We Will Never Die: Rebooted (A Halo Spartan Quest)

Operation Kingmaker: Empathy
Operation Kingmaker: Empathy

You Were going to start helping the doctor with the negotiations, but you felt… a presence entering your mind. Not an invasive one… one that was… well, different. It was probing yes, but not in an invasive way, more a cautionary probe…

Wondering if you were a threat or not?

So you sat against the wall, getting yourself comfortable, and opened the door.

You awoke in a blank space, a white space with nothing…

So this was how you viewed your own mindscape without light… that was honestly disturbing. Or maybe it was your own bodies conscious reaction to threat, and it provided a shield for your minds more pressing memories and… well ideas.


"Oh… he is like us?" A males voice stated… it was talking through sand paper… but it was enough to understand it. "I didn't expect a species so resilient in mental protections to… be able to connect to us?"

"Who is speaking!" You demanded.

"Hush now Gra… he's aware of our presence." A Female voice stated.

Then two… What you could only describe as walking tanks with large blades and some kind of canon on their arms appeared. Hulking in appearance, but they moved with grace and finess. They seemed...well at east with one another, as if…

Well as if they had known each other their entire lives.

"Hello." The female voice stated.

You raised an eyebrow. "You're a Hunter?" You asked, more confused than surprised.

The Hunters both moved, before morphing into two forms… androginous humanoids dressed in white. "Yes." The male voice stated.

"We have just taken a form you are more comfortable with here." the female voice stated. "So there is not more confusion."

"Psyonic projection?" You asked.

"Within reason and a dedicated mind… yes." The Male voice stated. "I am… well my name is something that is impossible to say in your language. Gra should suffice."

"And I am La." THe female voice stated.

Gra bowed his head. "It has been many years since another has graced with abilities such as yours outside of our species." He stated. "Most were killed by the Prophets for being heretics."

"So… why did your… Covenant was it?" You asked.

"Yes, Covenant." La stated.

"Why were they so interested in exterminating those that shared this power?" You asked.

"Isolation… at least that was what we hypothesized." La stated."Many of the Covenant races cannot communicate with each other properly, only the Prophets were truly able to communicate to all without difficulty outside of battle."

Ah… "So they controlled information."

"Yes… But enough about us… You have a gift of Psionic abilities. But when we looked into your mind… we found no residue that would presume it was a natural phenomenon on your mind… What have you done to your body?"

"Classified." You replied.

"Someone who experiments on his own body is very… i won't say insane… but very concerning." Gra replied. "Gifts of such powers should not be given out without the wisdom to use it… or worse, a willingness to dominate. They should occur naturally."

"I can assure you that I do have the wisdom to see my powers used rightly." You replied.

"He does speak the truth." La stated. "For good and ill."

"Very well." Gra stated. "We shall inform our brethren of your… gifts, so they are not alarmed. I only hope that, if we discuss this further… and you are in need of assistance with master true Psionic abilities."

"Thank you." You replied.

"Giancarlo-131." La said your name. "You are a child who was built by science, yet I can feel the lingering regret of someone who is far older… is there something wrong with you?"

"I am who I am La. What I was before, and what I am now, are very different things." You responded with the truth. "But I request that you do not bring it up again. For your sake, and mine."

"Very well."

You awoke with a start, Ralph was shaking you awake. "Well, can't say I'm glad your awake."

"How long was I out?"

Ralph Shrugged. "A few hours, nothing major happened, but we've got some… Hunter things that are trying to give me a backrub.And the Pink Balloons want to touch my head... It's creepy."

You smiled. "They're… just trying to get to know you."

"Wee Float me higher!"

You and Ralph traded a glance. "Dr. ANDERS!" You both shouted running towards her.


(Dr. Halsey POV)

You feel as if you have made one of the best decisions of your life…

You took a drink of your coffee. Finally… thank god for Giancarlo and his magnificent cup to keep your coffee hot.

You needed to get that boy a promotion, he has saved you a lot of grief.

Even though you caused him so much more in return…

Oh well, time to recall them.

Mission Successful.

That was… quick. You thought there would be more… but it seems that first contact and establishing communications was all this mission was.

Dammit, you wanted to be political.

The Agreements were quickly

What did you do during RnR:

(Choose 4)

[]Spend time with Purple Team: So... With all the missions and crazy bullshit… you must know… will you be able to out drink the immortal ralph.
[]Tests, Tests and Tests: You want to make sure Daisy won't… No her body won't kill her unborn child.
[]Floating Psychic Genius (Psionics): The Hunters have offered you more… advanced tutors to find out the true extent of your powers.
[]Spend Time with another Team: You want to spend time with your other spartans. They are your family now. (Write in a Team Below this option)
[]Train: You want to train yourself (Write in Skill you wish to train below this option)
[]Katana's are Cool: So Kirk wants a sword... and now your trying to forge a fucking Katana in a Volcano. Why do you keep coming on these wild adventures?
[]Spartan-III: Now that you have the project… you need to prepare for it.
[]The Pink Ballons: The Hugorks, or whatever they were called... really really want dissect Sigma. or rather, dissent your brain
[]Power Armor is for Pussies: Ralph needs to be reminded that Power Armor is not going to kill him… it's going to make him stronger. Or you can just talk to the folks at Project Mjolnir that you need to modify his armor to make sure he'll… be an unstoppable killing machine.
[]Reports: Project Mjolnir has sent you a report… about the technologies that you have added to the armor… and the options that are now available thanks to it.
[]The Darkness of Team Black: they… are weirdos… and that was before they could become living shadows and becoming intangible for a moment. You need to bring them back in and give them a reality check.
[]Team Red's No Good, Very Bad Day: So Fred pranked you. Now it was time for them to suffer the Wrath of Giancarlo!

AN: Plan format please.
[X]Plan: Prepping for war
-[X]Spartan-III: Now that you have the project… you need to prepare for it.
-[X]The Pink Ballons: The Hugorks, or whatever they were called... really really want dissect Sigma. or rather, dissent your brain
-[X]Power Armor is for Pussies: Ralph needs to be reminded that Power Armor is not going to kill him… it's going to make him stronger. Or you can just talk to the folks at Project Mjolnir that you need to modify his armor to make sure he'll… be an unstoppable killing machine.
-[X]Floating Psychic Genius (Psionics): The Hunters have offered you more… advanced tutors to find out the true extent of your powers.

What do you guys think
[X] Plan: Darkness, Pink Psionics, and Test
-[X]Tests, Tests and Tests: You want to make sure Daisy won't… No her body won't kill her unborn child.
-[X]Floating Psychic Genius (Psionics): The Hunters have offered you more… advanced tutors to find out the true extent of your powers.
-[X]The Pink Ballons: The Hugorks, or whatever they were called... really really want dissect Sigma. or rather, dissent your brain
-[X]The Darkness of Team Black: they… are weirdos… and that was before they could become living shadows and becoming intangible for a moment. You need to bring them back in and give them a reality check.
Plan psykers, Baloons and Pranks

[x]Floating Psychic Genius (Psionics): The Hunters have offered you more… advanced tutors to find out the true extent of your powers.

[x]Spartan-III: Now that you have the project… you need to prepare for it.

[x]Team Red's No Good, Very Bad Day: So Fred pranked you. Now it was time for them to suffer the Wrath of Giancarlo!

[x]The Pink Ballons: The Hugorks, or whatever they were called... really really want dissect Sigma. or rather, dissent your brain.
[X] Plan: Darkness, Pink Psionics, and Test
-[X]Tests, Tests and Tests: You want to make sure Daisy won't… No her body won't kill her unborn child.
[X] Plan: We need to be responsible
-[X]Tests, Tests and Tests: You want to make sure Daisy won't… No her body won't kill her unborn child.
-[X]Spartan-III: Now that you have the project… you need to prepare for it.
-[X]The Pink Ballons: The Hugorks, or whatever they were called... really really want dissect Sigma. or rather, dissent your brain
-[X]The Darkness of Team Black: they… are weirdos… and that was before they could become living shadows and becoming intangible for a moment. You need to bring them back in and give them a reality check.
The Hugorks, or whatever they were called... really really want dissect Sigma. or rather, dissent your brain
Accidental.. but terrifying.. the aliens who give hugs will dissect our brains..

You awoke with a start, Ralph was shaking you awake. "Well, can't say I'm glad your awake."

"How long was I out?"

Ralph Shrugged. "A few hours, nothing major happened, but we've got some… Hunter things that are trying to give me a backrub.And the Pink Balloons want to touch my head... It's creepy."
Curious how this looked to the outside view.... did we faint when the Hunters show and they carry us off somewhere?
[X] Plan: We need to be responsible

I want to see the armor though. But the baby is more important
[X] Plan: Darkness, Pink Psionics, and Test
-[X]Tests, Tests and Tests: You want to make sure Daisy won't… No her body won't kill her unborn child.
-[X]Floating Psychic Genius (Psionics): The Hunters have offered you more… advanced tutors to find out the true extent of your powers.
-[X]The Pink Ballons: The Hugorks, or whatever they were called... really really want dissect Sigma. or rather, dissent your brain
-[X]The Darkness of Team Black: they… are weirdos… and that was before they could become living shadows and becoming intangible for a moment. You need to bring them back in and give them a reality check.

That was...interesting. And too great an opportunity to pass up. We really haven't done anything with our abilities since we got them. We don't even know what we can do.
I don't know that we need to right now but we did take over the project.
And you might start the planning Phase of the S-III Program, including how you will train them, How many for each class if will involve your fellow Spartans, Get Dad involved...

Get them super powers, make them renaissance men/women, etc.
Accidental.. but terrifying.. the aliens who give hugs will dissect our brains..
There is a very good chance that they could vivisect someone's brain and then put it back together again better than they originally found it. Human brains are complex and convoluted but these are autonomous biodrones specifically designed to work on the highest grade tech of the Forerunner Golden Age. They could do it atomic layer by atomic layer if needs be.

Barring that, there are ways to brute force it but those are ugly for different reasons. Go through the first half of the flash cloning process and let them finish the job. While flash clones are universally defective the law of averages would give you a good image of what you are supposed to be after a few dozen repetitions. Or we could make a psionic tulpa of ourselves and see if its a direct mirror.

But the paperwork seems like it would be a little bit much of a hassle.
I thought Huragok were mechanics, not MDs (Average Huragok that is).
They did both. Forerunner Lifeworkers used Hugarok for full on genetic engineering and restructuring of living beings, outright making new species (or planetary ecologies) on the spot. Said Hugarok were specialists but they would probably still be in use, if comparatively rare. And, if they weren't, the Hugarok could build one.

They would have the original blueprints for the various strains of their own species.