the promotion of their economic and social interests. No person exercising this right shall be excluded from membership in, nor be sanctioned in anyway by, the official trade union federation. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public order or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others;
b) The right of all trade unions to establish national federations, and the right of trade union federations to form or join international organizations;
c) The right to strike, limited only by restrictions prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public order or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others;

Article X

All persons shall have the right to social security, including social insurance.

Article XI

All persons shall have the right to an irreducible minimum of resources to ensure an adequate standard of living. All persons have the right to freedom from want, especially freedom from hunger, subject only to the limitations of the level of the development of productive forces.

Article XII

Everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing. All parties of the union must take reasonable measures within available resources to achieve the progressive realization of this right.

Article XIII

Everyone has the right to have access to sufficient food and water.

Article XIV

All persons shall have the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. This shall include, but not be limited to:
a) The provision for the reduction of the stillbirth-rate and of infant mortality, and for the healthy development of all children;
b) The improvement of all aspects of environmental and industrial hygiene;
c) The prevention, treatment and control of epidemic, endemic, occupational and other disease;
d) The creation of conditions which would assure to all medical service and medical attention in the event of sickness;

Article XV

Every child has the right:
a) To a name and a nationality from birth
b) To family care or parental care, or to the appropriate alternative care when removed from the family environment
c) To basic nutrition, shelter, health care services and social services
d) To be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation
e) To be protected from exploitative labor practices
f) Not to be required or permitted to perform work that is inappropriate for a person of that age, or places at risk the child's wellbeing, education, physical or mental or social development.

Article XVI

Everyone shall have the right to free education, directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups.

Article XVII

Everyone has the right of access to any information held by the state, subject only to the reasonable restrictions of national security and public order, as determined by national security juries.

Article XVIII

Everyone shall have the right to take part in cultural life; to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its application.

Article XIX

All persons are guaranteed freedom of scientific, technical, and artistic work. This freedom is ensured by broadening scientific research, encouraging invention and innovation, and developing literature and the arts. The state shall, as permitted by the level of development of productive forces, take steps to provide the progressive realization of the necessary material conditions for this and support for voluntary societies and unions of workers in the arts. The rights of authors, inventors and innovators are protected by the state.

Article XX

The all-Union government shall take progressive steps to organize the introduction of inventions and innovations in production and other spheres of activity.

Article XXI

To promote the further development of productive forces, and realize the abolition of toil, the UASR shall take progressive steps to socialize domestic labor.

Article XXII

Any direct or indirect restriction of the rights of, or, conversely, any establishment of direct or indirect privileges for, citizens on account of their race or nationality, as well as any advocacy of racial or national exclusiveness or hatred and contempt, is punishable by law.

Article XXIII

The UASR shall afford the right of asylum to foreign citizens persecuted for defending the interests of working people, or for their scientific or cultural activities, or for their struggle for national liberation.

And the fundamental principals of the dictatorship of the proleteriat, another key legal document in the UASR; also circa 1934.

UASR said:
We the peoples of the Union of North American Socialist Council Republics, having succeeded in winning our initial liberation from class dictatorship, must resolve never to surrender the freedom we have won. In establishing our workers' republic, we recognize that our state is a transitional state, serving as a channel for popular democratic power and a guardian against counterrevolution at home and reaction abroad. With the final victory of the world revolution, when unity among all peoples is achieved, the barriers of nation-state, class, caste, and language are torn down, the workers' states shall too dissolve into a universal brotherhood of man.

But until that day, the victories of the Revolution shall not be surrendered. The political foundations of the dictatorship of the proletariat shall be an entrenched law, protected by the armed masses from threat of reaction or counterrevolution.

Article I

The political apparatus of the workers' republic shall always adhere to the principle of democratic centralism. Political power derives from the base. Each Soviet Congress shall only have power over matters that substantially affect the constituents it represents. Policies of broader scope must be decided, at least, by a plenum of all Soviet Congresses affected, or through the superior Soviet Congress.

Article II

There shall never be more than three degrees of separation between the masses and the All-Union Congress of Soviets.

Article III

Democratic self-rule requires openness. The dictatorship of the proletariat is an open society, and all functions of government must be accessible to the public all times. Information may only be held secret in a manner decided by law. Classification must be reviewed by revolutionary security juries selected from the general population. The workers' republic may punish for breaches of lawfully held secrets, but protection must be rendered to those who violate official secrets in the act of exposing malfeasance.

Article IV

The well-governed republic depends upon the creation of a better way of life than office-holding. The institutions of state, political parties and other political organizations must develop rules and procedures to limit careerism and the establishment of a new class.

Article V

The right of recall shall be protected for all elected political offices.

Article VI

Any patronage of substantial value is prohibited.

Article VII

Terms of office in the Soviets are limited to two years. The Soviets shall be working bodies, with dual legislative and executive functions.

Article VIII

Land, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife shall be common property. All private property in these areas is prohibited. Title shall be granted based on use, but all holders shall be protected from arbitrary revocation of this right.

Article IX

The International Workers' Solidarity Union shall be the backbone of the socialist-syndicalist economy. Solidarity shall be subject to the norms of democratic centralism. The right to form alternative trade unions is protected.

Article X

The planned economy shall operate under principles of democratic centralism. All enterprises shall be comprised of a free association of workers, who shall elect their leaders in a manner congruent with general law. All workers in state enterprises and critical industries shall be represented in the Council of the National Economy.

Article XI

The revolution shall be preserved by the arming of the masses. The propertied classes, counterrevolutionaries, parolees, and the insane shall be disarmed. The Soviets shall maintain arsenals to provide for the arming of the masses.

Article XII

The political and civil rights of the revolutionary armed forces shall be protected. Soldiers and sailors shall be represented by their duly elected soviets, and shall elect officers in a manner consistent with the needs of revolutionary defense.

Article XIII

The workers' republic is committed to the advancement of the world revolution, and the attainment of the higher stage of communism.

Article XIV

The attainment of communism is predicated on the reduction of toil, the development of productive forces, the end of man's alienation from his labor, his fellow men, and from nature. The workers' republic shall take affirmative action to bring about uniform international development.

Article XV

The workers' republic has the power to prohibit groups hostile to the dictatorship of the proletariat and the free order and liberties it protects. All civil servants and elected officers must swear to defend the dictatorship of the proletariat. All people have the right to resistance against those who would abolish this constitutional order.

Our declaration of rights, circa 1934.

Jello Biafra said:
Declaration of the Rights of Person, Toiler, Exploited Peoples and Citizen

Ratified 24 December 1933


It is precisely because rights neither natural, owing to the inexorable laws of the universe, nor ordained by God, but rather legislated by humans, that they are so precious. In the degeneration of the Old Republic, we the peoples of the Union of American Socialist Republics have witnessed the limits of bourgeois legalism.

We recognize the truth that the order of society is a product of class conflict. No matter how well articulated or thoughtfully legislated, the rights of persons, toilers, exploited peoples and ultimately all citizens in class society are dead letters, extended at best only in the most convenient of times, and savagely curtailed whenever the material logic of political economy finds it expedient.

This Declaration of the Rights of Person, Toiler, Exploited Peoples and Citizen is a social contract, ratified by the Congress of Soviets of Workers', Farmers', Soldiers', and People's Deputies. It is a promise made by the revolutionary vanguard to the whole people, and to all succeeding generations, never to forget the painful lessons of despotism and class oppression.

It is a living promise, an entrenched law that shall serve as a statement of principles to guide the revolutionary experiment in the coming years. It is a binding promise to the revolutionary government, requiring of it to secure the fundamental freedom and dignity of all its subjects.

It is an affirmation of the most cherished goal of the revolutionary vanguard, to seek a condition of society in which there shall be neither rich nor poor, neither master nor slave, in which all peoples shall enjoy freedom and equality of condition, in which life will no longer be ruled by cruel necessity, but instead devoted to the pursuit of happiness.

Article I

All humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of comradeship. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, whether by race, color, creed, sex, language, religious or political opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Article II

All persons born or naturalized in the Union, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the Union and of the Socialist Republic in which they reside. No member of the Union shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges, rights or immunities of citizens; nor shall any party to the Union deprive any person of life or liberty without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.

Article III

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude. Slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all its forms.

Article IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated. No warrants be shall be issued except upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Article V

No law shall be made or enforced that abridges the right of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, or freedom of the broadcast and recorded media. The right of the people to peacefully assemble and participate in politics shall not be infringed.

Article VI

No one shall be subjected to torture, or to cruel and unusual punishment, nor shall any punishment be disproportionate to the crime committed.

Article VII

No person shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article VIII

No person shall be held to answer for any capital or otherwise infamous crime unless upon indictment by a Grand Jury, nor shall any person be made to answer twice for the same offence, nor shall any person be compelled to bear witness against himself.

Article IX

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Everyone is entitled to be informed of the nature and cause of any accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses against him, to have a compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have legal counsel for his defense.

Article X

Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense.

Article XI

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

Article XII

The UASR is founded upon the doctrine of state atheism; no law shall be made privileging any religion, its institutions or its adherents over any other, or over nonbelief.

Article XIII

Everyone has the right to work and the right of free choice in employment, to just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment. The right of workers to manage their workplaces shall not be infringed. The right to form and join independent trade unions shall be inalienable.

Article XIV

The Union of American Socialist Republics is a socialist state; the state, natural resources, and the means of production shall belong to the People, to be administered fairly and democratically for the common benefit of all.

Article XV

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article XVI

Everyone has the right to education, funded in whole by the polity. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial and religious groups.

Article XVII

Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

Article XVIII

The universal age of majority shall be eighteen. All persons of this age are entitled to vote, and may stand for any office within the Union. The right to vote, individual or collective, shall not be infringed.

Article XIX

The security of the workers' republic rests upon the armed mass of the whole people. To this end, the right of the Soviets to form militias, provide for the training and arming of any militia, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms in accordance with the reasonable limits of a free and democratic society, shall not be infringed.
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Would you be amenable to help with industrializing in exchange for learning how to magic?
If you guys sre able to stomach a clan based , feudal society that honestly tries to keep everyone happy and fed, and refrain from trying to convince near immortal religious people that "religion is the opium of the people"When half of their agriculture and two-thirds of their health system stem from divine magic...
We are actually willing to teach magic to responsible users.Mostly for useful knowledge, like hydroelectrical power and better,no any kind of computer tech... we are NOT going to steam power and bulldoze our forsets away, thats for sure.
Alright, desperate times call for desperate measures, who here doesn't want to be "Liberated"? No?, just me?, ok
If you guys sre able to stomach a clan based , feudal society that honestly tries to keep everyone happy and fed, and refrain from trying to convince near immortal religious people that "religion is the opium of the people"When half of their agriculture and two-thirds of their health system stem from divine magic...
We are actually willing to teach magic to responsible users.Mostly for useful knowledge, like hydroelectrical power and better,no any kind of computer tech... we are NOT going to steam power and bulldoze our forsets away, thats for sure.
The UASR doesn't care what faith you have as long as you keep it out of their politics.

It's formation did cause the largest schism in christianity in modern times though due to the Catholic church trying to meddle with the UASR via exocommunicating its supporters.

It's also home to a large neopagan revival movement part of a more general New Ageist movement as Capitalist Western Europe has a strong religious right that is trying to squeeze out new ageism.

The UASR started out as the early 20th century ideal of commnunism before a second cultural revolution in the 50s and the formation of the new left caused it to slide more towards hippie communism.

The formation of the Trinitarian Church which schismed from the Catholic Church is described here.

Jello Biafra and traveller76 said:
Trinintarianism is Christianity with its sleeves rolled up. It is not afraid to get dirty. It is not afraid to work with the sick, the poor, the illiterate. It is not afraid to go to the ends of the earth, to the jungles and deserts, to the city slums and forgotten villages. It does not discriminate against the dark skinned farm worker daughter or the lighter skinned merchant's son. It teaches all, helps all, loves all and gives all. Why do we do it? Because we can, because we should, we live in each other's happiness and not in each other's misery. To hear children laugh, to see the spark of learning in someone's eyes is worth more to me than all the gold in heaven and pearls in the sea.

Comrade Tomas Pentti, Trinitarist Service Committee (Retired), The Struggle for Liberation (1970)

The two men came into our town one day wearing dark suits and ties with white shirts, sunglasses and hats hauling suitcases. One was tall and skinny, over six foot tall and one twenty, one thirty I say. The other was about five five and about one sixty. So both of them walk into the cafe and I walk over to them to take their order. I see the tattoos on their hands, the skinny one had ELWOOD on his right hand and the fat one had JAKE on his left. I thought, oh Marx, some reactionaries escaped from prison and me being a good looking girl of eighteen would be kidnapped. Yes I read the romantic magazines to pass the time, what girl didn't. Anyway. The fat one asks me if we serve fried chicken. I tell him we serve the best damned chicken in the province. He orders four chickens, not four pieces, four entire chickens. The skinny one just wants dry white toast. Both order sweet tea. I take their order and start moving to the phone thinking I can get the switchboard to call the State Police when I look in the mirror. I was concentrating on the hands I didn't notice the Roman Collars. They were preists!

So I pour two glasses of tea with ice and head back to the counter and place them in front of them. "So, Comrades, what brings you here in all this heat?" The skinny one takes off his hat and sunglasses and I am looking into the greenest eyes I have even seen. "We're on a mission from God and the People" he says in a flat Midwest voice.

That is how I met my Comrade Elwood Greyson, Trinitarian Brother, my future husband and his brother Jake, also a Brother.

Adwoa "Mama" Grayson, Diary of a Southern Town, 1988.

Timeline of the Trinitarian Church

July 2, 1928: A papal edict is issued, aimed at the growing involvement of U.S. Catholics with the socialist movement. It harshly condemns socialism and laborism, and instead encourages humility and charity as an alternative. Known members of the Workers' Party are to be explicitly denied communion. This begins what is called the Catholic Splintering as liberal and conservative wings of American Catholicism are soon formed. The Liberal or Reform faction would continue to work with socialism and laborism, arguing that to ignore the plight of the poor and working classes and why they were in that situation lead to stagnation.

When we give bread to the poor, we are called saints. When we ask why the poor have no bread, we are called communists.
-- Brother Bartolomé Fabio, Reform Minster

The Conservatives counter with Matthew 22:15-22:

15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. "Teacher," they said, "we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are. 17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?"

18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, "You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?"

21 "Caesar's," they replied.
Then he said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."

22 When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.

Basically stating that the Church and Catholics were become too involved with politics and were neglecting their missions to assist their communities. While attempts were made to mend the divide, many believed it was too little and too late.

By the time of the Second Civil War the split had become wider and wider with each year. A third faction also formed born of militant Agnostics tired of the divisions in the Church. Both Orthodox and Reformers would serve and die on both sides of the Revolution as both soldiers and civilians. With the end of the war and the success of the Revolution, many of the conservatives form the Underground Churches which received some support from the Vatican. Most of the support is smuggled in from Canada, especially Quebec. Many conservatives are smuggled out along an underground railroad and form the Catholic Church of the United States in Exile.

The Reformers would soon become the Trinitarian Church.

February 8, 1935: The American Trinitarian Church is founded by a congress of delegates from pro-separation Catholic parishes across America. Espousing a radical re-interpretation of Catholic social doctrine that would later be named liberation theology, the Trinitarians uproot much of the Catholic remaining hierarchy of the Church in America.

1935-1940 would see the creation of the Trinitarians fusing together liberal factions of Methodist, Catholic, Unitarian and Universalist groups. In 1936 the first Church Convention would be held in Philadelphia, which would see the voting and adoption of the Trinitarian Covenant, the establishment of February 8th as a Church Holiday and recognition of the blood shed by Catholics and Christians during the Second Civil War and Revolution. A yearly convention would be held and would be open to any member of the church to attend in order to adopt and revise church policies to prevent stagnation.

The Covenant was debated and passed after four days and would set the tone for the policies of the church. Catholic titles were abolished with members referring to each other as Brother or Sister or Comrade. Each church would be organized as a syndicate under a elected council. Instead of Combines based on a particular industry they would be organized along Provincial lines under a elected committee. One Manifold composed of elected representatives from the Combines would be created to organize aid and support to various Combines and Syndicates based on need and reports. Priests or as they were renamed Coordinators would be allowed to marry and have children and women would be allowed to serve. Stances against discrimination by race and sex and economic status would be included and the church would work with all it's powers to end such relics of the past.

The beginning of the Second World War would see the expansion of the Church into all sections of the AUSR as Trinitarians moved across the country for war work or would serve in the RDF. While the RDF prohibited Chaplains as 'reactionary throwbacks' many units would have a Brother with a good knowledge of the Bible lead 'discussion groups' and provide counseling for their fellow soldiers. What started as a primarily Northeastern urban based church in 1940 would have syndicates in all Provinces and cities by 1945. Then the Spartans came in.
Excerpts from the American constitution circa 1934 after establishing the UASR and officially dissolving the USA.

And the fundamental principals of the dictatorship of the proleteriat, another key legal document in the UASR; also circa 1934.

Our declaration of rights, circa 1934.
Sane Ideas couched in a lot of blood and thunder revolutionary language.
And as to your strong neo-pagans... several elven gods, Rillifane ralathill, a sort of world tree god... Angharad, a triune goddess.... Chauntea Earhmother and Elkdath peacemaiden.. Afaik, they all would gladly accept human worship.
Chauntea is more or less thw goddess Dana anyhow.
And Angharad maps out as the classic trifold goddess of maiden, mother, witchqueen.
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@Mental Omega basically the problem is, every kind of magic I can think of in the Iron Kingdoms universe except one requires you to have been born with an aptitude for it magic. One possible exception I need to look up is divine magic, but I'm still pretty sure they need to have been born with the aptitude (or be "chosen" by their gods or whatever)

the only general exception is Infernal/Umbral magic, which the Trollkin don't have, which essentially involves selling your soul, or the souls of others to something like a cross between literal devils/demons and Lovecraftian horrors for magical power, and it also generally involved blood sacrifice of living beings and the like.

Or I suppose you could shove a piece of a dragons athanc into your body, but then it's not really "Your" body anymore even though you have control of it, since your body and will will be totally dominated by the dragons' will and they're evil as shit.
Because I have an addiction to making maps:

Countries by their most prevalent branch of Christianity:

Red = Trinitarian
Tan = Catholic
Blue = Protestant
Purple = Orthodox.

I might have made some mistakes here and there.
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Because I have an addiction to making maps:

Countries by their most prevalent branch of Christianity:

Red = Trinitarian
Tan = Catholic
Blue = Protestant
Purple = Orthodox.

I might have made some mistakes here and there.

Armenia and Eritrea are also Orthodox. Especially Armenia. Bosnia is a Catholic-Orthodox-Sunni mess. It's always been so.