I mean it'd be one thing if it were Hydra Poison.

But Hydra Poison is probably how you kill any greek legend honestly.
It's honestly faster to list what you COULDN'T kill with Hydra venom than what you could.

Because you could probably count them on both hands.

Saying Herk is weak against poison because he died against Hydra venom is like saying that Cu Chulainn is weak against getting stabbed because he died from being stabbed a lot, is what I'm getting at here. Herk managed to deal with the horrific pain caused by the deadliest venom on Earth for long enough to set up a funeral pyre for himself. That isn't really what I'd call a weakness to it.
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Is it ever made clear why Guda is affected by the Fusang poison when Serenity's did diddly?
Mashu is the one that provides poison resistance to Guda, and in the Lostbelt's Galahad is gone so Mashu's resistance is weaker. Presumably, if Galahad had been totally on board with Chaldea and Mashu had been at full strength, it'd have done nothing.
Technically, the supposition that Guda's protection comes entirely from Mashu has never been confirmed. During Christmas 2017, when Mashu was affected by Sumerian Fever, Guda seemed not to be -- and it's a little strange that Guda would be immune to something that Mashu herself isn't protected against.

That said, the notion that Guda is granted protection by Mashu is IIRC in-universe a theory posed by da Vinci and Roman. Whether or not it's actually valid remains to be seen? There might be some other factor that hasn't been explained.
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Technically, the supposition that Guda's protection comes entirely from Mashu has never been confirmed. During Christmas 2017, when Mashu was affected by Sumerian Fever, Guda seemed not to be -- and it's a little strange that Guda would be immune to something that Mashu herself isn't protected against.

That said, the notion that Guda is granted protection by Mashu is IIRC in-universe a theory posed by da Vinci and Roman. Whether or not it's actually valid remains to be seen? There might be some other factor that hasn't been explained.

I believe the skill description for one of the Shielder Class Skills mentions that it increases the defense of the Shielder's allies but not for the Shielder, so maybe that's a factor?
I believe the skill description for one of the Shielder Class Skills mentions that it increases the defense of the Shielder's allies but not for the Shielder, so maybe that's a factor?
Maybe, but the explanation of that skill is related to damage nullification rather than status immunity, as far as I recall. Point is, it's a bit of a mystery in-universe, and until it's given further clarification, IMO, stating Mashu as the definitive cause isn't entirely warranted.
So what differences do succubi, incubus and dragons have between them? They're all magical creatures, I know that much, but are their stores of magical energy similar in total amount? Dragons have strong magic resistance (or so I presume considering King Arthur), while the only thing I could find on succubi (and presumably incubi) is increasing their stores temporarily by having sex. Anyone know anything more?
So what differences do succubi, incubus and dragons have between them? They're all magical creatures, I know that much, but are their stores of magical energy similar in total amount? Dragons have strong magic resistance (or so I presume considering King Arthur), while the only thing I could find on succubi (and presumably incubi) is increasing their stores temporarily by having sex. Anyone know anything more?

From talking with Merlin in F/GO Incubi and presumably Succubi collect the emotions of people. I presume Sex tends to be a pretty useful process for that. They don't natively have emotions of their own but can spend the emotions they gathered to fake it.

Dragons most notably are described as being able to generate magical energy simply by breathing. I imagine a dragon breathing fire or whatever is simply expelling a bunch of that magical energy at once? Arthur's been described as having the magical power to have been a powerful magus, but never really put in the effort to learn magecraft.
Their lungs are spiritual worlds and such.

Dragons are also considered the top as far as monsters go. Eastern Dragons are divine meanwhile and even more ridiculous as perfect beings.
Posting this mostly for my own reference, because it's one of my favorite quotes in fiction; but maybe some other chuuni will find it handy too :V.

Medea Lily said:
So -- gather stars.
Many, many shining stars.

Stars utterly unyielding to human desires, to human brutality,
stars that shine even through storms, brilliant stars that light up the sky --
So what differences do succubi, incubus and dragons have between them? They're all magical creatures, I know that much, but are their stores of magical energy similar in total amount? Dragons have strong magic resistance (or so I presume considering King Arthur), while the only thing I could find on succubi (and presumably incubi) is increasing their stores temporarily by having sex. Anyone know anything more?
Succubi and Incubi may be different names for the same class of entity, which may be a subset of the entities referred to as Demons. They apparently require the ideations of Man to subsist. Being half human, Merlin is capable of supplying himself with ideation. Comparatively, Dragons are the highest order of Phantasmals. I'm not really certain why you would compare Succubi / Incubi to Dragons?
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Succubi and Incubi may be different names for the same class of entity, which may be a subset of the entities referred to as Demons. They apparently require the ideations of Man to subsist. Being half human, Merlin is capable of supplying himself with ideation. Comparatively, Dragons are the highest order of Phantasmals. I'm not really certain why you would compare Succubi / Incubi to Dragons?
Was just wondering how their magical powers compared, due to a choose your own adventure document claiming Nasu incubi had more raw mana power than dragons, and that read a bit funny to me. Thanks!
Was just wondering how their magical powers compared, due to a choose your own adventure document claiming Nasu incubi had more raw mana power than dragons, and that read a bit funny to me. Thanks!
Merlin is the only example that we have of an Incubus (or rather, an Incubus half-blood), and his powerset mostly involves Illusionism.

He has the capacity to project Illusions into anything that qualifies as a Dream; and as "the World of Man" is semantically "the shared Dream of Humanity," everything that he did in the first arc of Babylonia technically classifies as a projected Illusion. That is, his Illusions are so "real" that they can directly exert an effect on physical existences in the manifest reality. Using these powers, he was able to keep Tiamat asleep -- apparently for several months -- while simultaneously posing as Gilgamesh's Caster-class Servant. At the end of Babylonia, he was able to directly overpower Tiamat's Sea of Life -- and Tiamat was at the time in her Draconian form.

The question then becomes, if he can do so much, how does he power it? He can't possibly do all this without mana cost, right? The canonical answer to this is, "It isn't explicitly explained" -- but we do have information to speculate upon.

The first thing to consider is that Merlin was an inhuman existence born at the tail end of the Age of Gods -- and inhuman entities of the Age of Gods often operate by the Principle of Cycles rather than the Principle of Consumption, where rather than being "consumed," resources are apparently reverted to the System of Nature when not specifically in use.

The second thing to consider is that Merlin is an Incubus -- which is possibly a subset of Demons; which are as far as we know a variety of Curse. For Curses, mana consumption mechanics are often apparently "optional" -- where a phenomenon incurred "simply happens" because the Curse is in effect, without there being consideration for whether mana is consumed.

The third thing to consider is that Merlin is at most times physically situated in Avalon, in the Reverse of the World. Assuming that mana is being consumed in the enactment of Illusions, it's entirely possible that it's powered on the energy within his environment, rather than wherever it is that his Illusion is being projected. Alternatively, Avalon is somehow restoring him. (Obviously, this wouldn't help against Tiamat in the endgame, so it clearly isn't a good explanation for his general energy consumption ...)

That said, using Merlin as an example of the powers of a generic Incubus is ... kinda dumb? Merlin isn't generic. He's half-human, for one -- and he mentions that distinct from other Incubi, he's capable of supplying his own ideation. If not for this, he would need to feed upon the ideations of humanity to subsist. He's also accomplished enough an Illusionist to develop his own variety of Independent Manifestation. Because of the fact that he's able to overcome Tiamat's Sea of Life, I think it's fair to regard him as an extreme outlier.

Ergo, it isn't fair to presume that because Merlin can overcome Tiamat, all Incubi are magically capable of commanding mana at a greater capacity than all Dragons. That would be akin to presuming that Japanese gingers are fundamentally stronger than Divine halfbloods from Uruk.
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If Dragons operate by the Law of Cycles, shouldn't Artoria be completely mana efficient? She has the heart of one, after all. Or is she incapable of using it continuously?

I'm also not 100% clear on how exactly Merlin overpowered the Sea of Life; did he just do it with sheer force of will/magecraft?
If Dragons operate by the Law of Cycles, shouldn't Artoria be completely mana efficient? She has the heart of one, after all. Or is she incapable of using it continuously?

I'm also not 100% clear on how exactly Merlin overpowered the Sea of Life; did he just do it with sheer force of will/magecraft?
To be specific, he used up the Grail Mud/Chaos Tide/Primordial Ooze by rooting his trademark flowers in it and making them grow everywhere by using it as fuel.
If Dragons operate by the Law of Cycles, shouldn't Artoria be completely mana efficient? She has the heart of one, after all. Or is she incapable of using it continuously?
Being a Servant largely gets rid of that advantage. The fact that she can somewhat circumvent the problem of not being able to properly receive mana from Shirou merely by eating is already vastly broken.

If she were properly alive in her own era, she might indeed be perfectly mana efficient, or nearly so.
I'm also not 100% clear on how exactly Merlin overpowered the Sea of Life; did he just do it with sheer force of will/magecraft?
To be specific, he used up the Grail Mud/Chaos Tide/Primordial Ooze by rooting his trademark flowers in it and making them grow everywhere by using it as fuel.
There's the issue that the Sea of Life automatically overwrites every organism it comes across -- so, somehow, mysteriously, Merlin's flowers are able not to be affected this. By some means, his generation of flowers trumps the overwriting effect, and makes use of the energy inherent to the Chaos Tide to blossom.
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Being a Servant largely gets rid of that advantage. The fact that she can somewhat circumvent the problem of not being able to properly receive mana from Shirou merely by eating is already vastly broken.

If she were properly alive in her own era, she might indeed be perfectly mana efficient, or nearly so.

Does that mean most Servants can't supplement their mana by eating? Admittedly I don't recall any mention of that in canon besides Saber's case, but I'd assumed that any Servant could eat for mana.

Also, do we know if Mordred has the same dragon heart advantage? Could they forgo eating and live off just their self-produced mana? That would be incredibly broken, if so. I guess Merlin doesn't really need to eat, either? Explains how he hasn't starved to death in Avalon, I suppose.
Does that mean most Servants can't supplement their mana by eating? Admittedly I don't recall any mention of that in canon besides Saber's case, but I'd assumed that any Servant could eat for mana.

Also, do we know if Mordred has the same dragon heart advantage? Could they forgo eating and live off just their self-produced mana? That would be incredibly broken, if so. I guess Merlin doesn't really need to eat, either? Explains how he hasn't starved to death in Avalon, I suppose.
I think in Arturia's case it was due to her not being a spirit, but instead her living body summoned into the Grail War via a contract with Alaya/The World. Mordred's a clone of Arturia made from her sperm, so odds are she might have the dragon heart too if it's inherited - seeing as Merlin needed to use magic to give Arturia's fetus the abilities of a dragon, I'm skeptical it's able to be inherited, however.
Does that mean most Servants can't supplement their mana by eating? Admittedly I don't recall any mention of that in canon besides Saber's case, but I'd assumed that any Servant could eat for mana.

Also, do we know if Mordred has the same dragon heart advantage? Could they forgo eating and live off just their self-produced mana? That would be incredibly broken, if so. I guess Merlin doesn't really need to eat, either? Explains how he hasn't starved to death in Avalon, I suppose.
We don't know that they can't.
We know that there's no evidence that they do, as far as I'm aware; whereas it's established that Saber does -- that she "must," on account of her refusal to cannibalize the souls of living humans to subsist when faced with the minimal mana flow from Shirou.

Whether the food thing is because there's a mechanic unique to her is unknown, but it's nevertheless considered broken that she can fight to the level that she does while only replenishing her energy via food and conserving its expenditure via sleep. This is taken to be soft / circumstantial evidence of her relative efficiency as a Servant.

No, we don't know that Mordred has any similar mechanic going on. Merlin is only pretending to be a Servant, and is generally abusing Independent Manifestation if he's manifest outside of Avalon -- meaning that as a Servant, he doesn't actually require mana anyways. The Merlin inside Avalon is a half-blood Incubus, and not bound by human lifespan.
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