Let me be the first to welcome you all to what I believe is a true Sufficient Velocity rarity: a quest sequel.
For those coming from Practice War, you already know most of what I'm about to say, so bear with me for a few moments. I'm not entirely set on the system I'm going to use for this quest, but that's mostly due to how this is unlikely to be the same sort of primarily turn-based quest as Practice War was. The story laid out ahead of us, and Amanda, might not work so well for that. I'll keep you updated on this as we go, but in general, we're leaping straight into the action from where we left off.
For those of you who are clicking on this out of curiosity, I hope you don't feel overwhelmed. To be clear, I do not intend having read Practice War to be a requirement to take part in or enjoy this quest. There is a link to a wiki for the universe in a reserved post below, however, if you're curious.
Moving on, something to keep in mind is that this is an original setting. Whilst I hope for Secrets' Crusade to be the story that charts humanity's discovery of many of the hidden truths of the world, you aren't going to know those going in. And although I've done my best to explain things in the Wiki, there will always be questions that I've failed to answer.
Equally, there are things that humanity within the quest simply doesn't know, and I will be holding to the rule I set myself in Practice War on that score. You can always feel free to ask questions, and I will strive to answer them as fully as I can, but sometimes that answer is going to be 'You don't know'.
[X] The Hjivin emissaries will not give you the answers you seek. But might their staff, or the servants below them? Dangerous to act right under the nose of a near-peer, but it just might work.
[X] How did your people go from using Contact Fleets for the First Contact, to using Tribute Fleets? We have witnessed the Hjivin and the Zlathbu, but we see no answer just yet.
[X] On many levels: who, what, when, where, why, and how to pretty much the entirety of current Shiplord culture and affairs. We're here because we know there is a way to end the war without burnt-out stars across the galaxy. But, we can start with:
[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
-[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
[X] Shelve this horror for now and continue with your visit at this Sorrow
-[X] Attempt to find a another path to peace from the second point Mir Identified.
Scheduled vote count started by Snowfire on Dec 14, 2021 at 1:30 PM, finished with 66 posts and 10 votes.
[x] Vega seeks to find a place within the great gallery at the centre of the station where she might tap into the well of remembrance. Amanda will go with her, to support the Harmonial, and seek answers to Mir's question more directly.
[X] Mary and Iris intend to remain, they have many questions for Rinel about what happened here. Mir is also drawn to stay, as there appear to be deeper implications about why that he would wish to know.
[X] Withdraw. You cannot risk your life or the mission so blatantly here. -[X] Assure Vega that we can try this later if need be, but we ought to collect low-risk information first before trying anything stupid.
Scheduled vote count started by Snowfire on Mar 16, 2022 at 8:16 PM, finished with 29 posts and 16 votes.
[X] Address the crew. The mission hasn't changed: we don't have to like the Shiplords, but we do have to understand them. We have a partial picture on how they descended from a largely reasonable species to one which casually xenocides others for the fear they may do greater harm. We already have one potential avenue to avoid a catastrophic war: convince the Shiplords that their actions have become worse than the atrocities they set out to prevent. Now let's go down there and see if we can find another avenue, or a better understanding of how to convince the Shiplords of their error. [X] Have an open-door policy over the next day (day 1/2), inviting the crew to discuss any concerns they may have.
[X] Family - Mary, Iris and Sidra are among the best placed to support you, as you are to support them. The rawness of such feelings are not to be underestimated, however. -[X] And then spend at least a little time on your own feelings (i.e. spending time with family). It's been a long mission, and caring for the crew also includes yourself.
[X] Crew - You don't know them as well, but the Adamant's crew are as much a part of your mission as the rest. And they will be hurting, in scores of their own unique ways. Perhaps an outside perspective could help? Them, and you.
[X] Heartcircle - Kalilah is not alone in her emotion among the Heartcircle, she is just the most obviously affected by it. After all, it is only she among you who lost children to the Week of Sorrows.
Scheduled vote count started by Snowfire on Jun 5, 2022 at 1:03 PM, finished with 21 posts and 12 votes.
[X] What the Gysians are today - This will focus on the answer to a burning question: what the Gysians truly are within Shiplord civilization. Are they clients, pets, a morality token, or something else? The truth of it could answer the question of what peace the Shiplords might be willing to accept.
[x] The truths of the First War - You have seen the Shiplords wage war, and from all humanity knows that they are relentless in it. What changed? How did their first great war escalate so far, and then come to a stop so suddenly, in the ruins of the Gysian home system? And most pressingly, could humanity replicate the same circumstances?
[x] Why a Gysian be Warden to their own Sorrow? - Entara is a Gysian, of that there is no question. Why, then, would they be the Warden to their race's presumed near-genocide? What happened to them, to be willing to dedicate themselves to a Shiplord institution so fully? And why were they allowed?
[x] Partially - Inform Entara of why you were sent with the Sorrowful's codes: You found a path through the Hjivin simulation that no one had ever found before. Offer to assist with her wish of reminding the Shiplords of what they were before they forgot what they were fighting for.