- Pronouns
- It/They
Successes are calculated based on a starting DC and how much you exceeded it by, so it varies from item to item. Reading the past has the easiest DC of all the astro actions, but it's also more of a shotgun spread even if it goes over well at a high level of skill.
Reiterating the rules previously described for the 2d10 system I use:
The cumulative percent chance of occurrence dictates the value out of 100 the roll has. 2 is 1%, 5 is 10%, 11 is 55%, 13 is 72%, etc. Typically DCs will be broken up into sets of 20, and most modifiers provide 2% per point (attribute, skill, etc.).
That's easy. The first time they double-down with the most nonsensical option, smack them on the hands with a ruler when it fucks up. Then say "you get away with it this time. Next time you'll get everything you thought you'd get and worse."
Nope, no shrine. Too busy enjoying the afterglow to remember his original demand and reason for stopping by.
A pantheon can be as small as two spirits with enough regular interaction and a roughly clear line in the sand on who's dominant out of the group. More spirits lend it more legitimacy of course, and along with the pantheon's size, the tier of the members and era of the locals affects the number of 'named' positions in it, granted to those with the most legend or most dominance (a combination, usually) aside from the Head.
so if saiga was under control of someone else, would that place under their control... or what?
or would we just be in that pantheon? I mean in myths just being in the same group did not necessarily make you subordinate to the pantheons leader.
(Loki is the big one, But I distinctly recall the greek gods giving each other the finger all the time, including disobeying zeus.)