Something about counterfeit Mona Lisas?

People are thinking it's going to be a Trial Quest with Da Vinci appearing in the gatcha along with a new quest each day. Just like the avenger one.

And I was wrong, You need to beat Orleans not, Okeanos haha...

... Really? Same week Dark Souls is out?


But don't you see!? With everyone playing FGO, Nasu can play Dark Souls without getting invaded every 4 mins! It's the PERFECT PLAN!
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Something about counterfeit Mona Lisas?

People are thinking it's going to be a Trial Quest with Da Vinci appearing in the gatcha along with a new quest each day. Just like the avenger one.

And I was wrong, You need to beat Orleans not, Okeanos haha...
Well, that's a heck of a lot more newbie friendly. Must be due to the gacha changes.
Here we go~


期間限定イベント「ダ・ヴィンチと七人の贋作英霊」! (Da Vinci and the Seven fake Hero Spirits!)

「第一特異点 邪竜百年戦争 オルレアン」をクリアしたマスターのみが参加可能 (Must complete Chapter 1 Orleans to participate)

(Event Details to be revealed later)
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Here we go~


期間限定イベント「ダ・ヴィンチと七人の贋作英霊」! (Da Vinci and the Seven fake Hero Spirits!)

「第一特異点 邪竜百年戦争 オルレアン」をクリアしたマスターのみが参加可能 (Must complete Chapter 1 Orleans to participate)

(Event Details to be revealed later)
Thank you. The seven fake heroes is kinda interesting.

Given it's only a Chapter 1 event, probably reasonably clearable, too, for new players. Nice to actually be around for a event.

Its the real reason why Dark Souls will have been out for weeks in Japan.

Japanese Customers only!
In fairness, according to ENB, the translation for the Souls game is actually somewhat involved. They have a surprising amount of text. We're generally lucky we get them as soon as we do.
In fairness, according to ENB, the translation for the Souls game is actually somewhat involved. They have a surprising amount of text. We're generally lucky we get them as soon as we do.
Which should have been sooner, as people have been able to get around the staggered release date and download fully localized digital copies of the XBone version basically since the Japanese version dropped. The staggered release is about money and nothing but.

Anyway back on topic ASSASSIN EZIO AUDITORE WHEN!?
Which should have been sooner, as people have been able to get around the staggered release date and download fully localized digital copies of the XBone version basically since the Japanese version dropped. The staggered release is about money and nothing but.

Anyway back on topic ASSASSIN EZIO AUDITORE WHEN!?

Assassin Ezio. Huh... woulda made for a much more interesting Rome.
Ask, and ye shall recieve.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Grandmaster and Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins.

Strength: D
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Magical Power: C
Luck: B


Presence Concealment: B
Ezio is incredibly adept at remaining undetected. Rarely has he been seen in his life, and few targets knew they were being stalked, even in the moment of their death..

Eye of the Mind (True): C
Ezio has fought many battles over his life, his instincts being honed to nigh-superhuman levels. In battle, he can find and exploit vulnerabilities with quickly and with ease. Combined with his other skills, this Assassin is far more adept at combat than any other.

Weapons Master: C
Ezio has used almost every kind of weapon imaginable in his career, ranging from swords and hammers and other standard melee weapons, to the assassins' exclusive hidden blades and hookblades, in addition to bombs and other ranged weapons. He can switch between all these weapons on the fly in the midst of combat, making his fighting style incredibly hard to pin down. Only extends to mundane weapons.

Peerless Defender: C
Ezio was touched by few blades throughout his fighting career, and even fewer truly hurt him. He can fully parry melee attacks of D-Rank or lower, taking no damage and instead dealing some to the enemy, parry attacks of C-Rank to take no damage, and partially parry attacks of B-Rank to reduce the damage taken.

Noble Phantasms

Bonds of Brotherhood - Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted: B+
Ezio can call on the assassins of his brotherhood to stalk and if necessary dispose of enemies. The assassins are far weaker combatants than Ezio, but they can track enemies and relay information back to their Mentor.

Apple of Eden - The Gift of the Goddess: A++, Anti-Army
An ancient artefact of the First Civilization, Those Who Came Before, it allows the user to grant others glimpses of the future and the Truth. This drives all save a few utterly mad, gibbering witlessly. When activated, two waves of light spread out from Ezio. The first wave instantly kills those it touches, and can only be survived by having either very high magic resistance or luck. The second, larger wave does not kill, but can drive those it touches insane, and even having high magic resistance causes them to have a heavy toll on their minds, slowing their thoughts down and making it intensely difficult to focus. The use of this also applies a temporary A-Rank Migraine on Ezio.

Disclaimer: quality definitely not guaranteed.
Anyway back on topic ASSASSIN EZIO AUDITORE WHEN!?
You now realize that the Animus is an early prototype of Chaldea's history-simulation and summoning tech, an advanced Mystic Code designed for Akashic information-retrieval via the Throne of Heroes. The soul of a human subject is used as a catalyst for an abortive summoning-request, allowing the Animus to reverse engineer the history of the Heroic Spirit and download it directly through the subject. Long-term exposure would cause spiritual degradation as the subject's soul began to collapse under the weight of a Heroic Spirit's ego, but the process as a whole provided extremely useful data, both as experimental material and by allowing the magus dev-team to harvest data on historical Noble Phantasms.

Desmond was picked up by Abstergo, a front corporation for Chaldea run by the Harwey Plutocracy, in order to exploit his blood relation to various members of the Hashashin Order who were known to have encountered Divine Phantasms capable of assisting Chaldea's aims of monitoring the planet for disaster. Repeated and unauthorized access to Ezio Auditore's Heroic Presence eventually caused him to degrade into a psychotic, time-displaced Demi-Servant, and after he was finally brought down by Operative GREEN FINGERS his remains were used as a catalyst for summoning Leonardo Da Vinci to help construct the CHALDEA Territory itself.

Presumably Ezio would have Golden Rule.
The Assassin's Creed series would've been a lot more interesting if each protagonist had to have a new freaky Zabaniya.
Ugh. Here I am trying to save for the inevitable Golden Week event in the off chance that Kintoki returns and gets a rate up...

Man, I hope Da Vinci doesn't get released during the event.