Welcome to Academy City, Mind the Crazy~ Quest [RailDex-AU]

Okay, looks like its a RAM failure on my Pc.
If it is, then I should be able to write by tommorow night.
If not, I'm formatting my PC, and should be able to write tommorow.

If it's the graphics card, then it might be a few days.
Okay, looks like its a RAM failure on my Pc.
If it is, then I should be able to write by tommorow night.
If not, I'm formatting my PC, and should be able to write tommorow.

If it's the graphics card, then it might be a few days.
Ouch. I had a hardware fault in my RAM once. Took me a week to finally figure out what was causing my BSODs and then another two hours for memtest to tell me conclusively which RAM stick was the problem. In the end I had to just pull it out an run on half RAM.

Best of luck with the tech issues.
Ouch. I had a hardware fault in my RAM once. Took me a week to finally figure out what was causing my BSODs and then another two hours for memtest to tell me conclusively which RAM stick was the problem. In the end I had to just pull it out an run on half RAM.

Best of luck with the tech issues.
Pretty much exactly that.

BAD_POOL_HEADER and other Pool/memory Bsod's along with computer freezes with buzzing and messed up screen?

It's the RAM card, so I've unplugged the one it seems to be, and I should be able to write some tonight. I'll buy a new pair of RAM sticks soon, but this should get me back to working.

On a different note, having re-read the quest on my phone over the last day or two, I apologise for the mess I made of the college/investigation section. I probably dragged that part out more than was needed.
Okay, I'm pretty much new to this quest and to a rather large degree new to the whole of the Raildex universe, So...

How would Touma's hand interact with our power?
Okay, I'm pretty much new to this quest and to a rather large degree new to the whole of the Raildex universe, So...

How would Touma's hand interact with our power?
If it enters the warped area, it will revert the dimensions back to normal, resetting the 'numbers'.

Whether or not this includes killing the safeties that keep the rapid changes from having expansion/compression effects is unknown.

Touching you means your Dimension Reader is cut off till he let's go, and it might reset your stored 'dimensions' of people.
Whether or not this includes killing the safeties that keep the rapid changes from having expansion/compression effects is unknown.

Based on past precedent, probably a safe cancel. Imagine Breaker hitting a large scale magical effect usually resolves it 'gently'. No energy can be imparted by a supernatural effect, and in the case of compressed items, the energy was imparted by the power in the first place.

We need to test this with a truckload of plush Gekota.
knowing his lack of luck
he may believe our bullshit
So... Having only watched a few episodes of Railgun...

This is like a good while Prior to the whole Level Upper thing, right?
*Is still really confused over the whole thing and is worried as I watch Saten use the Level Upper*
Well yes, but I'm on episode 10. I still have pretty much no idea what's going on with the Level Upper yet. I know it's a song, and that Saten is using it... and that's about it so far.
Well yes, but I'm on episode 10. I still have pretty much no idea what's going on with the Level Upper yet. I know it's a song, and that Saten is using it... and that's about it so far.
I watched it a long time ago so my memories are kind of shot on it, but Level upper is exactly what it says on the tin. Pretty sure someone explains the thing at some point. One of the conversations with the Doctor in that arc I think.
Well yeah, but it sends people into Comas...
Ah goddamn it that damn FEELS.
I can just see it about to happen. Saten is about to go into a coma from the Level Upper. They're talking on the phone and theyre crying and I know what's about to damn happen...
Obviously, we'll be using it. Kagari's luck will make her queen of the shared coma dream.
You know, I'm not sure why I expected differently.
Well yeah, but it sends people into Comas...
Ah goddamn it that damn FEELS.
I can just see it about to happen. Saten is about to go into a coma from the Level Upper. They're talking on the phone and theyre crying and I know what's about to damn happen...
Level Upper will be featured, but it is a little bit a ways. Time line has been twisted like a pretzel after all.

(There's also the fact that I am somewhat unsure as to how to make time pass faster other than timeskips. The things you learn as a QM eh?)

Update should be up tonight.
Nero200 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Teleporters are OP Total: 5
5 5
:o Nero! You're still alive!
College work is a pain, and shifting goal posts are more so.

Also, finding out that the problem I thought had been fixed with my Lab Book for a subject going missing was never actually fixed is somewhat distressing, since it has cost me a sizable chunk of marks in a course I need to pass to continue next year.

Finding this out in the middle of the practical test for the subject, five hours before said problems final deadline kicked in, was a kick in the teeth, since I would have needed about a week to fix said issue. Hoping I can borrow Ri's luck is really the only recourse at this point.

That said, shouldn't really be bitching when I'm nearly month late here should I? Going to end up as behind as Bardiche at this rate. :p
(Which, before you ask, should be updated by the end of this week, hopefully)
Also, finding out that the problem I thought had been fixed with my Lab Book for a subject going missing was never actually fixed is somewhat distressing, since it has cost me a sizable chunk of marks in a course I need to pass to continue next year.

Finding this out in the middle of the practical test for the subject, five hours before said problems final deadline kicked in, was a kick in the teeth, since I would have needed about a week to fix said issue. Hoping I can borrow Ri's luck is really the only recourse at this point.
*Pats head* Hope it gets better soon.
(Which, before you ask, should be updated by the end of this week, hopefully)
Relax, it's exam month. Take your time. We have exams too, so we all understand and share in your stressful existence.
Part 30
Part 30

Winning Vote:
Vote Tally:
[X] Send her all the things. (You will continue to send her any additional info you find if you take this one)
[X] Shopping district. (Random encounter)
Votes: 9

Dice Tally
Random Encounter: 9 [Judgment]
Luck: 9 +44 = 53

Or just have a look around the shopping district, give the VI a good test run on high speed moves with a simulated car chase?

Random Encounter: 9 [Judgement]

You decide not to try going after the magnetic field or your dorm.

Probably not the best idea to test out the EMP shielding on the test model, and you can just call Sammy if you want to check on her.

Onward to the shopping district it is!

You mark a corner store on the map and nod to yourself, before quickly aborting the head movement as the camera feed dipswith it..

"Neka, head towards the marker, remove speed restrictions as much as is safe."

-Yes sir, boosting to highest speed determined by safety tolerances-

The view blurs slightly at the edges as the drone speeds up.

"Switch to shared sight for a second."


You look up, tweaking the space just above the building to look around and see the small streak of blue light above the roof tops. That's a pretty impressive speed, you couldn't quite tell if the number '70KM' on the HUD was serious from the first person view.

"Move five streets left, maintain altitude of roughly rooftop level."

-Acknowledged Sir-

Start at the train station, then pan across until something interesting pops up you guess?


The district looks different from this angle, even compared to roof-hopping or wall skating. The stability compared to your normal high speed movement is strange.

Luckily, the one time you slipped and tried to alter the dimensions on instinct rather than change the direction properly, the safety sensors kicked in before the drone could crash into the store sign.
Luck: 9 +44 = 53 -> Pass
After that close miss, you stay a bit further up, away from any signs. You're fairly certain it could take the hit, but best to be safe when it's not your property.

Panning the camera around a bit, you stop a flickering along the rooftops to the south.

"Move south, focusing on the roofs."

-Yes Sir, moving-

As your hovering viewpoint draws closer, you think you can recognise the person that is looking about.

Is that… Kuroko? The Judgement armband is there, but without your Dimensional Sense, you feel less certain than you usually would.

A tap to the side of the visor and a muttered "Zoom" confirms it.

What is your dorm mate up to?

You follow her with the drone, tagging her as 'Kuroko' after the first time you lose track of her due to a quick series of chained teleports.

After a short but fun pursuit, with her stopping every few buildings to talk to an earpiece, she teleports into a street out of view so you follow.
Ojou-sama: Perception Modifier
You frown to yourself. She's talking to a trio of unsavory looking characters, probably as a part of her Judgment activities. Kuroko did look like she was searching for something on the roofs.

Criminals? You pull up the map on the interface, checking her location to your own.

Hmm, if you throw everything you have at it, you could probably get there in a minute or two.

Absent mindedly plotting the route, you direct the drone to drift into hearing range, slightly annoyed you can't just bend space to hear.

"-ns. So I recommend you tell me where you got them, now."

The tallest of the three punks laughs, before making a fist.

"And what're ya gonna do if we don't, midget?"

This looks like it is going to get hostile. Does she need help? Do you have the reserves to get there in time?

You mentally prod yourself, trying to determine how stressed your power is after your minor freak out earlier on in the stairwell.

EP: 31/72/81

A decent amount of warping, you seem to able to use your power more and more lately.

Your attention is dragged back to the camera as one of the men moves to grab Kuroko.

The small girl seems to sigh, before vanishing. Where did she-


And her aggressor hits the ground face first, following her heel crashing into the back of his head as she appears above him.

One of the other two lunges at her, his friend drawing back his arm as fire builds up in the palm. He stumbles through suddenly empty space as Kuroko pushes the fire into the concrete wall before vanishing again to dodge a thrown rock from the first guy, landing on his hand to push it into the pavement.

She teleported five times, and looks like she's barely broken a sweat.

The lack of dimensional information is making it hard to keep up with their movements, you are used to being able to rely on your abilities feeding you the equations.

She seems to be handling herself, but you are still worried. She was in a hospital bed a day ago after all.

Looking at the third, you are slightly confused to see him pull out… is that a sound bar?

What do?
[ ] Rush to her aid.
-[ ] What do with Neka?
[ ] She is Judgement, she can handle it.
[ ] Write-In

Current Points: +106 (Q+12) (C+54)
Current Rerolls: [Dice Fiend] +1 (MacroDaemon)

Kagari's Notes

-Electromasters Insight
-AI [Active]
--Desmond Francis
Waiting for contact.
---Black Box style?
-Blood, Ice, and Silence
-Kami, the Long Haul

Need to find the paper on singularities and compression, might ask Amelia.
Condition to unlock [Pocket Dimension]
-Waiting to meet with Amelia.

Figure out how to avoid harming teleporters
- Amelia is working on it, but any ideas?

< >
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