Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

To be fair.

Being whimsical and erratic isn't really as much of an issue as it was with Harzivan. Because, y'know, weird-ass-Fear-spirit.

@Omegahugger support the plan that fucks an octopode, support plan Ninjafish!
To be fair.

Being whimsical and erratic isn't really as much of an issue as it was with Harzivan. Because, y'know, weird-ass-Fear-spirit.
Indeed. We'd probably just half or all the way drown our children at most.

Picking up Fish/Octopus and exploding would be really awkward though.
There's basically no way to move them off the buy table except not take their actions.
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Harmless influence actions

Ah, not quite. Blessing for Sacrifices increases Vehemence by some amount. Prior to the changes it was about 4 DE of such blessings to 1 Vehemence.

By that standard, which appears like it will hold true in the new setup, you've got 3 VE worth of blessings.

Edit: in other words, only mostly harmless.

Not sure how it works for Inspirations, though, and Calm Waters may add something even if we roll well.

Still, best case has us at Vehemence 3 with your plan and 2-3 with ninjafish's, so it's all good. Worst case for both looks like 5/6 or so.

Your plan also gets us an extra 1 to 4 legend, depending upon rolls, while the other plan gets us between 2 and 8, depending upon rolls.

I think Moonbeam has a slim chance of triggering twice in each plan? If yes, possible extra 1-4 legend for each? I don't know, not enough data.

Shouldn't matter with the low projected Vehemence, though. Won't have much DE to spend next turn, but so it goes.
Ah, not quite. Blessing for Sacrifices increases Vehemence by some amount. Prior to the changes it was about 4 DE of such blessings to 1 Vehemence.

By that standard, which appears like it will hold true in the new setup, you've got 3 VE worth of blessings.

Edit: in other words, only mostly harmless.

Not sure how it works for Inspirations, though, and Calm Waters may add something even if we roll well.

Still, best case has us at Vehemence 3 with your plan and 2-3 with ninjafish's, so it's all good. Worst case for both looks like 5/6 or so.

Your plan also gets us an extra 1 to 4 legend, depending upon rolls, while the other plan gets us between 2 and 8, depending upon rolls.

I think Moonbeam has a slim chance of triggering twice in each plan? If yes, possible extra 1-4 legend for each? I don't know, not enough data.

Shouldn't matter with the low projected Vehemence, though. Won't have much DE to spend next turn, but so it goes.
Post changes, Blessings do not account for Vehemence anymore. They are a straight 1-1.5 DE investment, dependent on blessing type and roll.
Ah, not quite. Blessing for Sacrifices increases Vehemence by some amount. Prior to the changes it was about 4 DE of such blessings to 1 Vehemence.

By that standard, which appears like it will hold true in the new setup, you've got 3 VE worth of blessings.

Edit: in other words, only mostly harmless.
Ah, right. Mostly harmless. We do want Vehemence around 2-3, since that's where the attribute costs are!

Not sure how it works for Inspirations, though, and Calm Waters may add something even if we roll well.
Depends on what the Inspired do. One spouting gibberish to be interpreted is mostly harmless, the super navigator would help Growth but a Trickster might push Vehemence up a notch?
Still, best case has us at Vehemence 3 with your plan and 2-3 with ninjafish's, so it's all good. Worst case for both looks like 5/6 or so.

Your plan also gets us an extra 1 to 4 legend, depending upon rolls, while the other plan gets us between 2 and 8, depending upon rolls.

I think Moonbeam has a slim chance of triggering twice in each plan? If yes, possible extra 1-4 legend for each? I don't know, not enough data.

Shouldn't matter with the low projected Vehemence, though. Won't have much DE to spend next turn, but so it goes.
Well, biggest risk is the Animal aspects, since they and Human are the only things that fit in Vehemence 3. Fish is Legend 1, so theres nothing we can do about it except please not guide the fish.

EDIT: And now completely harmless.
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Post changes, Blessings do not account for Vehemence anymore. They are a straight 1-1.5 DE investment, dependent on blessing type and roll.

I happen to agree with this change, things might have gotten a little silly otherwise. As opposed to the Very Silly direction they're headed in.

At least we've got a guaranteed, if boring, way to gain DE, and Vehemence is rightly harder to pick up...

Moon-Boosted Raid turn when?

Well, biggest risk is the Animal aspects, since they and Human are the only things that fit in Vehemence 3

I'm looking at it this way: if we do get Fish, we can start spawning merpeople nearly immediately, instead of some nebulous future time. We would need to reform again first.

Remember, genetic engineering is a slow process. One step at a time...
I'm looking at it this way: if we do get Fish, we can start spawning merpeople nearly immediately, instead of some nebulous future time. We would need to reform again first.
I'm assuming an explosion from having too many traits wouldn't involve KEEPING all your traits. It'd be kind of a crappy way to actually involve having a maximum number of traits if you just need to add an <Avatar> ambrosia surcharge to each trait past the cap.

Which means if we're lucky we just lose Fish. If we're not, we could blow Moon or Mischief off.
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I'm assuming an explosion from having too many traits wouldn't involve KEEPING all your traits. It'd be kind of a crappy way to actually involve having a maximum number of traits if you just need to add an <Avatar> ambrosia surcharge to each trait past the cap.

Which means if we're lucky we just lose Fish. If we're not, we could blow Moon or Mischief off.
Oh please. Don't be silly, I wouldn't let the penalty be that small.

As long as you're over the cap, you can't have an Avatar. At all.
Oh please. Don't be silly, I wouldn't let the penalty be that small.

As long as you're over the cap, you can't have an Avatar. At all.
Sudden mental image of Saiga consummating his marriage and then right at the climax Gaerig picks up a new trait and explodes, unable to reform until he makes her shrine fancy enough.

It'd be completely terrible for us, but hilarious.

How exactly does exploding work? Pick up one trait too many and boom?.. Can we even roll traits while at traitcap? Is it possible to roll an improvement to our inherent affinity?
And a tally so Powerofmind doesn't have to.
Vote Tally : Original - Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age | Page 174 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Plan: Marriage Makes Gaerig Giddy
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Astrology.
-[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Trickery
-[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners
[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
[X] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 6 DE
-[X] Call Fish.
[X] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
-[X] Attempt to Find new creatures of the ocean. x1
[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)
[X] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
-[X] In your territory.
[X] Meet with Saiga. Each selection costs 0.5 Sustenance. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Learn more about him
-[X] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[X] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now.
[X] Lay with <[Antarctic Octopus]>
-[X] Contribute <4> Sustenance
[X] Produce a mortal child
-[X] Contribute <6> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[X] Contribute <4> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
-[X] Contribute <3> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[X] Contribute <4> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[X] Make Demand - The mortals are to improve your shrine.
No. of Votes: 28
Plan: ◈Marriage Makes Gaerig Giddy

Ando Owen
Dream Logic
Pandemonious Ivy
Rungni Khazadson
The Laurent
Van Ropen

[X] Plan Moongazer Baby
-[X] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
--[X] In your territory.
-[X] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE. x3
--[X] Calm Seas. x3
---[X] Two reserved for Reflecting Pool and already paid
-[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE x2
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery).
--[X] Expend 8 DE on petitioners for Astrology
--[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners for Trickery
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation.
--[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners for Navigation
-[X] Produce a mortal child
--[X] Contribute 6 Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
--[X] Contribute 8 Sustenance for 2 random traits
-[X] Produce a mortal child
--[X] Contribute 3 Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
--[X] Contribute 4 Sustenance for 1 random traits
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
--[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
--[X] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)
-[X] Meet with Saiga. Each selection costs 0.5 Sustenance. Costs: 5 DE x2
--[X] Learn more about him
--[X] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now
-[X] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 2
--[X] Demand that your mortals decorate your shrine.
No. of Votes: 22
Plan: ◈Moongazer Baby

Abby Normal

[X] Plan Take it to Eleven
-[X] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
--[X] In your territory.
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
--[X] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing.
--[X] Expend 8 DE on petitioners for Astrology
--[X] Expend 8 DE on petitioners for Navigation
--[X] Expend 8 DE on petitioners for Perform (Trickery)
--[X] Expend 6 DE on petitioners for Fishing
-[X] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
-[X] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 2
--[X] Your shrine is lacking. Demand that they put their efforts to improving it.
-[X] Meet with Saiga. Each selection costs 0.5 Sustenance. Costs: 5 DE
--[X] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now
--[X] Learn more about him
--[X] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Take it to Eleven

Raising Kittens

[X] Plan Not a Teenage Mom
-[x] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
--[x] In your territory.
-[x] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
--[x] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
--[x] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
---[x] Focus on the other spirits of the land
--[x] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)
-[x] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing.
--[x] Expend 10 DE on petitioners - Astrology
-[x] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
--[x] Expend 1 DE on petitioners - Fishing
-[x] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 2
--[X] Decorate our shrine the best they can
-[X] Meet with Saiga. Each selection costs 0.5 Sustenance. Costs: 5 DE
--[X] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now
--[X] Learn more about him
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Not a Teenage Mom

Ian Drash

[X] Plan Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?


[X]Ekans Ekans Ekans
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan: Octopus Baby
[X] Moonlight
-[X] In your territory.
[X] Control Waters
-[X] Calm Seas.
--[X] At night.
[X] Direct Fish
-[X] Call Fish.
--[X] At night.
[X] Inspire Petitioner
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices
-[X] Expend 7 DE on petitioners for Astrology
-[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners for Trickery
[X] Bless Petitioner for Growth
--[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners for Navigation
[X] Study Stars
-[X] Read the Future
-[X] Reflecting Pool
[X] Meet with Saiga.
-[X] Learn more about him
-[X] Learn more about him x2
-[X] Learn more about Niogg
-[X] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now
[X] Make Demand
-[X] Your shrine is lacking. Demand that they put their efforts to improving it.
[X] Lay with Antarctic Octopus
-[X] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[X] Contribute 8 Sustenance
No. of Votes: 0
Plan: ◈Octopus Baby

Total No. of Voters: 54
So the obviously-and-unbiasedly best plan is still in the lead with 28 votes to Moongazer "Let's try not to blow up" Baby's 22, though we've seen upsets at this point in time before.