World of Chaos - Fantasy Crossover NRP

How do you treat racial minorities, sexual freedom, gender equality, non-standard sexualities and gender identities, the environment, democratic ideals, and the rights of workers?

Gonna need to see how much nudging may be needed to get a fellow industrial society on our line of development.

At this, Major General Kozuki Yoshio had no ready answer. Instead, he held his best diplomatic smile which, due to his lack of diplomatic training and exasperation, seemed more like a frown. Looking to the side at Colonel Kawarabe for help and seeing that he offered none, the General scratched his head and licked his drying lips as he prepared an answer. Damn it all! Project Chrysanthemum, with all its fantastical qualities and tricks - like the existence of an alternate, communist America and its diplomat who sat from across the table - was so secret that no-one but him was available to represent the Greater Japanese Empire this early into the expedition. He was no diplomat, he was a soldier; his hands were calloused from fighting the British, not holding a pen, for Bishamonten's sake!

Yoshio put on his smile again, not knowing that in the past few seconds, he had switched facial expressions five times. "Well," he ventured, still thinking. "That depends. Are they Japanese?"
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Finished! I upped my army sizes a bit, added a few sections, finished the formatting, added a completely unnecessary song, and now have a location.

Origin: Stargate: SG-1
Faction Type: Megalomaniacal Parasite/Country
Faction Rank: (work in progress, the GM will give you this)
Color: Gold/Tan/#DDBB30
Assigned GM: (Which GM is governing you and controlling the surrounding NPCs?)
Faction Introduction:
The Goa'uld are an ancient race of parasitic snake-like beings capable of literally controlling their host creatures. After coming to their own on a backwater planet, they ran across technology left behind by a precursor civilization known as the Ancients. The Goa'uld immediately stole the technology and claimed to have invented it. After a while, they ran across Earth, and abandoned their former host species (the Unas) in favor of humans, who were easier to repair and control. They lived on Earth for a while, posing as immortal gods, until a rebellion forced them to leave. By then, they'd populated most of the galaxy with human slaves via a network of Ancient point-to-point portal devices known as stargates (or Chappa'ai to the Goa'uld).

Goa'uld society is strictly stratified. On top is the High Council of the System Lords - a council of the most powerful Goa'uld. The High Council is the only real diplomatic body in Goa'uld society. Treaties are adhered to not out of respect or mutual cooperation, but out of fear, paranoia, and a begrudging nod that each System Lord cannot quite annihilate the other. Yet. Below the System Lords are all sorts of minor Goa'uld fufilling many bureaucratic and military positions. Minor Goa'uld swear lifelong fealty to their masters, but a Goa'uld promise lasts precisely as long as it takes one of the Goa'uld to find an advantage to breaking it.

//Minor spoilers below, for those who want to watch Stargate SG-1//
As it turns out, the Goa'uld were not always inherently evil, sadistic, selfish bastards. Their relative immortality comes from a device known as a sarcophagous, capable of (mostly) bringing the dead back to life. The technology for a sarcophogous was stolen and adapted from an Ancient device. The unforseen side-effect of repeated overuse is a chemical imbalance in the brain that makes you an evil, sadistic, selfish bastard. It also makes you addicted to the sarcophogous. Obviously, access to such a device is limited to Goa'uld and their favorite consorts.

So, really, they're just misunderstood, galaxy-ruling, drug addicts with impressive healing abilities, glowy eyes, and deep voices.
Eos is a minor Goa'uld with half a dozen planets, a mothership, and a small fleet of Ha'Taks to her name. She's a selfish, evil parasitic snakelike creature that burrows into her host's spinal cord via the neck to achieve mind control. She and her kind control most of the galaxy, posing as gods by appropriating ancient technology and passing it off as their own. She owns a hand device (Kara Kesh), granting her pseudo-telekinetic powers (and a torture beam), dozens of slaves, and a poison pheromone laced on her fingers that turns men to putty when she touches them. She grants her host long life and greatly increased healing, though the host is still forced to watch her body commit horrific acts with no control.

Like all Goa'uld, Eos is obsessed with vanity, power, beauty, control, and flaunting it all. Her goal is to find the most powerful and beautiful being she can to use as her host, and then carve out a sizable empire on the planet. Any unapproved technology will be crushed. Worship of other gods besides her will be crushed. Obedience may be rewarded, if she feels like it, and you're attractive.

There are several castes to Goa'uld society. At the top, of course, are the Goa'uld (of which there is only one on Worluk). Beyond them come the warrior caste, led by the first and second prime - warriors who have caught Eos' attention as leaders. On an equal footing are Eos' spies and assassins, of which there are few. Then come the non-military Jaffa - human slaves genetically and surgically modified to carry gestating infant Goa'uld in a pouch in their stomach. Most if not all humans in Eos' domain are Jaffa. Top among the Jaffa are scientists and government administrators. Then comes non-Jaffa, few that there are who aren't slaves. Finally comes the slaves, with her personal consort at the top of that food chain. Not that all her subjects aren't expected to die at the drop of a hat when her whims change; slaves may also be bound to the other castes in Eos' domain.

Thanks to a nearby hyperdrive explosion, Eos' mothership crash landed on Worluk after a climactic battle with a rival Goa'uld.

Society Overview: Society is strictly stratified. Eos is on top, followed by top military and scientist Jaffa, followed by military Jaffa, followed by bureaucrats, followed by scientists, followed by non-Jaffa, followed by Eos' consorts, and lastly followed by slaves. The only way to move out of your caste is for someone important to notice and recommend you. This presupposes, of course, that you aren't a slave.

Day-to-day activities, once you've fufilled your duties to your superiors, spent the appropriate time worshipping Eos, quelled any idiocy from your inferiors, dealt with any pressing needs (like food, water, shelter, and the next "voluntary" offering), are theoretically up to you.* Rising the ranks of your caste is both rewarding and dangerous; on the one hand, power comes with priveleges (more spacious living quarters, better food and more of it, more free time). Power also comes with responsibilities (the responsibility of the actions of every jerk beneath you, the responsibility of handling worse messes, and the responsibility of answering to an ever-more-terrifying boss).

Economically, Goa'uld society is a heavily corrupt capitalist system with very large tithes. Tithes are regressive - that is, the lower your status, the more of your income you pay to your superiors. Tithes are collected by individuals so that they can present Eos with an annual offering (which had better not be low). Beyond tithes, people are generally left alone* to carry out their business, inasmuch as everyone higher-status than you doing their best to keep you poor can be called "left alone".

*Unless you're a slave.​

Demographics: Population: 16,500 | 1 Goa'uld, 12026 Military personnel, 3000 family members, 30 bureaucrats, 1430 slaves, and 13 personal consorts

Culture: In a nutshell, Jaffa are a proud warrior race. Honor is everything, and martial arts tournaments are commonplace. The only religion is worship of Eos, of course.

Government: Absolute Dictatorship/Theocracy - Eos is god. Eos is law. Eos is the state.

Faction Features:
-Our Two Weapons are Fear and Intimidation: Goa'uld have gotten really, really, really good at striking fear in the hearts of their enemies. On more than one occasion, people have surrendered just because a Ha'Tak entered orbit. 70% of all Goa'uld technological advance is devoted to making something seem more intimidating.
-Bow Before Your God: Most of Eos' followers firmly believe in her divinity and would naturally do anything she'd command. This is actually somewhat justified, considering her thousands-of-years lifespan, "magic" powers, and absolute authority. Such unquestioning devotion simplifies command structure, guarantees even the direst of sacrifices will be made, and forms the entire state into an efficient extension of Eos' will.
-Proud Warrior Aliens: Pretty much everyone here is good at fighting. It's an honor thing. When you combine that with advanced alien technology, Eos has some pretty good things going for her.

-...Intimidation and Fear: Optimized for flashy, terror-inducing effects as they are, Goa'uld weaponry and tactics leave some things to be desired. Like accuracy. And decent tactics.
-Vanity, Definitely My Favorite Sin: Sometimes it can just be so- hard to... keep secret-I'mGoingToSneakAttackYouWithMyMassiveArmyMWUHAHAHAHAHA-plans secret. God forbid Eos gets hold of a superweapon; you'll never hear the end of it.
-Paranoia!: Getting anything actually done in Goa'uld society - especially if you're not Jaffa military - is a small miracle. Everyone is too busy trying to stop everyone else from usurping what little power they have. Not to mention the fact that Eos is mortal, and not, in fact, a god.

Most technology is stolen from other races. Around 80% of it is powered by Naquadah, a naturally superconductive metal with alternate use an atomic power source in refined form.
- Rings that can transport people and objects a hundred meters away, or, when linked with another ring platform, from ground-to-orbit.
- fancy, much-advanced computer chips
- projected by small spheres; usually used for the god to communicate to their masses
- The Al'Kesh, mothership, and Tel'Tak all have shields. These shields have a certain energy absorption capacity before violently shorting out their components. They can, of course, be repaired, but that takes some time. The energy absorbed will also gradually dissipate, but not over a tactically-meaningful timescale. That is, if a ship doesn't have its shields breached in combat, chances are that they will be back up to 100% for the next combat several hours from then. Eos also has a personal shield activated from her hand device (known as a Kara Kesh). Her personal shield is slightly different in that it only blocks high-energy weaponry - bullets and energy blasts, but not knives, rocks, and arrows. It also has a limited lifetime before it needs to be shut down and recharged.
Lots and lots of flaunted wealth. Gold leaf along the interior walls on the mothership (at least, in all the respectable places). Ridiculously expensive sheer dresses for Eos. Flashy jewelry. Gems encrusted anywhere Eos might look. Extravagent feasts, even when rationing is a sensible precaution. Open, flaming torches on spaceships, just because it reflects more prettily on the gold-coated walls.

Eos - No stranger to combat herself, Eos is proficient with zat'nik'tels and staff weapons, though she prefers using her kara kesh. Also of note is her personal shield and hypnotic-laced fingertips.
Korrak - Eos' First Prime, the most capable warrior in her army and inferior only to Eos herself. His skill with a staff weapon in close quarters is legendary, as is his horrifically effective "information-gathering" techniques. He's bald with many battle scars, with inset gold tattoo of Eos' sygil (marking his rank) burned into his forehead.
Urai - Eos' Second Prime. While he is only somewhat-better-than-average in close quarters staff weaponry, he is incredibly accurate with his weapon of choice - dual zat'nik'tels. Also a very accomplished bureaucrat and tactician.
Dawn Guard - (24) Eos' personal guard. They're the third-most dedicated soldiers in her army. All are quite muscular, because when they aren't on duty, meditating (Jaffa don't need to sleep), or eating, they're training. They also wear heavier armor, capable of withstanding a staff weapon blast once or twice.
- (12,000) armed with staff weapons - energy guns/martial arts poles. Staff weapons are very flashy, with scary noises and loud bangs and explosions, but are probably less useful than a good P90.
- (50) generally, power (and energy consumption) scale with size, and these staff weapons are large.
- (1) it's never going to fly again, but it still has shields, sensors, subspace communications, and 60 heavy staff cannon emplacements - weaponry capable of orbital bombardment. Not that many of them are much use stuck on a fixed position on the ground. 30, in fact, are buried in the earth, pointing down.
- (120) aircraft armed with - you guessed it - twin staff weapons.
- (5) a mid-ranged bomber/transport, with its own ring system, staff cannons, and plasma charges.
- (10) a medium-sized cargo transport, capable of cloaking. Completely unarmed.
All this complex talk of nations and their values, and here I am, a bunch of Holy Warriors who just want to spread the good world of Ohrmazd and drive the agents of Ahriman out of the new found world, even if those agents don't realized they're working for Ahriman, and even if they have to be purified by Ohrmazd himself, though the only way he can break the barrier into our word, fire of course
Well, Zoroastrianism has changed quite a bit after the Arrival of the Saoshyant. Shahanshah Khalid took the faith and turned it from a rather peaceful religion into a warrior's creed, that aggressively spreads itself. Khalid introduced Great Holy Wars like the christian Crusades and the muslim Jihads, and his example as the warrior king who brough the Abbasids to their knees and destroyed the Empire of Rajasthan is the defining trait that has moved Zoroastrianism to a very warlike faith in the New Age (the Arrival of the Saoshyant was interpreted by later Mobadanmobads (Religious head of Saoshyant Era Zoroastrianism) to be the end of the "Old Way", that is the more peaceful and tolerant kind of Zoroastrianism that lead to their conquest by the Muslims (interpreted to be the metaphorical End of the World), and the rebirth and Judgement of the Wicked by Khalid the Saoshyant, who saved the world and let it be born again, as the evil in the world (inteprereted by Khalid's successor, Mobadan-Mobad Darius, to be the followers of Islam) was purged from the world (The Persian Empire). It's pretty different from how Zoroastrianism developed in our world, and is radically different form it's previous era of existance and how it is now in our world. The Immortals worship Khalid almost like a Jesus figure, though they assert the only God is Ohrmazd, but Khalid is a Yazata, a being worthy of Worship.

Edit: Also, I did not realize at the time that the name Khalid means "eternal" or "immortal" in Arabic, that was just the name the game generated for him :p I guess this also justifies the name of the Immortals (who's original Persian name was actually the word for Companion as opposed to Immortal) as meaning something along the lines of The Followers of Khalid
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I'm debating how much of a Scottish burr I should give my characters, or if I should just let it be implied or not. I'm trying to decide if I want them to have a distinct accent for Trollkind because they're from the Mistbough Forest.

Oh, and I should ask, does holy magic work the same way it did where the characters came from? A fair amount of my magic comes from the Goddess Dhunia, who represents the natural world and mother of Caen (where they come from). Will their Dhunian magic still work here?

Also also, it occurs to me I should explicitly add a few Warlocks to my army list because they're active combatants and have a real difference on the battlefield, being some of the strongest magic users in my forces and being the ones who connect to and control my Trolls and Dire Trolls.
I'm debating how much of a Scottish burr I should give my characters, or if I should just let it be implied or not. I'm trying to decide if I want them to have a distinct accent for Trollkind because they're from the Mistbough Forest.

Oh, and I should ask, does holy magic work the same way it did where the characters came from? A fair amount of my magic comes from the Goddess Dhunia, who represents the natural world and mother of Caen (where they come from). Will their Dhunian magic still work here?

Also also, it occurs to me I should explicitly add a few Warlocks to my army list because they're active combatants and have a real difference on the battlefield, being some of the strongest magic users in my forces and being the ones who connect to and control my Trolls and Dire Trolls.
Magic works as it should in general. The only reason when it isn't when you need an excuse to nerf your nation or anything similar.
Same with technology. I can majorly mess with people's powers or tools by using "this is a different world with different laws" as a general excuse but I won't. I don't wish to complicate things when it isn't neeed.
See the timekeeping section, for example. Worluk technically has its own diverse dating and timekeeping systems but if you keep using the 60 second equals minute, 60 minutes is a hour and 24 hours per day setup, you can still do it. The mess with timekeeping also helps to plant a general vagueness in things which can be sometimes used for narrative purposes. But yeah, aside from the fact we have only 10 months in this world you reall don't need to know anything else about time.
Hey @Mental Omega, would you mind if I started near you?

I have the idea to do a Modern version of my 'Noble States of America', a Knight-Led Meritocratic Democracy.

It would be legitimately awesome if we could RP out the interactions between the states..

Though I will warn you that there will be Fantasy/(VERY)Light Sci-Fi elements.
Sure go ahead.

Should be more or less the exact zoomed out spot.

All this complex talk of nations and their values, and here I am, a bunch of Holy Warriors who just want to spread the good world of Ohrmazd and drive the agents of Ahriman out of the new found world, even if those agents don't realized they're working for Ahriman, and even if they have to be purified by Ohrmazd himself, though the only way he can break the barrier into our word, fire of course
Are you Mazdakist Zoroastrians?

At this, Major General Kozuki Yoshio had no ready answer. Instead, he held his best diplomatic smile which, due to his lack of diplomatic training and exasperation, seemed more like a frown. Looking to the side at Colonel Kawarabe for help and seeing that he offered none, the General scratched his head and licked his drying lips as he prepared an answer. Damn it all! Project Chrysanthemum, with all its fantastical qualities and tricks - like the existence of an alternate, communist America and its diplomat who sat from across the table - was so secret that no-one but him was available to represent the Greater Japanese Empire this early into the expedition. He was no diplomat, he was a soldier; his hands were calloused from fighting the British, not holding a pen, for Bishamonten's sake!

Yoshio put on his smile again, not knowing that in the past few seconds, he had switched facial expressions five times. "Well," he ventured, still thinking. "That depends. Are they Japanese?"
"Let me tell you all about operation Damocles and the Socialist Republic of Japan formed at the end of the second world war from the carcass of the Empire before you go ahead with your typical policies on the usage of "foreign labour". I guarantee you it will be an eye opener." The diplomat said, the woman calmly sipping from a martini glass with just a hint of veiled menace.

Also my vision of the Reds! world by the 2010s.

Red is in the comintern, blue is in the alliance of free states.
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Alright, I went back and added some stuff to my force list (mostly just filling in gaps of stuff I didn't add before, wanted to give myself more options, though I did give myself more Long Riders) biggest thing was adding my five Warlocks. I'll try and flesh them out individually in my sheet since they're all important characters, with Vallasor being the most important obviously since she's my leader.

And so far it looks like I'm all alone on Maldiberan. I don't know if that's good or bad.

Am I good now?

Alright, I went back and added some stuff to my force list (mostly just filling in gaps of stuff I didn't add before, wanted to give myself more options, though I did give myself more Long Riders) biggest thing was adding my five Warlocks. I'll try and flesh them out individually in my sheet since they're all important characters, with Vallasor being the most important obviously since she's my leader.

And so far it looks like I'm all alone on Maldiberan. I don't know if that's good or bad.
I'm sure I'll try to forge an alliance with you sooner or later. Though I'll of course try to win you over to the red side of things.
It's so incredibly bourgeois that I'm going to love to hate you.
"You humans think you're so mighty and just, marking us goblins as target for your glorified genocide just so you have something to kill and plunder while feeling good about yourself. Newflash, gone are the days we teach our youngs to play dead while the shining knights slaughter their kins and steal their gold. If you lay one bloody hand on our goblin, we will hunt each and every one of you down and return what you have done to us tenfold"
"You humans think you're so mighty and just, marking us goblins as target for your glorified genocide just so you have something to kill and plunder while feeling good about yourself. Newflash, gone are the days we teach our youngs to play dead while the shining knights slaughter their kins and steal their gold. If you lay one bloody hand on our goblin, we will hunt each and every one of you down and return what you have done to us tenfold"
What the UASR's contingency plans on what to do with societies like yours entail is to find the downtrodden and oppressed and teach them Marxism until it spreads throughout your lower classes until a revolution (with arms, munitions, advisors, spec ops assistance, and finance from the UASR proper) can begin at which point it's openly assisted, by whatever means are practical. Then the replacement government is supported and shepherded towards being a functional democratic communist society.
You and me, sister monarchs, you and me.... Zhilean is full of crazies with totalitarian ideologies and doomsday devices now...
Hey, @willyvereb , any other nice elven place? I do NOT wamt to get "LIBERATED" right at the start...
Zhillia is the only place where major native elven populations can be found. Albeit if you mean nice foresty areas which are likely rich in magic, there are quite a few.
For example I advised against Draconia but the islands south to it are fine. So long you don't upset the chief deity of nature and balance.

Albeit I think you are quite a distance away the others. They'll be busy with other things than to strongarm you into their follower. Besides I feel you are actually stronger than them. At least with your mages, even if you are limited to 2nd edition AD&D.

I do plan on playing as the Earth Empire, yes. It's one from an Alternate Universe however, with two PODs. The first is that Hiroshi Sato dies during the climax of the Anti-Bending Revolution and the second is that Kuvira doesn't send Bataar Jr to do diplomatic talks with Raiko and instead sends someone else. Due to PODs, Korra and co are unable to find a way to pierce through Kuvira's mech and are unable to hold Bataar for ransom. Because of this, Kuvira annexes the United Republic of Nations with little bloodshed and, though Korra and co form a resistance movement that lasts for quite some time, they are eventually captured and sent to reeducation camps (minus Korra, who is placed in a heavily guarded cell made out of Platinum). How they got here is that the Spirit Portal in Republic City is eventually discovered but it leads to this planet instead of the Spirit World.

Any problems with this?
None. Sounds plausible and kind of like the standard AU change for games of this type. Foes it mean you also have future industries tech?

Your goblins are fine and they find that this essence-infused world is a gold mine for cheap magic fuels
Albeit you forgot to list your population. Or is it all army and no builders, scientists, factory workers and anything similar. I'd think those would be sorely needed for you.
Your extend of mechanization is also a bit sketchy but let's say as an invasion force with limited numbers the goblins focused on the quality more than usual.

Surprised. It's a British TV show about prehistoric animals coming out of anomalys in time. It's probably not a good idea for a faction though.
I see. Yeah, maybe saw a few episode but nothing more
Also I'd indeed suggest something which is easier to make into an NRP faction.
Hey @Mental Omega, would you mind if I started near you?

I have the idea to do a Modern version of my 'Noble States of America', a Knight-Led Meritocratic Democracy.

It would be legitimately awesome if we could RP out the interactions between the states..

Though I will warn you that there will be Fantasy/(VERY)Light Sci-Fi elements.
For the record you'll probably also meet the elves from Yllendthyr. Though they could be from a different Yllendthyr. There are circa 4-5 version of them already.

@Queen Raidne
Nice. Just noting that your faction is approved and already on the list. Should've done the same with the others but whatever. Will do when I am at home.

@Mental Omega
Well, either you did this deliberately or by accident but you chose the lands of chaos as your starting point. You know the semi-anarchic hedonistic world where being evil manipulating asshole is the explicit law among others.

Alright, I went back and added some stuff to my force list (mostly just filling in gaps of stuff I didn't add before, wanted to give myself more options, though I did give myself more Long Riders) biggest thing was adding my five Warlocks. I'll try and flesh them out individually in my sheet since they're all important characters, with Vallasor being the most important obviously since she's my leader.

And so far it looks like I'm all alone on Maldiberan. I don't know if that's good or bad.
You chose Khatiria, which is steppe-filled land where the original Hadzar population are serfs serving the highly militaristic Khatirians.
Zhillia is the only place where major native elven populations can be found. Albeit if you mean nice foresty areas which are likely rich in magic, there are quite a few.
For example I advised against Draconia but the islands south to it are fine. So long you don't upset the chief deity of nature and balance.

Albeit I think you are quite a distance away the others. They'll be busy with other things than to strongarm you into their follower. Besides I feel you are actually stronger than them. At least with your mages, even if you are limited to 2nd edition AD&D.

None. Sounds plausible and kind of like the standard AU change for games of this type. Foes it mean you also have future industries tech?

Your goblins are fine and they find that this essence-infused world is a gold mine for cheap magic fuels
Albeit you forgot to list your population. Or is it all army and no builders, scientists, factory workers and anything similar. I'd think those would be sorely needed for you.
Your extend of mechanization is also a bit sketchy but let's say as an invasion force with limited numbers the goblins focused on the quality more than usual.

I see. Yeah, maybe saw a few episode but nothing more
Also I'd indeed suggest something which is easier to make into an NRP faction.
For the record you'll probably also meet the elves from Yllendthyr. Though they could be from a different Yllendthyr. There are circa 4-5 version of them already.

@Queen Raidne
Nice. Just noting that your faction is approved and already on the list. Should've done the same with the others but whatever. Will do when I am at home.

@Mental Omega
Well, either you did this deliberately or by accident but you chose the lands of chaos as your starting point. You know the semi-anarchic hedonistic world where being evil manipulating asshole is the explicit law among others.

You chose Khatiria, which is steppe-filled land where the original Hadzar population are serfs serving the highly militaristic Khatirians.

Your directions were pretty vague, I thought that was the north of that continent?

Can I move then? I want to be near industrial societies in need of progressing beyond bourgeois capitalism.
Your directions were pretty vague, I thought that was the north of that continent?

Can I move then? I want to be near industrial societies in need of progressing beyond bourgeois capitalism.
Sure. As for capitalism, try the upper/North regions of Malibderan. Those are famous for their trade.
The westermost islands above Dimuran are also quite developed. Kind of romantic Middle Eastern style, though. Rich and corrupt.
You may also try Drenia which was the world leader just a few cycles ago. Think of them like Westland from the Game of Thrones with added class elitism and snobbish xenophobic attitude.

EDIT: That being said the original setting is more like a guide than a rule. You can meet all kinds of factions and societies everywhere.
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Sure. As for capitalism, try the upper/North regions of Malibderan. Those are famous for their trade.
The westermost islands above Dimuran are also quite developed. Kind of romantic Middle Eastern style, though. Rich and corrupt.
You may also try Drenia which was the world leader just a few cycles ago. Think of them like Westland from the Game of Thrones with added class elitism and snobbish xenophobic attitude.
What's Zhilan's general level of development?
What's Zhilan's general level of development?
Reneissance age comnined with shizo tech and magic. It's a decent empire all around.Albeit it's kind of federated and not in the nest way which weakens them.
Aside from Zhillian Empire on the North you have a dwarf and a highly mixed trade nation each.
Downwards there are principalties similar to Zhill but mot affiliated, Lizardmen kingdoms in the swamps and a not-mongolia nation.
Southermost parts are barely habitated, especially the Stone Desert beyond the mountains.
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Reneissance age comnined with shizo tech and magic. It's a decent empire all around.Albeit it's kind of federated and not in the nest way which weakens them.
Aside from Zhillian Empire on the North you have a dwarf and a highly mixed trade nation each.
Downwards there are principalties similar to Zhill but mot affiliated, Lizardmen kingdoms in the swamps and a not-mongolia nation.
Southermost parts are barely habitated, especially the Stone Desert beyond the mountains.

What's in the red dot I picked on Zhilian?
@MS-21H 'Hawke' tell me more about your idea, though I'm pretty fine with the Brotherhood of Steel being allied to me.
Followers of Dantis

Thank you wiki.

Faction Intro

Dot in the middle.

Origin: Original creation, inspiration from many places.

Unbeknownst to the Terran they are a created race, built as material waste cleaners in a far bygone era. Eons of time has allowed them to grow beyond their initial beginnings.
Their world is extremely old. Evidence exists of other sentience before them but they are the only ones left. They have lived for a very long time. Their eldest remember a time when their star was small and bright. Now it looms angry and red.

They understand their doom is coming, but do not conceive of a way out.

Battle raged for an age over dwindling resources. Nothing of note was achieved but an understanding of war and a familiarity with death.
Most of the remainder have accepted it and joined themselves to a Village, subsisting by basking in the harsh radiation of their dying star, content to exist for however long it may last.

A few, the most curious, the most intelligent or the most stubborn covert dreams of escaping their deaths. A leader has been selected, a Problem Solver. The one they call Dantis. Dantis strives to save his people at any price.

Dantis had gathered these last mobile few in grand conference to discuss the problem when a portal opened...

Society Overview

Only ten thousand souls have crossed over into the new world of a population of hundreds of millions. All Adults of sizes 10m - 30m.

The Terrans are moderate shape-shifters, changing basic form over their lifetime and retaining a limited adaptability at all ages.

They start life as house cat sized octo-pods, affectionately referred to as Pebbels, when a Village decides to donate a sufficient portion of fissionable material to sustain a new life engine. They remain in the care of The Village.

Throughout their lives the Terran primarily live on fissionable materials but can subsist on any decent amount of radiated energy (heat, light) slowly storing energy for movement. They can 'eat' earth with ease sifting though vast quantities of rock and dirt. They favor heavy elements, layering them around their core and frame in increasing density.

When sufficient materials have been gathered (usually at the size of a goat) they enter their second stage of life. Transitioning to a hexa-pod form they grow in intelligence and maturity, teenagers essentially. They begin to enter into general society. They are apprenticed under an adult to learn the ways of matter molding.

The adult stage begins having grown to the size of an elephant. They take the form of a squat humanoid. Starting at 4m of height and building to a colossal 30m. Reaching adulthood they can maintain a size until they wish to grow.

They can enter the final stage once even their near miraculous physiology can no longer overcome the square cube law and locomotion becomes difficult. They take root, forming the walls and buildings that house and protect the Pebbles and teens digging ever down into the crust to ferry nutritious elements up. They generally no longer require fissionables at this stage, instead storing the suns energy and draining heat from the deep earth. Though stationary they are not immobile, able to shape themselves from their main mass to care for their young and to defend the villages as required.

Growth rate is determined be resource availability, achieving full grown adulthood in as little as 6 months. Birth rate is strictly controlled be the Village.

The Terran are essentially immortal, only dying if the core is sufficiently damaged or choosing to self terminate. Self termination has become a common occurrence in resent times as more and more Terran simply lose the will to live.

Their society revolves around The Village. The oldest of these on their home world look like mountain ranges. Vast networked warrens of living rock so large you cannot determine where one Village starts and another begins.

Society is relatively simple due to their relatively simple needs. A Village serves as a local council, able to spend the time and effort to run the limited government required by the people. Most disagreements occurs over boundary disputes in one project or another. Teens and Adults pay a tithe of fission fuel to the Village if able so as to bring new life into the world. In times of great need the Village may choose to appoint a Problem Solver, one tasked with the trust and authority to act on the Villages behalf quickly and decisively.

Art is the driving passion of the Terran. They may spend decades building vast panorama installations bringing together light, sound and sculpture on massive scale. Then move on to build something new, even as their work is recycled by a new artist. Battles have been fought over rights to perceived prime space.

Technology Overview

They have nothing in the way of traditional technology, instead they have adapted the systems designed to allow them to filter matter to allow them to shape it.

The Terran have spent their time molding the landscape, creating vast panorama and vista of high sculpture and architectural wonderment. Passing the decades creating and discussing the world around them. This has honed an impressive ability to shape the environment.

Basic manipulation- Adult Terran can 'breathe' in a stomach full of loose objects (up to 20 tonnes depending on unit size) and process it, vomiting up the stuff either in a controlled stream for molding or a big lump.

They also posses adaptive biology. No two Terrons are alike, they take pride in this. They have a semi-ridged 'flesh' over much denser 'bones'. The flesh can be manipulated pretty freely forming spikes, scales and more complex structures like imitation moss, bark, leaves and yes even rock or mud. The flesh can be shaped and hardened into rudimentary tools or weapons as required. Or puffed up into a buoyant pillow to allow more rapid river/ocean crossings.

Basic attacks:
-Suck - Bending over to suck up loose material/units or grab things and 'eat' them. Dependent on Terran size. Max 20 tonnes. Spits the stuff back up.
-Slash - Morphs an arm into a giant blade - diamond edged, steel composite construction. Damage dependent on Terran size
-Bash - Morph arm into giant club - steel composite construction. Damage dependent on Terran size.
-Throw - Lengthen arm for greater power. Throw boulder.
-Yell -Long distance communication is loud. Very Loud. 130+ Decibels. Situational.

They posses two ways of communication. Normal speech, and an infra-sound level yell intended to travel long distance. Range 50km. Relay message system.

Military Overview
Strictly warrior level ideologies, no formal military knowledge beyond small units. Bands of 3 to 5. Bands of bands might be called for bigger issues. This may change as they encounter new ideas.
Village - Dependent on situation. Bastion castle. Fully capable of defending itself with thrown rocks and slicing/bashing limbs. Heavy amour - Hardened Composite Battleship Amour equivalent
Pebbles - 30cm - 1m - Don't leave the Village, but if sufficiently scared turn into a whirling dervish of razor sharp stone and metal. Eight limbed. No amour.
Teens 1m - 4m- Six limbed, forward two are used as primary manipulators. Light Steel Alloy Composite Amour equivalent.
Adults -4m - 30m - Four limbed humanoid - Steel Alloy Composite Amour equivalent

Distribution at time of arrival
Adults - 10,000
Intended for Village -30+m 20
-30m 80
-25m 900
-20m 1500
-15m 1500
-10m 6000
Teens - 0
Pebbles - 0
Villages - 0
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@MS-21H 'Hawke' tell me more about your idea, though I'm pretty fine with the Brotherhood of Steel being allied to me.
It's from that 'Fires of a New Century' game, where we do an Alternate History that has fantasy elements....we accidently guided it to be closer to OTL than needed...

anouther feature was weird technology.

My nation was a Noble led version of the CSA that was a Meritocratic Democracy with 'Kightly Orders' taking the place of Conventional Special forces...

but redoing the whole thing in Long Form(no offense Willy) is becoming tedious, so I may just re-place my ECA near your guys...

I also have an idea for a Cyberpunk/Alternate US.
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