Original Villain Pitch: Blackstone
Name: Robert Sidney Moore
Birthplace: Coventry, United Kingdom
Birthdate: March 24, 1983
Robert Sidney Moore* was, to the eyes of the general public, a wandering stage magician with some level of prestige to his name. To the criminal underground, he was Blackstone*, the greatest gentleman thief to grace Europe. A usually one-man show, though he does have an assistant at times, he pulls off his capers with dramatic flare and stunning ease, disappearing out into thin air when the job is done. While he usually steals precious jewelry, rare artifacts, and invaluable technology only for the highest bidder on the black market, he tends to plan a heist for his enjoyment. Now, having heisted and capered his way through Europe, he sets his sights on the USA.
A charming and polite gentleman, Robert can smooth-talk and flatter his way through anyone, even the most stone-faced. Also chivalrous and philanthropic, in a way, by helping old ladies cross a street or paying off the college debt of a friend's son. A meticulous and detailed planner, he leaves nothing to chance with his plan, though he can effectively adapt on the fly if need be. Is prone to eccentricities at times, like randomly firing pistols to introduce himself. He does not harm or kill any innocent civilians during his heists, viewing such acts as "dishonorable and barbaric, not fit for a gentleman," though he will use weapons against any authorities.
-Mind Control
-Mind Reading
-Bullet Catching
-Self-Levitation (Only to about 10 ft. in the air)
-Access to Pocket Dimension in Hat (Can only access weapons, and there is a limit on how many he can access)
-Master Actor
-Master Thief
-Master Escape Artist
-Skilled Acrobat
-Skilled Martial Artist
-Skilled Firearms User
-Above-Average Intelligence
-Polyglot (English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Hungarian)
Hopefully in late phase 1, or early-to-middle phase 2. Could have a possible redemption arc if he becomes popular enough.
*This is his real name. Blackstone is his "stage name," in the same fashion that David Seth Kotkin's stage name is David Copperfield.
*Name inspired by Harry Blackstone Sr.
Here's my original villain pitch. Hopefully it's good. Opinions, guys?