Do You Want to be Male or Female?

  • Male

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • Female

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Let the Roll Decide

    Votes: 17 45.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Let it roll, let it roll

I can't hold it back anymore!!

Let us Roll, to see our chances

OF THIS Encounter!!!!!!

with a small hunter!
Smugraptor threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 2
2 2
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Rolls Needed:
Posture - 1d10 = 9
Follow Your Lead - 1d10 = 7
Encounter Small Hunter - 1d6 = 2

Alright, I will endeavour to put out the next chapter within the next 24hrs. Thanks for the patience and participation you guys. :D
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Chapter 4:9
Chapter Four: Part Nine
Pose for Big Sis
You feel put on the spot for all of a moment, being shown off to your Big Sister this way. That said, you automatically fall back on the thing you have done whenever confronted by someone knew. Try and be as impressive as you can be through the art of good posturing. You do not do the little goofy head bob, stretched arm thing that you did before. You do not feel like being picked up and examined all over again, that had not been a good feeling. Instead, you furl out your forelimbs to show that you can be threatening, as you show your gleaming whites. You have your Precise Claw (killing claw) nice and high, as it should be when not in use, and your back nice and straight. Out of the corners of your eyes, you can see quite a few of your siblings following your lead in this, each with a similar pose going on.

There are a few siblings, however, that do not follow your lead. One, Light Gray Brother, is hiding behind Mother in a moment of shyness. Another, Boulder Gray Sister, actually did follow your lead for a few moments before letting the moment go to try and help your youngest sibling get over their moment of shyness. The other two siblings, Silver Sister and Stone Sister, are not in your line of sight, so you are unable to tell what they are doing for this introduction.

Your large, stone-gray scaled sister examines your brood with a close eye, taking you all in. She takes a moment to compose herself, before leaning down and nuzzling the closest sibling to her, Dull, Dark Gray Brother. Your laziest sibling, of course, takes it all in stride and nuzzles back. Your large sister then takes a moment to nuzzle each and every one of you...whether you want that affection or not. Your feistiest siblings, such as Bright, Dark Gray Sister and Silver Sister attempt to resist Little Stone in her familial nuzzles, but are quickly rebuffed by your largest sister by being picked up in her jaws for a moment before being dropped. They quickly accept their nuzzlings then. When it comes to be your turn with the nuzzler, you accept it with what dignity you can.

When she finishes with her nuzzling, Big SIster turns to Mother and compliments her on managing to keep us all alive thus far. She comments on all the signs of good health we show; the sheen of our scales, the proper sharpness of our talons and fangs, and so on and so forth. You almost tire of listening to them when Second Male excitedly lopes up to Little Stone and they merrily greet one another. The rest of your pack gather around her and it is a very happy reunion.

After that is all said and done, your travelling group journeys the rest of the way to the BigRock Pack territory without too much trouble. Sure, there was the usual scares when the pack had to traverse across open meadows. The Grown made sure to keep a close eye on your brood when you had to cross, making sure that no Prey tried to take advantage of the situation to try and eliminate a future threat such as yourselves. Makes you feel pretty good about yourself to know that, from the look of the Prey you saw on the way, they did know that you would be a threat in the times to come. Something to preen yourself about, you guess. The only other thing worth noting on the way was an encounter with a tiny, feathered bird...thing. It was something that looked like a bird and acted like one. It could fly like a bird, but it had claws on the wrists of it's wings. It climbed trees like a newborn hatchling would and gave a call that sounded very much like a small Scaley Hunter ( Dinosaur Predator). It puzzled you and your brood very much, but apparently it was nothing unusual by how the Grown just ignored it.

Interlude Time!
[] The Watchers
[] The Stalkers
[] The Party
[] ??????

QM Note: I apologize for struggling to get this one out, and for it's short size. Long story short, wasn't feeling the best yesterday and I only managed to get this out now. Couldn't focus too well on anything and that is why everything is so short at the moment. Your small hunter encounter was Confuciusornis. I will have that InGen sheet up later today. It'll be the first InGen sheet that my co-QM, UnderSeaWings will have written that is going up on this Quest. Hope you all enjoy it. Again, apologies for the short size of today's chapter.

The Watchers are silent, eternally gazing. Never do they blink.
The Stalkers are quiet, trying to recover. Castaways from a world not so different from our own.
The Party are thieves, looking to plunder. Envious of everything in their gaze.
The Unknown are coming, silently stalking. They marvel at all they see.

Vote Ends Friday
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Yay, sorta successful posing! And nuzzles! :)

And I presume someone will be able to chime in about which raptor-bird cousin that was at the end.

[x] ??????

Sure, why not?
InGen File: AF.03
InGen File: AF.03

Among the proof concepts of the de-extinction process, Project BabyBird is a two part operation of great success within InGen. While originally just a one part operation, a lucky find directly resulting from the extensive fossil funding of InGen turned it into an extensive two part operation.

Codenamed AF.03.01: The first part of the operation was to genetically modify the Hoatzin genetic code to produce a bird that kept it's youthful claws throughout it's entire lifespan. This was easily done by InGen's scientists and has produced one of the major seed dispersing species of the various Projects of InGen. They are a surprisingly beautiful bird that is well appreciated by the park rangers of [REDACTED] due to how they help reduce the damage of the grazing DF lines to the forest through their active participation in the flora lifecycle. Most predatory species on [REDACTED] leave the bird alone due to the hefty smell it gives off turning off their appetite. Only the most hungry of DF predators will take one of these birds, so they have become an indicator species for how the ecosystem of the island is faring.

Codenamed AF.03.02: The second part of the AF.03 Project was started because of a Find within a farm region of China by one of the cold-weather dig teams funded by InGen. The first true bird fossil known to the fossil record was named Confuciusornis by the discovery team led by Zhang Li in the year 1984. Many more fossils of this species have been found since, enough so that the DNA fragments found within the fragmentary ones allowed a better understanding of the creature than most of the projects undertaken since. It is the vast amount of fossils found that have allowed for the restoration project of this animal to be undertaken in the way it was, and is what led to the hiring of Doctor [REDACTED].

At the time in which it was first presented to investors, the animal was primarily a dark black or blue colour, with white primary feathers. Upon coming into maturity after two rapid growth spurts the animals grew two, long tail feathers which were believed to be a way to indicate good health and genes. Since that point, multiple strains seem to have been developed, with some having coloration akin to the Zebra Finch of the modern day and varying behavioural traits and others retaining the original animal's coloration and behaviours. There is speculation that not all of the AF.03 fossils belonged to the same species, that perhaps there were multiple subspecies found that closely resemble one another (to the untrained or unaware eye) in a skeletal manner but had vastly different coloration and behaviour as is common among today's animals. Expert examination of ALL fossil specimens found thus far, photographic or real in nature, is currently being conducted to find the truth in this.

Behaviour of both subspecies of the Confuciosornis on [REDACTED] is extremely similar to one another, so much so that both subspecies commonly flock with one another. They are a primarily piscivorous species, feeding on the small fish fauna native to the waters around [REDACTED]. One of the subspecies, the zebra finch variant, has been observed to more commonly settle for insectile prey. The wings of both subspecies are noted to have song-bird type adaptations for forest life, though a lack of certain adaptations common in birds today makes long term flight an impossibility. Attempts at predation by InGen's released DF lines on [REDACTED] show that the long tail feathers in mature specimens play a similar role to the removable tail of the gecko. The claws that the Confuciusornis aid in the climbing of trees, when these specimens take to foraging for prey items on the forest floor. It has been noted that these specimens have some trouble with ground take-offs, a problem unanticipated by everyone though obvious in retrospect. It has been found that the root of this problem is due to a lack of some of the adaptations found in birds of the modern day.

QM Note (UnderSeaWings): I got bored so I wrote this in some of my spare time. Let me know what you guys think of it. I'm pretty proud of what I got here, given I actually found a reason for InGen to have hired Doctor Sorkin in the first place. :)

QM Note (AnimalKrazed): So yeah, Red is for UnderSeaWings and Orange is for me. Just letting you guys know that now. Hope you guys enjoy this. :)