Well, I guess it's time to acknowledge the obvious.
Alright guys, listen up. From this moment on this quest is over.
I don't make this decision lightly, in fact it's something I've been struggling with for a while now. And no, it's not because of the TV shows developement. If anyhting those helped me continue as it injected more enthusiasm into this quest as well as new ideas for me to work with.
But I have to acknowledge the fact that lately I have not been feeling up to continuing the quest, and I think the reason why is because of my original motivation. I wanted to make an MCU Quest in order to continue what Charcolt had left unfinished, to give the same level of enjoyment she had given me and many others when she first made a Producer Quest all those years back.
But now Charcolt's back, and her new quest is
Amazing! She has found new ideas, new mechanics and she has only improved from where she was before. I don't feel like my quest is needed anymore, and frankly, ever since I began and started updating daily, I've felt that I just went to far and too fast with this, trying to be either too controlling, or too loose in some parts.
That and I may as well acknowledge that my worldbuilding skills are pretty shit. I should have offered points or something for Worldbuilding omakes from the beginning. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sorry if it seems I'm rambling, but in the end, I feel like this is for the best. I'll be focusing a bit more in my other quest back at SB. And who knows? Perhaps after a few days rest I may be inspired to start again back in that old forum.
I want to thank everyone who stood with me till the end. I really appreciate your support. This has been an experience I will not forget. Please give all your support to Charcolt, and make the best MCU quest in SV. I'll pop in once in a while to check and perhaps see/steal some of the mechanics that might help me in a future quest.
It's been fun guys, I really hope it was fun for you as well.