@Kir the Wizard
That map does seem to miss some areas, of course. Like for example, the Scarlet Enclave and a few other spots. That said, it's not bad.
That's because it's based on the "classic", pre-WoW map for the Eastern Kingdoms. Notice the town of Tyr's Bay, from WC2? Notice where the author put the Scarlet Enclave's towns, like Avalon?
And also, look at the shape of Gilneas. That's how it looked pre-WoW, and Marthen STILL managed to keep it somehow in line with modern portrayal, only moving Duskhaven further south.
Man, the map I used has been up on Wowwiki for almost a decade.
That map you're showing? Is by the author's own admission his own take because he thinks that the Tides of Darkness Novel basically invalidates half of the lore.
The problem however? Is that the Lore has been inconsistent for much longer.
As such, the map you're showing is very likely to have incorporated more retcons than the map I showed.
Not to say either map is any more or less 'official' than the other(if mine isn't, both are fanart). Just that mine is older.
It's a nice map though.
Both are based on the "classic" map of the Eastern Kingdoms, which was first made for WC2 and finalized for WC3 (you can see it in manual and on two specific loading screens). It was never used in WoW, which instead made a smoother, but much smaller map.
The map you've shown was seemingly remade during Cataclysm (Twilight Highlands instead of Grim Batol Region, as it was known before), however, it also includes WoW's almost square-like shape of Zul'Aman Instance that sticks like a sore thumb (despite not actually doing that on WoW map), and also for some reason uses the name "Northeron" for the northern part of Lordaeron. This is complete fanon: WC2's Northeron was today's Hinterlands. In Cataclysm, Blizz decided that the Wildhammer Dwarves need
another region of their own, so now the Hinterlands are the Hinterlands, and the (northern) Twilight Highlands is Northeron. Whoever was making this map missed that, and just slapped on their own fanon. That's in no way official.
Marthen's idea is to make a "full, uncut" Second War timeline, while also keeping the lore we got from WoW and the books (like, which realm ruled which lands and towns) afloat. Basically, unretcon all Second War material and make sure it fits. The Novelization of TOD, which minimized the length of the Second War and the whole idea of the Horde's war effort (trolls afraid of water, unarmed orcish fleet, NO orcish victories at all) for the sake of establishing character heroism. A lot of people feel like this is a rather unfaithful portrayal of the world depicted in WC2.