However this

What is a spell if not a series of commands and instructions woven together to act in harmony and achieve a result? And what is a program if not a series of commands and instructions woven together to act in harmony and achieve a result? Programs need not be intelligent in order to create a balanced game, and there's a difference between sentience and sapience.
This is absolutely true!

The Holy Grail just was never meant to be made for a wargame. So competitive balance was never part of the program. Hence making sure the Servants were balanced was not a concern, since everyone would make the servants suicide, instead of being tempted by the wish granting super artifact and their sudden access to a demi-god of legendary murder skills to make a stab for being the sole holder of that power.

Silly magicians.

Mind even if it was balanced, the Einzebern's would have found a way to fuck it up.
What could have been done with an uncorrupted Grail, btw? I believe the first two HGW's ended with no one getting the grail, and the third with it corrupted with that Angry Maiyou* fellow.

*probably misspelled that
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What could have been done with an uncorrupted Grail, btw? I believe the first two HGW's ended with on one getting the grail, and the third with it corrupted with that Angry Maiyou* fellow.

*probably misspelled that

You could reach Akasha by killing all Seven Servants. Or if you had decent enough Skill as a magus, you could accomplish almost anything with the stupidly huge amount of prana you could draw from the Greater Grail. Essentially using it as an unrestricted version of 'Wish' spell from DnD.

...Something about being able to keep a department at the Mage's Association running for over 100 years with just the energy Sakura was producing at that one moment? You could grant your own Wish, but it wouldn't be like "I wish for world peace!". You would need to figure out what specific end result you wanted to use the energy for.

...Also, you'd need Magic Circuits.
*Only has knowledge of the anime*
*Says he "has no interest in the side material"*

Dude, this is the side material. That thing that airs on Saturday is the freaking side material.
I've read the VN, by the way. As an adaptation of the original material, it should be considered an adaptation of the original material. Side material is precisely that, a side dish. It's a nice detail, but ultimately unimportant to the original.

As for everything else, you're making it harder for yourself. Not really my problem.
Uh, it's Fate Series Discussion THread, not TV Thread.
EDIT: nevermind just noticed that TV tag there. But in the absence of a

Yes, the HGW is a game designed by three families. Only the Einzberns are the equivalent of cheater's who use console commands without really understanding how they work. In fact, everybody cheats. Tokiomi makes a pact with some in a game that's supposed to be a free-for-fall. Kayneth dumps half his responsibility as a master to Sola.

Berserker sacrifices mental abilities for insane physical capabilities, only he retains his instinct in the form of Eye of Mind. Those two combined let him see Archer's attack coming, know that it could actually hurt him, and block it.

As for balance... HAVE YOU FUCKING SEEN WHAT GIL, ALTRIA, and HERC have? Karna? Siegfried? Semiramis?

In theory, the Servants are balanced. The Class Cards show balanced Stat Allocation. Only even with that Saber's are seen as the best because they have the best Base(non modified by the Heroic Spirit) stats.

As Gil toying with Cu, yes he was. Until he got bored and just chained him up and shot him. And keep in mind, Gil's toying with people involves shooting super swords at supersonic speeds.

The war is ad hoc. The first war was the result of them making the grail and then realizing you could only have one wish and fighting for it. The reason for the servants is for all of them to die to power the grail.

There is no fair and no game. They only have rules imposed to not kill tons of people in the crossfire and draw attention that weakens magic by making it known to the population at large.

Word of God is that Gilgamesh, if he cared even a little, would have ended the war the first night without needing to pull Ea.
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So Let's play a Game. Lets make up Noble Phantasm if the other character were summon another as class.

Saber as Rider
King of Camelot
Ability to summon any knight of Camelot without any of his/her Noble Phantasm for 15 minutes. Only can summon 1
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So Let's play a Game. Lets make up Noble Phantasm if the other character were summon another as class.

Saber as Rider
King of Camelot
Ability to summon any knight of Camelot without any of his/her Noble Phantasm for 15 minutes. Only can summon 1
Uhh...5th HGW Archer as Saber.
Projection - allows creation of anything the HS has seen; boosted a rank due to class
Nope, doesn't have the stats for it.

Edit: To clarify, you need a baseline average of A in all stats to be Saber.

Where are you getting this from? Those who use swords count as Saber's, those who use magic count as Caster's, and those who use ranged weapons count as Archer's.

If Stats were all it took, then why does A-Rank Mana Heracles not count as Caster?
Nero counters that assertion with her D rank Strength.

Probably in part dragged down by her master, also not the original Grail War but the Moon Cell.

Where are you getting this from? Those who use swords count as Saber's, those who use magic count as Caster's, and those who use ranged weapons count as Archer's.

If Stats were all it took, then why does A-Rank Mana Heracles not count as Caster?

I believe there are different requirements for each class, stats and knowledge and legend.

The base container of a Servant is shaped by the hero, but is generally required to come close to or be exceeded by the spirit to fit the container.

Container Str End Agi Man Luk
Saber A B B C D
Archer C C C E E
Lancer B C A D E
Rider D D B C E
Caster E E C A B
Berserker C D D E E
Assassin D D B E B
I suspect that individual stats are boosted and shaped first by a hero's legend, then degraded by legendary weaknesses or fault of the master.
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Where are you getting this from? Those who use swords count as Saber's, those who use magic count as Caster's, and those who use ranged weapons count as Archer's.

If Stats were all it took, then why does A-Rank Mana Heracles not count as Caster?
Hmm... Good point. That what I have heard. That Archer can not be Saber
What could have been done with an uncorrupted Grail, btw? I believe the first two HGW's ended with no one getting the grail, and the third with it corrupted with that Angry Maiyou* fellow.

*probably misspelled that
The Grail has the Einzbern trait of Wishcraft built into it. You can achieve basically anything you want with that amount of power.

Thing is, you need to know what you're wishing for. Something like "I want world peace" wouldn't have worked anyway, unless you first brute forced "I want a plan to create world peace" or something.
Hmm... Good point. That what I have heard. That Archer can not be Saber

Archer is too weak. Many historical heroes used as Servants are divinely blessed or otherwise enhanced in ways that no longer exist in modern times. Shirou is not only lacking in that blessing, but is also a terrible magus to boot. During his life, he never gained the power necessary for his HS to reach Saber level capability, and never formed a legend that could have made up the difference since his becoming an HS was not due to unique excellence and fame, but due to Alaya.
Okay so I just got into this thing, and I have a question.

Apparently the Fuyuki System dictates that only heroes of "Western" origin can be summoned to Fuyuki. But Gilgamesh is Mesopotamian, which was roughly in Iraq. As were the Assassins.

I mean the socio-political concept of the "West" has always been extra-bullshit. And that's understandable. But how do they justify that?
Okay so I just got into this thing, and I have a question.

Apparently the Fuyuki System dictates that only heroes of "Western" origin can be summoned to Fuyuki. But Gilgamesh is Mesopotamian, which was roughly in Iraq. As were the Assassins.

I mean the socio-political concept of the "West" has always been extra-bullshit. And that's understandable. But how do they justify that?