We Will Never Die: Rebooted (A Halo Spartan Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Whenyouseeyou on Oct 10, 2020 at 4:38 PM, finished with 62 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Plan Important Things
    -[X]A Hiccup: You saw a File… called Augmentation. And both you and Light, were disgusted by it.
    -[X]Mind Palace: You have the map… time to make yourself another AI. A Smart AI.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon(Self Sufficiency): Light had a few ideas to make the Beacon truly self-sufficient. Something about a few fusion reactors here… another section there… That sort of Thing.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Slipspace): So you and Fjhad had an idea… Could you send this station through slipspace… and could you not die in the attempt. The math showed it was possible…
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Defenses): This place has over ten meters of Armor Plating at most of its place… To Light… it would not do.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Industrialization): Maybe it's Light wanting to play games… to become a kingpin of industry again… or maybe it's because there are so many fucking asteroids to mine, and enough robots and scavengers.
    [X] Plan Big Brain
    -[X]Request to Speak to Dr. Halsey: You wish to speak to the good Doctor because you need to swap notes.
    -[X]Mind Palace: You have the map… time to make yourself another AI. A Smart AI.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon(Self Sufficiency): Light had a few ideas to make the Beacon truly self-sufficient. Something about a few fusion reactors here… another section there… That sort of Thing.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Slipspace): So you and Fjhad had an idea… Could you send this station through slipspace… and could you not die in the attempt. The math showed it was possible…
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Defenses): This place has over ten meters of Armor Plating at most of its place… To Light… it would not do.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Industrialization): Maybe it's Light wanting to play games… to become a kingpin of industry again… or maybe it's because there are so many fucking asteroids to mine, and enough robots and scavengers.
    [X] Plan Gears In Motion
    -[X]The Black Market: It seems that Linda and Daisy are going to start a Black Market of Contraband goods… again. How did they do that so fast.
    -[X]The Chief: Chief Mendez doesn't seem very happy with the whole space staiton thing.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon(Self Sufficiency): Light had a few ideas to make the Beacon truly self-sufficient. Something about a few fusion reactors here… another section there… That sort of Thing.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Industrialization): Maybe it's Light wanting to play games… to become a kingpin of industry again… or maybe it's because there are so many fucking asteroids to mine, and enough robots and scavengers.
    -[X]A Hiccup: You saw a File… called Augmentation. And both you and Light, were disgusted by it.
    -[X]Mind Palace: You have the map… time to make yourself another AI. A Smart AI.
    [X] Plan Pimp My Ride!
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon(Self Sufficiency): Light had a few ideas to make the Beacon truly self-sufficient. Something about a few fusion reactors here… another section there… That sort of Thing.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Slipspace): So you and Fjhad had an idea… Could you send this station through slipspace… and could you not die in the attempt. The math showed it was possible…
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Weapons): You know what this station needs? A better main weapon.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Defenses): This place has over ten meters of Armor Plating at most of its place… To Light… it would not do.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Industrialization): Maybe it's Light wanting to play games… to become a kingpin of industry again… or maybe it's because there are so many fucking asteroids to mine, and enough robots and scavengers.
    -[X]A Hiccup: You saw a File… called Augmentation. And both you and Light, were disgusted by it.
    [X] Plan: Family made, blood, and chosen while preparing
    -[X]Spend time with Purple Team: So... It all started with an idea… to build a big fucking gun.
    -[X]The Chief: Chief Mendez doesn't seem very happy with the whole space staiton thing.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon(Self Sufficiency): Light had a few ideas to make the Beacon truly self-sufficient. Something about a few fusion reactors here… another section there… That sort of Thing.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Slipspace): So you and Fjhad had an idea… Could you send this station through slipspace… and could you not die in the attempt. The math showed it was possible…
    -[X]Mind Palace: You have the map… time to make yourself another AI. A Smart AI.
    -[X]A Fathers Arms: You... want to spend time with you're father.
    [X] Plan BFG
    -[X]Spend time with Purple Team: So... It all started with an idea… to build a big fucking gun.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon(Self Sufficiency): Light had a few ideas to make the Beacon truly self-sufficient. Something about a few fusion reactors here… another section there… That sort of Thing.
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Slipspace): So you and Fjhad had an idea… Could you send this station through slipspace… and could you not die in the attempt. The math showed it was possible…
    -[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Weapons): You know what this station needs? A better main weapon.
    -[X]A Hiccup: You saw a File… called Augmentation. And both you and Light, were disgusted by it.
    -[X]Mind Palace: You have the map… time to make yourself another AI. A Smart AI.
    [x]Upgrade the Beacon(Self Sufficiency): Light had a few ideas to make the Beacon truly self-sufficient. Something about a few fusion reactors here… another section there… That sort of Thing.
    [x]Upgrade the Beacon (Slipspace): So you and Fjhad had an idea… Could you send this station through slipspace… and could you not die in the attempt. The math showed it was possible…
    [x]Mind Palace: You have the map… time to make yourself another AI. A Smart AI.
    [x]Upgrade the Beacon (Weapons): You know what this station needs? A better main weapon.
    [x]Upgrade the Beacon (Defenses): This place has over ten meters of Armor Plating at most of its place… To Light… it would not do.
    [x]Upgrade the Beacon (Industrialization): Maybe it's Light wanting to play games… to become a kingpin of industry again… or maybe it's because there are so many fucking asteroids to mine, and enough robots and scavengers.
Beacon 2: Battle School
Beacon 2: Battle School

-[X]A Hiccup: You saw a File… called Augmentation. And both you and Light, were disgusted by it. Rolled:1D100 => 100+50=150

Investigation Roll: 1D100 => 1

What you saw was nothing short of disgusting, and Light could barely contain himself when he saw the files on Augmentation.

The doctor had quietly slipped you the file when you were beginning to start planning the construction projects to upgrade the Beacon.

"Someone actually sabotaged these files." Light replied. "Constantly changing the number of chemicals, injection formulas, the order of injections, even potential blood treatments that will allow them to recover."

He shook his head as he wandered around, stepping around you as you continue reading. "Including a genetic rewriting that would-" You started.

"Becoming a human vegetable, causing great muscle spasms, bone fragmentation, Brain damage, even turning them into biological disease incubators that could cause entire planets to be wiped out." Light replied. "Even I never stooped so low to do such barbarity… no, I did always make it quick… allowed them to not to suffer."

Light looked to you. "I know how to fix it."

"Yeah, I know you do." You replied. "But I can't see who modified it."

That made Light raise an eyebrow. "Really. There must be something."

"There isn't." you replied, feeling both angry… and scared.

Who could have changed these files…

And could they be changed again?

"Um… You might want to see this?" Light said pointing to the corner.

That was when you realized… It was a kill list.

And number one on the list, was you.

Reward: You have fixed the Spartan Augmentation procedures… for now.

There is a traitor among ONI, or the program itself, that is trying to subvert the program…

They are trying to kill you and all the Spartans.

New Action Available.

-[X]Upgrade the Beacon(Self Sufficiency): Light had a few ideas to make the Beacon truly self-sufficient. Something about a few fusion reactors here… another section there… That sort of Thing. Rolled:1D100 => 83+50=133
-[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Industrialization): Maybe it's Light wanting to play games… to become a kingpin of industry again… or maybe it's because there are so many fucking asteroids to mine, and enough robots and scavengers. Rolled:1D100 => 99+20=119

It started with a dream… Light having an idea from his old life, something about building a permanent city that could travel in space.

What came next was… well. Amazing.

In less than a year, the Beacon was not just a military fortress in orbit.

It was a true self-sufficient city.

It also had a fully-fledged industrial sector that mined asteroids for the material.

So good.

"Did you just rip off Macross?" You asked as you looked at the plans, and the ship itself, slowly coming to fruition as you saw it coming together.

"Yes… Yes I did." Light replied. "At least in the Ascetic."

Reward: The Beacon is self-sufficient. If it can now contain over twenty million civilians within it in addition to it's crew, has a full-fledged agricultural, and civilian district, along with the ability to expand by itself with an industrial sector.

-[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Slipspace): So you and Fjhad had an idea… Could you send this station through slipspace… and could you not die in the attempt. The math showed it was possible… Rolled: 1D100 => 70+30(Fjhad)=100

"So… Doctor Halsey, don't be mad… but I think we broke Physics again." You stated.

The doctor did not look too surprised. In fact, she seemed to be expecting this news. "And how did you manage to do that?"

"Well, we took the safeties for the Slipspace drives that can make this place move through slipspace… and replaced it with our own." Fjhad stated.

"And?" The doctor asked, reaching in her desk for something, you assumed to be a bottle of the strongest drink in the system.

"We… kinda…" You scratched your head. "Well, we found a way to move the entire station without having it be destroyed by the Slipspace field."

"And the Gravity problem if we touch the bubble, or cause it to pop, or if your safeties fail or we hit a gravity well?" She asked.

You traded a glance to Fjhad. "1. The bubble actually expands and moves with the ship, instead of the ship needing constant adjustment in flight to remain away from the edges. 2. If we were to suddenly lose power in the Slipspace drive, we would be corse corrected away from any potential hazards,though we would need an AI capable of calculating such maneuvers. 3. If the safeties fail, the drive would immediately be jettisoned. 4. If we were close enough to hit a gravity well in slip space, we would already have been in serious trouble Doctor."

The doctor nodded. "Send the math to my office… and both of you… if you are going to be modifying the Slipspace drive, tell us first."

"Yes doctor."

Reward: Brother in Arm Met: Fhjad met.

The Beacon can now Travel through Slipspace without any complication.

-[X]Upgrade the Beacon (Defenses): This place has over ten meters of Armor Plating at most of its place… To Light… it would not do. Rolled:1D100 => 63+50=113

"So what you're saying is… we can make it better?" You asked.

"No… we can just make it a fraction better. If we had shield technology, than I would be quite happy with the state of affairs, and this battle station will be unstoppable. Unfortunately, we have to make due with Armor Plating."

"We can do better right?" You asked.

Reward: The Beacon is now completely able to withstand most attacks...I

-[X]Mind Palace: You have the map… time to make yourself another AI. A Smart AI. Rolled:1D100 => 91+50=141

You created an AI…

Rampancy Roll:1D100 => 96-20=76
Disaster Roll:1D100 => 82+40(Rampant AI)+20 (A Saboteur)=142

And now it was trying to kill you because something told it… something that corrupted it's code.

"I blame you for this situation." John stated as he dove into cover.

"Believe me, join the club." You replied.

(Continued in: The Horrors of Beacon)

AN: Enjoy.

Looks like the other shoe has dropped.
at least we are fixing the augmentation but the AI is trying to kill us and i feel we are in halo 5 ending when cortana issue a galactic martial law
Here's hoping we can calm the AI's hissy fit.

I think our first priority is to find the asshole actively sabotaging us.
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There is someone who wants to kill us.

And they are very powerful... powerful enough to do something like make an aI made by us, into a rampant killing machine.
Well, we have one good lead with the smart AI..

It had to be someone on site and with access to the AI which narrows the list down a bit..

Depending on how careless we were in letting people access the AI, we got a suspect list..