Chapter 1:5
Nom Nom Nom
Soundtrack: Suggestions Appreciated
A great variety of choices and ideas for what you can do flood your mind. Temptations to play, investigate, snuggle, and more shout and fight for attention in your metaphorical mind's ears. Your mind struggles to comprehend and sort out the differing variables of each choice from the others so that you can begin to decide on what you want to do next, when something softly growls its own desires and needs from behind you.
Your confused by the sound, trying to figure out where, what, and how the sound originated from. You swivel your head from side to side to try and find th source of the growling, having heard it somewhere behind you, when it resounds again from somewhere around your back. You notice this time that with the growl, an odd, ticklish feeling from your lower body accompanies the sound. You curve your neck into an awkward shape so that your snout is directed at the point from your lower body where the growling and tickling comes from. The growling comes again, with the tickling feeling and you cock your head in confusion. You have no idea what is making the sound, nothing is there to make the sound then you, and you know you aren't making the sound on purpose.
Pondering on the possibilities of what is making the sound and feeling, you reflect on past experiences. Only aggressors have made the growling sound in your past, the jade-hunters are the most prominent example of such. The tickling feeling reminds you of the sensation of grass brushing your sides as your hunting the small, crunchy prey through it, of the hard grass softly digging and pressing into your lower body as you laid down against it to hide from the Jade-Hunters. Slowly putting together your experiences, you decide the growling sound from your lower body means it's trying to tell you something, the ticklish feeling being something inside you doing something.
You panick, the something in your lower body is growling and doing something. You are about chirp and squeal for your Mother's attention, when the insight hits you-('you hunger,' the unseen huffs)-your hungry for more prey. The tantalizing smell of the Jade-Hunter's remains, alongside the new revelation of the growl/tickle in your lower body meaning food, is too much to resist and you manage to tear loose a chunk of warm flesh from the not-live body of your once enemy. As you throw your head back and swallow the chunk, the not-there voice inside you guides you to a specific spot inside the body/meat. You eye the dull purple glob of meat, cocking your head this way and that in curiosity. You sniff it and smell the sharpness of the blood, slowly pooling out of the now opened body, and another strange smell you can't quite identify. However, the strange scent is oddly enticing so you snatch the purple glob of meat from the inside. You enjoy the taste of the glob, so you cock your head backwards and throw your snout forwards to get as much of the flesh into your jaws as possible. You continue doing so until the vast majority of it is inside your jaws, only closing your jaws on the flopping meat chunk then. Surprisingly, the flesh glob pops when you dig your fangs into it, and you find the taste of the fluids inside to be good.
You can feel your stomach swell from the mass of the content you've eaten. Feeling satisfaction, but still seeking more, you strip off a second chunk of meat from the lower body of the Jade-Hunter and devour that. Your forced to back off, immediately after to give the oncoming horde, consisting of three of your siblings, access to the body/meat where they immediately start fighting each other for their portion of the meat. The swell of your belly feels even better now that your observing the fierce competition for, what you assume the unseen calls are telling your siblings are, the best remaining bits of the body. You flick your tongue over your bloodied fangs, closing your eyes and enjoying the taste and feel of the personal cleansing. You watch your siblings squabble over their parts of the bodies, both the one you consumed from, and the other bodies that litter other parts of the clearing for a time before tiring of that.
Returning to the trench in the nest you slept in before the Jade-Hunter attack, you nestle yourself inbetween Mother and her large being and observe the larger beings in the clearing. They number six, not including Mother. Most are coloured the same as your siblings, all slightly differing shades of gray. Mother is the largest of them, and is the brightest with an almost shiny gray hue to her scales. The large being that rubbed her snout before is a dull gray-red colour, with dark stripes starting to cross the length of his back, now that you have taken the time to scent them you can detect the small hints of your gender in him. He is only one of your piercing claws smaller than him. They are leaning against one another, snuggling, as they watch another of your siblings burst their snouts out of their All-They-Have-Ever-Known.
Further away in the clearing, curled around some of the dirt mounds, more larger beings lie. The closest one is also the second largest being, compared to Mother. She, her scent tells you she is a she, is a gray that reminds you of the small occasional pebbles that dot the area around Mother's nest. By her is a smaller, male, who is almost all gray. He is only starting to develop his red scales, and doesn't yet have the stripes that your inner guide knows signal maturity. The last three nests are all close together, with near identical larger beings in them. The only visible tell-tales to seperate them are faint scars that mark the snout, sides, and back of the furthest, the scars across the second furthest one's nostrils, and the closest identical one's slightly misaligned jaw. All three of them are the same dull gray of your larger sibling that accompanied you during the Jade-Hunter attack.
Having observed all seven of the large beings in the clearing, you decide that they are all somewhat friendly. Not one is being aggressive at them moment, and all of them are displaying signs of vulnerability to you and your siblings. The three near-identicals are sleeping, the-('Seconds,' the inside voice hisses)-Seconds, you label the closest sleeping duo. Mother and Father are right beside each other watching their young. Your inner voice communicates that they are the Firsts of your extended family's group. Feeling safe, full, content, you fall into peaceful slumber.
Choose Your Interlude
[X] The First Hunt
Just read the label
[X] The First Years
Just read the label
[X] The Miracle
Girls = Boys????
[X] The Great Dying
QM Note: Second Apologies for taking so long to get this one out. I've had plenty of things get in the way IRL so there was nothing I could do about it. Anyways, if you guys have suggestions for soundtracks for this chapter, please spoiler them. This lowers the problems others might have with reading through pages and just makes the pages more pleasant to look at. As you can guess from descriptions in this chapter, and invistext hints from earlier, I have settled on the JP:LW raptor appearance for males in the Dull-Back Pack gens.
So, in case anyone is wondering just what you ate from the compy, well you got the most nutrious part of a fresh corpse... Yep, you guessed it, you guys just ate a liver.
Ya, you guys. Hope that I included enough adorable moments to match the gross-out-factor of eating a bleh body part for you.
Rolls for this Part:
Night-Stalker - Survivors per Pack/Gen
Smugraptor - Which Pack/Gen Yours Is
Voting Ends Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 8:00pm (EST).