The Winning Vote said:
[X] Plan: No Armor Today, Armor Tomorrow
-[X] [Length] Agree to his request and give him a 22 episode season.
-[X] [Antagonist] Aldrich Killian and A.I.M.
-[X] [Antagonist] Raza and the Ten Rings
-[X] [Count] Two villains will show that the situation is more complicated than "just punch the guy."
-[X] [Armor Wars] No, you have plans for that storyline.
When the Marvel Executives heard about J. Michael Strazcynski working with you in a Marvel TV show the reactions were somewhat mixed. There were those who were ecstatic that he had come back, even if only for a Marvel TV show and those who could only remember how he quit in disgust all those year ago. But all in all the climate seemed more optimistic than angry.
That all changed when the news came that one of the conditions for him to come back was a 22 episode long season, which once more turned the Execs dials to anger!
Negotiation Roll: 77
And fighting back the backlash was a bitch and a half! Once more you were being bombarded with criticism, being brought to bear for trying to go beyond the scope that had been given to you. You were being accused of once more spending too much money over something that would not bring the same amount of results, of overreaching, etc., etc.
It took nearly everything you had (and even more besides) to placate them and convince them that there was a method to what they were calling "madness". That this being the first TV series it had to be special, that you knew what you were doing.
And eventually you succeeded.
God please don't let you be wrong.
Talking with Michael about the development of the story calms your nerves. He truly is a master when it comes to this kind of development. He has already made a rough draft of what he's planning for the two organizations selected and where to take them from there.
First off, the Ten Rings. This one was a bit difficult as it had been introduced in the Iron Man movie with Raza, but you figured that so long as you don't introduce the Mandarin you won't have that many problems with Favreau.
Furthermore, there is the fact that the organization had its greatest development in the Shang Chi comics rather than Iron Man so they have an element of mysticism and magic that could also be added to their origin, perhaps even expanded.
[] [The Ten Rings] The Ten Rings origins are mystical and supernatural. Though they have since started using technology they also retain much of their previous knowledge and magical capabilities.
[] [The Ten Rings] The Ten Rings origins are mystical and supernatural. However all that remains from there are the traditions and beliefs as they now focus more on technology and political connections.
[] [The Ten Rings] The Ten Rings origins have nothing to do with the mystical or the supernatural. Keep them just as they are in the movie.
Raza was seen as the leader of the Ten Rings, however you could make use of some of the other members of the organization and adapt them…Not that there are many but you could also borrow from Iron Man's rogue gallery.
[] [TR Members] No, just keep Raza as the only memorable one.
[] [TR Members] Yes, I'd like to adapt other characters to the Ten Rings:
-[] [TR Members]
Li Ching-Lin could serve as a good plant and double agent.
-[] [TR Members] Aaron Chord, also known as
Midnight's Fire could appear as one of their agents overseas.
-[] [TR Members]
Razor Fist has potential. You may want to do something about the hands though.
-[] [TR Members]
Someone Else: Write In
The second organization is a bit more difficult however. AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) has been a one of Marvel's most notorious and famous organizations, right up there with HYDRA. That it will play an important role as the later season's antagonists, but their presentation is going to be important.
[] [AIM] AIM has already been outed as a terrorist organization, if one that operates within the United States and has immense influence among the country's main politicians and Businessmen.
[] [AIM] AIM has yet to be outed as a terrorist organization, it's instead seen as a benevolent new company that is pushing the boundaries of science; no one connects the dots until near the end.
[] [AIM] AIM does not exist yet. During the entire season we see small movements that culminate with the founding of AIM and it being declared a terrorist organization.
Aldrich Killian…you're not yet sure why you chose him to be on AIM, but he does fit perfectly what with his creation of the Extremis virus and how popular that storyline became. Either way, he would serve as a perfect face for the entire organization for now. But it could never hurt to add some more memorable characters, right?
[] [AIM Members] No, just keep Killian as the only memorable one.
[] [AIM Members] Yes, I'd like to adapt other characters to AIM:
-[] [AIM Members]
Maya Hansen aided Killian in the research and development of the Extremis virus.
-[] [AIM Members] The
Bulldozer, the robotic creation of AIM might have a role here.
-[] [AIM Members]
Arthur Nagan was a bit goofy, but he would fit perfectly with a bunch of weirdoes.
-[] [AIM Members]
Someone Else: Write In
This show plans to expand the MCU and also serve as a connection for future series. For that to work you need characters who also appear in movies, but also don't cost that much. Both Senator Stern and Agent Coulson are already scheduled to appear, the actors agreeing for a reasonable amount. But more characters are also planned for the overall story, like that of
Bethany Cabe, who Michael wants to adapt as a sort of Agent of the government and liaison to the military and the War Machine in particular.
You could also try and have some small time cameos for other characters that have already appeared in the MCU. Some of them might be even willing to do it cheaply, though others might ask for the moon.
[] [Cameo]
Virginia "Pepper" Potts
[] [Cameo]
Barbara "Bobbie" Morse
[] [Cameo]
Clint Barton
[] [Cameo]
Nick Fury
[] [Cameo]
Black Widow
[] [Cameo]
[] [Cameo]
General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross
[] [Cameo] Someone Else: Write In
With the decisions taken you need to find a good title for the show. It's just a darn shame that so far you've only thought of a variation of the character's hero name.
[] [Title] War Machine
[] [Title] The War Machine
[] [Title] Something Else: Write In