[X]Plan Preparing for expansion
-[X] 1st Orca Air Squadron: A Squadron of Orca Mk.6 Multirole Strikecraft, the new Mk.6 Orca combines the firepower and versatility of the Orca Mk.5 with the Stratofighter Booster of the 3rd Tiberium War Firehawks, giving it the ability to fly over most AA defences with ease by going near orbital. (+16 Orca Strikecraft) 400/160
-[X] 2nd Sniper Platoon: A Platoon of Snipers, armed with an Ionized Railgun Rifle, the same technology used in the Main cannon of the Hunter AFV allowing it to have extremely high penetration. Sniper teams are also equipped with a stealth cloak to hide in plain sight. (+16 Sniper Teams) 150/20
-[X] Factory: To turn those ingots into useable parts you'll need a factory to process the raw materials into useable products like vehicles, guns, and missiles to trucks, tools, and batteries. The Factory can be reconfigured to produce a wide variety of products and is required to produce the more high-tech pieces of equipment. (1+ Factory, -2 Power, -2 Space) 150/150
-[X] Pre-fab Housing: You colonist need a place to live and prefab housing is the most efficient way to house them until the colony is properly set up and (+1 Housing Complex, +20 Pop Cap, -1 Power, -4 Space) 100/150
-[X] Energy Shield Tech: The Firestorm Shield has been around since the 2nd Tiberium War, it can produce an impenetrable wall of energy for a minute whilst requires a long recharge time, however it has proved useful in protecting GDI bases from Nod Missile Strikes. Now, the technology has been made much more energy efficient and offers a full area protection at the cost of not being impenetrable anymore. It has been put in use on GDI vessels and designs of a City shield has been developed and deployed in many major cities. Having a shield over your city would cut the risk of orbital bombardment down at the cost of an enormous amount of energy to keep it running. Captured Scrin Stasis technology has resulted in an upgrade to convert the energy shield into a stasis field which turns everything inside the shield indestructible for a short period of time. (Unlocks Firestorm Barrier, Crystal Shield, and Stasis Shield) 300/10
-[X] Laser Tech: While you won't be able to make your own Obelisk of Light since there isn't any blueprints for it, you do have access to Laser based upgrades to your equipment from Laser Rifles to Laser Countermeasures for your vehicles. You will likely need to research how to make large lasers yourself or get the clearance necessary to access Large-scale Laser technology. (Unlocks Laser Small Arms, Laser Countermeasures, Laser Slingshot, Laser Cannons, Laser Turrets, Laser Fences, & Advanced Laser Tech Research) 350/10
[X] Sell Ingots: Your main source of income in the Frontier are the metal ingots that you sell to GDI. (total increase to points is 700)
- [X] Sell 5 Heavy metal Ingots (worth 250 points)
- [X] Sell 15 Tungsten Ingots (Worth 150 Points)
- [X] Sell 15 Silver Ingots (Worth 300 Points)
Total Plan Costs 1450 points out of 2100 and it takes up 500 Space
So I am thinking we get what we will need for future expansion and not run into any bottlenecks and I also want to get that factory delivered instead of building it ourselves because it is expensive and would rather focus the resources where we can get more out of them. (This plan would work right? Also still basic so we might be able to get more if we drop the materials
Reposting Mad0Slayer's plan now that voting is open