Warcraft: Fallen Kingdoms (Old)

*Shrugs* Well, I think slaughtering the cattle is pretty much a lock at this point, which sucks, but we'll just have to cope.
Possibly we can expand on the fishing next turn.

Personally, I'm hoping we can get slaughtering the cattle as a military action given the direness of the situation, allowing us to spend the stewardship action on expanding our fishing operation.

Alternatively, since we're both the steward and diplomat for the crusade currently, drop the diplomacy action this turn in favour of a second stewardship action...
Diplomacy to buy food
Military to raid someone with food(who are also dicks)

No raiding, we can't trust the Scourge to not have poisoned supplies and we shouldn't raid the Trolls because they keep the Scourge busy.

I was thinking more along the lines of having most of the archers hunt or having our troops collect and slaughter the livestock. They seem like the sort of gruntwork you can assign a soldier with...
Turn 8
August 27 AFW (After First War)

Turn 8

"Report. " You order the officer in front of you.

"Yes Ma´am, the Thondroril River garrison reports no suspicious activities from the Scourge, they have yet to try and cross the river and the commanding officer is happy to report that there has been no problems with the new recruits." The officer takes a short break to catch his breath.

"The Crown Guard garrison reports that the Scourge at Fungal Vale seem content to stay in their base, they have yet to try and attack the Tower or get past them, the commander also report that there have been some altercations between the new recruits and the older soldiers but they have worked it out and seems to get along."

"The garrison at Eastwall however has some worrying news, it seems that the Trolls are starting to become more active, their patrols are starting to creep closer to the Tower, while the commander doubt that the Trolls will attack she requests more soldiers to further discourage them. She also reports that the new recruits are behaving and no problems have risen." The officer stops here and waits for you to speak.

"So there haven´t been any major incident with the new recruits, I am glad to hear that, but on to other matters. The River garrison and the Crown Guard garrison are to continue as they have, but I have new orders to the Eastwall garrison, they are to tighten their patrols and bring them closer to the Tower, I don´t want them to unnecessarily provoke the Trolls, we will talk about the matter of reinforcement during the meeting." You lean back in your chair. "You are dismissed."

"Yes Ma´am." The officer turns around and leaves.

After the officer has closed the door you put your head in your hand.

"First the storms and now the Trolls, it´s just one thing after another, hopefully the Trolls won´t attack us and keep the Scourge busy."

Sighing you remove your head from your hands and start working on your paperwork.

Military: Saidan Dathrohan has been appointed the Grand Crusader, the one in charge of all military matters with Highlord Alexandros Mograine and High General Richard Abbendis as his subordinates. They have given you a report on the state of the military and the options that are open to you. They have also appointed Brigitte Abbendis as your bodyguard. (Pick 3)

[]Expand Barracks: Expanding our current barracks will allow us to recruit more soldiers to our army, of course we will need to make sure we can handle an increase in soldiers so that we don´t tank our economy.
Cost: 12,000. Time: 5 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Can expand army.

[]Build Basic Defenses at Corin´s Crossing: Now that we have taken Corin´s Crossing we are not about to lose it again and while we are not under threat of an immediate attack it is better to be safe than sorry and build defenses to give us an advantage in battle.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Basic defenses at Corin´s Crossing. Need to complete Fill The Holes first.

[]Build a Tower at Corin´s Crossing: While we are protected by towers both in the north and west they can be taken out quietly, building a tower in the vicinity of the town will not only let us see an attack come from distance, it will also make the civilians in the town feel safer.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: Tower at Corin´s Crossing, Tower Upkeep -1,000.

[]Build Barricades at Noxious Glade: With Noxious Glade still under Scourge control we should build a barricade to contain the Scourge inside their base, while it may not stop a full frontal attack it will slow them down and let us inflict casualties, especially since the base is so close to our lands.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Noxious Glade barricaded, easier to defend.

[]Build Barricades at Fungal Vale: With Fungal Vale still under Scourge control we should build a barricade to contain the Scourge inside their base, it may not stop them if they do an all in attack but it will give us time to prepare our army, luckily the road to the Vale is surrounded by mountains preventing the Scourge from overwhelming us. Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Fungal Vale barricaded, easier to defend.

[]Build Fortifications at Thondroril River Bridge: Now that we control the bridge into the Western Plaguelands we should fortify it, this will not only make it easier to defend from any attack, it will also serve as an beachhead for future operations into the Western Plaguelands.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 60% Reward: Thondroril River fortified, beachhead into Western Plaguelands.

[]Send Scouts into Western Plaguelands: With control over the bridge into the Western Plaguelands we can finally send in Scouts to see how the situation is there.
Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: Information on Western Plaguelands.

[]Spears for Scarlet Defenders: Spears would be more suited for our frontline than swords, this would let us keep the enemy at a distance, keeping our soldiers safe and whittling down the enemies, they will of course keep a short sword in case they need to engage in close combat.
Cost: 4,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Scarlet Defenders uses Spears.

[]Fortify Eastwall Gorge: Now that Eastwall Tower is repaired we can expand our defense to protect the whole gorge, forcing the any enemy from the north to attack the us and making them unable to sneak around, at least in large numbers.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Eastwall Gorge fortified.

[]Secure Browman Mill: We need big quantities of lumber if we are to rebuild Scarlet Enclave, Browman Mill is in a good place to provide that lumber, unfortunately the mill is overrun with Scourge troops, we will need to defeat them before we can use it.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Shorter completion time on projects that uses a lot of wood, +1,000 Lumber Income.

[]Refit Soldiers with Bronze: Now that we produce bronze we can refit our troops to have bronze weapons, armor and shields, this will give us an small advantage in combat but it will be more expansive to upkeep.
Cost: 4,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: +5 Combat bonus, +1 Upkeep cost for Defender, Crusaders, Knights and Paladins. Note: Bonus won´t last forever, enemies can also upgrade their equipment.

[]Send Soldiers to Eastwall Tower: While there is no proof that the trolls will attack you it is better to be on the safe side and increase the garrison at Eastwall Tower just in case the trolls try anything against you.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: More Soldiers at Eastwall Tower.

[]Soldiers for Builders: Since it is an emergency we can get our soldiers to help with rebuilding the Scarlet Enclave, of course they won´t be happy but they would rather work then let their families starve to death.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: -3 Months of completion time for Scarlet Enclave, Will continue until Scarlet Enclave is done.

[]Soldiers for Fishers: Since it is an emergency we can get our soldiers to help fish, they won´t be happy with it but they will get food for them and their families, so they won´t complain much.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: Food for 2 months, Will continue until Scarlet Enclave is done.

Diplomacy: You are smart, beautiful and able to charm almost everyone you meet, is there any wonder why you have taken over the diplomatic aspect of the Crusade? (Pick 1)

[]Integrate Light's Hope Chapel: Now that we have contacted the Chapel and worked out a deal we can start to integrate them, it will take some time to make sure that our soldiers work well together and to ensure that there are no hidden cultists.
Cost: 7,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Light´s Hope Chapel integrated.

[]Send a Message - Dalaran: We need allies in the battle against the Scourge and Dalaran has some of the best mages in the world, outside the elves, even getting a couple of mages from them will give us a great advantage and their enchanters would be a massive boon for us.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: A message is sent to Dalaran.

[]Send a Message - Stromgarde: The Kingdom of Stromgarde is considered to have the strongest human military force, during the second war their army was able to hold off the entire Horde on their own for a while, if we could get an expeditionary force from them it would give us a massive advantage in our fight against the Scourge.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: A message is sent to Stromgarde.

[]Send a Message - Aerie Peak: The Wildhammer clan has always been supporters of the Alliance and master Gryphon riders, if we could get a couple of Gryphon´s from them we could start our own air force, letting us counter the enemies Gargoyles.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: A message is sent to Aerie Peak.

[]Focus on Stewardship: With the food situation as it is you have decided to focus all your attention on that problem, forgoing the diplomatic part of your duties
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: -1 Diplomatic Option, +1 Stewardship Option, can´t be taken with Pass up on Free Time.

Stewardship: You are a Genius and nowhere has that been more apparent than now, seeing you quickly and efficiently going through piles of reports and paperwork concerning every little thing in running the realm is awe-inspiring. (Pick 1)

[]Expand The Scarlet Enclave: While the small farming community, now called The Scarlet Enclave, has helped with the food situation, you still need more, both now and in the future. With the success last month you have decided that the next expansion will turn the community into a small town, though this will empty your ore supply.
Cost: 25,000. Time: 8 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: The Scarlet Enclave becomes a small town, +1,500 Farming Income. Will be completed in seven months.

[]Rebuild Corin´s Crossing: Now that Corin´s Crossing is under our control we can start rebuilding it, it will take time and money but getting the town up and running will relieve the pressure of our ever expanding Refugee Camp.
Cost: 8,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Corin´s Crossing rebuilt, alleviate housing problems. Need to complete Fill The Holes first.

[]Fill The Holes: We will need to fill the holes that appeared in Corin´s Crossing, until we do so we will not be able to repair it or build defenses.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: Holes in Corin´s Crossing filled.

[]Royal Investment: An idea has come to you, while for most part every plan you and the council has decided on has worked, with a few exceptions, it is only time until one of them fail spectacularly and damage what you are fighting for, and to prevent this from happening you have fallen back on an old idea, throw money at it until it works.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Can do Royal Investment (RI), Pay double the cost for an action and get +20 to that roll.

[]Stone Quarry: Building a Stone Quarry would let us store stones for future use, making future building projects that uses a lot of stone take a shorter time to complete.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: Shorter completion time on projects that uses a lot of stone, +1,000 Mining Income.

[]Repair Roads: The road between Corin´s Crossing and Tyr´s Hand is in bad shape, the same with the road from the Thondroril River to Eastwall Tower, fixing them would make it easier to move between the various points.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: Easier road travel, bonus to future trade income.

[]Expand Mine: While the size of our current mine gives us more than enough ores to work with, we can expand it further, getting us more ore to use in future projects and getting us more money, we may also discover ores too deep for our survey team to discover.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: Mine expanded, more ore, +1,500 Mining Income.

[]Survey for Ores in Eastern Plaguelands: There may be ores in our newly acquired land that we don´t know about and don´t have a supply of, even if there isn´t any new ores we can still build new mines, getting us more ore and money.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Knowledge of ore in controlled land.

[]Expand Integration Office: Now that we have an Integration Office we can expand it to speed the process up, while it isn´t a pressing need the option exists.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Integration Office expanded, +500 Refugees becomes Low Class Citizens each month.

[]More Fishing Boats: Fishing is the only sure way to secure food with the Scarlet Enclave destroyed, we need more fishing boats to keep up with our food consumption.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: +1,000 Fishing Income, Food for 4 months.

[]Expand Dock: We will need a bigger dock so that our future ships will have a place to unload and load troops and supplies, as well as properly receive guests.
Cost: 4,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Bigger dock, Can build Ships.

[]Emergency - Slaughter The Livestock: With the current food situation we may need to take drastic measures to ensure that no one starves, slaughtering our livestock is one option, we will leave enough alive that it can recover, but it will take time.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: Food for 2 months, Remove Farming Income from Livestock until they recover, No bonuses from Livestock until they recover.

[]Emergency - Scavenge for Food: We can send out people to scavenge for food, it won´t be safe for them and there is no guarantee that they will find anything edible.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 60% Reward: Food for ?? months, Risk of diseased food.

Intrigue: With a competent Spymaster and with a proper Spy Network in our employee we will finally be able to do some real danger to our enemies. (Pick 1)

[]Infiltrate - Noxious Glade: We need information on the Scourge Base north of Light´s Hope Chapel, now called The Noxious Glade, knowing the troop numbers and equipment that they have there will be vital in case of an attack.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Information on Noxious Glade.

[]Infiltrate - Fungal Vale: We also need information on the Scourge Base north of Crown Guard Tower, now called The Fungal Vale, knowing what the Scourge have placed there will be important so that we are not blindsided by an attack.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Information on Fungal Vale.

[]Infiltrate - Zul'Mashar: With the trolls so close to our borders we need to know what they are up to and with our Spy Network expanded we are finally able to start gathering Intelligence about them.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Information on Zul'Mashar.

[]Infiltrate - Stratholme: You need information on Stratholme and the area around the city, we still don´t know what the Scourge has there, sending in our spies are a better alternative than our soldiers as they have more training in infiltration.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Information on Stratholme and the area in front.

Learning: With both a Research Leader and a Research Building you can finally start researching the heavier projects. (Pick 1)

[]Field Ballistae: Manned by a small crew of two people, the Field Ballista is meant to take out less-fortified targets and does not have the power to take down walls or well-fortified structures. With steel-tipped bolts able to impale multiple enemies before stopping, it would be a good weapon against the Scourge. Aldan has some future designs for different types of Ballistae if the Field Ballistae proves successful
Cost: 3,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 60% Reward: Can produce Field Ballistae.

[]Human Guns: Aldan has a few designs in mind for a gun tailored to be used by humans, given the funds he can make prototypes of the designs and work out any flaws that exists before showing the finished products.
Cost: 1,500. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: Can start production of different types of guns.

[]Workshop - TNT: Given enough time and money Aldan can setup a Workshop and teach people how to make TNT, the Construction Explosive.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: TNT is made, +500 for all future Mining Income (not current), Shorter time to demolish buildings, Helps with building projects that require big objects to be cleared.

[]Workshop - Dynamite: Invar has requested that you approve of Aldan setting up a Dynamite Workshop, he says that the explosives will help with future Sabotage operations.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Can use Dynamite in Sabotage Missions.

[]Heavy Arrows: Regular arrows are next to useless against most Scourge troops, Aldan should be able to make heavier arrows to give our Archers more power.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Heavy Arrows for Archers.

[]Fire Arrows: We need fire arrows to be able to deal with stronger undead units, our Archers need to be able to use fire arrows on the field and not just in fixed positions. hopefully Aldan will be able to come up with an idea.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Fire Arrows for Archers.

Piety: High Priest Isillien has taken on the priestly duties that is needed. While he still continues his sermons about the undead, he has started to focus on rebuilding Lordaeron. He also has some proposals. (Pick 1) Locked

[]Capture - Plagued Animals: The researches requests that you capture different kinds of Plagued Animals, they wish to study why the Plague has a different effects on animals and humans.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: Can study Plagued Animals.

[]Study - Soil: With access to both fertile and plagued soil, the researches hopes to find something that exist in the plagued soil that doesn´t exist in regular soil, if they do it may be possible to detect the same difference in healthy and plagued humans.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 60% Reward: Further Research with Soil, May have found a way to detect the Plague. Will be completed next month.

[]Study - Undead Corpses: Isillien believes that by studying the undead corpses that we have, we can figure out their weak points, at least for their most basic troops, those being ghouls, zombies and skeletons.
Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 85% Reward: Knowledge of weaknesses for Ghouls, Zombies and Skeletons.

[]Study - Humans: Isillien has requested permission to study those we believe has the Plague, he wants to study how the Plague converts humans to undead, he hopes to find a way to stop the Plague at one of the stages and a way to revert the transformation.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 50% Reward: Information on how the Plague effects humans, Further research on Humans, ???.

[]Train - Priests: With Isillien overlooking the training of new Priests we can be sure that they will be well trained, but we can only train 25 Priests at a time, luckily those that will receive training has been part of the Church for a long time and has studied the Light for since they were young, so it will only take a couple of months to get them ready for their duties.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 3 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: Can train 25 Priests each time chosen.

[]Expand the Church: As of now we can only house 150 Priests before we run out of space, we will need to expand the Church before we can house more than that.
Cost: 6,000. Time: 4 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Can house 250 Priests.

[]Make a Safe Container: We will need a safe container to keep abomination bodies in before we can study them, the Research Team will see if they can come up with something.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Can contain abomination bodies for study.

Personal Actions: With the help of Brigitte you are finally able to have some real free time. (Pick 1)

[]Train With Brigitte: The battle last month showed you that you need to work on your endurance, training with Brigitte will not only help you with that, but it will also let you spend some personal time with her, something both your duties has prevented for some time.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Increased Closeness with Brigitte, Can last longer in Combat, Less penalty in long Combat.

[]Horseback Combat Riding: Before the battle you were prohibited from joining the cavalry portion of the army, it is time to make sure that you can do several roles in battle, whether from foot or horseback.
Cost: 0. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Can fight from horseback.

[]Warfare with Saidan: You have decided it is time to learn what it means to lead during a war and in battle, and to do this you have sought the help of Saidan, he is more than willing to teach you what being a leader encompasses.
Cost: 0. Time: 4 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Learn how to lead in battle, Increased Closeness with Saidan.

[]Sparring with Alexandros: Until you are able to control the Silver Glow it has been decided that the only person you should spar with is Alexandros, it is believed that you would be unable to cut through the Ashbringer.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70%/30%/5% Reward: +1/+2/+3 Martial, Increased Closeness with Alexandros.

[]Learn from Invar: With the threat of Scourge assassins looming over you, you have decided to seek the help of Invar and learn how to protect yourself from the tricks that could be used to kill you.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 90%/50%/10% Reward: +1/+2/+3 Intrigue, Increased Closeness with Invar.

[]Study under Aldan: Aldan has some interesting ideas going on and you are interested in learning about them, he is also well traveled from his search of technology and can offer tales of what he has seen on his journeys.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100%/60%/10% Reward: +1/+2/+3 Learning, Increased Closeness with Aldan.

[]Religion with Isillien: What you have learned about the Light fascinates you, wanting to learn more you have continued your lessons with Isillien.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Increased Closeness with Isillien, Knowledge about the Light.

[]Translate the Notes: You are very curious about what the book contains, translating the notes written in it will be the first step in understanding it, but it will take some time to properly translate it.
Cost: 0. Time: 4 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Notes in Book translated.

[]Pass up on Free Time: With the food situation as it is and not willing to abandon any of your duties you have decided to forgo any free time until this crisis is over.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: +1 Stewardship Option, -1 Personal Action, can´t be taken with Focus on Stewardship.

Each food option stacks in case you wonder.
On rerolls, do you want me to prioritize Scarlet Enclave above all else, even a Crit Fail and a Massive Crit Fail if the Enclave gets a regular fail?
Survey. Stewardship (Second Choice) will only be used if Focus on Stewardship or Pass up on Free Time wins so don´t choose the same answer on both Stewardship options.
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[X]Fortify Eastwall Gorge:
[X]Send Soldiers to Eastwall Tower:
[X]Soldiers for Builders

Trolls are mobilizing, take precaution, need that Enclave done yesterday.

Would like the spears but this takes precedence to me.

[X]Focus on Stewardship:

Yea... not integrating Light's hope yet, Don't want to lock us in at this stage.

[X]Emergency - Slaughter The Livestock:
[X]More Fishing Boats:

Food and emergency food until food is finished.

[X]Infiltrate - Noxious Glade:

We didn't get any reports from them and the carriage from Corin's Crossing went to them IIRC, it's this or the Trolls

No preference. Slightly prefer ballistae because they can probably be added to our fortifications.

[X]Religion with Isillien:

Beginning of priestess training? Holy spells to counter undead and heal our people? This or learning from Invar for me.

On rerolls, do you want me to prioritize Scarlet Enclave above all else, even a Crit Fail and a Massive Crit Fail if the Enclave gets a regular fail?

Just to be clear, it only has to succeed its roll once right?
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[X]Spears for Scarlet Defenders
[X]Send Soldiers to Eastwall Tower
[X]Soldiers for Builders
Better soldiers, bolstered defences against Trolls, faster end to the current stewardship quagmire.

[X]Focus on Stewardship
Food need priority.

[X]Expand Integration Office
[X]More Fishing Boats
More tax, more food.

[X]Infiltrate - Zul'Mashar
We need to know why the Trolls are making a move.

[X]Human Guns
-[X]Double Down
In a time when trained soldiers are rare, we need a weapon that can be used without years of practice and training.

Piety locked.

[X]Translate the Notes
I'm curious what the books contain.

[X]Focus re-rolls on Scarlet Enclave
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Soldiers for builders would be a vastly superior option; not only is success guaranteed, it will also shorten the time necessary for the Enclave to be built, which will have much more impact on our food than an extra 2 months of supply.

I know, thing is, we kind of need the food now.

The alternative is slaughtering the Livestock. I want the Soldiers for Fishers this turn and Soldiers for Builders the next(if possible).

Our people are starving, we really need the food. Not slaughtering the Livestock gives at least a trickle of food for us to stretch supplies further with.

[X]Spears for Scarlet Defenders
[X]Send Soldiers to Eastwall Tower
[X]Soldiers for Builders

[X]Focus on Stewardship

[X]Expand Integration Office
[X]More Fishing Boats

[X]Infiltrate - Zul'Mashar

[X]Human Guns

[X]Study - Undead Corpses

[X]Translate the Notes

[X]Focus re-rolls on Scarlet Enclave

We have a large food deficit, More Fishing Boats takes 2 turns.

If you're going Soldiers for Builders, could I convince you to take Stewardship: Slaughter the Livestock instead of Expanding the Integration Office this turn? We really need some food supplies ASAP.
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We have a large food deficit, More Fishing Boats takes 2 turns.

If you're going Soldiers for Builders, could I convince you to take Stewardship: Slaughter the Livestock instead of Expanding the Integration Office this turn? We really need some food supplies ASAP.
Hm... that'd be one possibility. Particularly since one of the issues is that with the Emergency-option, it stays locked in until the SE is completed, meaning we'd reduce ourselves to only 1 Martial Action for the next 4-7 turns, which seems rather risky.
So, choosing only one leaves us with 2 open Martial Slots, which seems much more reasonable/safe.
Why not lose a personal action this turn and contact dwarves? I think they have food and with air support it will be easier to deliver? And I know that integration office is really good, but perhaps if we make royal investment into the enclave, it will be finished sooner?
Hm... that'd be one possibility. Particularly since one of the issues is that with the Emergency-option, it stays locked in until the SE is completed, meaning we'd reduce ourselves to only 1 Martial Action for the next 4-7 turns, which seems rather risky.
So, choosing only one leaves us with 2 open Martial Slots, which seems much more reasonable/safe.

Fair enough, switching.

Soldiers for Fishers into Soldiers for Builders.
Expanding the Integration Office into Slaughter the Livestock.

We need to do a 1-turn food action this turn. I don't want Scarlet Enclave to roll a 21 only to be hit by the starvation penalty and fail anyway.

Why not lose a personal action this turn and contact dwarves? I think they have food and with air support it will be easier to deliver? And I know that integration office is really good, but perhaps if we make royal investment into the enclave, it will be finished sooner?

Have you seen our luck with Personal actions?

Also, the diplomacy action is for contacting the Dwarves(sending a message). It does nothing to our food situation right now.

Edit: @Kelenas, what do you think about retaking Browman mill instead of Soldiers for Builders(personally, I'd barricade/infiltrate noxious glade first).
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Military :
[X] Fortify Eastwall Gorge
[X] Spears for Scarlet Defenders
[X] Soldiers for Fishers
I'm worried about the trolls. The spears will help us reduce our losses, which is important against the Scourge. And we need food.

Diplomacy :
[X] Focus on Stewardship
It would be nice to integrate Light Hope's Chapel, but I don't want to integrate it while we are in dire straits.

Stewardship :
[X] More Fishing Boats
+ [X] Emergency - Slaughter The Livestock
Boats for food, and thanks to Qeqre's remarks, I think it would be nice to have even more food for now.

Intrigue :
[X] Infiltrate - Zul'Mashar
Stuff with trolls there. It would be nice to know what is going on.

Learning :
[X] Heavy Arrows
An archer is only as useful as his arrows, and if his arrows don't work, there is a problem.

Piety :
[X] Study - Undead Corpses
Well, it's short, and it would help a lot to know how it works.

Personal :
[X] Translate the Notes
Seriously, I would much prefer taking the Brigitte, Saidan or Alexandros option, but I will take the gamble, hoping we find something game changer inside. Anything from a reroll +10, to turning your soldiers into super vrykuls, to summon a Naaru.

@Genezz , could you add '' [] '' in front of each of your options? We wouldn't have to put them ourselves and it would also show more clearly each option. It would also make it clearer if you could underline each field of options, military, diplomacy, etc...
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Boats for food, and stones to repair the enclave to have more food and less problems later.
Stone Quarry: Building a Stone Quarry would let us store stones for future use, making future building projects that uses a lot of stone take a shorter time to complete.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 90% Reward: Shorter completion time on projects that uses a lot of stone, +1,000 Mining Income.

When I think farms I think wooden houses that don´t use much, or any, stone, not enough to be affected by this option.
I altered my planning.

I have a question. If we take Soldiers for Builders, which reduce the time to build back the enclave by three months, it will busy them for the whole reconstruction. But what if we take them later, when it would only take four months to build everything back? it would only take them one month to reduce the job by three, or will it reduce as the reconstruction continues?

Thanks Genezz for the edit.
I altered my planning.

I have a question. If we take Soldiers for Builders, which reduce the time to build back the enclave by three months, it will busy them for the whole reconstruction. But what if we take them later, when it would only take four months to build everything back? it would only take them one month to reduce the job by three, or will it reduce as the reconstruction continues?

Thanks Genezz for the edit.
As I said to Quqre; Soldiers for Fishers is a bad choice. It would lock one of our martial actions up for a full 7 turns (more if we happen to experience additional failures), while only getting us 2 months' worth of food. Soldiers for Builders is vastly better in that it reduces the amount of time necessary to build the Scarlet Enclave, which also reduces the amount of time this action is locked in, and allows for food production to resume much earlier, and thus reduce the need for emergency-actions. The only reason to pick the Fishers, here, would be if you're absolutely unwilling to go with slaughtering the lifestock for some reason.

On rerolls, do you want me to prioritize Scarlet Enclave above all else, even a Crit Fail and a Massive Crit Fail if the Enclave gets a regular fail?
Just to be clear, it only has to succeed its roll once right?

We only have to roll adequately for it once right? Right?

So what are the effects of "Large Deficit"? Does it lower public opinion, reduce combat rolls, etc?

Hey Genezz, will we fall to Large Deficit this turn if we don't do something like Slaughter Livestock or Scavenge? And if so what are the effects of it? I want to know if we should avoid hitting it at all or not.

In the beginning, a slight penalty to a random category, if you continue be in large deficit or lower the penalty will become lower and be applied to multiple categories, this will happen gradually.
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If an action takes multiple turns I roll for that option each turn.

8 turns of 80%...

That would give us roughly a 16.7% chance of not failing any rolls...

Taking Soldiers for Builders would increase that to ~32.7%

Edit: Excluding rerolls of course

... Now I want to research DD in hopes of being able to dump that on Scarlet Enclave somehow.

The place is as much of a CF as Corin's Crossing.
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