I do like that idea, tactical strikes in space could be like stealth/torpedo attacks. It could even give rise to an entirely new ship class centered around that!
Maybe destroyers could have a bonus to detection? Or escorts could be involved?

[X] Plan 1: Just keep bombing them lol
-[X] [Unit] All Units
--[X] Hold position

[ ] Plan 1: Plan 2: assault the LZ
-[ ] [Unit] All Regiments
--[ ] Thera II D4

Note: We will leave the 16th Ababil Wing in orbit for now in case of enemy fleet. When we move into the city on the next subcycle, we can just move the airwings down from orbit at the same time.

NOTE: This plan relies on setting the 16th Ababil Wing to fighter duty (not what they're good at) in order to intercept the enemy when they try and intercept our landings. I'm reasonably sure that would work, mechanically, but it is by no means a surefire thing. Some of our units may just get intercepted. I don't like this plan, I prefer plan 2, but I think it is a valid and interesting plan.

[ ] Plan 1: Plan 2: assault the LZ
-[ ] [Unit] All Regiments
--[ ] Thera II Glacegrad
-[ ] [Unit] 16th Ababil Wing (100%)
--[ ] Thera II Glacegrad

NOTE: You could combine this plan with either of plan 2 or plan 3. It doesn't work with plan 1. You could also retain a destroyer in orbit around Thera II. If you do, I'd recommend the Wisteria since Callerya has better anti-air defense. I don't like this plan for two reasons.
  1. I like plan 1. I think the enemy is expecting us to act. Sometimes stillness is the supreme move.
  2. If I were the enemy, I would either be trying to land all my Thera I forces on Thera II, or I would be trying to knock out our fleet by combining my fleets with my air wings. Landing my ground forces is a better move for me. To do that I need to lift up my troops, then I need to move orbits, then I need to land. If I had the option, I would skip the landing phase with a stratagem.

-[ ] [Unit] HMS Coral Queen (100%)
--[ ] Thera I Orbit
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria (100%)
--[ ] Thera I Orbit
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Callerya (100%)
--[ ] Thera I Orbit
-[ ] [Unit] 16th Ababil Wing (100%)
--[ ] Thera I Orbit
Intercepted Transmission- To the Governor New
Recommendations to the Governor:

Good evening Your Grace, I hope this missive finds you securely.

Upon studying the current situation, we were unfortunately unable to find the "golden path" you requested in your previous missive. Take heart at least, that we believe the enemy to be in a similar position, albeit a superior one to ours. We expect the enemy to commence their assault upon Glacegrad within the cycle. Short of extraordinary efforts on their part, we expect they will land their forces in Sector A1 or D4 of Thera II. We are aware that the force concentration in B2 has it's reasons for existing, but we must again strongly recommend you reconsider their allocation. Particularly in light of the damage caused upon that subgroup by enemy ortillery. Specifically, we recommend that you collect all forces into Glacegrad and wait for reinforcement.

In regards to the enemy fleet, we must make you aware of the possibility that the enemy will commit most of her fleet to the Thera I orbit. In fact, we expect her to do as such. In light of this, we recommend expediting the lift timetables of all units on Thera I and moving them and all naval assets into the orbit of Thera II. From there, we believe that what assets the enemy leaves in orbit of Thera II will be overwhelmed if we commit ALL available assets, including the air assets upon the surface of Thera II. We are aware that this leaves the planet to the enemy, or to local elements. Yet we believe it to be the correct path forward both for this theatre, and for the wider war.

Our current recommendations for following subcycles are as follows:

  • Land all available assets into Glacegrad and take all possible measures for a lengthy siege.
  • If any naval assets survive their delaying actions as our assets land in Glacegrad, we recommend their evacuation. And commendations for exceptionally brave service.
  • Convey the current strategic situation to Allied High Command. In point of fact this recommendation should be done post-haste. If it has already been done, we must apologise for our impertinence.
For a Free Galaxy,
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Recommendations to the Governor:
Oh, I like this. An intercepted enemy message from a commander in the field to the one directing them somewhere.
Upon studying the current situation, we were unfortunately unable to find the "golden path" you requested in your previous missive.
Hm, with the State of Hayha being akin to space dragons, I could see their people's literature idealizing beliefs like having hoards or the like. It would then explain their preferred isolationism, and readiness to fight if threatened.
...I'll be stealing that if you don't mind. That little phrase works as a perfect salute.
I've been thinking about taking a break from this quest, but not the setting. There's an idea rattling about in my head as a spinoff/new POV where instead as one of the great players on the board, the quest is about running an interstellar business that goes on behind the conflict. Would people here be interested in doing something like that? You all seemed to have the best fun doing business management, so might as well lean a little into it.
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Would people here be interested in doing something like that? You all seemed to have the best fun doing business management, so might as well lean a little into it.
Personally - yes and no.

Yes, because that just sounds kinda cool. I enjoy this setting a lot too, and I think it definitely can accommodate other kinds of games and stories. It's been rattling in my head to eventually ask you if I could run a quest in your system and maybe your setting. I won't - at the very least because of IRL commitments - but the fact it's a question means something.

No, because I like this quest, and if it goes on Hiatus I would be miffed. Also the "business management" aspect was simply the strategy I thought we should follow. Also I find something satisfying about building Infrastructure in games that I do not about business management.

With that said however, I firmly believe QMs should not tie themselves to something they are simply uninterested in anymore. As much as it would sadden me. I would probably not engage with this new quest because of how much I like this one.
Yes, because that just sounds kinda cool. I enjoy this setting a lot too, and I think it definitely can accommodate other kinds of games and stories. It's been rattling in my head to eventually ask you if I could run a quest in your system and maybe your setting. I won't - at the very least because of IRL commitments - but the fact it's a question means something.
I agree, the setting has definitely still continued to engross me but at the same time, because it does make me annoyed the relevant scope fails to capture what I wish. I know part of it is running multiple quests that delay this one, but I also feel it's mainly due to the scale/detailing at the moment. It's a tug of war between the two that clouds the execution that should have been there since the start. The "evolution from a wargame" is out in full force.

I feel like I more don't do the setting the portrayal it deserves, but maybe that's cause this is a single take. Multiple angles, either mine or others, could help it so.
No, because I like this quest, and if it goes on Hiatus I would be miffed. Also the "business management" aspect was simply the strategy I thought we should follow. Also I find something satisfying about building Infrastructure in games that I do not about business management.
I don't blame you in the slightest, given how much work and effort goes into your plans and discussions. I respect whatever you choose, though I want to at least try it out. At the very least it could provide more idea and opportunity to rework the current system while expanding to new viewpoints.

And out of everything, House Iris will definitely be part of it somehow.
I hope at least that the players will get to stick it to Discount Daniel.

[ ] Plan 2-4 Doing What They Expect
-[ ] [Unit] All Regiments
--[ ] Thera II D4
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Coral Queen (100%)
--[ ] Thera I Orbit
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria (100%)
--[ ] Thera I Orbit
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Callerya (100%)
--[ ] Thera I Orbit
-[ ] [Unit] 16th Ababil Wing (100%)
--[ ] Thera I Orbit