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Menagerie 1 and 2, allowing us to store the brood produced until we can get the effect that allows Life to exist, then we throw the entire family inside.
Yeah no.
Rashelki must be free to slaughter as she pleases.
Menagerie 1 and 2, allowing us to store the brood produced until we can get the effect that allows Life to exist, then we throw the entire family inside.
I think either option would equally difficult/easy to achieve regardless of where it is.The point was having a place to put him up, but mostly having a place for his brood and him to put him if one voter side wants to kill him/them or if the other voter side wants to spare him/them.
tl;dr: It's a polite middle ground.
I think either option would equally difficult/easy to achieve regardless of where it is.
Hunter Spirit Backed By Fear Goddess is no joke.
The thing is, for Gaerig to even try to do so she needs 1. an Avatar, 2. To find it and 3. Somehow drag it along into her realm.That... that wasn't the point.
People were up until the last update or so, recently, having conflict with one another over what to do with her.
"Let's minimize their damage, however possible"
"Let's kill her"
"Let's let her live"
So on and so forth.
Therefore, I personally find this as a happy middle ground where the incoming bitching can be avoided when Rashelki murders Saiga and/or half of our population. Or sends out a brood that starts eating our very limited population.
It was a rather elegant solution, so I thought, but apparently nobody is for it... for nearly the same amount of reasons that people were bickering in the first place. *shrugs*
The thing is, for Gaerig to even try to do so she needs 1. an Avatar, 2. To find it and 3. Somehow drag it along into her realm.
At which point we could already be either sparing it and putting it into a creche or killing it.
At the cost of doing other stuff with our Divine Realm. :/Therefore, I personally find this as a happy middle ground where the incoming bitching can be avoided when Rashelki murders Saiga and/or half of our population.
Btw @Powerofmind here's where i got the "Tier - 1" equation for unshaped materials. So presumably you changed your mind on that at some point?1. Covered above.
2. My tentative final is 0.75 VE per success, increased to 1.5 VE per success 'when causing harm and damage with abandon'. Appropriate affinities add a straight 0.25 VE per success to applicable checks. Example changes from last turn would read, on Hail, as something like 8 total harm successes->No affinities (snow, sky, weather, etc.)->8*1.5=12 VE as opposed to the 16 VE it was worth originally.
3. Yes, but they are an upgrade line.
4. Yes.
5. Tier -1.
6. There is some miron tracking difficulty, I'll probably go over it again after I get a bite to eat.
Yeah.Not really?
@Powerofmind if we boost Stability and can pay the Upkeep, we can always add more things to our Divine Realm, within reason, yeah?
At some point.Btw @Powerofmind here's where i got the "Tier - 1" equation for unshaped materials. So presumably you changed your mind on that at some point?
If you build it that way.
Well hot diggity dog.
That would be an absurdly broken amount of ambrosia.^same
I might need to change my vote.
Start off with a Divine Bank in case of emergencies.
OOH, maybe we design it so that half of what would auto-condense into Amber, instead is deposited into our Divine Realm!
Still, anything that increases our ambrosia cap can only be good at this point.
Magic weapon should resist the damage though. And they aren't THAT hard for us to assemble.Even if he doesn't have a weapon I think he can win if we use the right control water actions. He should definitely bring a trash weapon of some kind though so he isn't taking damage for every melee action, but bring a really special weapon against rashelki is just a terrible idea due to the shark stuff.
It would be hilariously high upkeep, because ambrosia doesn't naturally sit around in massive pools without a divine's assistance and often a significant amount of effort. It would depend on what kind of mechanic you were aiming to get, because there's a number of ways I could go about doing it.
I might need to change my vote.
Start off with a Divine Bank in case of emergencies.
OOH, maybe we design it so that half of what would auto-condense into Amber, instead is deposited into our Divine Realm!
It would be hilariously high upkeep, because ambrosia doesn't naturally sit around in massive pools without a divine's assistance and often a significant amount of effort. It would depend on what kind of mechanic you were aiming to get, because there's a number of ways I could go about doing it.
I might need to change my vote.
Start off with a Divine Bank in case of emergencies.
OOH, maybe we design it so that half of what would auto-condense into Amber, instead is deposited into our Divine Realm!