So's Astolfo and yet people seem to have whaled for him.
Yeah but I mean like...

Jalter has Attila's Interlude-upgraded NP, Ruler resistance, and that's it as far as selling points go. Her skills are utter crap - she only has two, one is Charisma E, and the other is just buffing Dragons which can only possibly be useful situationally if you roll with some combination of the Arturias, Bathories and Sumanai. And she's only a four-star according to the datamines.

Sounds to me like she's the Event Servant like Shiki, Nobu and Santa tbh.
Woooooooooo! I just rolled ten and I got both Arjuna and Helena! All I wanted was a saber! Which I still don't have but who cares!

Also, I totally want Jean Alter.
Alter > Okita > Nero > Lily = Vanilla > MHX

Alter totally isn't first because she was my first gold and the only non free gold servant I have that has their NP above level 1.

Woooooooooo! I just rolled ten and I got both Arjuna and Helena! All I wanted was a saber! Which I still don't have but who cares!

Also, I totally want Jean Alter.

Had you said this a week ago, I'd have been seething in jealousy, since my own attempts at getting Arjuna during his rate up did not go well. Now? I'm like, good for you, man.

Jeanne Alter would be nice, though.
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Alter > Okita > Nero > Lily = Vanilla > MHX

Had you said this a week ago, I'd have been seething in jealousy, since my own attempts at getting Arjuna during his rate up did not go well. Now? I'm like, good for you, man.

Jeanne Alter would be nice, though.

I am praying Jeanne Alter will be Wellfare Ruler

In truth, the flying object cannot be identified.

Hahaha I liked that one. It even makes kinda sense since when people think of UFO they think of well Flying Discs
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Sanat KumaraMaster of Saturn, Lord of the Flame
Rank: A
Type: Anti-army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-50
Maximum Targets: 150
A wide-area attack performed by an appearing flying object.
She claims that this is one of the esotericae of Theosophy – a temporary reenactment of the power of the Defender Lord Sanat Kumara, one of the creators of the world, who flew to Earth from Venus.
In truth, the flying object cannot be identified.
Dammit Nasu.
So... since we don't know what it is for certain, and it's 「Phantasm」 and a work of fiction, you could say it's an "Undefined Fantastic Object"? :p

Also MHX is best Saber. Best. Saber.
In this age of shit Servant designs, you need a Servant you can obsess over, so you can persevere and continue calling yourself a fan.

For Revlid, it's Bathory. For Zerban, Asterios. For Hadou, Mordred.

In some cases, it's fan Servants, like TehChron and his Andrew Jackson, or more recently, me and my Beast of Revelations sheet.
Or me and Diomedes

Or me and Rider Melkor

Or me and Aaron Gentles

Or me and Dio Brando

Or me and Gunner Gene Starwind

Or me and my often hinted at Genghis Khan sheet

Or RoAs Caster of Black :V
*shrug* I do enjoy a lot of the better sheets made and am alright with articulating why bad shit is bad, I'm not so declarative of said shite that I would thus feed All Of The World's Wank.
Basically the Presidency is Magical All For One?

Seems legit.
Noooo, he's more like the one that set up the Thaumaturgical Foundation known as Patriotism

The only ones to truly repel invading forces were Andrew Jackson and FDR with Imperial Japan never truly hitting the mainland, and New Orleans being one of the most stupendously one sided battles in history. For the side with the horrendous disadvantage in numbers and resources.

To be blunt, if any President would qualify for "Conduit of the Land" status it would either be Teddy Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson, for wildly different reasons
*thumbs up*
Ahh, but you forget..... there are 3 Alters! ergo by virtue of both quality and quantity the ranking is:
Oh right I forgot about'em.
MHX > Okita = Santa > Lily > L Alter (prolly L Artie too) > Nero = Alter > Vanilla

Am I the only person to notice the Assassin class symbol down on her Card?!:V
No, no. She's a Saber. The Saber of Sabers. The Saberiest Saber to Saber and the only Saber that deserves to live. All other Sabers must be exterminated.
What? Assassin? No, no, you're misinterpreting, she's a Saber. She kills Sabers with a sword, see? The ultimate anti-Saber weapon that fights fairly as a knight using surprise attacks.

E: MoC came through with the new profiles.
Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore - Page 758

IIRC, for those wondering why Rama's a Saber, basically he thought it was cool. :V
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