Military :
[X] Fortify Eastwall Gorge
[X] Spears for Scarlet Defenders
[X] Soldiers for Fishers
I'm worried about the trolls. The spears will help us reduce our losses, which is important against the Scourge. And we need food.
Diplomacy :
[X] Focus on Stewardship
It would be nice to integrate Light Hope's Chapel, but I don't want to integrate it while we are in dire straits.
Stewardship :
[X] More Fishing Boats
+ [X] Emergency - Slaughter The Livestock
Boats for food, and thanks to Qeqre's remarks, I think it would be nice to have even more food for now.
Intrigue :
[X] Infiltrate - Zul'Mashar
Stuff with trolls there. It would be nice to know what is going on.
Learning :
[X] Heavy Arrows
An archer is only as useful as his arrows, and if his arrows don't work, there is a problem.
Piety :
[X] Study - Undead Corpses
Well, it's short, and it would help a lot to know how it works.
Personal :
[X] Translate the Notes
Seriously, I would much prefer taking the Brigitte, Saidan or Alexandros option, but I will take the gamble, hoping we find something game changer inside. Anything from a reroll +10, to turning your soldiers into super vrykuls, to summon a Naaru.
@Genezz , could you add '' [] '' in front of each of your options? We wouldn't have to put them ourselves and it would also show more clearly each option. It would also make it clearer if you could
underline each field of options, military, diplomacy, etc...