Y'know, just cause you have a sword doesn't mean you're saber.
I mean, look at 'Skander. or Beowulf. or EMIYA.
Oh right I forgot about'em.
MHX > Okita = Santa > Lily > L Alter (prolly L Artie too) > Nero = Alter > Vanilla

No, no. She's a Saber. The Saber of Sabers. The Saberiest Saber to Saber and the only Saber that deserves to live. All other Sabers must be exterminated.
What? Assassin? No, no, you're misinterpreting, she's a Saber. She kills Sabers with a sword, see? The ultimate anti-Saber weapon that fights fairly as a knight using surprise attacks.

Apparently, skulls are swords now.
Bah. Nobody with that face could possibly be anything but a Saber. :V





Guys it's a joke, MHX is an actual joke servant.
She's a self-proclaimed Saber because it's part of the joke. C'mon, wasn't that obvious? She insists she's a Saber even though she's an Assassin. Hell, she has Saber Martial Arts because why the fuck not. In the Ogawa Apts. she was supercharged by Emiya's lunch and wanting to look good in front of Babbage. Her everything is a joke

Did y'all really have to argue the goddamn joke? Way to fucking ruin it.

Guys it's a joke, MHX is an actual joke servant.
She's a self-proclaimed Saber because it's part of the joke. C'mon, wasn't that obvious? Did you really have to argue it? She insists she's a Saber even though she's an Assassin. Hell, she has Saber Martial Arts because why the fuck not. In the Ogawa Apts. she was supercharged by Emiya's lunch and wanting to look good in front of Babbage. Her everything is a joke.

Why do you kill the joke.
She's not funny.

Her bond 4 quote is talking about how men whether they were kings or heroes fell in love with her smile. Gudao/ko asks her what she loved about the people who loved her and she has no response and wonders about love.

Bond 2 is talking about Cu again and how he is the one man who didn't become hers.

Bond 3 is her saying Gudao/ko's face is beautiful when viewed from the side. Then she says she wants to talk more alone with them (Watashi, anata to futari kiri de ohanashi ga shitai wa!/私、あなたと2人きりでお話がしたいわ!)

Bond 1 is saying Gudao/ko has a cute smiling face and she asks to see more of their smile. Then she says that she can also make that kind of face (?).
Last one is Gray, from the El-Melloi Case Files, IIRC.
Master Saber is from no actual work that I know of.
Gray is Takeuchi's self-insert, as I understand.
Master Artoria is originally from a /zero poll asking which non-Saber Class people wanted Saber in. They chose Master.
She later turns up in Capsule Servant.
Gray is from Case Files and is more than just a Take self-insert.

See there that's just bad taste. MHX is the best Seiba and that's a fact.

(You know I hadn't thought of it even though it's super obvious but the joke prolly is stemmed from the fact Artie is well-known as Seiba so she's a Seiba even if she's not a Saber)
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Gray is Takeuchi's self-insert, as I understand.
Master Artoria is originally from a /zero poll asking which non-Saber Class people wanted Saber in. They chose Master.
She later turns up in Capsule Servant.
Thanks. She looks good as a master. I think I might write a fic where she's master and summons EMIYA or something.
Second to last is Master Arturia, from Capsule Servant. Who I really want to see in something serious, that sounds like an awesome idea.

Never seen the last one either.
Write a Zero fic where all the master/servant positions are reversed.
I could do that too. It would be interesting to see the aftermath of that where Shirou is raised by Arturia.

In other news I finally got a saber and it's Rama. Yay!
She's hilarious. She dual-wields Excalibur like lightsabers and runs around trying to kill off all the Saberfaces.
You're sense of humor is broken.
She's hilarious.

Edit: Really? I was ninja'd on that? Really? :( I'm a sad panda, and I'm going to hibernate. ...What was that? Pandas don't hibernate? Hush, sad ones do. Because they're sad and just want to hole up in a cozy place and snack on berries and honey until the world becomes a warmer place.
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I'll admit that the over saturation of saberfaces deserves to be mad fun of but MHX takes it a bit too far in my opinion. She'd be fine if she wasn't quite so over the top.