On the "damage" to the Throne of Heroes by ORT:
Because the Versus Battlers presumably require clarification ...
Chapter 24 - Arrow 1 - Part B said:
@ ぐだ子



@ ダ・ヴィンチ


@ マシュ


@ カドック


@ ダ・ヴィンチ


@ シオン


@ ゴルドルフ


@ ダ・ヴィンチ


@ マシュ


@ ダ・ヴィンチ

引き続き戦闘を行ってくれ! この作戦の成否は、
@ ぐだ子 ・ Gudako

1: That just now was —
2: da Vinci-chan, what [happened to] the Servants!?


@ ダ・ヴィンチ ・ da Vinci

— they didn't withdraw!
I can't believe it. Is such a thing possible!?
The entirety of the Servants' Saint Graph data has been stolen away!
Their links to the Throne of Heroes are likewise destroyed!
Heroic Spirits are as Boundary Record Belts —
Our Universe itself is the existence which records the time-belts (時間帯, jikan-tai, "period of time") wherein Heroes are active in the capacity of 『phenomena』.
Such was preyed upon (捕食した, boushoku-shita, "subjected to predation") by ORT!
This is bad. It's nothing alike to the Temple of Time!
That thing — [it's] 『consuming the History of Man as it [stands]』!

@ マシュ ・ Mashu

In that case — the Servants that crystallized —
They're unable to withdraw to the Throne of Heroes — is that what you mean?

@ カドック ・ Kadoc

The Throne of Heroes is a library extant as of a higher-order dimension (高次元, koujigen).
It isn't a target (対象, taishou, "object" to be acted upon) that existences(things) of this dimension (次元, jigen) are capable of attacking, but ...
Those [things that appear] akin to threads extend from the terminals (端末, tanmatsu) called as Servants unto a higher-order dimension,
and render damage (損傷, sonshou, lit. "wound / scar from injury") even unto the data [of their] primary corpora as of the Throne of Heroes ...
Is that what you mean to say!?

@ ダ・ヴィンチ ・ da Vinci

That's what I'm saying!
Servants defeated by ORT can never again be (二度と, nido to, "not a second time") summoned!
From here on out, the combat strength on our end will presumably (だろう, darou, sentence ender to imply hypothetical) be gradually chipped away!
Sion! The analysis of the combat data just now — quickly!

@ シオン ・ Sion

I understand. An invincible exterior; a fusion with the Tree of Fantasy;
and the acquisition of the resources of Servants.
Though it truly is an extraterrestrial monster, as of [the matter that] it's operational,
there should exist a 『weak point』 somewhere [within it].
The electronic computation room will provide its full faculties to rush out the analysis of ORT.
On your end, please cycle [your] offensive!

@ ゴルドルフ ・ Goredolf

Is this really alright?
What's become of the Servants consumed?

@ ダ・ヴィンチ ・ da Vinci

Data cannot be digested. Presumably (おそらく, osoraku), they're stockpiled within in the capacity of 『data resources of value』.
It's alike to a bank deposit.
To the degree that the balance deposited is [large], [a given] customer is to the bank(Universe) become as an important client.
ORT is presumably a lifeform capable even of making use of that sort of energy.
Therefore, if we were to destroy 'account' (口座, kouza, an "account," as in a bank) called as ORT itself —

@ マシュ ・ Mashu

The resources shut away [should] leak forth.
The data of the Servants should be safely returned to the Throne of Heroes, you mean to say?

@ ダ・ヴィンチ ・ da Vinci

Un. If ORT is defeated, the debt is cleared!
This is a battle unto the point that one of the sides is bankrupt, [in other words]!
Sample data is [necessary] for the analysis of ORT!
Please persist in [engaging] in combat!
The success or failure of this operation depends on the experience as a Master that you've unto now [accumulated]!
@ Gudako

1: That just now was —
2: da Vinci-chan, what [happened to] the Servants!?


@ da Vinci

— they didn't withdraw!
I can't believe it. Is such a thing possible!?
The entirety of the Servants' Saint Graph data has been stolen away!
Their links to the Throne of Heroes are likewise destroyed!
Heroic Spirits are as Boundary Record Belts —
Our Universe itself is the existence which records the time-belts (時間帯, jikan-tai, "period of time") wherein Heroes are active in the capacity of 『phenomena』.
Such was preyed upon (捕食した, boushoku-shita, "subjected to predation") by ORT!
This is bad. It's nothing alike to the Temple of Time!
That thing — [it's] 『consuming the History of Man as it [stands]』!

@ Mashu

In that case — the Servants that crystallized —
They're unable to withdraw to the Throne of Heroes — is that what you mean?

@ Kadoc

The Throne of Heroes is a library extant as of a higher-order dimension (高次元, koujigen).
It isn't a target (対象, taishou, "object" to be acted upon) that existences(things) of this dimension (次元, jigen) are capable of attacking, but ...
Those [things that appear] akin to threads extend from the terminals (端末, tanmatsu) called as Servants unto a higher-order dimension,
and render damage (損傷, sonshou, lit. "wound / scar from injury") even unto the data [of their] primary corpora as of the Throne of Heroes ...
Is that what you mean to say!?

@ da Vinci

That's what I'm saying!
Servants defeated by ORT can never again be (二度と, nido to, "not a second time") summoned!
From here on out, the combat strength on our end will presumably (だろう, darou, sentence ender to imply hypothetical) be gradually chipped away!
Sion! The analysis of the combat data just now — quickly!

@ Sion

I understand. An invincible exterior; a fusion with the Tree of Fantasy;
and the acquisition of the resources of Servants.
Though it truly is an extraterrestrial monster, as of [the matter that] it's operational,
there should exist a 『weak point』 somewhere [within it].
The electronic computation room will provide its full faculties to rush out the analysis of ORT.
On your end, please cycle [your] offensive!

@ Goredolf

Is this really alright?
What's become of the Servants consumed?

@ da Vinci

Data cannot be digested. Presumably (おそらく, osoraku), they're stockpiled within in the capacity of 『data resources of value』.
It's alike to a bank deposit.
To the degree that the balance deposited is [large], [a given] customer is to the bank(Universe) become as an important client.
ORT is presumably a lifeform capable even of making use of that sort of energy.
Therefore, if we were to destroy 'account' (口座, kouza, an "account," as in a bank) called as ORT itself —

@ Mashu

The resources shut away [should] leak forth.
The data of the Servants should be safely returned to the Throne of Heroes, you mean to say?

@ da Vinci

Un. If ORT is defeated, the debt is cleared!
This is a battle unto the point that one of the sides is bankrupt, [in other words]!
Sample data is [necessary] for the analysis of ORT!
Please persist in [engaging] in combat!
The success or failure of this operation depends on the experience as a Master that you've unto now [accumulated]!
The above passage has been taken to give that ORT can render "damage" to the Throne of Heroes.
However, "damage" as a term is here used with a particular nuance, clarified below.

In her initial explanation, da Vinci states:
  • the Servants did not "withdraw" to the Throne of Heroes, per what normally occurs on defeat
  • their "links" to the Throne of Heroes were destroyed
  • the entirety of the Servants' Saint Graph data was "stolen away" / "subjected to predation" by ORT
  • such an action is in essence "consuming the History of Man as it stands"
Kadoc gives that being a higher-dimensional existence, the Throne of Heroes shouldn't be targetable by existences of this dimension. However, observing thread-like connections from the Servants to some indistinct point, he wonders if ORT can render damage to the data of the Heroic Spirits' primary corpora as of the Throne.

At this, da Vinci affirms his guess, stating that Servants consumed by ORT can "never again" be summoned.

However, when Gordolf asks what's become the Servants consumed, da Vinci declares that "data cannot be digested." She presumes / guesses that ORT is stockpiling the data within it, and affirms Mashu's guess that if ORT were to be destroyed, the data stockpiled by ORT "should be safely returned to the Throne of Heroes."

That is to say, setting aside the matter that a number of the statements in this passage were explicitly guesses, there were points at which da Vinci was contradicted, either by dialogue or circumstance.

In the aftermath of ORT's defeat, it's indeed the case that there were no noted after-effects or lasting consequences to the data of the Heroic Spirits upon the Throne of Heroes stolen away by ORT; and it wasn't in fact the case that Servants consumed by ORT could "never again be summoned." The "links" that were "destroyed" were also seemingly restored to no specific fanfare.

Per the situation that the "never again be summoned" wasn't in fact "never again," we can surmise that the words with which the situation is described above aren't perfectly literal. "Not a second time" / "never again" was excessively absolute in its phrasing. Similarly, though "predation" was performed, we're told outright that "data cannot be digested" — putting into question whether or not the term "predation" should be taken in the conventional sense.

How are we to understand "damage" or "destruction," then? Was the damage / destruction rendered by ORT something we should interpret in the conventional sense of injury or harm in the context of, say, ablation of the metal in a motor block on a car? With regard to ORT's interaction with the Throne, nothing of the sort was actually confirmed.

Making use of da Vinci's analogy, let's say that there's a bank account with a thousand dollars in it. If five hundred dollars within are temporarily relocated to a separate bank account before being transferred back, and no cost has been incurred, do we say that the original bank account sustained "damage" in the interim period in which funds were temporarily displaced?

If your sibling tells you that half of the cans of coke in the fridge now belongs to them, or takes them out, but is later made to return them as-is by your parents, in the period in which the coke was removed, was the entire quantity of coke "damaged" or "destroyed?"

The contention here is that even though da Vinci affirms Kadoc's supposition that ORT can "render damage" to the Throne, and states that Servants consumed by ORT can "never again be summoned," these shouldn't be understood as entirely literal statements. "Never again" was excessively absolute, and later contradicted; and "damage / destruction" was in subsequent context seemingly restored to no lasting impact, more resembling "temporary displacement" than "ablation of the metal in a motor block on a car."

As a side note, certain parties have argued:

"Even if no damage was actually observed or noted in the aftermath, da Vinci's affirmation of Kadoc's take on ORT's interaction with the Throne should be taken to imply that it's not only 'possible' that ORT can actually render damage, it's 'likely' that it can do so, on the evidence that characters coded as experts 'thought so' in the above scene."

To this, my response would be that the "damage" supposedly being dealt is specifically described within the later parts of the passage, and is qualified by da Vinci using the analogy of funds being stowed away within a bank account — a seemingly fully reversible process, which isn't what would be implied per the conventional understanding of the term "damage."

If you want to instead make the case that damage in the conventional sense (of "ablation to an engine block") can in fact be rendered by ORT, there better be more evidence.

TL;DR - Setting aside that verbal communication is an imperfect medium where words stated don't necessarily come in the nuance that you might expect, statements made by non-omniscient characters in a fictional narrative shouldn't necessarily be taken as factual statements regarding the worldbuilding of the setting.
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As an aside, Tlaloc / Tenochtitlan's title and Noble Phantasm are Nasu making a reference.
Her Noble Phantasm name:

Doubled Activation(Ometeotl)Cardial City(Tenochtitlan)

Ometeotl is a word that literally translates as "two gods."

The (jyuu) in 重起動(Jyuu-Kidou) would normally translate as "heavy," but holds the meaning of "layered" or "multifold," with a default sense of "doubled," which can vary to a particular number.
For example, 九重(kokonoe) literally translates as "nine-fold."
Considering the meaning of Ometeotl and the nature of the Noble Phantasm, it may be appropriate to render 重起動 as "Doubled Activation."

Meanwhile, Tenochtitlan's skill name / title:

Tsuki no Mizuumi(Mesutoriapan)
Lake of the Moon(Meztliapan)

Meztliapan / Lago de Luna (the Lake of the Moon), the Aztec name for the historic Lake Texcoco, whose drained basin is now mostly occupied by Mexico City.

What is this a reference to?
The full title of the crater in which the Greater Grail resides within Fuyuki, as named in Heaven's Feel (Day 16 - Scene 16):

円冠回廊(Enkan Kairou)心臓世界(Shinzou-Sekai)[RUBYTen-no-Sakazuki]テンノサカズキ[/RUBY]
Circuitous Coronary Corridor・the Cardial World of Ten-no-Sakazuki​

円冠回廊(Enkan Kairou) literally translates as "circular crown corridor," but 回廊(kairou) ("corridor that encircles / bends back upon itself," as in the covered cloister of a convent garden) is sounds similar to 回路(kairo) (circuit).
In fact, the Greater Grail is comprised of Justeaze's Circuits.

Ten-no-Sakazuki (テンノサカズキ) canonically renders as both of the following:

(Ten)(no)(Sakazuki)・The Cup of Heaven
(Ten)(no)朔月(Sakazuki)・The Reverse Moon of the Heavens​

(Sakazuki) generally refers to a sake cup. Meanwhile, 朔月(Sakatsuki) (Reverse Moon) was Miyu's original family name in Prisma Illya.

As a prefix, (Ten)(no) is with the pronunciation of "ama-no" or "ame-no" used in the names of things associated with the heavens in Shinto mythology.
For example, (Ama)(no)叢雲(Murakumo)(no)(Tsurugi) is "the Sword of the Gathering Clouds of the Heavens."


Tsuki no Mizuumi(Mesutoriapan)Shinzou-Toshi(Tenochititoran)
Lake of the Moon(Meztliapan)Cardial City(Tenochtitlan)

Enkan Kairou・Shinzou Sekai(Ten-no-Sakazuki)
Circuitous Coronary Corridor・Cardial World(Ten-no-Sakazuki)

There you go. A multi-layered pun / reference.
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On the relationship between Origins and Mythic Codes in CCC:

The Wikia claims the following with regard to Mythic Codes (神話(Shinwa)礼装(Reisou), lit. "mythological formal wear"):
Wikia said:
In the final arc of Fate/EXTRA CCC, No Name unlocks his Origin in order to fight BB, just like Hakono's other servants (Nero Claudius, Tamamo-no-Mae or Gilgamesh depending on the player's preferences) do in their respective paths.
This is sourced to "Chapter 7: The Depths of Holy Maiden - Anima Ataraxia," without a quote or link, but per Entry 145 in the Tsukinoura translation of CCC:
Tsukinoura said:
Rani :: We haven't found a way to seal the "Ten Crowns," but we can devise countermeasures.

Rin :: Really!?

Rani :: As a result of analyzing the "Ten Crowns," we too have acquired rights to access "original power" from the Moon Cell. The "Ten Crowns" is the beginning of human history, the dawning of the light of civilization…In summer, it is the power of the Origin that began the human genome. It is something all human beings hold within them. Therefore, we can append this ability it to your Servant as well. If we have the same power the Ten Crowns cannot make us "things that weren't."

Gilgamesh :: Oh? So you would lay hands on my origin.

Rani :: Yes. You must enter your Servant's virtual mind/body, access the heroic spirit core directly, the heroic spirit's root that the Moon Cell has sealed away — and release the "legendary mystic code."

[I've generally been going with the literal translation "formal wear" for that word, as the localized Fate/Extra did, but the "mystic code" term feels more appropriate here.]

Rin :: Going directly to the heroic spirit's core…you mean spirit infiltration like we did with Sakura!?

Rani :: Yes. Fortunately we know how to do it. It should be quite an achievable operation.

I, I see. So basically, like when Sakura was being attacked by Meltlilith, but this time I'll be diving into my Servant, that's it!

Gilgamesh :: This is an unprecedented situation. It's not that you can't touch my origin without authorization, but…it will be accompanied by appropriate dangers? As it is a human body, there will be sanitation programs acting as immune functions. To which there are no enemies and allies.
With that as a basis for our understanding, let's look at part of the original text for the above excerpt, with variation dialogue based on the Servant Hakuno has:
block0119 said:





Per the outcome of analysis into 『the Ten Crowns』, we've likewise obtained the authority to access 『Primordial Power』 (原初(Gensho)(no)(Chikara)) via Moon Cell.
『The Ten Crowns』 is as the inception of the History of Man; the dawn as of the light of civilization ...
In short, the power of the archetype(Origin) (原型(genkei), lit. "original form"; commonly, "prototype") [from which] the human genome was begun.
This is [something] inherent to anyone, so long as they are human.
Thus, such a capability can be appended as well to Servants on our side.
[Possessed of] power of the same standing, [even] 『the Ten Crowns』 would presumably be incapable of 『rendering [them] as naught』.

The Primordial Power of a Servant ...
O Rani, could it be that ...

Primordial ...
[You're] referring to the Root (根源(kongen), "source")? The form that becomes as the 『base』 ((moto)) of a Heroic Spirit, unknowable even to us ...
Could it be that ...

Gege ...
What 'primordial' refers to [sounds] like it would touch upon my source material ...
Awawa, by that, you mean ...

Hou. You mean to lay hands upon my archetype (原型(genkei)), then?

Yes. To dive into the cyber-body (電脳体(Dennou-Tai)) of a Servant, directly access [their] Heroic Spirit Core (英霊核(Eirei-Kaku)), and release the Root of the Heroic Spirit (英霊(Eirei)根源(Kongen)) — [their] 『Mythic Code』 (神話(Shinwa)礼装(Reisou), lit. "mythological formal dress"), [subjected to] Sealing Designation (封印(fu'in)指定(shitei)) by the hand of the Moon Cell.
Per the outcome of analysis into 『the Ten Crowns』, we've likewise obtained the authority to access 『Primordial Power』 (原初(Gensho)(no)(Chikara)) via Moon Cell.
『The Ten Crowns』 is as the inception of the History of Man; the dawn as of the light of civilization ...
In short, the power of the archetype(Origin) (原型(genkei), lit. "original form"; commonly, "prototype") [from which] the human genome was begun.
This is [something] inherent to anyone, so long as they are human.
Thus, such a capability can be appended as well to Servants on our side.
[Possessed of] power of the same standing, [even] 『the Ten Crowns』 would presumably be incapable of 『rendering [them] as naught』.

The Primordial Power of a Servant ...
O Rani, could it be that ...

Primordial ...
[You're] referring to the Root (根源(kongen), "source")? The form that becomes as the 『base』 ((moto)) of a Heroic Spirit, unknowable even to us ...
Could it be that ...

Gege ...
What 'primordial' refers to [sounds] like it would touch upon my source material ...
Awawa, by that, you mean ...

Hou. You mean to lay hands upon my archetype (原型(genkei)), then?

Yes. To dive into the cyber-body (電脳体(Dennou-Tai)) of a Servant, directly access [their] Heroic Spirit Core (英霊核(Eirei-Kaku)), and release the Root of the Heroic Spirit (英霊(Eirei)根源(Kongen)) — [their] 『Mythic Code』 (神話(Shinwa)礼装(Reisou), lit. "mythological formal dress"), [subjected to] Sealing Designation (封印(fu'in)指定(shitei)) by the hand of the Moon Cell.
"Origin" appears as the pronunciation of the word 原型(genkei), which I translate above as "archetype." The word that normally renders as "Origin" per Shirou's "Sword," etc. is 起源(kigen), and doesn't appear at all in the above passage.
Note that 根源(Kongen) — normally, translated as "Root" — appears here not in its usual definition, but as a part of the term 英霊(Eirei)根源(Kongen), "the Root of a Heroic Spirit."

起源(Kigen) does, however, appear in a different passage:
block0118 said:


Miss Kishinami. Subsequent to [entry], please promptly proceed to the heart of the Servant.
At the center, there exists the Spiritron Core (霊子核(Reishi-Kaku)), sealed(locked) by the Moon Cell.
Destroying this is the [objective] of the strategy(mission) this time around.

To battle against mine Origin (起源(kigen)), what is unknown even to myself ...
Is this not avoidable?

Impossible, it would seem. To the Mythic Code (神話(Shinwa)礼装(Reisou)) ... to the Root, [both] rationality and instinct are as obstructions.
Combat is unavoidable, [I presume].
On account that this is an Origin (起源(kigen)) unknowable even to the individual themselves, please consider them as a different person to yourself ... or rather, a 『phenomenon』 identical to you only in form.
Miss Kishinami. Subsequent to [entry], please promptly proceed to the heart of the Servant.
At the center, there exists the Spiritron Core (霊子核(Reishi-Kaku)), sealed(locked) by the Moon Cell.
Destroying this is the [objective] of the strategy(mission) this time around.

To battle against mine Origin (起源(kigen)), what is unknown even to myself ...
Is this not avoidable?

Impossible, it would seem. To the Mythic Code (神話(Shinwa)礼装(Reisou)) ... to the Root, [both] rationality and instinct are as obstructions.
Combat is unavoidable, [I presume].
On account that this is an Origin (起源(kigen)) unknowable even to the individual themselves, please consider them as a different person to yourself ... or rather, a 『phenomenon』 identical to you only in form.
For comparison, the Tsukinoura translation:
Rani :: I can as well. Miss Hakunon, after the infiltration please proceed quickly to your Servant's center. In the center should be the Servant's spirit particle core, which has been locked by the Moon Cell. Your mission this time is to destroy that.

Gilgamesh :: If it's my archetypal form, then I may make a conjecture. I ask only to make certain, but can battle be avoided?

Rani :: That is likely impossible. The legendary mystic code…for the origin, reason and instinct both are a hindrance. I don't think battle can be avoided. It is an origin which even the person themselves can never know, so for you it is a different person…no, please think of it as sort of "phenomenon" that takes your shape. Gilgamesh. While Hakuno is executing this operation, you will be able only to watch over her. …the level of danger is still high, but all you can do is place your trust in us. Please leave it to us.
Per the literal meaning of Nero's reply, what's required to unlock a Servant's Mythic Code is a battle against one's own 起源(kigen).
Based on context, however, it's in my opinion impossible to tell if the 起源(kigen) here is precisely the same 起源(kigen) that designates Shirou's "Sword" or Kiritsugu's "Severing & Binding."

Incidentally, 起源(kigen) appears a grand total of 6 times in entire game script, and nowhere else in the above context aside from what's been excerpted here.

TL;DR - The Wikia is wrong as usual. The nature of the relationship is inconclusive, and requires more context.
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Re: Draco

Testament, above, is a rendition of 証明(shoumei), which translates as "proof / substantiation." Whereas "testament" does indeed carry a similar meaning, the nuance in English brings about religious associations that are not in fact inherent to the Japanese.

To look toward other uses of 証明 in recent Nasu, it's the term used to describe the "Proof of Existence" invoked in substantiating out of the Sea of Imaginary Numbers; and it's the term used to describe the substantiation of Ether at the beginning of the Occidental Calendar. As an example of its use in LB6.5:

Similarly, whereas (ten) translates as "sky / heavens," and past usage of the term in Nasu has indeed historically translated as Heaven (for example, 天の杯(Ten no Sakazuki), "the Cup of Heaven"), rendering it here as capital-H "Heaven" is again evocative of a religious nuance that isn't present in the Japanese.

How do we know it isn't present? Because in the same scene I've excerpted above, we're told the following:

The "sky" is being invoked because of a thematic link to the concept of "reaching toward the stars." It's valid and maybe even reasonable to suppose that this is an invocation of Quirinus' Noble Phantasm, Per Aspera Ad Astra (Latin: "Through hardships, to the stars.") — but again, the event plot tells us exactly what it's supposed to mean.

Talking about this might seem like making a mountain out of a molehill, but in my opinion, it's actually thematically relevant to comprehending the event.

This event was not in fact entirely written by Jin Haganeya. The text from the Nero Interlude about the Thrice-Setting Sun is directly incorporated. For context, this was the one that branched off an AU Septem that happened offscreen, where Servant Nero outright replaced the human Nero from the canonical scenario; and involved going into the wasteland to fight a wraith of her that "refused to leave the stage after the drawing of the curtain." In particular, the scene as appears within the current event looks to be possibly remembered from the point of view of the wraith.

Why mention this? Because of the characterization of the 魔獣赫(Majuu-kaku), which I'll tentatively render here as "Demonic Beast Blooms." Being bunshin of Draco — extensions of her Saint Graph — they state when confronted some variation of the following:

We —
We deny annihilation. We refuse the lowering of the curtains. We rebel against the setting of the Sun.
We, the seven crowns of the Beast. We, the seven heads of the Dragon. We, the Demonic Beast Bloom Avaritia, do not indulge in avarice.​

The Blooms are the aspects of Draco that embody her refusal to simply roll over and die — the elements of her personality characterized by the Nero of the interlude as "the refusal of the actor to abide by the curtain call." You could describe this as the foundational principle to Draco's existence.

Comparatively, the Draco that travels with Guda embodies a weakness that betrays her fundamental raison d'etre, and thus the Blooms are in fact the ones making true upon the conviction she reached in surmounting the third sunset; in refusing the curtain.

Acedia refuses to indulge in sloth. Superbia refuses to indulge in pride. Luxeria refuses to indulge in lust. Avaritia refuses to indulge in avarice. Moreover, the Demonic Beast Blooms accusatorily characterize Draco's acceptance of death / desire to die as succumbing to the Seven Deady Sins, which were allegedly borne away by Christ.

It's only actually "alleged," because, despite the claim of their having been borne away, the Seven Sins seem nevertheless to continue to accumulate as a direct consequence of the flourishing of urban civilization — this being a manner of stagnation; a precondition that invites Draco's Independent Manifestation as a destroyer of cities. Per the behavior of her Heliocentric form, we get that she considers the Sins unsightly, and brings calamity to civilizations corrupted by their accumulation.

Draco seems to be a counterpoint to Nasu's take on the salvation of Christ — an entity that responds to the reality that the Seven Deadly Sins persist as an unsightly principle of stagnation, in need of elimination. She too offers salvation — in the release of death.

This is a rejection of Christ. Thus her authority per Nega-Messiah; her claim that the Spiral Substantiation World was devised to draw in humans with the desire to save the world, as to better nurture herself in the capacity of a Beast.

Indeed. Mine Authority [as a] Beast is as Nega-Messiah. That which unto the Messiah laughs in derision; kills and consumes.
The Chaldea that in the context of this Universe defeated Beast the First. The Master of such. The victors that exist in numerous Worlds.
The 『wish』 that suffices to nurture mine Beastly horns be as the desire to 『save the world』 alone.
Thusly, this Singularity. Thusly, this War for the Holy Grail. Your 『battle』 was truly delicious.
Take pride. Well fought were the Chaldeas and the Masters alike. Sufficient to moisten my throat.
And finally did the last arrive upon the base of my throat. Crossing over the corpses of numerous Chaldeas did your fang [come].​

Proposal: The Seven Deadly Sins were not borne away. They remain as recurring principles of stagnation that manifest at the flourishing of civilization. Ergo, Christ failed. These, more or less, seem to be the thematic assumptions underpinning Nega-Messiah. (Not to say they're necessarily true outside the context of Draco.)

There are more appropriate quotes to demonstrate my points, but to skip to the conclusion, having rejected the salvation of Christ, Draco's desire in her heart of hearts is to obtain a personal salvation — a light at the end of her despair. She brings forth calamity to the purpose of finding the light of hope.

『そうと知りながら、私は。 独り輝く夜明けの星に、手を伸ばしてしまった』
『Even knowing this, I extended my hand to the morning star (夜明けの星(yoake no hoshi), "star of the dawn") that glimmered alone.』
『手を伸ばすべきではなかった…… あるいは手放すべきだったのでしょう』
『I ought not to have reached forth ... Or rather, I ought to have let go, perhaps.』
『It was this that was the true Love(Evil) beyond all salvation, born forth from within me.』​

Which sums up why "Heaven" and "Testament" are in my opinion inappropriate as translations. The Christian notion of "Heaven" isn't being invoked. The "Testament" is absent the nuance of religiosity. Having these as the word choice establishes a thematic veneer that ties things to Christianity and the Book of Revelations, but in reality, the skies are merely the skies because there happen to be stars, and the substantiation is merely substantiation.

The Evils of Man are stagnations that humanity must necessarily overcome; described by Gilgamesh as expressions of "the bestial nature of Man" — for if humans cannot surmount the temptation of abdicating agency, how are they any different from beasts? How are they to advance unto the stars?

This event, on the other hand, is about a Beast who by nature considers unsightly and culls those civilizations that succumb to stagnation; who here fights to overcome the temptation to surrender to her own despair and stagnation, coming in the end to comprehend that she must continue to advance toward her "morning star."

TL;DR - I complain about the choice of words used in the English patch of the Draco event, because of a matter of thematic interpretation.


If you squint, it's pretty clearly that Draco philosophically rejects Buddhism as well.
Salvation for her isn't in ceasing to exist. It's in striving through the pain to advance unto the stars.
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Re: Draco, Part 2
On the matter of "walking alongside a Beast."
Lilim-Harlot said:
@ ドラコー


@ ロクスタ


@ ドラコー

お、来るか? ハグか?よいぞ、来い! 受け止めてやる

@ セタンタ


@ 魔獣赫・真体

何故だ! ドラコー!

@ ドラコー

[f large]愛

@ 魔獣赫・真体


@ ドラコー


@ ぐだ子


@ レディ・アヴァロン


@ ドラコー


@ 魔獣赫・真体


@ ドラコー


@ 魔獣赫・真体


@ ドラコー


@ 魔獣赫・真体


@ ドラコー


@ ぐだ子


@ ドラコー


O Locusta. That poison of yours was indeed something to the purpose of killing me.
However, there was therein an unmistakeable love for me.
I requested, and you answered. What manner of sin exists in that?
This is fidelity, Locusta.


... Nero-samaaaaaaa!


お、来るか? ハグか?よいぞ、来い! 受け止めてやる
Oh, you come? You desire a hug? Very well, come forth! I shall accept it.


... !?

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

何故だ! ドラコー!
Why!? Draco!


Even that you ask me ... If I must answer, then — yes, I suppose that will do.
[f large]愛
[Large Font] Love.
It's the power of such alone.
... this is somewhat embarassing.

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

We should've been reborn in the capacity of the True Corpus of a Beast! The Seat of Beast VI/S is ours!
That being the case, how is it that ... How is it that Saint Graph of yours is — !?




1: Draco's Class ...
2: — remains as Beast.

Lady Avalon

I see ... so this is your answer, hm?


Aah. You ought to have your answer, O mirrors (分身(bunshin)) of mine. The Power of Love it be.
The Evils of Man are as the Love of Man — and therefore, [even that] I remain as a Evil of Man(Beast), I shall endeavor to walk alongside Humanity.

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

— You are a flame that merely consumes.


I know.

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

— You shall not reach the stars.


I know.
However — who hasn't extended a hand to the stars in the night skies?
I apologize, mine mirrors. I shall not abdicate the Seat of Beast VI/S.

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

We shall [consume] the World(Roma) to flame —


Pretentious words be merely hollow. Hereforth, let that I behold thy blade.
— Gudako. This be the end of our journey.


1: ... Un.
2: Let's stand together.


Aah — Together, to victory!

O Locusta. That poison of yours was indeed something to the purpose of killing me.
However, there was therein an unmistakeable love for me.
I requested, and you answered. What manner of sin exists in that?
This is fidelity, Locusta.


... Nero-samaaaaaaa!


Oh, you come? You desire a hug? Very well, come forth! I shall accept it.


... !?

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

Why!? Draco!


Even that you ask me ... If I must answer, then — yes, I suppose that will do.
[Large Font] Love.
It's the power of such alone.
... this is somewhat embarassing.

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

We should've been reborn in the capacity of the True Corpus of a Beast! The Seat of Beast VI/S is ours!
That being the case, how is it that ... How is it that Saint Graph of yours is — !?




1: Draco's Class ...
2: — remains as Beast.

Lady Avalon

I see ... so this is your answer, hm?


Aah. You ought to have your answer, O mirrors (分身(bunshin)) of mine. The Power of Love it be.
The Evils of Man are as the Love of Man — and therefore, [even that] I remain as a Evil of Man(Beast), I shall endeavor to walk alongside Humanity.

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

— You are a flame that merely consumes.


I know.

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

— You shall not reach the stars.


I know.
However — who hasn't extended a hand to the stars in the night skies?
I apologize, mine mirrors. I shall not abdicate the Seat of Beast VI/S.

Demonic Beast Bloom ・ True Corpus

We shall [consume] the World(Roma) to flame —


Pretentious words be merely hollow. Hereforth, let that I behold thy blade.
— Gudako. This be the end of our journey.


1: ... Un.
2: Let's stand together.


Aah — Together, to victory!
The characterization of Draco's Geocentric Form, in the finale.

As further context, it's given early on that on account of the contract forged with Draco — described by Draco herself as a manner of Curse — Guda would be treated by the entirety of the Spiral Substantiation World as an extension of the Saint Graph of the Beast, and thus something that needs to be eliminated.

The possibility is brought up by Tiamat that even if Draco is in her nascent form eliminated, so long as Guda and their contract remain extant, she could potentially regenerate. We don't know how valid this supposition is in truth, but in very the fact that it would apparently apprehend Guda-sans-Draco as a threat, the Spiral Substantiation World itself seems to operate as if Tiamat's guess is valid.

Draco's objective is to liberate Guda from the Spiral Substantiation World. To this end, she seeks the reabsorption of the rebelling Demonic Beast Blooms, which in bringing her nascent Saint Graph to maturity would permit that she reclaim her Independent Manifestation, allowing that she annul the forged contract.

However, that alone wouldn't conclude her relationship with Guda.
Lilim-Harlot said:
@ ???


@ ぐだ子


@ ???



@ ぐだ子


@ ???

(……やめよう。 あっさり信じそうな目をしている、この人)
(いろんなサーヴァントを 見過ぎているせいかもしれない)


@ ???


@ ぐだ子


@ ???


@ ぐだ子


@ ???


@ ぐだ子


@ ???


@ ぐだ子


@ ???


@ ぐだ子


... nobody important. To further explicate, I'm not even a human.


1: Not a human?


I didn't want to die. So wishing, I battled, but I was an existence absent even of life.
To me who was such, she bestowed affirmation. Stated that everyone [shares] in the dream of beholding the stars.



2: Who are you?


Francis Xavi —
(……やめよう。 あっさり信じそうな目をしている、この人)
(... no, I'll stop. She's got the eyes of somebody who would readily believe me.)
(Perhaps it's on account that she's witnessed far too many Servants of every manner.)
[Rather], I apologize. That was a lie.



In reality, I came merely at the guidance of a small [tie of] En. However, I wasn't able to pretend [ignorance].


1: ... could it be that
2: you were Draco's master?


That's incorrect.
For though I was a Maestro(Master) to Saber, Draco and Saber are as different existences.
Draco is the shadow that she casts. A echo(dream) shed by 『the Emperor of the Roses』.
It's merely the case that that was however not reason sufficient to abandon her.
... I feel that I've done you ill.
For at that time, the one who [forged] the contract between you and Draco was I.


1: I had a feeling that that was the case.
2: However, why me?


— Draco had longed gazed upon you.
[Upon] you and your Chaldea.
Why was it that the Substantiation World of Sodom's Beast was created in the image of Chaldea's battle?
The answer to that is this.
Even that she is the Beast of Depravity, she's adverse to corruption; adverse to sloth —
A hope, miniscule but true — She adored the star that glimmered amidst corruption(desire).
The traces of the journey of the ones who aspired to the stars.


1: I'll reclaim Draco.
2: Lend me your strength.


Allow me to ask you just one thing.
A fire that burns all. A love to which everything is offered; consumed to flame.
Draco, who was born forth from an echo, does likewise inherit this nature.
[The act of] accepting she who is assumed of such a form is to [render] that that Love(Evil) cannot be escaped.
— you shall walk alongside an Evil of Man.
Do you even so [accept] her —


1: It's fine.
2: I understand.


It's a bit too late [for me to ask such a thing], perhaps.
For there isn't another human who so faces head-on (向き合う(muki-au), lit. "to meet head-on"; holds the meaning of "confrontation," but carries the nuance of "countenancing") the Evils of Man as you.
— I entrust Draco to you.


1: We'll fight together.

... nobody important. To further explicate, I'm not even a human.


1: Not a human?


I didn't want to die. So wishing, I battled, but I was an existence absent even of life.
To me who was such, she bestowed affirmation. Stated that everyone [shares] in the dream of beholding the stars.



2: Who are you?


Francis Xavi —
(... no, I'll stop. She's got the eyes of somebody who would readily believe me.)
(Perhaps it's on account that she's witnessed far too many Servants of every manner.)
[Rather], I apologize. That was a lie.



In reality, I came merely at the guidance of a small [tie of] En. However, I wasn't able to pretend [ignorance].


1: ... could it be that
2: you were Draco's master?


That's incorrect.
For though I was a Maestro(Master) to Saber, Draco and Saber are as different existences.
Draco is the shadow that she casts. A echo(dream) shed by 『the Emperor of the Roses』.
It's merely the case that that was however not reason sufficient to abandon her.
... I feel that I've done you ill.
For at that time, the one who [forged] the contract between you and Draco was I.


1: I had a feeling that that was the case.
2: However, why me?


— Draco had longed gazed upon you.
[Upon] you and your Chaldea.
Why was it that the Substantiation World of Sodom's Beast was created in the image of Chaldea's battle?
The answer to that is this.
Even that she is the Beast of Depravity, she's adverse to corruption; adverse to sloth —
A hope, miniscule but true — She adored the star that glimmered amidst corruption(desire).
The traces of the journey of the ones who aspired to the stars.


1: I'll reclaim Draco.
2: Lend me your strength.


Allow me to ask you just one thing.
A fire that burns all. A love to which everything is offered; consumed to flame.
Draco, who was born forth from an echo, does likewise inherit this nature.
[The act of] accepting she who is assumed of such a form is to [render] that that Love(Evil) cannot be escaped.
— you shall walk alongside an Evil of Man.
Do you even so [accept] her —


1: It's fine.
2: I understand.


It's a bit too late [for me to ask such a thing], perhaps.
For there isn't another human who so faces head-on (向き合う(muki-au), lit. "to meet head-on"; holds the meaning of "confrontation," but carries the nuance of "countenancing") the Evils of Man as you.
— I entrust Draco to you.


1: We'll fight together.
Continuing per the explanation I translated in the prior post, Draco is a Beast that has intentionally nourished herself upon the wishes of Chaldea out of an admiration for the battle fought by Guda against Goetia — in hopes that Guda could act as the audience to gaze upon her; to reciprocate her love.

To put it in other words, Guda was the "morning star" that Draco extended her hand toward — mirroring the notion that in her capacity as a magus, Guda may be thought of as practicing a variant of the Animusphere magecraft, guided by the light of the Stars(Heroic Spirits) that glimmer from the distant past.

Per the liner notes to the movie of Salomon, Guda's nature is to accept others, irrelevant of who they are — even if they're a Beast. This is what Hakuno means when she gives that Guda faces the Beasts head-on. It's not merely a matter of confronting and defeating them. It's that she offers them some manner of comprehension.

That is to say, Draco is a Beast who in embodying corruption opposes corruption; who acts to cull the stagnations that spawn forth of "depravity" — nurtured upon the specific desire to save the world expressed by Chaldea. (And Singularities are described as stagnations ...)

In this sense, she's despite the theme of "love" less reflective of the two halves of Beast III, and more reflective of the two iterations of Beast IV; the calamities that she brings forth are premised upon expressing unsightliness in the process of destroying unsightly things.

It may be here worthwhile also to mention that Draco's in-game profile gives that she satisfies herself with the culling of cities, rather than the entirety of the World — despite the fact that she theoretically scales to the texture of the World(Roma). This may be the reason that though she's described as "a Beast that consumes cities," she was somehow able to substantiate (because you can't use "Testament" as a verb form to 証明(shoumei)) a simulated reenactment on the scale of the Incineration of the Human Order and the seven primary Singularities.

What does it mean that Guda can walk alongside Draco? In the end, Draco's desire was to survive unto such a point that she could find somebody to reciprocate her love — and in acting upon this, she brought forth calamity. Likewise, for the sake of her own survival — out of a desire to reclaim her future — Guda has taken part in the annihilation of seven worlds.

It's probably not an accident that Draco refers to Guda as the 獣の騎手(Kemono no Kishu) — "the Rider of Beasts."
The Revelation of John said:
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.
Joke's on us. It wasn't Nero that was the woman riding on the back of the Beast.


As an unrelated aside, by virtue that Lancer Alter is akin to Francis Drake "the King of the Storm" and associated with the Wild Hunt, she was apparently able to make use of the wreckage of the Golden Hind from the version of Okeanos substantiated by Draco in the capacity of a Noble Phantasm?
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Objection, the premise is explicitly not flawed, the CT could detect that a path had been closed after HF.

It's just basically everything else that's broken in some way and renders the Einzberns actually having a good plan for the War a Counter Force worthy event.:V
Tezcatlipoca on the absence of the Concept of Death in ORT:
For informational purposes, as there seems to be some confusion on the matter.
LB7 - Chapter 22 - Arrow 1 said:
@ テスカトリポカ


@ イスカリ


@ テスカトリポカ


@ イスカリ


@ テスカトリポカ


In the Greater History of Man, there's [something known as] caterpillar fungus (冬虫(touchuu)夏草(kasou), lit. "worms in winter, grass in summer"; Ophiocordyceps sinensis), [you know]?
[This is] the opposite pattern.
Though the Tree of Fantasy fabricated by 『the God of an Alien Star』 is gone,
thanks to ORT, Mictlan is no different from before,
operating in the capacity of an Apocryphal Belt.
This is the only [circumstance] wherein the matter that ORT is an undying monster functions to the [positive].


... undying ...
However, it's dead.
It was killed, no?


Aah. [And in] being killed, its activity ceased.
Irrelevant the manner of the living organism, if its primary organs are destroyed, it faces its death.
However, this thing deviates in its aftermath.
Even that it's a living organism, it's absent of a framework for [biological] 『death』.
We spoke before on the matter of artificial organs, yes?
[I refer to] the replacement of organs that can no longer be used on account of injury or disease.
If an arm be missing,
a [component] entirely identical to the arm [can be] transplanted.
If the internal organs have rotted, [replace] the internal organs.
If the brain is blown away, [replace] it with an identical brain.
Ma, something like a precise copy of the brain is yet a ways into the future, perhaps, [but] this is at most an example.
In any case, humans have arrived at a point where even in the circumstance that death is [imminent] per an impairment of the flesh, 『restoration』 to form [is possible].
However ... a thing once deceased — a human once [succumbed] to a cessation of activity — cannot per a restoration to [their] 『original form』 come to resurrection.
Even that it's possible to restore them to the extent that they bear the form they held in life — that they're [potentially] capable of exercising the same functionality — they won't reactivate.
If you think about it, it's [kind of] mysterious, no?
Merely on account that it's once [succumbed] to 『a cessation of functionality』, organic life faces death.
On the other hand, a machine is free of this mysteriousness.
Even that it no longer accepts electricity; even that it's shattered to pieces, if the portions damaged are replaced, it can be 『resurrected』.
They say that once a brain cell dies, it can't be restored, you know?
The boundary between living organisms and machines isn't a [matter] of 『natural or artificial』 or 『whether or not sentience is [possessed]』,
but rather 『whether or not it comes to an end after once [succumbing] to death』 —
Isn't that not the case? Or so thinketh Tezcatlipoca.


Above all else, [it is good to hear] that you appear to be in a better mood than usual.


Life is that which dies.
If death be extant, even a machine can be considered life, perhaps.
However, immortality is no good.
That which doesn't die isn't life. It'd be a phenomenon, you understand?
That's what the organism called as ORT is.
[Something] proximate to a phenomenon. As of once sustaining death, so long as it's restored to form, it will reactivate.
More terrifying is the matter that to ORT, 『restoration』 is something that automatically occurs.
Maa, even humans would upon sustaining injury do what they can to heal.
They're able to [deal with] simple injuries on their own; and for larger injuries, they can on forming societies acquire [the means] as to hoist [themselves] to recovery on a proximately automatic basis.
But if the brain or the heart are done in, it's O-Dabutsu (お陀仏(o-dabutsu), abbrevation of 南無(namu)阿彌(ami)陀仏(dabutsu), an addressing of the Buddha in prayer).
There's a limit to what can be remedied.
ORT is absent of such.
Where this thing is concerned, whether it be the cells at the tips of its extremities; the motor neurons that control its limbs; the heart, which is as its source of impetus; the administrative faculty in the brain — all of these are alike as nothing more than 『parts』.
All of its cells maintain every functionality.
Irrelevant of what's destroyed, it'll eventually restore itself.

In the Greater History of Man, there's [something known as] caterpillar fungus (冬虫(touchuu)夏草(kasou), lit. "worms in winter, grass in summer"; Ophiocordyceps sinensis), [you know]?
[This is] the opposite pattern.
Though the Tree of Fantasy fabricated by 『the God of an Alien Star』 is gone,
thanks to ORT, Mictlan is no different from before,
operating in the capacity of an Apocryphal Belt.
This is the only [circumstance] wherein the matter that ORT is an undying monster functions to the [positive].


... undying ...
However, it's dead.
It was killed, no?


Aah. [And in] being killed, its activity ceased.
Irrelevant the manner of the living organism, if its primary organs are destroyed, it faces its death.
However, this thing deviates in its aftermath.
Even that it's a living organism, it's absent of a framework for [biological] 『death』.
We spoke before on the matter of artificial organs, yes?
[I refer to] the replacement of organs that can no longer be used on account of injury or disease.
If an arm be missing,
a [component] entirely identical to the arm [can be] transplanted.
If the internal organs have rotted, [replace] the internal organs.
If the brain is blown away, [replace] it with an identical brain.
Ma, something like a precise copy of the brain is yet a ways into the future, perhaps, [but] this is at most an example.
In any case, humans have arrived at a point where even in the circumstance that death is [imminent] per an impairment of the flesh, 『restoration』 to form [is possible].
However ... a thing once deceased — a human once [succumbed] to a cessation of activity — cannot per a restoration to [their] 『original form』 come to resurrection.
Even that it's possible to restore them to the extent that they bear the form they held in life — that they're [potentially] capable of exercising the same functionality — they won't reactivate.
If you think about it, it's [kind of] mysterious, no?
Merely on account that it's once [succumbed] to 『a cessation of functionality』, organic life faces death.
On the other hand, a machine is free of this mysteriousness.
Even that it no longer accepts electricity; even that it's shattered to pieces, if the portions damaged are replaced, it can be 『resurrected』.
They say that once a brain cell dies, it can't be restored, you know?
The boundary between living organisms and machines isn't a [matter] of 『natural or artificial』 or 『whether or not sentience is [possessed]』,
but rather 『whether or not it comes to an end after once [succumbing] to death』 —
Isn't that not the case? Or so thinketh Tezcatlipoca.


Above all else, [it is good to hear] that you appear to be in a better mood than usual.


Life is that which dies.
If death be extant, even a machine can be considered life, perhaps.
However, immortality is no good.
That which doesn't die isn't life. It'd be a phenomenon, you understand?
That's what the organism called as ORT is.
[Something] proximate to a phenomenon. As of once sustaining death, so long as it's restored to form, it will reactivate.
More terrifying is the matter that to ORT, 『restoration』 is something that automatically occurs.
Maa, even humans would upon sustaining injury do what they can to heal.
They're able to [deal with] simple injuries on their own; and for larger injuries, they can on forming societies acquire [the means] as to hoist [themselves] to recovery on a proximately automatic basis.
But if the brain or the heart are done in, it's O-Dabutsu (お陀仏(o-dabutsu), abbrevation of 南無(namu)阿彌(ami)陀仏(dabutsu), an addressing of the Buddha in prayer).
There's a limit to what can be remedied.
ORT is absent of such.
Where this thing is concerned, whether it be the cells at the tips of its extremities; the motor neurons that control its limbs; the heart, which is as its source of impetus; the administrative faculty in the brain — all of these are alike as nothing more than 『parts』.
All of its cells maintain every functionality.
Irrelevant of what's destroyed, it'll eventually restore itself.
ORT "lacks a concept of death" on account that despite being a living organism, it's in practice akin to a machine capable of eventually restoring itself to operation regardless of the damage it sustains.

Incidentally, caterpillar fungus is a variety of fungus that parasitizes caterpillars, causing their mummified remains grow twig-like protrusions. This is some of the most expensive fungus in the world, on account of its use in Chinese homeopathic medicine. In ancient times, the misapprehension existed that they were creatures that behaved as caterpillars in colder seasons, but transformed into plants in warmer seasons.

It's somewhat relevant to LB7 as a comparison, what with the business with the Miya being fungus and the ORT merging with the Tree of Fantasy.
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This is incredibly funny.

I don't know how familiar people are with it, but there's an interview known around the fandom, a Nasu/Higashide interview about the process behind the creation of Fate/Apocrypha. Notably, it is usually brought up whenever Sieg is mentioned because the interview says Nasu is the one who came up with Sieg.

Well, turns out all of the above is false, and someone made that interview up (and are a serial liar having fabricated other stuff). Courtesy of Petrikow on Beast Lair:
Petrikow said:
"Why are you quoting a post that's almost 10 years old?"

Well, because I investigated this, seeing as this is the only source on the internet that still mentions this information. The tumblr post that this is originally copied from can be read here, archived, as it has since been taken down. Nevertheless, there's nothing of note missing from it that we care about (the majority of the post is a summary of Apo Vol. 2).

Anyway, to make a long story short, this information is all in most likelihood all fabricated. Made up. It didn't happen. Fake.

So you might be like, "how do you know?", and I'll explain. First of all, as you can see, the post mentions this is taken from "Comptiq, Newtype, etc", and it's true there are some interviews about Apocrypha in one of these. Comptiq specifically. There is nothing in Newtype, and etc could be anything. Given the contents of the post ("Interviewer asked Nasu & Higashide..."), the implication is that Nasu and Higashide both were present for the interview, but the image use as a source only has Higashide speaking. That in and of itself is suspicious, but we can't say for sure only Higashide is in the interview from that single page, since the interview most likely is longer.

So where is this image from, anyway? It's from Comptiq 2013 August Issue. In this Comptiq, there's a special TM Ace Extra bundled in with the magazine, which contains the interview. Here's the other page of the interview. Once again, we cannot see Nasu as part of the interview. This is without the shadow of a doubt a Higashide solo interview which came out around the time of Apocrypha's 2nd volume releasing. So what of the contents, then? Well, not a single point mentioned in this list is present in this interview.

So straight from the start this alleged Comptiq interview has nothing to do with what the person is claiming. That alone is extremely suspicious. Why link it then? To give it some modicum of legitimacy for people who can't read Japanese? (and even if you could, the image is blurry enough that it's difficult to make out what it says + it's only half of the interview). What about any other interviews then? Surely there are some, right?

Right, so there is an interview with Nasu and Higashide about Apocrypha and its creation process, but it's not from any source listed (unless you want to take into account 'etc'). It's from TM Ace 8, and came out right before the Apocrypha LNs had started being released. In this interview, Nasu is present, and they do talk about the creation process. However, as much of the content at the time was a spoiler (Sieg is never mentioned, expect being perhaps alluded to once), they don't go into depth about certain characters and how they work within the Apocrypha lore like the tumblr post claims.

Okay, but surely you just haven't searched enough? Unfortunately, I think I have, and additionally, famed TM Archivist GrogxGrog also lists no other Higashide/Nasu interviews about Apocrypha outside of the one I just brought up. Keep in mind, that this information that circulates around in the Western TM fandom cannot ever be found as talking points in the Japanese one. It is not listed on their wiki, nor are there allusions to it anywhere else that I can find.

The likeliest conclusion is simple. The tumblr user who goes by the name of "shinichameleon" made it all up, and uncritical Western TM fans have been circulating it for 10 years without ever looking into where it comes from.

Let that be a lesson, I suppose?
Re: Jeanne Alter's summonability outside of FGO

In the Reddit translation for Jeanne Alter's profile in Grand Order Material III, the following is given:
Reddit said:
Another Jeanne d'Arc, born because of Gilles de Rais (Caster) having wished on the Holy Grail for this kind of Jeanne in the Hundred Years' War of the Wicked Dragons. As Jeanne lived through her life as a Saint, there is no element that can properly be converted for Alteration. Therefore, Jeanne Alter is purely "a Jeanne d'Arc dreamt of by the people as an avenger", and properly speaking, there is no capacity to the extent of being able to summon her as a Servant.

However, something once created will not return to nothingness. Jeanne Alter had set a trap on Jeanne d'Arc to work out her plan. By producing an element for Alteration not in the Jeanne of the past, but in the Jeanne as a Servant, she created a core for Jeanne Alter; furthermore, she improved her Saint Graph values through the Counterfeits' Riot, having publicly transformed into a Servant. Regarding the Counterfeit Heroic Spirits that were summoned on the occasion of the Counterfeits' Riot, it appears that Jeanne Alter wanted to forget all about their existences except for her owns.
The original Japanese of this is as follows:
Grand Order Material III said:
従って、彼女はあくまで「人々が夢想する復讐者としてのジャンヌ・ダルク」 であり、本来であればサーヴァントとして 召喚できるほどの力がない。

だが一度生み出されたものが無に還ることはない。ジャンヌ・オルタは一計を案じてジャンヌ・ダルクに罠を仕掛けた。過去のジャンヌではなく、サーヴァントとしてのジャンヌにオルタとしての要素を生じさせることで、ジャンヌオル タとしての核を生み出し、更に贋作騒動を通じて霊基数値を向上させ、晴れてサーヴァント化した。
As of the Hundred Years' War [of the] Evil Dragon, another Jeanne d'Arc, born of the wish of Gilles de Rais (Caster) [upon] the Holy Grail.
[Within] Jeanne, who had survived in the capacity of a Holy Maiden, elements [allowing for] alterization did not originally exist.
Accordingly, [Jeanne Alter] was at most 「the Jeanne d'Arc dreamt by the people in the capacity of an Avenger」, and didn't originally (本来(honrai)(de)あれば(areba), lit. "if per the original [circumstances]") possess the strength sufficient to be summoned in the capacity of a Servant.

However, a [circumstance] whereby existences once birthed forth return to nothing does not [exist]. Devising a plan, Jeanne Alter contrived to trap Jeanne d'Arc. By way of generating elements in the capacity of an Alter within the Jeanne that existed in the capacity of a Servant, [rather than] the Jeanne of the past, a core in the capacity of Jeanne Alter was instantiated; and further, by way of escalating the parameters of [her] Saint Graph (霊基(reiki)数値(suuchi), lit. "spiritual foundation parameters") via the counterfeits fiasco, she was formally (晴れて(harete)) rendered a Servant.
As of the Hundred Years' War [of the] Evil Dragon, another Jeanne d'Arc, born of the wish of Gilles de Rais (Caster) [upon] the Holy Grail.
[Within] Jeanne, who had survived in the capacity of a Holy Maiden, elements [allowing for] alterization did not originally exist.
Accordingly, [Jeanne Alter] was at most 「the Jeanne d'Arc dreamt by the people in the capacity of an Avenger」, and didn't originally (本来(honrai)(de)あれば(areba), lit. "if per the original [circumstances]") possess the strength sufficient to be summoned in the capacity of a Servant.

However, a [circumstance] whereby existences once birthed forth return to nothing does not [exist]. Devising a plan, Jeanne Alter contrived to trap Jeanne d'Arc. By way of generating elements in the capacity of an Alter within the Jeanne that existed in the capacity of a Servant, [rather than] the Jeanne of the past, a core in the capacity of Jeanne Alter was instantiated; and further, by way of escalating the parameters of [her] Saint Graph (霊基(reiki)数値(suuchi), lit. "spiritual foundation parameters") via the counterfeits fiasco, she was formally (晴れて(harete)) rendered a Servant.
Notably, Reddit rendered the following:

and didn't originally (本来(honrai)(de)あれば(areba), lit. "if per the original [circumstances]") possess the strength sufficient to be summoned in the capacity of a Servant.​

as such:

and properly speaking, there is no capacity to the extent of being able to summon her as a Servant.​

Though indeed, 本来(honrai)(de)あれば(areba) is given in dictionary definitions to mean "by all rights; legally speaking; properly speaking," (de) is a particle that puts forth the word preceding as a condition, and あれば(areba) means "if that be the case." That being the context, 本来(honrai) means "originally," and the phrase as a whole renders in literal translation to "if per the original [circumstances]," where "by all rights; legally speaking; properly speaking" are common-use applications of such.

Incidentally, (chikara) is more often "strength; force; potency; might" than "capacity." Taken as a whole, Grand Order Material is saying that "under the original circumstances," Jeanne Alter hadn't "sufficient strength" to be summoned as a Servant.


and further, by way of escalating the parameters of [her] Saint Graph (霊基(reiki)数値(suuchi), lit. "spiritual foundation parameters") via the counterfeits fiasco, she was formally (晴れて(harete)) rendered a Servant.​

appeared in the Reddit translation as:

furthermore, she improved her Saint Graph values through the Counterfeits' Riot, having publicly transformed into a Servant.​

Whereas 晴れて(harete) is indeed given in dictionary definitions to mean "publicly," the particular nuance of meaning applicable here is "formally."

Also, the final clause of the sentence is not a condition to the prior clause, but the conclusion or outcome the prior clause is conditional to. That is, because Jeanne Alter managed to raise the parameters of her Saint Graph via the counterfeits incident, she "formally" became a Servant.

Ergo, as "existences once birthed forth do not return to nothing," Jeanne Alter was in some capacity already extant subsequent the 1st Singularity, but incapable of being summoned in the capacity of a Servant on account that she hadn't sufficient "strength" — implicitly possessed of a Saint Graph, but presumably only as a Phantom. Thereafter, via the counterfeits event, she was somehow able to raise her Saint Graph Parameters to such an extent that she became summonable as a Servant.

It isn't given here that Jeanne Alter is only summonable per Chaldea's FATE System — but naturally, a Master cannot summon a Servant to which they bear no tie of En.
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Well apropos, the trailer of Samurai Remnant is out:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2CWHWnc_oE

Game releases September 28
  • Jalter is in, which is lame
  • The MC appears to be Miyamoto Iori, Fate Musashi's student (as mentioned in her Summer version profile) and Musashi's adopted son IRL.
  • Musashi is listed as being Berserker
  • There may be Yamato Takeru, one sword looks to be Kusanagi
EDIT: There's also a website listing the characters. Most Masters are historical characters or historically related, which is pretty neat for a Grail War.
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Finished the FsF OVA, it was hype as all hell.

The Gil-Enkidu fight was gorgeous, but you also get stunning and creative visual sequences like Tsubaki's dream, Fake Berserker revealing his name, Enkidu's summoning, or Jester revealing his nature.

Also, if you plan to watch it, there's a post-credit scene so stick around for it.


View: https://twitter.com/KaroshiMyriad/status/1675349504198062080?s=20

View: https://twitter.com/KaroshiMyriad/status/1675460588187848705?s=20

View: https://twitter.com/KaroshiMyriad/status/1675462842139693059?s=20
Pretty obvious it would happen.
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Tsukihime English localization announced for Switch and PS4 in 2024.
And now not only that, but it is announced for PC as well.

Speaking of TM Ace 15 news, there were a lot of them. Fate/Prototype Fragments of Silver is getting a manga adaptation with a first chapter tomorrow, there's a timeline of the Fate spinoffs (nothing new but welcome), Fate/Samurai Remnant is getting a oneshot manga, and FSR also revealed the Archer and Assassin Servants.
Revealed as in shoed their designs or revealed who the characters are?
Design, far as I'm aware the only Servant we've got confirmation on the identity is FGO!Musashi, and I'm still not entirely convinced that she's the 'proper' Berserker for the War.
EDIT: Jalter, her NP having been revealed as an inversion of Luminose Eternelle, is probably Jalter, but it's not 100% confirmed yet.
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