Cross post from SB

So, watching Ep.02 right now. I'm at the part where Rin is arguing and waving her butt at how unfair it is that Shirou got Saber, and the only thought in my head is...I wonder if Kiritsugu and Tokiomi where watching all of this from heaven? I wonder what their thoughts would be?
If Tokiomi is being forced to watch his chosen heir conduct herself in such a coarse manner, I question your designation of his portion of the afterlife as "heaven".

Oh, I'll admit, Kirei walking in cirlces squares (lol, pews) amused me. It's just... augh. When it comes to exposition, nothing irritates me more than repeated exposition. Especially in the same damn episode.

As for fanservice... eeeegh. It always cheapens things. Going without worked for Fate/Zero; why not stick with it?

Yeah! This isn't sticking to the Visual Novels at all! I demand that they go and... play.. the....


Cross post from SB

So, watching Ep.02 right now. I'm at the part where Rin is arguing and waving her butt at how unfair it is that Shirou got Saber, and the only thought in my head is...I wonder if Kiritsugu and Tokiomi where watching all of this from heaven? I wonder what their thoughts would be?

Don't be ridiculous, of course they aren't watching from heaven!

Everything except their Origin got deleted from their souls and it got sent right back down around the wheel of reincarnation as new 'disk' space.

(Nasu afterlife sucks.)
Honestly I thought it was alright. A bit disappointing but it seemed more like a "let's hoard the budget" type ep than anything. It's still not DEEN levels of oh god make it stop pleaaaaaaase and next week will probably have me losing my shit all over again (thank god UBW is the route with all the actual action) but for the time being it's eh. Just eh.

...Gotta say I do love the way Berserker sounds though. In DEEN he was just like super bored you know? All "raaagh I guess?" Here he sounds like the goddamn Tyrannosaur from Jurassic Park.
I liked the episode. Half of it was Rin (and butt waving) and the other half was Kirei. What's not to like about it? Yes it was kind of boring, but it needed to be done. I don't think it's fair to compare this to F/Z, when everyone who's played the VN should know that it's notably more light hearted than the novels wrote by the butcher, of all people. This won't be the last episode of its type.

It sounds to me like Kirei is spacing his words a little too much. I had the impression that he was more fluid with his dialogue.

Anyway, I like Shirou's new jacket. It's cool, and makes him look just a little bit smarter.
One thing was off though, how did Kirei know about Shirou's want to be a Hero of Justice when it was never mentioned or even implied by Shirou?

Its one thing to be able to read people on a very deep level, and another to have clairvoyance.
One thing was off though, how did Kirei know about Shirou's want to be a Hero of Justice when it was never mentioned or even implied by Shirou?

Its one thing to be able to read people on a very deep level, and another to have clairvoyance.
He kept track of kiritsugu after the war maybe? Its not like shirou hides that he wants to be a hero of justice, so if kirei even cursary knowledge of him he would have known about the hero of justice thing
Shirou's twitter handle is actually @HeroOfJustice and Kirei enjoys twitter stalking most of the youth in the city. He actually runs the @FuyukiGirlProblems twitter as a cover.

A slow episode but I feel like it was mostly so they could divert funds into a more awesome actiony sequence, which I'm looking forward to.
Just heard the full OP. God, that was the most painfully generic song I've heard in a while, both in the melody, lyrics, and structure of the song. I had to wash it out with The Shattered Fortress.
Yeah, the opening isn't that good tune-wise. There's one cool part and the rest is just meh.

The animation's still the Best Thing Evar, but…
EP2 continues being just a completely straight rip of the VN with bits cut out. I actually reread the VN Kotomine bit and was disappointed they'd cut out some of the really sweet banter. If you're actually going to do a straight rip, why cut out the cool bits?

Such a complete waste of talent. They could have done much, much better. Also the dark church was kind of... why? Why not have Kirei in bright light? Kirei is at his best when he's strangely casual. The weird sense of formality didn't help, I think.

Meh. At least it was pretty.
Where is my Raincoat joke Ufotable? That is literally one of the funniest things in the visual novel where Saber is like "I can't get rid of my armour" and the next scene she's just in this huge yellow monstrosity, where as with this it barely gets a mention. It might seem like a little thing but unlike the previous two episodes this one didn't have as much actual good stuff holding the bloat together.

Like, in the visual novel this bit takes forever, but I enjoy it because the visual novel knew how to also use the endless exposition to introduce the personalities of the characters: we find out Rin is pretending to be this bag ass super magi while being a big sarcastic softy at heart, that Saber is incredibly focused but doesn't lack care, compassion or humour (Who knows Lancer? Maybe this thing I'm holding like a sword is actually a Spear, Maybe you're not the real lancer!), that Archer is a trolling asshole. I've appreciated the anime for mostly staying true to that.

And then Kirei walked in circles and we learned very little about his character. Even his most important line in that entire exchange is sort of thrown onto the end and Shirou is like 'meh' as he walks off. That's kind of why I bring up the raincoat, because it's a perfect example of missing how to do exposition without bogging the narrative too far down. It's like Saber can't go into Spirit form and won't go out without her armour so whats our gameplan for hiding that here?

There was some pretty good positives though, Saber's smile when Shirou asks her for her consent to be his master is fucking great, because you can see her thinking 'Oh good this one's not a fucking asshole'. Archer doing his whole tsun thing with Rin where he tells her the opposite of what he wants her to do because he's finding something to tease her about. Illya showing off her manners while Berzerker causes the wubwubs to happen.
What do you feel we learned about Kotomine in the VN that we didn't learn in this adaptation?

Some stuff about his relationship with Rin, the way in that he doesn't really seem like he's trying to fuck with Shirou like he was in the vn, the fact that he's in a lot more control then he's putting on. Lots of little things got cut that really define his character. We still learn about him, but his dialogue isn't quite as heavy with double meaning and knowledge he should have had.

Like, to give you an example of something I felt they could have shown, Rin isn't really involved in any meanful way. She exposits, and then she's quite again. She doesn't sass Kirei, she doesn't tell him to back off because he's fucking with Shirou. This is most meaningful however with how they're presented as entering. In the VN Rin goes up to the Alter and then when Kirei moves towards the Alter she make a bee-line for Shirou. In the anime version of the scene she seems mostly apathetic about Kirei, but with the visual novel she's bristling. She's looking for an excuse to fight, Kirei keeps giving them to her. She's not comfortable standing near him or facing him for no reason, so she stands with Shirou.

Kirei meanwhile fucks with Shirou. He is constantly referencing the fire, the fact Shirou lost his memories etc. He's constantly finding these little chinks in Shirous armour and going for them until Rin tells him to stay on target. It creates this picture of someone who is much more aware of who Shirou is and who he's emulating, and he's using that to his advantage.

And finally we have Shirou. He doesn't react to YOROKOBE, SHOUNEN!! Like, this doesn't need any explantion. Kirei does his spiel and we literally cut away.
So in your opinion, it's not enough that Rin merely contradicts Kotomine when he keeps indicating that murder is required? It's not enough that Kotomine comments on Shirou's aim to be a hero, or that he mentions the fire that was part of the last Grail War and uses that to motivate Shirou?

How did Shirou react to "Rejoice!"? Not very much out loud, really. He thinks that wishing to be a hero is also wishing for an enemy to defeat after all, as Kotomine says. But this is all in narration. I understand the decision to cut Shirou's little reaction because there's not much overt reaction there. It's enough for Kotomine's words to give pause, don't you think?