Welcome to Academy City, Mind the Crazy~ Quest [RailDex-AU]

[X] Reroll d100

For Kagari! YOSH!
For the dice gods! YOSH!
For Nero's tears! YOSH!
Karmic hit aside, it's kind of bullshit that the +44 completely takes us out of Accelerator Wants to Paste Us territory.
I did not design the Luck system with you lot going above like 15ish in mind.

Edit: Huh, a 53? Whoops.
You are forgiven for your participation in the fiasco of the double nat 20.

EDIT: Yay!

....High is good here right?:???:
High or low doesn't actually matter on that roll, I had a table made for random encounters for this in game week back from when you wandered around before meeting Sam for dinner that day.

Dice Tally
Encounter: 9
Luck: (9 +44) 53

You have a reroll if you want, but 53 Luck is pretty much baseline. And rerolling won't change the Luck hit.
I'll give 3ish hours to see if reroll goes through.
You'll need... 13 voter's on the last update, so 7 more dos than don'ts.
If there are no don'ts, then it goes through.
That fair?
[X] don't
I think I'll change. I don't see the point in redoing a luck roll that didn't crit fail or something. We have safety, and I'm sure that'll whatever we loose will be gained back a hundredfold. This is Kagari we're talking about, after all.