@Powerofmind do we get a participation and unanimous bonus? Because, yknow, this is wild.
The Unanimous Bonus would be...getting an update early!
More seriously, not something you want to encourage, conflicting plans make for more debate, discussion and finding of weaknesses(if only because you're trying to pick holes in the other guy)
Yes, I spotted that when I realized you guys had 4 fear, and given the sheer number of people already voting for the other plan, decided to let it slide this one time. You got an amber out of it, at least *shrug*.
Hopefully we can Innovate an Art skill out of the Amber.
Just to confirm, we're currently on these tracks for our Magic Stuffs:
--Astrology - Unlocked. Trained.
--Omen Reading - Undiscovered. Access via Past delving
-First Magic
--First Perform - Unlocked(Perform: Trickery). Trained
--Second Perform - Undiscovered. Access via ???
-Second Magic(Theory! We have not reached it with Harzivan!)
--First Art - Undiscovered. Access via Innovation experiments.
--Second Art - Undiscovered. Access via Innovation experiments.
--Mysticism - Undiscovered. Access via Past delving
It does make them around ape-ish intelligence, and considering chimps introduced to the concept of money invented prostitution in the first day, it's not all that far off of human.
For demi-races and monster broods, animal aspects provide boosted effect on form compared to on yourself, but it only really starts to kick in at higher tiers. Spirits give them some natural predilections towards certain things, creates light compulsions (fox people are sneaksy, what a shock). EA's are the weakest on their own, and only really do things for Ur-spawn, or especially well-engineered broods/races.
-Human Aspects - Pretty much. It's just handy because Leadership and Trade together are basically the "Human communication" skill, while Innovation is creativity. Though a monster/beast would have trouble using Innovation, because it can unlock new skills they can't learn. Immensely frustrating to them I'm sure
-Animal Aspects - As expected. They are a lot more substantial on a mortal or beast, especially since they break the 5 skill cap. People who think the goatlings are weak forgot that it was a swarm of goatlings facing Harzivan + Shadow Spider. On an open field, the minor quality buff would add up.
-Spirits - Also as expected.
-EAs - By especially well engineered, that basically means stacking a lot of relevant traits together or a bit more finesse? I could see getting a functionally waterbreathing aquatic human if I put in a true aquatic animal aspect together with a water EA..
Yes. Each even numbered Fear or Faith gives you a choice of three new extensions, and unlocks progressively more powerful extensions. As an example, the Ambrosia Pool would be something like a third-tier 'wonder' type extension, meaning that if you picked it, you could only put it in a single shrine anywhere (you could rebuild it if lost), and no other shrines would be allowed to count towards it's power increase.
Do Shrine Upgrades apply to Holy Place or is that one of the things we need to cap it with a shrine to get?
Because given our increase in power, it MIGHT be desirable to go with:
-Shrine in Saiga's village so we can get to him
-Shrine at Holy Place we put our 'wonder' shrine extension on.
If we hit Influence 3, we should be able to put our village in the overlap zone between the Holy Place and Saiga's village.
You are all literally cancer.
all of you
Astral Affinity - Stars - Cancer.
Combination of directed purchase and Accumulating Action. If you were faith and hadn't slept at all yet, you would probably have discounted all of the water traits that were open to you down to 1 legend several turns ago, along with moon, and at least one or two aspects. Overall, you'd have roughly the same number of traits and other buys as you do now, Faith would just get to aim for them, and then pull them all off at once for a dramatically reduced total legend cost of 4 instead of nearly 15.
Yeah, figured as much. Faith is REALLY good at piledrivering towards specific traits. Fear is inefficient but fast, we'd be throwing out a lot of our Legend just repeatedly Despising stuff.
Yeah, i admit i've been a little confused about how
@Powerofmind 's new system both aims to prevent exponential growth but also has provided us with a trait a turn...I kinda assumed that fear buys would trend more towards skills on average... Of course, with the trait limit being so trait, its both less and more of a problem compared to this kind of growth in the original system--we can't just keep growing like this forever unless we randomly pick up shrine...but we also
immediately hit the trait cap and are kinda stuck in growth unless we randomly pick up shrine or switch to traitlines that upgrade instead of affinities...
That's the point of Despising traits. Dropping redundant Elemental Affinities is how we can get out of the maximum capacity loop, because we can get them back easily enough, while they might actually be TOO powerful to use for regular fear generation without destroying the population.
Basically, we can drop Waves for now, and whenver it shows up. It will get a discount next time we roll it, so we only arm the Wave missile when we have an actual target.
We pick out say, half our cap in unique Spirits and Aspects to keep, which lets us incrementally boost them up to T3. Then we pick out the other half in elemental affinities, and recycle excess EAs.