So what... we've been disowned so thoroughly they purged all record of our existence? That our House was founded on false pretenses?
Oh come on, please don't tell me we're going isekai all of a sudden. That's so bloody cheap.
I'll admit to being a fan of meta ways to 'reset' maps when it comes to strategy games (that Stellaris quest tickles me silly). So I decided that having a 'blank' slate of a galaxy for an original setting would be the best way, in the tried and tested method of 'a traveler from afar exploring new sights.' Plus in this way, it means that the galaxy is a canvas to paint upon.Sure is one way to make a 4X game start from square one on the big map.
So what... we've been disowned so thoroughly they purged all record of our existence? That our House was founded on false pretenses?
It's not disowned/redacted, it's just flat out 'we never have a record of anything you're talking about.' The next bit will go into more detail on what has been figured out to be constant, but it's mostly just House Sol and some civilian associations tied to House Sol. Otherwise, even the Great Houses are different from what Violet knew.If we have been redacted, then there will be flaws in that redaction if we look closely enough. If we are in an alternate timeline, then the source of our strange-shift might also have left some clues at that period in time. If I'm not mistaken, it might be that Helm still exists in this timeline, but it was never contacted by House Sol and remained isolated from the greater galaxy.
I didn't even know any Great Houses or whatnot. You never told us much about them! I kinda thought they were meant to be the sequel after we finished off the sister.Makes it so you can figure out which ones you want to be with or against without any prior hang ups/history.
Little widely known then was that thanks to this cultivated trust and loyalty, your sire had the personal favor of the Stellarch in far more than just official affairs. A close bond of sorts was formed, where your sire unhesitatingly bore whatever duties the Stellarch could not handle to help manage the workload, allowing for House Sol to truly cultivate greatness in what they could. Were it known to the wider public, some could call friendship. Others of a daring sort would go so far as to label it as trust between not leaders, but fellow humans.
Da fuq?
Did we cross self-similar space to arrive in a parallel universe with a precise historical rewrite to exclude Helm and House Iris? i think we need to have another look at that FTL drive failure, because this is beyond weird.
Sure is one way to make a 4X game start from square one on the big map.
...What's the biological sex of the Stellarch? I'm also wondering if the Stellarch here has the same name as the one we're used to, come to think of it.Is now a bad time to suggest that this 'close bond' is a lot more personal than most suspected?
Agreed, I think we mostly need to settle from the shock.I don't really agree. I get that its not for everyone but I think this is an interesting way for us to start fresh, given how the quest had already begun. It is a divergence from having to deal with the rest of our family, but I have no doubt that the quest will still be filled with political twists and turns as Violet shepherds her people to greatness on the interstellar stage. If we had taken over the original Helm system, that also might have kinda cheapened what we've built here. So I am grateful that this change allows us to build up from nothing.
Between this and the current situation. It certainly puts everything in perspective.'So damn you, Violet d'Iris. I curse you now with what you have always run away from- responsibility." The ceiling beam above her creaked and began to splinter. "Enjoy leading House Iris...sister."
As a matter of full disclaimer, I used the same method for making all these with character creation, then added a few more rolls to determine things.> Reading House Orochi's bio
Ah yes, this must be the token evil! Faction
> reading the other bios
…oh. We're the token good faction aren't we?
None of them were, to the best of my knowledge, but I'd like to mention that by having a blank galaxy slate, it means there's plenty of room for the smaller houses and factions that people have made to fit in other regions of space outside that of House Iris. Not to mention there's probably more than a few wandering mercenaries from them that could potentially be available for hire once I get that system sorted.Were any of the Houses based off the original submitted plans by the questers?
For the Great Houses the source of conflict will be them wanting nearby regions of space, and the secrets of have to make Solarium. The latter is actually a much bigger problem if they have a ideological drive to acquire it from House Iris imo.A quick preview introduction on the four Great Houses that are the current big players within the United Empire. Remember the difference between them and the other Houses (including House Iris) is that they have fingers in all the pies around the United Empire, be it through their direct holdings or through vassals sworn to them. So without a doubt, you'll have to contend with and consider what they might think about your parts of space. I'll update your diplomacy tab once we get fully into meeting with them and whatever other smaller Houses in your vicinity of space.
Big Boss is this... Outer Heaven?! Okay to be serious at the absolute minimum I'd expect a cold war with them as they supply any lesser houses bordering unclaimed land willing to gamble that possession is in fact 9/10 of the Law when the Stellarch has to contend with 3 out of 4 Great Houses motivated to keep pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable, and Violet orchestrates events to hit back against them.Great House Orochi
"For House Orochi, there is nothing forbidden to them in pursuit of the ideal soldier. Their scientists work day and night in identifying dormant genomes of aggressive warrior traits in family lines, then use biological cloning to birth and awaken born soldiers from conception. Then if that wasn't enough, the substandard flesh is then replaced with cybernetics tailored for war, with not a single thought given to the peace afterwards. Every created warrior is a perfect mercenary, created to live, breath, and die for war to fuel their fleeting life."
Ah how fun a bunch of warmongers who are looking for raw materials without regard to long-term sustainability. So I imagine conflict is inevitable at some level as they want unclaimed land, and House Sol will likely use House Iris to keep them in check through giving their kin a very very broad mandate for claiming solar systems cause they'd love a fifth Great House that isn't ideologically driven to be unsustainable, and conflict motivated.Great House Ababil
"Many whisper about the genius alchemists of House Ababil, of their mastery over hardlight manifestations that can seemingly capture the essence of reality itself. This perception is further enhanced by the colorful and swirling gases contained within their shimmering bottles, each of them an ingredient that can twist the world around them when combined. Their most proficient are rarely seen without their dizzying suits of walking laboratories, meant for mixing these ingredients on the fly with frightening flexibility. And still, they ever hunger to gather more, whatever the cost."
So what are they some sort of psychic hivemind? Still I'd imagine Violet would love to solve they mystery over how their society works, and if they are in fact reading her mind they'd likely find the conspiracy board absolutely hilarious, which would might get a laugh from them causing her to go back to the drawing board.Great House Tyto
"The rise of House Tyto was silent and quiet, as is their preferred method to everything. They don't even speak among themselves, for what use are words when one can directly communicate to each other with precise thoughts and emotions? It is whispered that there is not a single unnecessary noise onboard their temple ships, only the perfect stillness of their humming machines that guides their meditation. As such it is always difficult to gauge their intentions or even military presence, with so much of their people accustomed to casual secrecy."
Yea they want our stuff, and the survival condition of vassalage is a none starter imo. So conflict is pretty much inevitable, and it won't take much to set them off from what we are told here, which makes working out how their internal hierarchy functions a rather important fact to confirm on the sooner side imo.Great House York
"When one hears of House York, dread and fear come to mind instantly. They are a people that hunger endlessly for the glory of their great harvesters, blessed machines that make them great above all else. Their mobile city-fortresses descend upon their enemies like a plague that devours all, consuming the bounty of worlds to fuel their war machines endlessly. They are practical though and accept tribute from vassals as well, their might a terrifying tool they have used to ascend the ranks. But they need only need the flimsiest of reasons to begin the harvest anew."
It's...not actually a reset in that sense. The quest isn't nuking anything that's been previously written. It's just set dressing so that you have an open space to play through without needing to worry about any of prior commitments or feuds. Hell, it would even mean that anybody who wants their custom faction could act and react in accordance to the developing and sudden emergence of House Iris without needing to consider or worry "maybe we had prior contact beforehand."You actually haven't given us a reason why you whant to do that. Like a reset is a nuclear option that's only resurved for instances where quest has gone completely off the deep end and it's ofthen times its better to make a new thread rather than continue the quest.
Well some people would like to guide the future of the house in an established universe rather than a reset. Espically after a near total victory, some of posters feels like they robbed of they accomplishments.Ultimately, it's about making your own epic instead of being the next chapter of your house.
Yes, it's possible for the Great Houses to shift about and change. But these are usually concentrated efforts from many others who would like to see themselves the next rising star, and don't quite agree on letting the others have a turn. Not to mention that the Great Houses themselves wouldn't take kindly to attempted usurpers. so it's a great big balancing game of trying to topple the giant without being squashed themselves.Would it be possible for other smaller NPC Houses to usurp the Great Houses? Or are they too well entrenched for that?
It's not just that. Helm and House Iris were also able to take on one the Great Houses' military head on while they were trying to play fuck-fuck games with one of House Sol's planets. Man, can you imagine the egg on the House's face when their assassination attempt and planet takeover plot blew up in their face?If this was the case in the original verse, then suddenly our House's elevation in the eyes of House Sol and why we were so chummy is pretty clear. We were the sane people compared to this lot.