Do you guys want Turn 1 to take place at 2112 or 2152 like in canon?

  • 2112

    Votes: 44 93.6%
  • 2152

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Actually one more, does North Mountain count as a seperate location in terms of power from the Port?
-[] [IR] Patrol Perimeter (Port Belhae): Have your infantry patrol the perimeter of the colony to prevent any of the local wildlife from getting someone injured. (Negate Wildlife Attack Roll on Colony)
-[] [IR] Patrol Perimeter (Lake): Have your infantry patrol the perimeter of the colony to prevent any of the local wildlife from getting someone injured. (Negate Wildlife Attack Roll on Lake)
-[] [IR] Protect Prospecting Team: Have your infantry guard the people prospecting the mountains from getting attacked by the wildlife. (Negate Wildlife Attack Roll on Prospectors)
-[] [ZB] Scout the Lava Tunnel: Order your infantry explore the Lava tunnel, to make sure nothing dangerous lives there. (Reveals the areas inside the Lava Tunnel and Possible Wildlife Attack Roll)
-[] [EC] Build Basic Fortification: Have your Engineers put their fortification training to work and build a basic perimeter defence of Bunkers and Walls. (Walls and Bunkers Constructed, -1 Space, Costs 500 M)
-[] [EC] Prospect Easter Hills: Before you can mine the earth, you'll need to find an ore vein so you won't be wasting your time. (1/1 Tries Remaining, Rolls 10 D100 to see if you find any metals to harvest)
-[] [SP] Scout the Northern Mountain: Order your infantry to scout the area around the northern mountain. (Reveal areas around the Northern Mountain Region)
Construction 4/6
-[] Build Mine: While everyone agreed that Tiberium is a poison and caused the most deaths in history, they do also admit that it made extracting minerals from the earth incredibly easy. Now that Tiberium is contained on Earth with GDI Navy feeding asteroids to be processed by the TCN, the colonist will have to mine resources the old fashion way. With drills, explosives, a mining truck. (+1 Mine, Requires 2 Population, +300 Ore/Turn, Costs: 500 M)
-[] Upgrade (Mine 1): Upgrading existing building is a good way to increase production without using up space. (+25% Production, 50% original CM cost, -1 Power) 250 CM
-[] Upgrade (Mine 2): Upgrading existing building is a good way to increase production without using up space. (+25% Production, 50% original CM cost, -1 Power) 250 CM
- [] Build Biofuel Power Plant: A growing Colony needs a lot of power best to get that up and running as soon as possible. (+1 Biomass Power Plant, +20 Power, Requires 100 Wood/Turn or 150 Food/Turn, -1 Space, Costs: 800M) Lake expansion, Use Food to power
CM Spent: 2300/2500
Income +750 per turn
Factory 1/1
-[] Build Tunnel Excavator: Have your MCV build a Tunnel Excavator to get started on hollowing out the nearby mountain. (+1 Tunnel Excavator, Costs: 1 Copper Ingots, 10 Iron Ingots, & 5 Tungsten Ingots)
Research 1/1
-[] Sonic Tech: Through the use of sonic crystals, GDI is able to project a wave of sonic energy that can vibrate any target to piece. This is instrumental in abating the spread of Tiberium on Earth. And while Tiberium isn't a threat to Earth anymore, with the Tiberium Control Network up and running, sonic technology still has a place in GDIs arsenal. (Unlocks Shockwave/Shatterer HFV, Sonic Grenades, & Sonic Cannons and etc.) (1 Turn Required)

Current thoughts. This gets us the income we badly need. The last 500 is either power lines from Port to mining area or basic defenses from the engineers.

Edit- Okay so we are given power lines to the current mining area, thus the last 500 goes to basic fortifications which should hopefully help with colony defense against wildlife. Infantry is on guard duty this turn keeping our locations safe and the prospecting team (because we always need more ingots and CM income), Zone troopers check out the lava tunnel as they are best at it from our forces. Snipers look around the Northern mountain to see what they can find.

For construction- +750 CM income a turn is going to help a lot, not to mention that more ingots to trade to the GDI to requisition stuff and to fund our own factories as they come online. Lastly a solar power plant to provide the power needed for the Lake area to function as it is the upgraded mines will use the last 2 power points from our port and this way we can put off power lines between the lake and the port for a future turn when we have more CM.

Factory makes an excavator to start generating more space as we always need space and the sooner it starts the better, plus allows us to build a geothermal plant once we can afford to. For tech going with sonic as I think that might see the most immediate use, that or lasers as I can see both opening up options to deal with the local wildlife.

Next turn we should have 3150 CM to spend so Archeology lab for 1500, mine upgrade for 250, upgrade wind turbines at port for 250, hopefully a new mine at eastern hills for 500 (so +625 CM income between new mine and mine upgrade) beyond that leaves 650 CM to spend

edit 2- swapped out solar power for biofuel. We have a food excess and even with using that we have enough excess food production for 16 more people. It also is 200 CM cheaper and +10 power. That rolls 200 over to next turn for more expansion than.
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Great Chapter

Hmm I think the archeology lab is a must we should also look at setting up watchtowers and defences so we aren't having to dedicate so many squads to perimeter patrol and can use them for exploration and militia training (if needed). As to research I think we need to look into shields or zone armour since both are useful.
Also for the snipers, the scout action is that going to be both mountain sections or just one?
I changed the scouting action to picking an area in the map grid and that will reveal what the grid next to that area is. So if you scout the South Forest, it would reveal the adjacent grids to its south and west, since to the North is you capital and the east was revealed in a prior scouting action.
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Hmm I think the archeology lab is a must we should also look at setting up watchtowers and defences so we aren't having to dedicate so many squads to perimeter patrol and can use them for exploration and militia training (if needed). As to research I think we need to look into shields or zone armour since both are useful.
We need CM income this turn, lab can be next turn. Watchtowers are also too expensive right now to pursue (in both CM and power)
Vanguard Enterprise: Barb ATGM (Part 1)
Was bored and wanted to create an generalized ATGM family that VE Defense was likely to design. Note that this is not the best ATGM in either antijam(resistance to ECM and other countermeasures) or damage, however it is a highly efficient one and fairly cheap relative to it's features set and reliability.

Note that this is an advertisement from VE defense. Therefore it will make *some* exaggerations about it's efficacy.

The Barb Family

Neutralize enemy targets at any range in any domain with the
proven Barb Family missiles.

The Barb Family is well known for it's high reliability and hit rate in highly degraded conditions and
is highly customizable, allowing one to adapt to any enemy

Barb MK5 EL- Ideal for special forces and light troops. Whenever mobility and speed is key, the Barb MK5EL is ideal. With a highly stripped down package, this missile can be quickly fired within 3 seconds of target sighting by one person. Max range is 3KM.

Barb MK5 L - The perfect lightweight ATGM solution. The Barb MK5L ATGM is designed for one to two person operation and to be used as a cheap and reliable squad weapon for paratroopers and similar forces that still require a lighter ATGM. Max range is 5KM.

Barb MK5 S - The standard setter in the family, the Barb MK5 is a highly advanced ATGM capable of targeting any adversary and achieving a guaranteed hit rate of 25% no matter the countermeasures employed if used by a trained operator and fired within it's no escape zone. Ranges up to 6KM.

Barb MK5 H - If you have a difficult target that needs to die immediately without knowing who or what hit it, use the Barb MK5. With the ER1 upgrade, this AGTM can service targets at a distance up to 8KM or fired at 6KM in NLOS to avoid the enemy from counterdetecting your forces and counterfiring.

Barb MK5 EH- This ATGM is intended for vehicle or stationary applications. With the ER 2 upgrade, this ATGM can engage at ranges greater 5KM(up 9KM) in any mode with a max range of 10KM.

Contact your local VE Defense sales expert for more information or to request an info sheet on any of these weapons.

Read: ask me about any of these variants and I will create an infosheet.

EDIT: Fixed typos and added placeholder ranges. Sorry!
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Damn it. I thought I caught all of those typos. Thanks!
right since the factory doesn't eat into the normal actions then use it to build as many excavators as possible and some patrol craft to go between our three areas.
right since the factory doesn't eat into the normal actions then use it to build as many excavators as possible and some patrol craft to go between our three areas.
We get 1 factory action a turn right now ( I assume based on that factory/airfield and any other production will be 1 action per building) but yes much cheaper for the factory to make a tunnel excavator than it is to pay with CM.
Vanguard Enterprise: Barb ATGM (Part 2)
Woops. Accidentally posted an imcomplete omake. Sorry!
Please wait for it's return.

Selected excerpts of the Barb Family components general guidebook, intended for field users:

Sensors and Guidance:
All Barb ATGM share three primary sensors and a datalink capacity. These sensors and communication ability is the primary reason for the highly effective performance of the Barb Family even in highly degraded sensor and communication environments.
These sensors are:
  1. FLIR broad band and narrow band elements.
  2. Hyperspectral LIDAR sensor and scanning suite
  3. Optical camera

There are also multiple guidance available for all Barb MK5 ATGMs.
  1. Direct fire after Lockon
  2. Fire and then Lockon
  3. Remote Lockon
  4. Datalink


Sensor mix usage:
FLIR system:
This system can be divided into 2 primary groups, wideband and narrowband sensors. The narrowband sensors are extremely receptive to their intended wavelengths and are very difficult to disable. However, they can be degraded by usage of specialized IR specific countermeasures. This is where the wideband sensor components come into play. The wideband elements are not as sensitive as the narrowband elements but have extremely good wavelength discrimination. This allows the system to rapidly identify a target via highly advanced signal processing.
LIDAR scanner and sensor:
The LIDAR system is sensitive to both visible length and UV radiation. Thanks to the high precision of tis sensor, it can with the combination of a friendly emitter(self or external) run highly advanced spectroscopy to identify and track an target. This system is still somewhat vulnerable to wideband emission blocking smoke when lockon has not yet been achieved.
Optical camera:
This system is the primary sensor for the operator and can rapidly acquire lockon onto targets if it is not blocked by countermeasures. This sensor system is responsible for certain variants of remote guidance modes.
Please also note that there may be additional sensors in the sensor mix. It is highly advised to review your ATGM's specific handbook for more information.

Sensor Fusion:
The Barb Family depends on sensor fusion to achieve it's high hit rate even in highly degraded environments. It is highly advised to review your ATGM's specific handbook for more information.


Guidance modes:
There are four primary guidance modes for the Barb family ATGMs.
  1. Direct fire after Lockon
    Fire after you have confirmed lockon. This mode is the standard fire mode for all Barb ATGMs.
  2. Fire and then Lockon(AKA Fire and Forget)
    Fire first and let the missile automatically lockon a target independently. This is useful for shoot-scoot tactics. It is advised to have a preloaded targeting profile in order to maximize Pkill.
  3. Remote Lockon
    Fire first and then assign target. This mode requires the shooter to stay in position up to terminal guidance. Hostile interference may be an issue. This method includes wire guidance.
  4. Datalink
    Fire and then use datalink to guide the target in autonomous, semi autonomous or directly controlled. This method allows other assets(such as aircraft with a laser designator) to guide the ATGM to the target.
Consult your handbook for the specifics of your variant.
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Reminder: We need +1 Conventional Farm this turn to meet '- Generate 3000 Food/Turn by Turn 3'.
With that in mind, I think at minimum we need:
+1 Farm at the Lake.
+1 Mine at North Mountain.
+1 Tunnel Excavator from the Factory.

Other likely needed things:
The Lava Tube explored, probably by the Zone Troopers.
Militia Trained up.
Basic Fortifications at both sites.
Solar Panels at the Lake.
Granary at the Lake.

Doing all of that will shore everything up for further expansions next turn. Costs a bit though. So we'll need to spend some ingots as CMs.
Do we need to hit our secondary objectives? Because right now that CM seems better to improve our mines for more CM income and ores to turn into ingots. As it is I would rather add a granary for food storage than add food production given we are producing an excess already.
Do we need to hit our secondary objectives? Because right now that CM seems better to improve our mines for more CM income and ores to turn into ingots. As it is I would rather add a granary for food storage than add food production given we are producing an excess already.
NO with the lake increasing output we are good for now but gett objectives is a good way to show GDI command that we are moving fast.
Do we need to hit our secondary objectives? Because right now that CM seems better to improve our mines for more CM income and ores to turn into ingots. As it is I would rather add a granary for food storage than add food production given we are producing an excess already.
Technically I don't think so. But we have been told that what we are allowed to purchase will get better if we have a bigger colony.
Just had a thought, but @Warmach1ne32 instead of just using wood as CM, and being able to turn Ingots into it, can we also build things like Quarries and the like? Because the six 'standard' construction materials these days are wood, stone, concrete, brick, metal and glass. And it looks like our colony is currently only using wood and metal for construction. So what opportunities do we have to expand them?

I mean, we've got a bunch of mountains and the like around which should mean that we get easy access to good construction stone. The lake and river valley means we might have access to brick or glass, depending on if they have clay beds or good sand. Concrete would depend on just what types of concrete GDI's developed and/or if the mountains around us give access to lime.
Reminder: We need +1 Conventional Farm this turn to meet '- Generate 3000 Food/Turn by Turn 3'.
With that in mind, I think at minimum we need:
+1 Farm at the Lake.
+1 Mine at North Mountain.
+1 Tunnel Excavator from the Factory.

Other likely needed things:
The Lava Tube explored, probably by the Zone Troopers.
Militia Trained up.
Basic Fortifications at both sites.
Solar Panels at the Lake.
Granary at the Lake.

Doing all of that will shore everything up for further expansions next turn. Costs a bit though. So we'll need to spend some ingots as CMs.
Lake requires Power this turn, even if we built a line to the Port we would be short on power and that is with no new construction. Basic Fort at both is too expensive for this turn, we can do one this turn and one next turn. Also looked at it and biofuel plant is a better choice for lake, we can use excess food production and get 20 power instead of 10 as well as save 200 CM for use next turn.

Technically I don't think so. But we have been told that what we are allowed to purchase will get better if we have a bigger colony.
I feel that getting more CM income so that we can construct more would help expand the colony more, not to mention as that comes from mines and we are a colony of mineral wealth that should make us look bigger. Not that the prothean find and an archeology lab next turn will not help with drawing attention our way, as it is though mines generate a lot of CM (500 base, 625 upgraded) and generate ore that we turn into ingots that get used in factories as we make them as well as turn in for requisition points so earning more seems like a better deal.
instead of just using wood as CM, and being able to turn Ingots into it, can we also build things like Quarries and the like? Because the six 'standard' construction materials these days are wood, stone, concrete, brick, metal and glass. And it looks like our colony is currently only using wood and metal for construction. So what opportunities do we have to expand them?
Your mines double as a quarry too. The rocks that have no metals in them get turned to concrete for building.

Lake requires Power this turn, even if we built a line to the Port we would be short on power and that is with no new construction
You could upgrade 1 of the Farms with Solar Panels for 3 Power thanks to it being 3 Spaces big.
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You could upgrade 1 of the Farms with Solar Panels for 3 Power thanks to it being 3 Spaces big.
At 750 CM we can spend 50 CM more for a biofuel plant. Solar panels seem more useful for small outposts that are not connected to the main grid (like a mine that is upgraded for more production and has solar panels is self sufficient on power, a refinery would also be self sufficient unless upgraded) but for a more major area such as Port and Lake where we are long term going to want power draining defenses such as the coilguns and shields getting the power plants installed is going to be useful longterm.