Welcome to Academy City, Mind the Crazy~ Quest [RailDex-AU]

...this gets more suspicious each time it happens.
Why do you always fail Perception rolls? You are getting perilously close to actually losing points in the stat.
Question, what does the Neka and its helmet look like again?
Set into the dark foam, it is a orb slightly smaller than your head, plates of smooth black steel making up the spherical but vaguely blocky 'shell' that houses a sizable lense.

A low hum emits from the device as a soft blue shimmers at the edge of the 'eye', before it slowly rises up from the case, stopping just in front of your face.

"Impressive eh?" Lute is holding a small controller, holding up a set of military looking goggles.

"You can control it with this thing," he waves what looks like a console control, "But the voice commands are much more accurate."

He hands you the headset which you slip the headset on, it basically being a more rouged set of snowboarding googles, and slip in the earphone on the left.
also, I think the googles should be rugged, not rouged.
Neka is roughly the size of Guilty Spark from Halo, but other than that , the quoted bit is pretty much my notes on it.

Update will hopefully be up tonight, and should pretty much finish this day off.

So, one step closer to pocket dimension, if Ri can find Amelia.

Which seems doubtful at the moment...
Nero200 threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: ESCAPE POWERS, ACTIVATE Total: 35
11 11 2 2 6 6 16 16
I just suddenly imagined young Kagari trying to make friends with other kids, but at times when they should've met she utterly fails to notice them. Because of this her only friends were people who are very hard to miss.
Part 32
Part 32

Winning Vote:
[X] Distract with Neka
-[X] Have Neka move out of their sight and then yell out for Anti-Skill. Make it sound like its guiding the (nonexistent) Anti-Skill towards the fight.
-[X] Remain concealed otherwise, just be ready to pull Kuroko out of there and extract if she goes down.
Votes: 3

Dice Tally
Perception: 3 9
Willpower (-3) : 15, 18, 16 +9
Perception: 1, 3, 5 +6 1= -5

One hand is pulling at the probably teleported into place weapons, his other seemingly directing the fire that is accompanying his fellow in attacking the short Judgement member. Two still fighting her then.
The Neka is hovering a couple meters above them and a little to the side. Thirty two meters away according to the visor and your power both.
A bit of focus on Kuroko's arm with your Dimensional Reader lets you know that it is nearly certainly broken.
Perception: 9 +11 = 20 -> Fail
Right, if Kuroko already called Judgement, or was talking to them, then they should be on the way.

Buying time will be the aim then, Kuroko seems to be able to continue her dodging for a little bit longer.

You expand the Neka's view window on the visor, directing it to just around the corner it is hovering near, before un-muting the mic and speakers.

-Sight Share Engaged, Activating Communications Suite…-
-By Your Command-

"This way! Your younger agent is just around this corner Anti-Skill-san!" You wince a little at the awkwardness of that sentence, but it's the best you could think of on the fly.

Toggling the volume up a little, you continue "She's fighting a fire user, hurry!"
Willpower: 18 +9 = 27 -> Success!
The one thug who still retains the ability to move steps back with a look of panic, before taking off in the opposite direction instead of pressing a recently gained advantage on Kuroko.

His still nailed to the ground by his clothes… friend? Ally? Fellow degenerate?

Bah, the pyrokinetic started yelling at him, and actually lashed out with the flame lash at bandana guy rather than continuing to pressure Kuroko.

That ended with the now free to take the initiative Judgement agent nailing the flame controlling arm down with a thrown spike to the limb, followed by a followup piece of steel to hold it there via the sleeve.

The accuracy of that teleport is kind of terrifying but you guess she must have something similar to your Reader ability.

A quick command to the Neka to return, and you jog up to Kuroko who is gritting her teeth and holding her arm.

-Passive Pursuit: User-

"Are you okay Shirai-san?" Dumb question, her arm is broken.


Before she can answer, either with sarcasm or not, you put a hand on her uninjured shoulder and flick your umbrella into rapier mode, saying "Don't teleport for a second" before cutting the distance the thug has put between himself and the teleporter to a meter.

You then trip him with the rapier.


That was… easier than expected. Kuroko must have seriously worn him down.

The distance snaps back as you let go of your fellow student's shoulder, letting her know that she is clear to teleport if she wants.

"Thank you Takanashi-san, I didn't see you here earlier."

A gesture to the hovering drone gets a nod of comprehension out of her, followed by the smaller girl tapping her earpiece.

Her fingers tap the protruding ends of sheathed metal spikes and the thug who had been trying to stand back up is pinned like his friend.

She closes the call with a "See you in a minute then" and turns to you.

"Of all the times to forget my taser, this might be the worst one. Thank you for your assistance Takanashi-san." Kuroko winces as she gives a little bow, the movement aggravating her injury.

"You are welcome, but stay still Shirai-san, I think your arm is broken."

Her reply is cut off by a shout. "Kuroko-san?! There you are!"

The feed from your drone sees them first, a pair of teenagers with Judgement armbands to match the teleporters. More Judgement agents.

You step out of their way, letting them engage Kuroko in a rapid fire discussion while you scan for the missing thug with the Neka.
Perception: 5 +6 = 11 -> Fail
Nothing as far as you can see and since you are using the feed from the drone, you can't spot living things any better than anything else.

The pair of Judgement agents quickly secure the delinquents and confirm that you are okay.
Upon learning that you are a dorm mate and friend of Kuroko's they ask if you would mind walking home with Kuroko and ensuring she gets medical attention for her arm.

Predictably the short teleporter tries to wave it off, but you accept easily, only delaying to return the drone to the shop. Luckily the clerk, Lute, was calmed down by the Judgement credentials Kuroko had on hand and said he hoped to see you back soon to buy one of your own.

That done, you and Kuroko walk back to Tokiwadai for medical attention. About half way there you are joined by a somewhat older and black-haired Judgement member, Konori Mii.

Said glasses wearing teenager is the head of the 177th branch of Judgement, which is the branch your new teleporting friend belongs to. Her friend Uihara, who came up in one of your earlier conversations apparently also works there.

After that short conversation, Konori sends you back to the dorms, citing the curfew and the fact that Kuroko will most likely need to stay overnight at the medical facility.

You don't really want to leave her before she gets to the hospital after that fight, but Kuroko agreed and said she would see you tomorrow, so you agreed and headed back to the dorms to check up on Sam.

Given that she is with an older Judgement agent you reason that she should be fine, and burn your somewhat recovered power on getting back quickly.


Ten minutes later you push open the room to your dorm, with about an hour left before curfew.

"You awake Sammy?"

There is no answer from your sleeping friend, but the glass of water that was on her bedside is drunk, so she must have been up at some point. You don't see a plate though, so you resolve to make sure she eats a full breakfast the next morning.

Friend checked on and the day catching up to you, you get ready for bed, sending a couple texts to your family before closing the phone and laying back.

Beep Beep

You nearly fall out of bed as your phone beeps it's message alert tone

It's a text with a rather lengthy 'tech opinion' part of an article from Techie attached.

Looking at the required editing you would need to do, inserting the pictures and having to read it all...

Do you really want to finish the article up now?

What do?
[ ] Finish article tonight
[ ] Finish tomorrow morning
[ ] Write-In (Not entirely sure what else you would do...)
And what to do tomorrow before doing to dinner with Amelia?
[ ] Check on Kuroko
[ ] See if Sam wants to do anything
[ ] Power Dev
[ ] Journalism Mission
-[ ] Which?
[ ] Write-In

Dimension Reader: Awareness - Progression Made

Current Points: +123 (Q+12) (C+54)
Current Rerolls: [Dice Fiend] +1 (MacroDaemon)

Kagari's Notes

-Electromasters Insight
-AI [Active]
--Desmond Francis
---Waiting for contact.
---Black Box style?
-Blood, Ice, and Silence
-Kami, the Long Haul

Need to find the paper on singularities and compression, might ask Amelia.
Condition to unlock [Pocket Dimension]
-Waiting to meet with Amelia.

Figure out how to avoid harming teleporters
- Amelia is working on it, but any ideas?

AN: Sorry, motivation for writing was sapped for the last month or so.

Right, notes...
Is there anyone threadmarks don't work for? I'm planning on switching over to them for story updates if no one has issue with them.
Update speed, I'm not making promises on, but I will do my best not to be this slow, I always feel like an arse for being this late with them.
[X] Finish article tonight

Welp, best to get it over with. If she sent it this late there's probably SOME urgency.

[X] Check on Kuroko

She's got to do something about that arm, and knowing Kuroko she'd break it again.
Threadmarks look good cap'n.

[X] Finish article tonight

[X] Check on Kuroko

My memory fails me; have we actually met Techie IQ yet?