There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

Well. Fuck. I assume that was a critical failure on someone's part during the mission. Atton is still alive but it doesn't do us much good here and now. Should look into getting him cloned limbs or something of the sort - avoid turning him into Vader 0.5
Hmm, very annoying. We need more trained Jedi to offset lousy rolls like that. And we need to look into hunting down and killing any remaining Sith before they surprise us like this again.
Tbh, given who he was up against, this kinda feels like a rock-paper-scissors critical weakness matchup. Wonder what the odds were if someone else had been there. 🤔
Not sure if we'll get the option to vote on it, but if we do, I say sink all our PP into getting Atton the finest Arkanian medical cloning... and redirect our entire mid-rim patrol to come down hard on Madame Sith.
I'm not sure if that was a critical failure or just an abnormally hard mission. It sounds like it might have been the latter.

At least we found the Revanite Sith. Now we can deal with her. And it sounds like our investment in Republic military support might have saved Atton's life.
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Yeah I'm glad we sent Atton out instead of nine Padawans. Nine Padawans would've been useless here.

Well...fuck. Okay, it can be salvaged. That was shit but we are still good...that Sith bastard will suffer a thousand deaths for this.
Something something not the Jedi way.

Oh, what a surprise. Who knew that spreading our forces can end in such a disaster?
Imagine if we weren't here. "Where were the Jedi when Balmorra's capital was shelled" wouldn't be a nice question, let alone the government Atton saved would've all perished. The consequences for not being here might've been worse.

Also, gloating isn't going to make people more inclined to agree with you in future, nor is it useful. It's just irritating.
Oh FFS. I suppose it's a mercy he's still alive, but just.....errrrrgh.

Right, first opportunity, all resources to get Atton back into fighting trim. We cannot afford him down.

Balmorra had better be grateful for this. -.-
And I'm sure if you look deep enough in Wookieepedia, you'll find a lightsaber designed to be worked with a mouth!

...Or the Force I guess.

Oneiros is reading the thread

Oh God, be cool, oh God, be
I'll do you one better: an entire lightsaber form designed to be able to be used in a hoverchair: Trispzest. Also, Atton met Kreia. He knows TK lightsaber handling can be a thing.
right Atton of all ppl trying to be the big hero and getting very hurt because of course he would.

also his past catching up with him bound to happen at some point not great for PR but i`m sure there be some fine character and jedi lesson out of all this somehow.
Omake: In Repose
In Repose

A fever dream. Or penance.

In truth, perspective was everything. I was in pain, sure - more pain than I'd ever physically been in, and probably ever would. Didn't matter, after running from my justice all this time, I ran out of hyperlane. Squirming like a worm, limbs all gone - wonder if the hag saw this. But the joke's on her, and me, cuz I'm alive and smearing what she wanted with every breath. More time, time to pay the debt.

Second worst night of my life.

I'd do it again in a second. Well, if I could uh. Move. Guess I'll have to scrap the reunion I had in mind for when Meetra gets back. Wasn't even gonna be crude or lewd, lead with a massage, share a drink... maybe a lot of drinks. A dance - been learning, not too different to certain forms. And a thousand other little pamper-plans. Candle-lit. Heh, okay maybe a bit lewd, but classy kind I can fantasise a bit now it's never happening.

Sure, technically I could get a prosthetic set, but it'll never be the same (sorry Bao-Dur). And sure the Arkanians could clone me new ones, but it ain't like I deserve that kind of expense. Maybe if they scrape up the credits for Breda, I might get caught in the extra and get like half an arm. Sheesh, look at me - already bargainin' and stabbin' myself in the back over said bargainin'. Yep, that's me, wretched little Jaq- wait, was I going by Atton? This is some powerful stuff they've got me on.

Plus side though, guess I'll get to consider Sion a schmuck for letting this sort of stuff drive him ma-

Huh, Mira's here. Good to know one of us i-


Oh Sithspit no, Mira stop it! Don't cry over me! I'm me! Crazed Wookie and Nar Shadaa don't crack a drop outta you but you get all soppy just because I got what was co-


Heh, never gotten a mental slap in a literal sense before, but guess I earned that one. You feel like you're on no sleep - I'll be okay for a bit, get some rest? For me? And ask Brianna and Mical to stop pacing, it's distracting. In fact everyone can chill a bit, think the happysauce is expanding the connections a bit. Hehehehe, Mical - meek. And another thing - tell Kador to get his head outta that officer's chest more often, won't be covering him for a while.


Which just leaves me back with my doped-up brain. I think, I really think... I did good for once. All those people... and maybe if I'm lucky I'll get to personally announce 'I lived bitch' to that femme fatale. That'd be great. Yeah I think I can cope just on the thought of that alone. Could hit Nar Shaddaa in my recuperation leave. Stint at the tables, good music, scam some schmucks - my kinda party. Maybe start a teensy bit of fun with some of the lowlifes - wonder if the Ubese are still there. Oh or the Gand! The Gand are the Gand, the Gand are the Gand!

Guess it'd satisfy everyone more if I went for something less risky though. Onderon was fun, maybe Talia can set me up a nice retreat. Or Manaan - ebb and flow, calm water, serene. Even has cards and betting swoops. Kolto baths are also a feature. Yeah actually, likin' the sound of that more and more.

Probably gonna have to put Brianna on my duties in the short term, at least until I'm allowed to move again. Probably not a promotion she'll want under the circumstances but I'll bury her in stuff to do, should take her mind off i-

She's here. It's been so long, I sound like an idiot. 'Hey sweetheart, how long you been here?' I can see her, we're in a.. rather nice apartment. Telos, restored, going by the window, there's a vibrant meadow down below, under the moonlight, and glittering lights dot the rustic city skyline. Here I am, ragged on a cozy sofa. And sitting here curled up to me, is a certain former Exile. Completing it all, are the candles and gentle flames behind transparisteel, in the masoned fireplace. Those shy, piercing eyes, I can feel them taking in all of me. Slowly.

'Oh... Atton. What did they do to you?'

True to form, I can't resist. 'Well first they unloaded with orbita-'

'Please - I can sense well enough.'
Half-amused, half-horrified look in that nervous smile.

'Even from so far? And, cuddles?' There's a table in front of us, drinks, strewn Pazaak deck, fine food (or the remains of it), and... other items. It's not a large apartment, but it makes up for size in pure comfort and atmosphere.

One hand softly takes mine, rubbing it. Soothing, slow strokes. 'The circumstances are pretty extreme. I felt it, I think all of us did - how could I not follow your light?'

'Light? Let's not get too tinted visors here, I'm kind of a mangled, sorry mess, Meetra. But I'll live. No more steamy little encounters in the Hawk 'fresher I'm afraid, but hey fleeting is a quality when it comes to reminiscing.'

Something about her gaze is odd, and she cocks her head - and an eyebrow. '... And why would you suppose that?'

'Amps up the nostalgia if all we had was a short time together. Romantic, tragic, even a little teasing - could make a great holo, award-bait even.'
I'm counting on my suddenly-returned fingers as I go. Let's try not to remind myself of ah, details.

'Ah, no I mean to say: why do you suppose this is the end of those 'encounters'?'

I'm stunned - and I thought she'd finally run out of ways to do that. 'Uhm, Meetra, I lost all my limbs. Like. Gone. Capn' stumpy. Actually I don't even have stumps in some cases. I can't exactly-'

Here comes that look - the one that's having none of it - whatever it is. 'Atton if you think I'd abandon you over such a thing, you have another thing coming. If the medical finances were bare, and I had to cart you around on a hoversled, I would kriffing do it when I get back.' Those eyes though, those damn eyes.

'I- th-thanks. That means a lot. I think you're gonna be horrifically unsatisfied, but it's sweet. I can probably at least promise basic mechanicals, not very dextrous, but functional.'
Wiggle of my spirit-fingers. Heh, spirit fingers...

'We'll see what we can do. Even if it has to wait until I'm back, we'll at least try cloning.'

'Budgeted how, dare I ask? Please tell me it's cathartic.'
With a stretch, I lounge a bit more comfortably on the cushions. Extra-fluffy, maybe it's all the painkillers the medics pumped me with in reality.

Inspecting a nail very casually - and wholly out of character for her otherwise, she finds my eyes again, and there's the spark. From Peragus, Telos, Nar Shaddaa, Dxun, Dantooine, Korriban, M4-78, Onderon, Malachor - every time she's been on the verge of doing something completely insane and nailing it. 'I'm sure the Hutts won't be needing the gigantic hoard of assets they have. Heists could be fun, but maybe a Republic seizing taskforce has its charms. Either way, putting blood money to a good cause.'

'Ruthless, I'm in. Eventually.'

'Hopefully you get a chance before I come back - I can feel the pain.'
Taking one of the glasses, she holds the sparkling gold drink to my lip and I drink - not because I can't, this is a vision after all and I have my spirit hands.

'It'll pass.'

Somewhere between a pout, she closes in - and I wisely place the half-drunk vessel back on the table. Close, very close, almost meeting-

'... okay don't hate me but just imagine Traya's wrinkly old face if she could see you mounti-' No, I don't know how to be a good boy and accept things.

The look on her face though? Priceless. Do it again in a heartbeat. ... Do quite a few things again in a heartbeat. 'AHAHAHAHAHAHA wow, Atton, even for you, that was over the line. Maybe several lines.' Completely cracking up then, she throws back her own glass more to get her brain onto a more sensible track.

I'm not grinning I'm not grinning I'm not grinning- okay, fine. I am very self-amused, so shoot me. 'Got you laughing though. And I'm still doing better than Malak - there's a lot I can do with a functioning mouth.' I don't actually wink much - it's an art. But I do in that moment.

'Promises, promises.' Trailing fingers up my front, it's her turn to be overt, and my turn to gulp - and to feel pretty hot under the collar. 'Just, no Sion impressions.'

'Aye, certainly not, wee lass.'

'I need to learn when to keep my mouth shut.'

'Comes with the scoundrel. Also some free blasters, a superfluous eyepatch, a pair of epaulettes that've seen better days, and a mandatory box of treasure.'
Yeah these medics have me very high right now, I think.

'And a flappy v-neck.' Her digits tap the very one I'm wearing right now. 'But I'm pretty sure the treasure is you - look at all the good you did today. Saved a world in effect!' Atton Rand knows how to deal with many things adequately, but this? Yeah I'll have an order of useless giggling with a side of blush. 'I can't even start on how far you've come. Atton Rand, saviour of Balmorra, if you'll forgive a little bit of grandiose flare.'

'Yeah I've been... just processing. And I'm glad, glad I stayed and did it. Every limb worth it.'
As I say it, they fade from presence again.

'You didn't deserve it, this...' Yeah beating me to my own thoughts about tracks.

With a sigh - defeated though it's a defeat I'm happy to accept. 'Nah, I guess not. No matter what my dark little headspace says. Is what it is though.'

'I don't have a lot long left, so give my best to the others - trust each other, lean on each other.'
Illustrative, she squeezes and I squeeze back. 'I don't know how much longer I'll be out here, but one day...'

Matching her wistful look, a stroke her hand a reversal of earlier. 'One day. Shame even I'm not fool enough to intentionally get myself ruined sorry enough to yank you in on the regular.'

'For the best. Next time you lot can babysit HK - he's funny in a group but when it's just him and T3, yes, he starts getting a bit grating.'
With a soft, sultry smile, she's moving now- oh. 'And, about that massage you can't give - while we've got this little link up - you could...'

I blink, even as she's coming closer again, nose to nose. 'I love you. Should call you the Lord of Thirst - Nihilus had nothing on you.'

Amidst extremely silly and sultry giggles, my hands are back, possibly for the last time. I make the most of them.

Funny how long a bond-vision can last when you really try.

I'm Atton, Atton Rand. I never deserved a second chance, never deserved redemption. But I guess, that's the point - and you can carve that on my grave. But not today.

Wait why is Visas blushing?
Omake Reward Time! Please pick 1, using an "O", only @The Englanderish gets to vote on this:

[] We All Wage War With the Past: Atton's body may be a ruined hulk now-- but his spirit burns bright; confronting the past, facing our demons, there is strength in that as well. (Atton gains +1 Wisdom)
[] Unorthodox Teachings: It is not ideal, but Atton is lucid enough, often enough, to finish Sorda's training despite his condition, through the Force. (Atton finishes Padawan Sorda's training)
[] Balmorra Weeps With You: The Government of Balmorra, in recognition of Atton's sacrifice, has offered to fully fund his treatment, above and beyond what he was already going to receive. (Bonus to Atton's recovery rolls)
... why is she blushing actually? Visas peepin'?
Always check your DMs are actually private and not group chat. :V

Hmm, wisdom is nice, but so is recovery... what does erryone think?

Also I return to y'all after keeling over - kinda let this one take me as it came since I didn't expect to be writing anything and I ended up staying up all night to get it done and edited.
Always check your DMs are actually private and not group chat. :V

Hmm, wisdom is nice, but so is recovery... what does erryone think?

Also I return to y'all after keeling over - kinda let this one take me as it came since I didn't expect to be writing anything and I ended up staying up all night to get it done and edited.
Fuck... so permanent stat bonuses are useful as all hell. I also think we'll be able to fund his recovery ourself on the next turn but no guarentee - I imagine it'll cost a pretty amount of PP to do as well. I would say Wisdom, since we can't exactly train stats thus far without Omakes or promotions... but honestly up to you. I would like to see our boi up and running again.