Do you guys want Turn 1 to take place at 2112 or 2152 like in canon?

  • 2112

    Votes: 44 93.6%
  • 2152

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't recall much about any specific gear that Pilots in Titanfall but I do recall the basic capabilities that they have.
Long sprint times- training+basic exoskeleton?
Wall running/jumping- thruster pack to provide force towards wall to increase friction
Vaulting/Going across gaps-Thruster pack
Climbing?(limited obstacles, not indefinite climbing)- thruster pack? exoskeleton?
Cloaking- obvious
Holographic decoys-obvious
Grappling hook(gain momentum, grapple and use said grapple to do all sorts of battle mobility shenanigans)-obvious
Nice, can you explain what you meant by this?
What do you mean?

As for the zorro there is a clear difference, in terms of range, from a shoulder fired missile to a platform fired missile, the zorro is epic long range missile. Things like dropships to gunships even planes like fighters. Course I know there are other types, but you cant have enough missile firing units.
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Can you please list out all of the Titanfall gear Pilots can use? I'll point out which are already in use and which one is still in development
Cloaking the abilities to do a lot of thing before it is broken, shotting may do it tho.
Stim as booster that lest you go beyond human limits. Mainly speed.
Jump back lets them wall run effectively and use it so there fast even with out stim.
Pules, it is kind weird given it has blade lets you know if anything is behind something if it it hit by it. Then the radar which allows sight for all lined to your network.
Pas-shift which is going to another world, so you can get out of way any damage coming your way.
Halo pilot is what it sounds like a hologram that runs where you where and acts in your place.
Halo shield is a hard light shield that can act as cover wherever it is placed.
Grapple let pilots go place to place in a quick instant even letting them get to place they couldn't usually get to.
Then there is Regeneration which is the process of unknow means of increases everything about a human, reaction speed, healing rate, agility, ect.
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Does Otta shots 1 shot and then needs a long reload time for a 2nd shot or is it 1 shot, a long reload time, and then a lot of shots in quick succession but weaker in power?
As for the zorro there is a clear difference, in terms of range, from a shoulder fired missile to a platform fired missile, the zorro is epic long range missile. Things like dropships to gunships even planes like fighters. Course I know there are other types, but you cant have enough missile firing units.
Ah, something like IRL US's Patriot Missile System. I a long range missile system would have been intercepted or diverted with a decoy and shields don't guarantee a kill when they do hit along with big missiles being really expensive, will not be well liked.

wth is pules?
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Does Otta shots 1 shot and then needs a long reload time for a 2nd shot or is it 1 shot, a long reload time, and then a lot of shots in quick succession but weaker in power?
Ah Otta can fire twice as thats when the coil guns are fully charged and are in sync , but during a prolonged firing session the coils do not sync up properly so they fire rapidly, well by rapidly I mean one fires and then the other one is charged and fires after, giving the illusion that they are firing quickly.

Edit oh wait I know what I did wrong, there is a duel barrel coils and they charge up before firing, during the start of a fight they are both charged and when they fire they fire at the same time, after that the coils charging at different rates, one or the other has priority or something or gets electricity quicker then the other, and as such charge at different rate, thus they dont fire at the same time, and over a longer period tend to appear like they are rapid firing. Kinda imposed law since I wanted two coil guns firing at the same time, but thought that was to OP so did this.
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Ah Otta can fire twice as thats when the coil guns are fully charged and are in sync , but during a prolonged firing session the coils do not sync up properly so they fire rapidly, well by rapidly I mean one fires and then the other one is charged and fires after, giving the illusion that they are firing quickly.

Edit oh wait I know what I did wrong, there is a duel barrel coils and they charge up before firing, during the start of a fight they are both charged and when they fire they fire at the same time, after that the coils charging at different rates, one or the other has priority or something or gets electricity quicker then the other, and as such charge at different rate, thus they dont fire at the same time, and over a longer period tend to appear like they are rapid firing. Kinda imposed law since I wanted two coil guns firing at the same time, but thought that was to OP so did this.
Hmm, Mammoth Tanks have 2 barrels and I think they only shoot 1 barrel at a time so that they don't break the recoil mechanism. I'll need a bit more time to think about it. But an upgrade that I think would fit would be to equip giving them Shields, not full 360 shields, but directional shields like the Centurion.
Depends on gear, stances(eg are they expecting each other),and other factors.
Tbh any commando vs specter fight would depend on the commando and the specter as well as the situation and luck.

Both are hyper lethal and both are stupidly well equipped. They could also probably take down a planets defence force as well given the right circumstances.
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Ah, something like IRL US's Patriot Missile System. I a long range missile system would have been intercepted or diverted with a decoy and shields don't guarantee a kill when they do hit along with big missiles being really expensive, will not be well liked.
Well missile technology evolves so I figure the missile would be faster then its size would suggest as well as more destructive without being a nuke and better armored from laser technology.

Besides in enough of a swarm, Point defense lasers, PDLs, (who would be in atmosphere thus less effective.) would be prioritizing them, and not fighters. But yeah its a fast long ranged missile platform on legs and can be camouflaged.
Well missile technology evolves so I figure the missile would be faster then its size would suggest as well as more destructive without being a nuke and better armored from laser technology.

Besides in enough of a swarm, Point defense lasers, PDLs, (who would be in atmosphere thus less effective.) would be prioritizing them, and not fighters. But yeah its a fast long ranged missile platform on legs and can be camouflaged.
Right, it is all balanced in a scale, do you want small swarms of missile? we'll it will have limited range due to how much fuel it can carry. Do you want larger missiles that have farther effective range? we it needs to be bigger but will be more expensive?

There is a British AA system called the Star-Streak Thor that launches a Missile at a target and the payload are 3 kinetic kill darts that your AA mech could use as their primary long range AA missile.
Well missile technology evolves so I figure the missile would be faster then its size would suggest as well as more destructive without being a nuke and better armored from laser technology.
Obligatory I am not an expert.

Missile tech advances nowadays are more about refinement on various aspects as well as sensors/guidance. Those two are incredibly important and we have not yet reached the true "endgame" limitations. I would not be surprised if GDI discovered even better guidance laws and have better sensors that are resistant to countermeasures.
Basically, it's sounding like that missile platform is the ground-based mobile version of the theatre-level SAM battery. It's more expensive per missile than the shorter range missiles that are fired in a swarm to ensure the target gets knocked down. But on the other hand, short range interception isn't their job. Their job is ensure that the enemy knows that even after they take out or suppress the fixed SAM and Anti-Aircraft Artillery emplacements in a region, they still can't safely use higher altitudes or risk getting shot down even deep behind their front line.

As I said, each individual missile is likely more expensive. But you should probably be comparing one or two missiles to six or more of the 'normal' SAMs. And have them balanced around that. They're just as likely to have at least one missile hit the target as the standard missile swarm is to have one of theirs hit. The difference is that single hit doesn't just damage the target, it likely causes extensive damage so it needs a rebuild or the like to be useful for combat missions again. Or if you go with the Star-Streak idea, those one or two missiles is actually the equivalent of firing off that whole missile swarm once it reaches short range and deploys the sub-munitions it carries. In this case, the bigger missile is more of a booster rocket to give the (probably shorter range by a bit than the standard SAM) actual threat that is the sub-munition swarm a much longer range than normal.

I think having something like that does make sense for GDI. Because they are intimately familiar with how effective holding the high ground that is orbit is when conducting a planet-side campaign. See how in the 3rd Tiberium War, Nod basically started to get crushed after the Orbital Defence Network came back online, and the ion cannons with it. Sure, that was all part of Kane's plan, but it's not like he let anyone else in the Brotherhood know that was his plan so that experience is still good data. So they likely see any orbital defences as a holding action to hopefully ensure that a GDI Navy task force gets there before they fall. The ground-based anti-orbital emplacements and other fixed defences? Those are to ensure that the enemy pays for breaking through the colony's defenses if they don't take the time to destroy them carefully. Thus buying more time for the GDI Navy response.

But the fixed defences will fall in time, it's just a matter of what combination of resources, blood and time the enemy is willing to spend for it. Once they're down though, Nod has abundantly demonstrated that it's not impossible to conduct a long term guerilla warfare campaign to ensure the enemy doesn't have an easy occupation and any liberation effort is easier. Having a mobile Long Range SAM platform to help with that guerilla campaign makes it a lot easier to pull off. As the enemy either needs to dedicate armed or defended orbital assets to keeping an eye on the planet below and supporting the ground forces. Accept a lot of damage and casualties by having 'eyes in the sky' up high for a clear view of a lot of the ground below... Or keep everything down in the weeds were they just have to deal with the short range SAM swarms. But in exchange have a much smaller view of the ground, and have each mission wear down the pilots more, the machines more, and shorter range from their bases to boot!
Do remember that for short range defense against massed enemies, rocket pods that blow up the area is actually fine, and much, much cheaper. Missiles is an expensive way to deliver boom, but needed against moving targets in the air - or anywhere if the range is long enough. At least if the target moves. Stationary targets? Artillery is flat out better.
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Basically, it's sounding like that missile platform is the ground-based mobile version of the theatre-level SAM battery. It's more expensive per missile than the shorter range missiles that are fired in a swarm to ensure the target gets knocked down. But on the other hand, short range interception isn't their job. Their job is ensure that the enemy knows that even after they take out or suppress the fixed SAM and Anti-Aircraft Artillery emplacements in a region, they still can't safely use higher altitudes or risk getting shot down even deep behind their front line.

As I said, each individual missile is likely more expensive. But you should probably be comparing one or two missiles to six or more of the 'normal' SAMs. And have them balanced around that. They're just as likely to have at least one missile hit the target as the standard missile swarm is to have one of theirs hit. The difference is that single hit doesn't just damage the target, it likely causes extensive damage so it needs a rebuild or the like to be useful for combat missions again. Or if you go with the Star-Streak idea, those one or two missiles is actually the equivalent of firing off that whole missile swarm once it reaches short range and deploys the sub-munitions it carries. In this case, the bigger missile is more of a booster rocket to give the (probably shorter range by a bit than the standard SAM) actual threat that is the sub-munition swarm a much longer range than normal.

I think having something like that does make sense for GDI. Because they are intimately familiar with how effective holding the high ground that is orbit is when conducting a planet-side campaign. See how in the 3rd Tiberium War, Nod basically started to get crushed after the Orbital Defence Network came back online, and the ion cannons with it. Sure, that was all part of Kane's plan, but it's not like he let anyone else in the Brotherhood know that was his plan so that experience is still good data. So they likely see any orbital defences as a holding action to hopefully ensure that a GDI Navy task force gets there before they fall. The ground-based anti-orbital emplacements and other fixed defences? Those are to ensure that the enemy pays for breaking through the colony's defenses if they don't take the time to destroy them carefully. Thus buying more time for the GDI Navy response.

But the fixed defences will fall in time, it's just a matter of what combination of resources, blood and time the enemy is willing to spend for it. Once they're down though, Nod has abundantly demonstrated that it's not impossible to conduct a long term guerilla warfare campaign to ensure the enemy doesn't have an easy occupation and any liberation effort is easier. Having a mobile Long Range SAM platform to help with that guerilla campaign makes it a lot easier to pull off. As the enemy either needs to dedicate armed or defended orbital assets to keeping an eye on the planet below and supporting the ground forces. Accept a lot of damage and casualties by having 'eyes in the sky' up high for a clear view of a lot of the ground below... Or keep everything down in the weeds were they just have to deal with the short range SAM swarms. But in exchange have a much smaller view of the ground, and have each mission wear down the pilots more, the machines more, and shorter range from their bases to boot!
Basically, it's sounding like that missile platform is the ground-based mobile version of the theatre-level SAM battery. It's more expensive per missile than the shorter range missiles that are fired in a swarm to ensure the target gets knocked down. But on the other hand, short range interception isn't their job. Their job is ensure that the enemy knows that even after they take out or suppress the fixed SAM and Anti-Aircraft Artillery emplacements in a region, they still can't safely use higher altitudes or risk getting shot down even deep behind their front line.
I think having something like that does make sense for GDI. Because they are intimately familiar with how effective holding the high ground that is orbit is when conducting a planet-side campaign. See how in the 3rd Tiberium War, Nod basically started to get crushed after the Orbital Defence Network came back online, and the ion cannons with it. Sure, that was all part of Kane's plan, but it's not like he let anyone else in the Brotherhood know that was his plan so that experience is still good data. So they likely see any orbital defences as a holding action to hopefully ensure that a GDI Navy task force gets there before they fall. The ground-based anti-orbital emplacements and other fixed defences? Those are to ensure that the enemy pays for breaking through the colony's defenses if they don't take the time to destroy them carefully. Thus buying more time for the GDI Navy response.
Ver very much. Have you ever heard of something called IADS?
IADS stands for Integrated Air Defense Network.
There are multiple engagement layers to IADS:
  1. OTH/Long range interceptors/Forward forces: This is your early warning systems. You use these to hamper any enemy attacks before they even have a chance to come close.
  2. Long range: This layer has the lowest Pkill. That's okay though because the primary role of this layer is not to kill targets, it's to hamper the enemy by placing threats that they must always keep in mind(even stealth craft have issues if this layer is complemented by other layers). If this system forces the enemy to have to take longer routes, bring decoys, jam the radars, and use standoff weapons, it has succeeded.
  3. Medium range: This is the work horse of the entire system. Any nonstealth aircraft must come in with a plan to defeat these systems. Any stealth aircraft must avoid these systems(including those that may not be radiating and are being fed data from other source, waiting to "pop up"). A great deal of interception of other things like cruise missiles happen here.
  4. Short range: This layer focuses on protecting the most vulnerable/targeted areas as well as covering up gaps in the coverage. This layer can be some of the most lethal if not properly countered. Short range defenses are also intended to incur heavy costs(virtual/actual attrition) on any attacks.
Relevant resources:
But the fixed defences will fall in time, it's just a matter of what combination of resources, blood and time the enemy is willing to spend for it.
That is always true. Defenses are only a barrier, not an impenetrable shield. The goal of defenses is to make the cost to it's attackers too high for them to continue whether by inflicting casualties so severe to wipe out their forces or to make them vulnerable to an counter attack. Defenses can also operate to act as deterrence(either protecting your deterrence or to make sustained military operations expensive)).
Once they're down though, Nod has abundantly demonstrated that it's not impossible to conduct a long term guerilla warfare campaign to ensure the enemy doesn't have an easy occupation and any liberation effort is easier.
And that is the most likely end game. Sure, the Turians may have nominal control over the entire planet's surface; however, the crucial point are either continuously contested or under our control. At the same time, any Turian operation outside of those zones have a good chance of being ambushed. If the Turians try for a distributed force to lock out entire areas, our abilities will allow us to massacre such patrols and bypass them(a sudden rush of anti orbital groups can cause the sudden loss of Orbital support, after which a series of ambushes will take out the enemy forces). If they try to run convoys, that makes our job much more easier(larger target is easier to track and dispatch subsurface mines). If they don't move out and try to hole up in FOBs, that means that the Turians have given up the initiative and we can get up to shenanigans~(read: we become the attackers in favorable territory and they become the defenders in hostile territory. Guess how that plays out.)
So since Shanxi is the only current system that connects to the rest of the civilization space, does this mean GDI be more invested in development of our colony and doubly so on defending it so sends more funds at us? Cause that seems like something they do upon contact.
So since Shanxi is the only current system that connects to the rest of the civilization space, does this mean GDI be more invested in development of our colony and doubly so on defending it so sends more funds at us? Cause that seems like something they do upon contact.
It isn't the only one. The cluster/area we are in is full of other new colonies that were set up at the same time as us.
Though the Ruin discovery when news of it gets back to earth we will see some more resources thrown our way.
It isn't the only one. The cluster/area we are in is full of other new colonies that were set up at the same time as us.
Since we are the hub with the relay there our colony would have the priority, meaning the other colonies would benefit of course they get more ore once we start mining and refining thus growth is faster and with GDI giving more funding towards us to better defend the the colony, thus the colony.
Since we are the hub with the relay there our colony would have the priority, meaning the other colonies would benefit of course they get more ore once we start mining and refining thus growth is faster and with GDI giving more funding towards us to better defend the the colony, thus the colony.
Except we are not the only system with a relay in it. There are several relays in each wave zone of colonization.