The Stern Mother would also probably conflict with Gaerig on account of reminding her of Attrouska.
Gaerig is a mother as well, after all, and she can hardly be called "stern".
Probably, but Gaerig doesn't particularly seem to care much about how other people manage their kids, only when they start telling her what to do(which is what happened with Attrouska getting kicked until she stopped).
I think this is a bit of a reach. We can influence blast him just fine,we would just have to be ready for his inevitable avatar counter attacks. Influence attacks are our best shot at actually ending any such war in our favor, because otherwise they will have an easy time reforming constantly to come at us again and again. Also, just having high influence doesn't actually stop a giant wave from hitting a town, you need to actually have an applicable power. Picking up some water traits to really smash his worshippers to bits will give us a way to fight in this war and let our growing pantheon be prepared to intercept the counterstrikes.
This will take awhile however, due to needing our child to grow and to get additional water traits.
High Influence is a problem for Influence attacks because it means he has very large HP bars and that a major drawback when trying to harm him via elemental attacks.
Look at Gaerig's Influence HP bars:
-Saiga's Fishing Village(shrine) 4/4
-Gaerig's Fishing Village(shrine) 4/4
-Saiga's Hunting Village(shrine) 4/4
-Saitev's Hunting Village(shrine) 4/4
-Attrouska's Hill Village(shrine) 4/4
-Keshketev's Caldera Town(temple) 6/6
All this spread over an enormous area that makes it impossible to strike more than one site at a time. 26 Vehemence worth of damage if uncontested, spread out over 6 sites, each of which allows a combat encounter(before assumptions are made that we can just fly away from any counterattacks like Harzivan did, we take a look at the attack on Attrouska, we're far from unassailable if we want to attack a site outside of our Influence)
Gaerig has 3 more shrine slots and 1 more temple slot(which we won't be using in a hurry).
She can gain the below hp bars in basically 1 turn:
-Gaerig's Hunting Village 4/4
-Saitev's Home Village 4/4
-Unaligned Hunter's Village 3/3
So lets say Bloody Man has a shrine in all 8 of their villages and 1 town, giving him 8 slots of 4 vehemence each to strike at, one slot of 6 vehemence, of which, as of last information, we have maybe 3 in range of our extended range. We'd be able to do devastating damage to the nearest ones, then we'd be out of easy reach, so it devolves to a battle of mortals and monsters.
Starting an Influence slap fight without a solution to win it decisively would be a problem. Attrouska gave us a lot of grief and it's just ONE spirit. Three of them, of which at least one is very good at growth blessings, can make this a severe challenge.
I believe you are misreading this situation. The vision where he captures us happens after he ascends.
Not actualy specified, remember that visions will thrive off circumstances similar to the vision to reinforce it.
Whether the vision predicts him capturing us or not, we have established that he's the type of spirit to change tactics if one fails, that he's cunning enough to dodge Dominance.
If we felt like it we could head on over there and sing and speak to his people and tell them what a pathetic oathbreaker he is and the visions would not help him stop our escape. This won't hit the fan until he ascends, and going over to mess with his people will actually tell us when he is trying, because he won't be present to encourage his peasants to resist us.
Remember we only won the dominance contest by a fairly close margin originally. We got lucky.
Getting cocky can be deadly if we wind up confronting him. We won the first exchange by luck. The second exchange was a draw(we insulted him and flew away, but he also forced us to leave).
I would strongly suggest pouring heavy amounts of rain into his territories at the very least. We will see if he is active in stopping it, and if we win the influence contest we can drown people and make him look weak. If he doesn't show up to contest we will know the prophecy is coming up soon.
11 villages in his area that we know of. This would suck to do serious damage to him AND remember, he shares a population base with three other spirits.
It'd just validate his narrative and undermine our ability to turn them against him.
Oh not right now. Definitely not(sorry if I gave that impression) but head on won't work for him.
I figured not, but you know, with these discussions, it's best to assume the worst in case someone DOES feel we can take them right now
And yes I meant Divine attacks as opposed to Magic attacks. To oppose us, he would require opposing or similar traits and he seems more geared toward physicL aspects as opposed to physical melee ones.
Could just out growthbless our damage. Not indefinitely, but to be fair he doesn't have to deal with sudden, counterproductive shifts in strategy from a playerbase growing impatient, or exploding from an assault-induced glut.
You forget that he has Owl aspect on his side. He comes in from above guided by Omen Reading to do it just right and that could disperse her.
Needs the jump on her. She has enough sky related aspects to fly.
Kid is going to get training. And a stealth cloak. And a weapon.
I don't see why not. We managed to do so to Attrouska, inciting chaos in her realm. Instead we need to remind people that he is at fault for the dangers we bring to them
Remember, as with Attrouska, it worked once, and then the second time we came with the same strategy she was prepared and had a posse and a ritual ready to go. NEARLY nailed us if we didn't roll obscenely well.
And he's alone, not with 2 unknown spirits backing him up.
It's a safe assumption that repeating an attack form which worked earlier is not a good idea unless you have absolute dominance in the contest PoM's spirits are intelligent and can adapt within their nature.
Currently I'm thinking Rashelki might be a nice way to harass them. Ground type strong against Fire. Especially when one of the aspects grants fire resistance.
Rashelki graduates at 30 skill points or 7 skills >5. She currently has:
Melee 4
Survival 7
Awe 4
Weaving 6
Total: 21
Spending 3 Legend on skills per turn.
So Rashelki will graduate from the Creche in 3 more turns with maxed out Survival. Set her loose in the Usko lands?
Hmm...if we upgrade the shrine Rashelki is living in, she'd be able to max out Melee as well by graduation.
Why water though? Let him start on the path of twisters and cutting winds. She's already heavy on air and has innate death affinity. Even as a faith god, there is plenty of mischief they could get up to.
Low(No) Influence kid though. Going to take a while. I suspect they'd probably start with buying up their Influence, then raising T1 aspects to T3, then buying some death traits.