Think spending time with our cabin buddies would be good.
@Monk Penguin would spending some time introducing ourselves to the dryads, or even regular plants. Around camp be acceptable? Or the ones in the forest?
[X][Dream] Tell Chiron about your dream
[X][Cabin Four] Gather them up in a group.
[X][Socialize] Blossom x2
[X][Socialize] Lily
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Discuss the prophecy with Chiron
I don't think it will be easy meeting Hestia again, since she initiated our interaction. Not to mention that it doesn't make much sense so soon after it happened. Sure she's very kind and might have helped us either because mom asked or the goodness of her heart, but do we want to abuse that? I don't know, it just feels wrong to try and draw more attention of the godly kind. Hestia might be nice, but what if it snowballs from her and we get under the radar of another God?
Also is it wrong to say that I find most of our campers boring and I'm honestly not all that curious about learning more about them? I'm sorry, they're just bland. Only Justin seemed interesting of all the people we've met so far.
[X][Dream] Tell Chiron about your dream
[X][Cabin Four] Gather them up in a group.
[X][Socialize] Blossom x2
[X][Socialize] Lily
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Discuss the prophecy with Chiron
I don't think it will be easy meeting Hestia again, since she initiated our interaction. Not to mention that it doesn't make much sense so soon after it happened. Sure she's very kind and might have helped us either because mom asked or the goodness of her heart, but do we want to abuse that? I don't know, it just feels wrong to try and draw more attention of the godly kind. Hestia might be nice, but what if it snowballs from her and we get under the radar of another God?
Also is it wrong to say that I find most of our campers boring and I'm honestly not all that curious about learning more about them? I'm sorry, they're just bland. Only Justin seemed interesting of all the people we've met so far.
I like your argument against Hestia, but I dislike your argument against other campers. We only have the barest surface-level information on most other characters, and as we meet new people and delve deeper than the surface observations on others we will see Monk's proficiency with characters show and I'm confident you will be interested. Our character has been isolated from most people most of his second life, he has experienced very limited socialization and lives thinking he is smarter than basically everyone else because he has so much foreknowledge from his past life to rely upon. He needs more people to interact with, he shouldn't continue to be so alone.
We (or at least I) liked Justin because he showed an interest in us, we should probably show the same courtesy to others so they respond in turn.
[X][Dream] Tell Chiron about your dream
[X][Cabin Four] Try and speak to each member individually
[X][Socialize] Blossom
[X][Socialize] Lily
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Violet
[X][Socialize] Kalina
[X][Socialize] Rosie
@Monk Penguin for the Cabin Four vote. Must/does "Try and speak to each member individually" correlate with Socialization choices or are they fully to partially separated in the outcome?
For example, I would assume that likely socializing with our half-siblings will probably help with positive outcomes with that specific individual in the scenario we do end up speaking with each of them individually, but if we say vote for "Try and speak to each member individually" and then don't choose to socialize with a specific half-sister do we not actually speak to them on that matter at all?
I don't believe that is the case, but I feel a confirmation would be beneficial.
I like your argument against Hestia, but I dislike your argument against other campers. We only have the barest surface-level information on most other characters, and as we meet new people and delve deeper than the surface observations on others we will see Monk's proficiency with characters show and I'm confident you will be interested. Our character has been isolated from most people most of his second life, he has experienced very limited socialization and lives thinking he is smarter than basically everyone else because he has so much foreknowledge from his past life to rely upon. He needs more people to interact with, he shouldn't continue to be so alone.
We (or at least I) liked Justin because he showed an interest in us, we should probably show the same courtesy to others so they respond in turn.
I didn't say the author couldn't deliver interesting OCs, just that most that have appeared so far aren't all that interesting to me. What I like in a person and what you and other voters like might differ.
I liked Justin because there is something interesting about a level-headed son of Ares, for the simple fact that he's a contrast to how Clarisse acted in the beginning. Blossom we befriended at first, thinking she's a satyr or a nymph. Not because we found her interesting or because something about her person drew our eye. I'm talking strictly of personality, not appearances.
And while she did become somewhat interesting overtime, I still find her a little bland. Again, it boils down to my own tastes.
As for other campers...Maybe if we had done some in-group activity with our half-sisters I might be more interested in their lives and their persons. But I'm not. Heck, the Apollo kid is more interesting at this stage to me, for no other reason than that he could be propped as a future rival for our character.
Jordan seemed interesting too and very friendly for a son of Athena. But we got picked on day one by Mom, so we never got to know him better. And now I'm unsure about his character whether he might welcome an overture of friendship or if we might get burned by approaching him. I don't know which scenario I like, so again I'm not sure.
Raj, as a son of Hephaestus, might have also been interesting, but again we were both awkward when we met. And he didn't seem to be inviting enough for me to want to befriend him.
As for us being isolated, we chose that path. I don't know if you voted for or against it, but Sam's social skills are a consequence of our own votes. I for one don't mind, because as far as I'm concerned he doesn't need more people to interact with. He needs consistent interaction with a person or two or three, and to be friendly enough with the rest. Like it usually happens in real life, unless someone is a social butterfly. Which Sam isn't.
So yeah, at this point in time, I would much rather spend more time working on our skills and abilities to be truthful.
P.S.: And if he thinks he's smarter than most people, it's because he is. I'm pretty sure he died while we were in college/recently graduated. He's surrounded by middle-scholars and high-scholars. In this situation he's the smartest person in a class of 'idiots'. Not that the others are idiots, just young.
@Monk Penguin for the Cabin Four vote. Must/does "Try and speak to each member individually" correlate with Socialization choices or are they fully to partially separated in the outcome?
For example, I would assume that likely socializing with our half-siblings will probably help with positive outcomes with that specific individual in the scenario we do end up speaking with each of them individually, but if we say vote for "Try and speak to each member individually" and then don't choose to socialize with a specific half-sister do we not actually speak to them on that matter at all?
I don't believe that is the case, but I feel a confirmation would be beneficial.
You will still do so, though if you vote for socializing with them, you're more likely to go out of your way to speak to them rather than waiting for an opportune moment. You won't wait forever, but you are liable to put off the more awkward/difficult conversations, like tracking down Violet because she's been avoiding you, or trying to figure out exactly how Rosie feels about you maybe being the child of prophecy and how to either assuage her feelings of jealousy or convince her you're not a messiah. Voting to socialize with them guarantees that you won't put it off.
[X][Dream] Tell Chiron about your dream
[X][Cabin Four] Try and speak to each member individually
[X][Socialize] Blossom
[X][Socialize] Lily
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Violet
[X][Socialize] Kalina
[X][Socialize] Rosie
[X][Dream] Tell Chiron about your dream
[X][Cabin Four] Try and speak to each member individually
[X][Socialize] Blossom
[X][Socialize] Blossom #2
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Kalina
[X][Socialize] Try to meet any Dryads you might find around camp.
[X][Socialize] Try and meet Hestia again.
[X][Dream] Tell Chiron about your dream
[X][Cabin Four] Try and speak to each member individually
[X][Socialize] Blossom
[X][Socialize] Lily
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Violet
[X][Socialize] Kalina
[X][Socialize] Rosie
[X][Dream] Don't tell Chiron about the dream.
[X][Cabin Four] Do nothing, the situation is fine as is or will resolve itself
[X][Socialize] Blossom
[X][Socialize] Jordan Yu
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Kalina
[X][Socialize] Just wander about a bit, meet new people.
[X][Socialize] Try to meet any Dryads you might find around camp.
[X][Dream] Don't tell Chiron about the dream.
[X][Cabin Four] Try and speak to each member individually
[X][Socialize] Blossom
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Kalina
[X][Socialize] Rosie
[X][Socialize] Just wander about a bit, meet new people.
[X][Socialize] Try to meet any Dryads you might find around camp.
Given the answer to my previous question, I'm more in favor of interacting with a larger number of our siblings
Now you'll notice I'm not selecting Lily or Violet, Lily is simply because they are leaving the camp, we are unlikely to see them so fostering the relationship isn't nearly as important, now Violet is selecting themselves to ignore us so I'll respect that a bit even if I dislike it. I then like fostering a relationship with the Dryads now, and finding individuals in the camp that are not yet in positions of influence seems like a good plan to me this plan is mostly about fostering things for the future.
Oh and Iknow not telling Chiron about the dream isn't gonna happen but it's still how I wish to vote, but I also didn't really want to talk to Chiron so that is probably my reasoning.
[X][Dream] Tell Chiron about your dream
[X][Cabin Four] Try and speak to each member individually
[X][Socialize] Blossom
[X][Socialize] Lily
[X][Socialize] Willow
[X][Socialize] Violet
[X][Socialize] Kalina
[X][Socialize] Rosie
[24][Dream] Tell Chiron about your dream
[19][Cabin Four] Try and speak to each member individually
[24][Socialize] Blossom
[21][Socialize] Willow
[21][Socialize] Kalina
[15][Socialize] Rosie
[14][Socialize] Lily
[13][Socialize] Violet
"Yes, actually. I had a dream last night." Chiron looks intrigued. You describe the dream to him, though you don't tell him Annabeth's name as there is no way you could know it without telling him about your reincarnation and that's not a can of worms you want to get into.
Chiron looks at you severely, then glances upward at the sky. "You must not speak of this again. Ever! It must remain a secret, do you hear me?" This is perhaps the most serious you've ever heard Chiron. You nod nervously. He relaxes a small amount. "I am sorry for being so harsh, but you must understand the implications…"
You nod. You understand well enough that if Zeus were to hear about your dream, then he might try to 'eradicate' you, which would probably be bad for your health. Percy survived ok, but that's because his dad was protecting him. You'd like to think your mom would do the same for you, but it's not like you can be sure. "I understand."
"In it, did Blossom have her crutches?" he asks shrewdly a moment later.
You think back. "No." though it may have been because the girl was constantly changing between her and two others.
"Interesting," he muses, then gives you another severe look. "Remember what I said."
On your second weekend at camp, you find yourself sitting on the beach with Blossom. She wanted to come out here to be away from the other campers, and you honestly felt the same. You felt like the rumors about you were only getting worse, and the only people who hadn't changed how they treated you were Justin and Blossom. Justin was currently nowhere to be seen, so you had sought out your first friend.
"Seems like the stories about you are getting more far-fetched. I heard someone claim that you were descended from one of the Big Three on your dad's side."
You snort. Your dad is awesome, but he'd be hard-pressed to be more mortal. Although there was that guy Percy's mom married. You put that thought out of your head. "You've met him, what do you think?"
"I think they're being stupid. Besides, you don't need any other special characteristics to be awesome, you just are." She pats you on the head as she smiles at you.
You're very unsure of how to respond. "Thanks?" This causes her to giggle.
"Never change, Sam."
"Ok," you're pretty sure she's referring to your abysmal social skills, but you will get better… eventually.
"So, How are things with your cabin? I hope they're not taking things too poorly."
You sigh and lean back on the sand. "I guess. They don't seem to think I'm an arrogant kid or anything, but it's not really the same as it was before."
"I'm sorry to hear that. If you want, I can talk to Rosie."
The offer is tempting, but you think that some things should be discussed between the two of you, rather than using Blossom as an intermediate. It's not fair to Blossom and it's not fair to Rosie either.
"No thanks. What about you? How's life in the Aphrodite cabin?" You have some idea that it's not great, considering that she has never spoken about her cabin or any of its members.
Blossom makes a face. "It's the place that I sleep." is all she says.
That statement makes you curious, but you can't tell if she's trying to shut down that line of conversation or leave an opening for you to ask questions.
[][Cabin Ten] Ask her about her cabin.
[][Cabin Ten] Change the subject.
[][Cabin Ten] Write-in.
You can't put off speaking to your cabin members forever, so you decide to get it over with as soon as possible. Rip off the band-aid so to speak. The two most palatable conversations seem to be Willow and Kalina. You just need to get Willow to stop worrying by assuring her that you're not the child of prophecy. You know what your dream was about, but you can't help but feel that you're not that person damn it! Kalina, on the other hand, should just be a matter of satisfying her curiosity.
That's why you're not entirely certain it's chance when Kalina runs into you while you're practicing your Archery. You already know the basics from your two classes with your cabin, but you're not very good yet. Sure, you can hit the target now, but not with any accuracy, and only when you're standing perfectly still and have several seconds to aim. It certainly won't help you in a fight, not yet at least.
"Do you want some help?" she asks casually. You're still trying to decide whether this is a coincidence or she followed you, but you decide that you do need the help, after all, Kalina is the second-best archer in your cabin, only behind Lily, who you know can go toe to toe with some of the Apollo kids.
"Sure, got any tips?"
She has to crouch to line her shoulders up with yours as she starts fixing your stance. It's the sort of casual familial intimacy that has been missing from your cabin life for the past five days.
She steps back. "Make sure to keep your elbow straight. Don't let it droop."
Your accuracy doesn't magically improve, no matter how much you might wish it to, but you do feel as though you have better control over the bow, though this posture is straining your arms a bit. As you practice with it, Kalina falls into her usual routine of asking you things about yourself.
"So, how did you get so good at the plant stuff?"
"Lot of practice."
"How much?"
"I dunno. School's always been pretty easy for me, and I never had many friends-"
"Other than Blossom?"
"Other than Blossom," you confirm. "I've been practicing, I don't know, three years at least."
"And you never had problems with monsters?"
"There were zombies, but they were never grouped up and individually they were pretty easy to kill."
The conversation lapses a bit as Kalina focuses on her own shots, showing the difference between your skill levels.
"What about you? When did you start practicing with plants?" you ask her.
"To be honest, I didn't even know about all this stuff until my dad dropped me off here last year. Took me almost two weeks to get claimed, too. Trust me, you're lucky to have never stayed in the Hermes Cabin."
"Anything and everything is fair game, even if you've locked stuff up, and I'm not even gonna talk about the space issues."
"How bad is it?"
"I didn't get a bunk until I got claimed, and then there's the whole issue that half of the cabin members aren't even children of Hermes, so they don't fit in, like, at all."
You decide to change the subject, since you already have a pretty good idea of the problems in Cabin Eleven, and the topic served its purpose as an icebreaker. "Why did you take up archery?"
She pauses from where she's aiming another shot and lets the bowstring slowly go slack as she removes the tension from it. "The story is actually kind of hilarious when you consider how good I've gotten at this. Lily was being all mopey," you raise an eyebrow at her. She laughs. "I know, it doesn't sound like her at all. Anyway, when I asked her why she told me it's because no one wanted her to teach them her archery skills. As the youngest and newest member of the cabin, I became her student."
"That's why you took up archery?"
"Stupid reason, I know, but I'm good at it, and it's not like I was particularly skilled with swords at that point anyway."
You both take a short break from speaking to go find the arrows you've shot downrange.
"What do you think about all those rumors that you're the child of prophecy?"
"They're all being stupid. Mr. D only said that to scare me. Besides, they'll forget about it in a week."
"I don't know about that, Mr. D has never said that about anyone else, I mean there are five of us that are already older than you."
"All of you got to camp older than me though."
"Fair, fair, but I saw you talking to Chiron the other day, and he seemed pretty serious."
"It was nothing."
"Come on, you can tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone."
[][KDream] Tell Kalina about your conversation with Chiron
[][KDream] Refuse
[][KDream] Make up a lie.
[][KDream] Write-in.
Unlike Kalina, you have to actually search for Willow to get her alone. There are plenty of times when you meet her with the rest of the Demeter Cabin, like all of your mandatory activities and meals. You never get the chance to pull her aside, even if only to tell her that you want to meet up with her later. You eventually end up asking Kalina, who tells you that there's a library in the Big House that Willow is spending all of her time at. You didn't actually know it existed until you asked her.
When you actually get to the Big House, you end up having to ask an Apollo kid, who's manning the make-shift hospital for directions.
The library itself isn't all that large, though it does appear to be absolutely packed full of books and other forms of collected paper, like binders and scrolls. There are only two tables, and neither of them is very large. You can see why they don't have the counselor meetings here.
You find Willow pouring over a book in Greek with several others stacked on the table she's using. You take note that the stacks have a mixture of English and Greek books, with some of the Greek books looking newer than some of the English ones.
Willow practically jumps out of her chair. You're surprised she didn't draw a weapon on you. That seems like the kind of thing that would happen at a camp full of demigods. "Oh, it's you, Sam."
"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you. About all this." You wave your hand in the general direction of all the books shes collected.
"Oh!" she seems surprised, "Ok, I've been collecting information on the possible interpretations of the Great Prophecy and-"
"Wait, the Great Prophecy is written down and available for just anyone to read."
She blinks owlishly at you. "Yeah? I mean, it wasn't that hard to find. I mean, not many people bother to come here anyway. The Athena kids like to hang out at the Arts and Crafts center more than in this dusty old place."
"Ok, back to what I was gonna say. I'm not the Child of Prophecy, so you don't need to worry-"
This time, she interrupts you. "How do you know that though? Mr. D has never been like that with anyone before, and if there's even the slightest chance that it is you then I need to be ready to tell you everything you need to know. No offense to you, but you're woefully underprepared. You've been a camper for only three weeks, and you've never even been on a quest before, not to mention one that's part of the Great Prophecy. Even ordinary quests can be lethal. It's only a couple of steps until the prophecy is telling you that someone dies. The only one of us who's even been on a quest is Lily!"
You file away the information that apparently, prophecies saying someone dies are uncommon since you're pretty sure that Percy had a lot of those, though remembering how many is a tad difficult. Also, you didn't know Lily had been on a quest.
"Ok, so I appreciate what you're doing," you begin, "but I think you may be taking it a bit far. I mean, I hardly see you outside of meals and the group activities. You can't spend all your time down here, and I still have a lot of time before I need to worry about it. Besides, if you were going to spend so much time down here on my behalf, why haven't you told me yet? I didn't even know this place existed."
Willow looks abashed. "Ah, that's right, I should have told you about this place so that you could do your own research. Um. Welcome to the library."
"Thanks," you say flatly.
She laughs nervously, then jolts towards the stack of books. "Now that you're here, I have several questions for you." She doesn't wait for your permission to ask them. "I've been reading accounts of previous children of Demeter, and while the ability to give plants abilities they shouldn't have is rare, it's not unheard of. What's never mentioned is exactly what you can do with it, or how you can learn it, so how did you learn it?"
"It just came intuitively to me."
Willow makes an affronted noise. "You and everybody else. I just," she growls at the book. "I don't get it. Is it something only a few of Demeter's kids have, or is it just that no one has bothered trying to learn it. It could even be that someone has learned it and just not bothered writing it down."
[][Concept Imbuing] Offer to teach her. (Willow might learn how to imbue plants with concepts. You stand out more)
[][Concept Imbuing] Don't mention anything. (Willow is frustrated)
Capture the flag is your big clue to the fact that Justin isn't at camp. The Demeter cabin has allied with the Ares cabin again, though this time you're pretty sure that Lily's cut some deal with the Ares kid who is not Justin about cleaning the stables. That Ares camper's name is Nichols Lawson. Yes, Nichols, not Nicholas. You don't know whether there was a typo when he was born at the hospital (presumably that's where he was born at least) or his mother just decided Nicholas was too common.
Anyway, he has collected all six of your cabin members and stuck you out of the way. You'd protest, but you don't really care enough, though Violet certainly looks mad. None of your other cabin members protest the positioning. Instead, you go there and essentially make it an impassable fortress of tree roots and bushes. It doesn't particularly help when Jordan simply circumvents your encampment and captures the flag, turning it grey with an Owl emblem.
That weekend, you decide that you're going to explore the forest. Generally, it's not recommended to do it on your own unless you're confident in your ability to defend yourself. Of course, you feel more at home in a forest than anywhere else. Now, all you need to do is determine what you're trying to do in this forest.
[][Forest Exploration] Try and see if you can find the entrance to the Labyrinth
[][Forest Exploration] Introduce yourself to the local Dryads.
[][Forest Exploration] Fight some of the monsters.
[][Forest Exploration] Write-in.
Outside of your normal practice, you resolve to spend this week clearing things up with the rest of your cabin members, even if it may be a bit harder than with the ones you talked to last week.
The first, and easiest to find is Lily. She doesn't exactly follow you around camp, but whenever you're in a crowded area, she does happen to be there, if not every time, then most of the time. Thus, it's a simple matter to just walk over to her.
"Hey Sam, how are you?"
"I'm good." You decide being blunt is the best option. "Why are you following me?"
Lily gapes at you.
"I can handle myself. I know that the others are gonna bad-mouth me. It doesn't bother me."
"It's not that… Well, It's not just that. People are going to try and pick fights with you," she holds up her hand to stop you from talking, "and I know you can handle yourself in those fights, but you're not supposed to be fighting outside of the Arena or the forest. You could get in trouble with Mr. D or Chiron, and the more you use those plants of yours, the more likely people will believe the rumors. Plus, as head counselor, it's my responsibility to ensure you stay out of trouble."
"Ok, it's just. I don't want everybody to treat me like I'm different now. I haven't changed since last to last week."
"I know, you don't want things to change and you liked how things were before, but things have changed now. People are going to treat you differently, at least until everybody gets used to it. Just let me keep track of you for a week or two more until things die down. No one will accost you so long as I'm here."
[][Bodyguard] Let Lily follow you around until people stop talking about you.
[][Bodyguard] Refuse, you want to deal with your own problems.
-[][Bodyguard] It was rude of her to do this without your permission.
[][Bodyguard] Write-in.
"So, I heard you've been on a quest."
"Yeah," she says wistfully. "It was my second year at camp."
"And?" you prod her for more information.
"It wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I was the one who received the prophecy, and I went with Justin and a Hermes girl who left. None of us were counselors yet. I had to go to Maine to take care of some spriggans who made mom angry."
"Wait, spriggans?"
"Not very Greek huh? I was surprised too. They were annoying little sh-" she cuts herself off, "people as well. They're nature spirits, like Dryads or Naiads, but ever since Pan vanished they've spent their time pranking people and generally being nuisances. It was hard to track down all of them, but at least I didn't have to kill all of them. After the first few groups, the rest fell in line. "
The way she talks so casually about hunting down groups of spriggans is kind of scary, but a part of you also admires her for her capability.
"Don't get me wrong, the ones we did fight were vicious. I've got some nasty scars on my legs from those thorny vines."
"They overrode your control of the plants?"
"Yeah, I could probably stop them now, but back then? No way."
She fishes out a bead from her necklace. It has a picture of a tiny wooden sprite laughing mischievously.
"Do all the camp beads have to do with the quest that summer?"
"Not always, but usually."
"How long did it take?"
"About three weeks."
"Speaking of quests, is Justin on one right now?" you change the subject.
"Yeah, I'm honestly surprised you haven't asked yet. He's supposed to either kill or tame a griffon. Personally, I'm hoping it's the former, since if he does tame one, then it'll be up to us to take care of it, and they're supposed to be really temperamental."
You try and think of something else you want to know about quests, but come up with a blank. Instead, you bring up something else.
"So I heard this interesting story about why Kalina chose to learn archery…"
Tracking down Violet is not terribly hard. She pretty much heads to the arena whenever it's not in use and you're not in it. It's a short matter of waiting a bit after breakfast, and then following her to the Arena.
When you get there, she's already got her gear on and is performing some sword forms. She picks up on your presence shortly after you arrive, though you weren't exactly being stealthy.
"What do you want?" she bites out.
You're not sure what to say, maybe a pre-emptive apology. "Look, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Is there something I can do to make it up to you?"
She gives you a look like you've grown a second head. "You know, you don't talk like a kid."
"Ugh," she drops her sword and takes off the helmet she's wearing. "I just had this image of you being the little brother I never had, but you're well… you. You don't act like a kid your age, and now there's all this nonsense with you being the Child of Prophecy-"
"I'm not the Child of Prophecy," you insist.
"Why don't you want to be, anyway? If I were you, I'd be all over that."
"It sounds like a great way to end up dead."
She gives you a shaky laugh. "Fair enough, though I think I'd prefer that to dying in obscurity."
You have to remind yourself that she's never been on a quest. "Let's agree to disagree on that point."
"Ok," she runs her hand through her hair, then sighs. "Look, if anyone out of the two of us needs to apologize, it's probably me. My dad keeps telling me to try and put myself in other people's shoes, and I'd be pretty upset if someone I just met put expectations on me and then got mad when I failed to match up. Can we… start over, pretend like none of this happened?"
[][Violet] Start over
[][Violet] No, you're hurt by her actions.
[][Violet] Write-in.
You have to remind yourself that you're in the home stretch to work up the courage to talk to Rosie. Finding her is easy since all you need to do is go to the Arts & Crafts building and ask Blossom where she is. As it turns out, she likes to hang out at the volleyball court, which makes it a bit difficult to get her alone, as many of the other campers hang out there as well. You manage to catch her before she heads there from your Friday climbing wall session with the rest of the cabin.
Despite your nerves, you're pretty sure that, of the two of you, she's the one who's more nervous to be in this conversation.
"Oh, uh, what did you need?"
"I just wanted to talk to you about this whole Child of Prophecy nonsense."
"You mean you're not the Child of Prophecy?"
"I'm not," you confirm.
"But it makes so much sense. I mean, you're so smart, you have such great control over plants, and you were claimed on the very first day you were here, in front of the cabin as well," she lists off.
"Ok, I get it, but all that doesn't make me the Child of Prophecy."
"I mean it just makes sense, doesn't it. I mean you've got everything." Ah, there's the bitterness.
"I wasn't just born like this, you know. I had to work at it, just like you, just like everyone else in the cabin."
Rosie crosses her arms and gives you a look full of disbelief. "Really now?"
"So if you learned it on your own, that means that you can teach me."
"Probably," you admit.
"So, teach me," she demands.
[][Chloro-tutoring] Agree to teach Rosie Chlorokinesis (Increased EXP Gain for Chlorokinesis, Reduced EXP Gain for derivative skills)
[][Chloro-tutoring] Refuse.
This time, you're actually privy to some of the discussion between Lily and the two cabins vying for your participation on their team for Capture the Flag. It's also the first time you hear about the guard patrol. Apparently, it's totally voluntary, though it does exempt you from a lot o the other chores, and it's not too dangerous. That, and it being the only chance anyone gets to fight monsters outside of quests means that they actually have a fairly large number of people. You also learn that Kalina and Violet are members.
Back to picking a team, though, it's clear that Lily is still somewhat upset at Sean, so Jordan ends up gaining your allegiance for the week.
When he's assigning sections of the forest for the Demeter cabin to guard, you note that he doesn't assign you anywhere. You kind of wonder if he forgot you.
"Alright, everyone here is on offense," he says, after finishing up the defensive tactics.
Even you?
"Even the kid?" It seems that one of the Ares kids, one that you don't recognize had the same idea.
"Yes, I want to see how Sam's plants do on offense. If you're feeling up for it, that is," he says the last bit to you.
[][Offense] You'd rather be on Defense for now.
[][Offense] Sure, you can try Offense.
[][Offense] Write-in.
Votes for the next chapter:
[X][Cabin Ten] Ask her about her cabin.
[X][Concept Imbuing] Offer to teach her. (Willow might learn how to imbue plants with concepts. You stand out more)
[X][KDream] Sorry, Chiron put his trust in me and he swore me to never tell. He was just trying to help I think.
[X][Bodyguard] Let Lily follow you around until people stop talking about you.
[X][Forest Exploration] Introduce yourself to the local Dryads.
[X][Violet] Start over
[X][Chloro-tutoring] Agree to teach Rosie Chlorokinesis (Increased EXP Gain for Chlorokinesis, Reduced EXP Gain for derivative skills)
[X][Offense] Sure, you can try Offense.
[X][Concept Imbuing] Offer to teach her. (Willow might learn how to imbue plants with concepts. You stand out more)
[X][KDream] Sorry, Chiron put his trust in me and he swore me to never tell. He was just trying to help I think.
[X][Forest Exploration] Fight some of the monsters.
[X][Bodyguard] Let Lily follow you around until people stop talking about you.
[X][Violet] Start over
[X][Chloro-tutoring] Agree to teach Rosie Chlorokinesis (Increased EXP Gain for Chlorokinesis, Reduced EXP Gain for derivative skills)
[X][Offense] Sure, you can try Offense.
I feel like we need to see where we lie in combat with our plants. We can perform these actions, but can we do them in live combat?
(EDIT: I'd be fine with any other vote too, but I just want to see what we can currently do.)
[X][Cabin Ten] Ask her about her cabin.
[X][Concept Imbuing] Offer to teach her. (Willow might learn how to imbue plants with concepts. You stand out more)
[X][KDream] Sorry, Chiron put his trust in me and he swore me to never tell. He was just trying to help I think.
[X][Bodyguard] Let Lily follow you around until people stop talking about you.
[X][Forest Exploration] Introduce yourself to the local Dryads.
[X][Violet] Start over
[X][Chloro-tutoring] Agree to teach Rosie Chlorokinesis (Increased EXP Gain for Chlorokinesis, Reduced EXP Gain for derivative skills)
[X][Offense] Sure, you can try Offense.
[X][Cabin Ten] Ask her about her cabin.
[X][KDream] Sorry, Chiron put his trust in me and he swore me to never tell. He was just trying to help I think.
[X][Concept Imbuing] Offer to teach her. (Willow might learn how to imbue plants with concepts. You stand out more)
[X][Forest Exploration] Introduce yourself to the local Dryads.
[X][Bodyguard] Let Lily follow you around until people stop talking about you.
[X][Violet] Start over
[X][Chloro-tutoring] Agree to teach Rosie Chlorokinesis (Increased EXP Gain for Chlorokinesis, Reduced EXP Gain for derivative skills)
[X][Offense] Sure, you can try Offense.
[X][Cabin Ten] Ask her about her cabin.
[X][Concept Imbuing] Offer to teach her. (Willow might learn how to imbue plants with concepts. You stand out more)
[X][KDream] Sorry, Chiron put his trust in me and he swore me to never tell. He was just trying to help I think.
[X][Bodyguard] Let Lily follow you around until people stop talking about you.
[X][Forest Exploration] Introduce yourself to the local Dryads.
[X][Violet] Start over
[X][Chloro-tutoring] Agree to teach Rosie Chlorokinesis (Increased EXP Gain for Chlorokinesis, Reduced EXP Gain for derivative skills)
[X][Offense] Sure, you can try Offense.
[X][Cabin Ten] Ask her about her cabin.
[X][Concept Imbuing] Offer to teach her. (Willow might learn how to imbue plants with concepts. You stand out more)
[X][KDream] Sorry, Chiron put his trust in me and he swore me to never tell. He was just trying to help I think.
[X][Bodyguard] Let Lily follow you around until people stop talking about you.
[X][Forest Exploration] Introduce yourself to the local Dryads.
[X][Violet] Start over
[X][Chloro-tutoring] Agree to teach Rosie Chlorokinesis (Increased EXP Gain for Chlorokinesis, Reduced EXP Gain for derivative skills)
[X][Offense] Sure, you can try Offense.
[X][Cabin Ten] Ask her about her cabin.
[X][Concept Imbuing] Offer to teach her. (Willow might learn how to imbue plants with concepts. You stand out more)
[X][KDream] Sorry, Chiron put his trust in me and he swore me to never tell. He was just trying to help I think.
[X][Bodyguard] Let Lily follow you around until people stop talking about you.
[X][Forest Exploration] Introduce yourself to the local Dryads.
[X][Violet] Start over
[X][Chloro-tutoring] Agree to teach Rosie Chlorokinesis (Increased EXP Gain for Chlorokinesis, Reduced EXP Gain for derivative skills)
[X][Offense] Sure, you can try Offense.