I'm curious, even though Amanda isn't a Maker and she doesn't remember making the crystals, will she still receive a bonus to learn that standardised technique?
Also, I'm not sure I follow why the Makers are getting emotional over the process of making the crystals. Anyone can explain it to me?
I take it then that the second roll was one of your infamous hidden rolls we will never see hide nor hair of? Pooh, that's no fun!![]()
To expand on what @Snowfire said, it's hard to emphasize how incredibly game-changing having a reserve of Void Crystals can be to the greater tactical and strategic picture of the war with the Shiplords.Also, I'm not sure I follow why the Makers are getting emotional over the process of making the crystals. Anyone can explain it to me?
My vote depends on how many of these scenes we're going to get. If we're only getting one I'd prefer A Family Farewell, but if we're getting more than one or all I'd prefer to start with On Wings of Starlight, move on to A Family Farewell, maybe a write-in about how Humanity is preparing to combat the coming War Fleet and how the bumper crop of Void Crystals is affecting those preparations, and use Shakedown to transition to the next part of the Quest.Please select the next scene:
[] A Family Farewell: Amanda, Mary and Iris bid their family and closest friends goodbye, as they prepare for the journey ahead.
[] On Wings of Starlight: The first test of Adamant's FTL drive to a destination beyond standard range limits, to confirm its functionality.
[] Shakedown: In the mission to come, you will need to know your crew. Join Amanda for a brief introduction to the Adamant and those who will aid you in the mission to come.
[] Write-in?
Remember, first, that a Void Crystal, with Uninvolved backing, can empower a First Secret drive to be a match for a Shiplord War Fleet drive. Remember that, at the moment, our great hope for survival against the coming War Fleet is to use a vast, highly experimental sensor net to hopefully see the incoming Fleet in transit, and then attempt to counter-ambush it with First Secret vessels of our own, ones with vastly slower-to-recharge Drives. This is a huge gamble, and if we miss the first shot, all too likely with a relatively new and still highly experimental system, we'll be scrambling to play catch up with an enemy playing with faster drives and nova bombs. Having a bunch of Void Crystal-empowered drives changes the tactical picture in that battle immeasurably.
But, on the greater strategic level, having a bunch of Void Crystals around could be even more important for the opportunity it gives for more contact with the Uninvolved in general. Remember that, at the moment, the only reliable point of contact that Humanity has with the Uninvolved is through Amanda; all other points of contact either require a costly, time-consuming and potentially dangerous Thoughtcast involving dozens of Insight Focused or using a Void Crystal. When the only Void Crystal in Humanity's possession was about to go off on safari that meant a major reduction in general contact between Humanity and the Uninvolved, but now that we have a whole garden of them I expect that Amanda will return from her trek to find that the Uninvolved have an actual embassy on Earth. Heck, with a bunch of Crystals and the ability to make more we might have more contact with the no-longer-Uninvolved than we do with our alien allies, since that point of contact relies on a chain of FTL comm buoys chained through contested space. Wouldn't that be an interesting situation?
My vote depends on how many of these scenes we're going to get. If we're only getting one I'd prefer A Family Farewell, but if we're getting more than one or all I'd prefer to start with On Wings of Starlight, move on to A Family Farewell, maybe a write-in about how Humanity is preparing to combat the coming War Fleet and how the bumper crop of Void Crystals is affecting those preparations, and use Shakedown to transition to the next part of the Quest.
Hm.There's...some hyperbole that I think I need to address here, just to keep reasonable expectations in line. First off, a Void Crystal would not be used to empower anything. A Void Crystal can be used by an Uninvolved to build you something. Something to be clear on though, is that the drive built for the Adamant absolutely is not a match to a War Fleet drive. It's better. It'll allow the ship to cross the galaxy in a single jump. How the Uninvolved are breaking the First Secret range limit - something that not even the Shiplords can do - you have no idea.
Well, we don't have full series production yet, but we can at least get a start on building 'miracle-grade' Uninvolved-made computer cores for Orreries on the core worlds of the Group of Six?As to the Orrery, whilt an untested system, it's something that Insight and various other entities have said should work. In fact, the Uninvolved could now build you a FTL-switching computer using a crystal that would be so advanced as to give the War Fleet fits. The main bottleneck on the Orrery was making sure that the computer systems could keep up. That's not going to be a problem anymore. Trying to fight a War Fleet on their own ground, one that the Shiplords have had longer than humanity has existed as a species to perfect, is asking to die. Not least because even with Amanda's creations, you'd be fighting massively outnumbered.
As to the Void Crystal acting as a communications device, well. It's an interface point for an Uninvolved to act in realspace, yes. That...does not mean that it's something that an Uninvolved can talk through. Or, necessarily, receive information back from in a way that would be useful. It would also require massive amounts of research, given that you still don't know how they work on a scientific level, and to get them working for communications you'd need that. Given all this, expecting an embassy is probably...a bit much. Current lines of usage for the Void Crystals if production proved possible revolved around fortifying Sol to the point of insanity, and then building truly enormous carrier craft to ferry fleets across the galaxy to support your allies.
[Deadpans]Of note, and before anyone asks, the Uninvolved are not going to build you weapons. Their idea of what constitutes a weapon starts at Gridfire and then rapidly goes off the scale of what is feasible to use in an interstellar conflict.
Even one such ship potentially gives us a significant coordination advantage over the Shiplords if they don't have instantaneous galactic-range comms in their installations. Do we know whether or not they have instantaneous galactic-range comms?
Well, we don't have full series production yet, but we can at least get a start on building 'miracle-grade' Uninvolved-made computer cores for Orreries on the core worlds of the Group of Six?
Hm.They have a galactic relay network that essentially gives them this, yes. Lots and lots of Lagless arrays. Funnily enough, Tahkel gave you the coordinates of all their connection chains...
Tahkel:Oh, sh...And you felt something: attention, or perhaps recognition, as their movements faltered.
Some among the Uninvolved have taken Notice of you.
Let me take a stab at that one:How the Uninvolved are breaking the First Secret range limit - something that not even the Shiplords can do - you have no idea.
Now, what matters that, it's not like there's a stealthed ship around that could visit a larger number of relays in a very short time and take them out of commission ... oh.They have a galactic relay network that essentially gives them this, yes. Lots and lots of Lagless arrays. Funnily enough, Tahkel gave you the coordinates of all their connection chains...
The only word in this analysis that I can directly criticize is "hulled." The Void Crystal is the core of the drive; the hull is something else entirely. (And I think the Shiplords might know about Inviolate Matter? Not 100% sure on this but I think it was suggested at least that they have ways of dealing with it if they have to.)1) Secrets involve exploiting instability or fractures in the barrier between our reality and Soulspace. This is why they can't be derived using normal scientific methods: what is done on this side is only half of the puzzle, and the critical component can't be initiated from this side, but once a fracture or connection is made, it can be extended and/or replicated from a working example.
2) Exploiting these fractures through Secret use creates disturbances that the Shiplords can detect at range, which is how they enforce their Secret bans. These disturbances also impose limits on the extent that Secrets can be used, both in energy expenditure and Bad Things™ happening due to that energy needing to go somewhere if you overdo things*.
3) The Void Crystals smooth over and heal local fractures in reality caused by interfacing with Soulspace. Tahkel understands how this effect works and the drive takes advantage of it to cushion the effects that otherwise limit FTL range.
If this is even remotely correct, then this super-drive is only usable with Void Crystal hulled ships. As the Shiplords can't make such hulls then even if they fully understand how the drive works and can mass produce such engines, they still have no ability to actually use them.
Point, though IIRC the hull was made from the crystal. Assuming that the Shiplords know about and have counters for any exotic abilities or tech we gain, even if they can't or won't use such themselves, seems prudent. They have yet to disappoint.The only word in this analysis that I can directly criticize is "hulled." The Void Crystal is the core of the drive; the hull is something else entirely. (And I think the Shiplords might know about Inviolate Matter? Not 100% sure on this but I think it was suggested at least that they have ways of dealing with it if they have to.)
But aside from that... your reasoning is sound, and your conclusion is probably right, even if the details might not be.