I mean. The reason for the Plan is I'm not looking forward to the War going more than one turn? Granted that's just me. This is also under the assumption that we will have at least House Kelon with us as the other Houses might opt to pick the other theater of wars which... Is possible. Oof.

It's also possible to switch either the Mecha Idols or the Arcanis Mages for the Light Cruiser + Bomber Airwing or even nab both the Kelon Regiments if we want to further allow mingling between House Iris and Kelon somewhat.

Yeah, there's a lot of things to do. Could also drop the last 'elite' and focus on quantity rather than quality... @_@;
The reason for the Plan is I'm not looking forward to the War going more than one turn
I don't think that's possible unfortunately. Fighting a battle to take one city almost took a full cycle. Utredt is a capital system with four worlds. I'd imagine it will basically be like trying to conquer Andernia. Granted, we might not have to fight for every last city.

And then after the system is taken, we have to withstand the counter attacks. I have no idea how long they'll take.

It's also possible to switch either the Mecha Idols or the Arcanis Mages for the Light Cruiser + Bomber Airwing
Unfortunately that would actually be more expensive. 1 more Resource/cycle than an Elite Regiment. Might still be a good choice though if we're worried about winning in space and air.

We could take the Destroyer plus one of the Kelon regiments. Those together would be 2 Resources/cycle cheaper.
Nevermind. I see that the cost of all units was increased in Cycle 31.2. And our Resource Income has been slashed. Oh bother.
Aye, it's one of those "taking a chainsaw to the mechanics until shit works" moments. I do feel a bit bad, it's always bothersome when there are growing pains in the original system. It's always interesting to juggle between intent and circumstance for this sort of thing.

Tell you what, since I was talking about the idea having half of Industry contribute to the stockpile, let's do that. Your stockpile is now 60 + 25 = 85. And I'll tack on that 25 to help give up just a bit more breathing room with where you are right now.
Quick question if I may: will we be charged for our auxiliaries for this cycle - i.e. Whilst traveling to our chosen theater- or only once we arrive. I ask mainly because we've already paid the upkeep for our base units.
You'll arrive in Cycle 34, which is when the next bill arrives. That will include your chosen auxiliaries but you'll also begin the subcycles because it'll be time to start getting to work.
-[X] [Theater] Thera System.
Two (2) planets, local military-industrial complex.
-[X] [Auxiliary] 16th Ababil Airwing.
-[X] [Auxiliary] 9th Kelon Siege Regiment.

-[X] [Auxiliary] 5th Mars Armored Regiment.

total command points: 22/22
total Resource consumption: 22
total aux/merc points used 5/6
while i understand why we would want the capital, taking away the enemy's ability to continue the war long term might sway the other houses to continue the war thus giving us even more loot.
total command points: 22/22
total Resource consumption: 22
Auxiliaries don't take command points. Also I'm afraid the total Resource consumption per cycle with that plan would actually be 30/cycle. After subtracting our wartime Resource income that amounts to -8 Resources per cycle.

85/8 = 10.625.
Round down as costs are paid in full at the start of a cycle.
This plan could last for 10 cycles.

So we could probably afford to at least replace one of those regiments with an Elite merc.

Sidenote: DiscordOxymoron's plan could now last 4 cycles.
(85/18 = 4.72)
-Rounded down = 4 cycles.

[X] Plan Rolling Thunder
-[X] [Theater] Thera System.
Two (2) planets, local military-industrial complex.
-[X] [Auxiliary] 11th Saturn Airwing.
-[X] [Auxiliary] 16th Ababil Airwing.
-[X] [Auxiliary] 5th Mars Armored Regiment.
-[X] [Auxiliary] OSS Glorious Bust

I believe this is the most effective overall fighting force that we can take, that will also give some nice breathing room in terms of Resources. We don't know how many allied battlegroups will come with us to any given front so this plan tries to make sure we can win this theatre "on our own".

By the time this plan would be running low on Resources, Asenmach will probably be colonised. And that's accounting for giving it a tier 1 capital building. Just not a tier 2 or higher one.

TL;DR the Resources will last for 7 cycles.

Total R.C: 16+4+4+4+6 = 34
Net R.C. = consumption - production = 34 - 22 = 12
Total Cycles = Stockpile/Net R.C.
= 85/12
= 7.08
Rounded down = 7 cycles.

EDIT: On the homefront, if we colonise Asenmach before the war ends we would be able to increase our Resource income substantially. Like by 16/cycle.

It might also be worth exploring and colonising some of those systems adjacent to Calenwyrm if it seems like the war is going to be particularly prolonged.
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Auxiliaries don't take command points. Also I'm afraid the total Resource consumption per cycle with that plan would actually be 30/cycle. After subtracting our wartime Resource income that amounts to -8 Resources per cycle.
ahh i see, though wasn't it only merc's and not allies that cost extra?.
was going to update it but yours is beter

[X] Plan Rolling Thunder
-[X] [Theater] Thera System.
Two (2) planets, local military-industrial complex.
-[X] [Auxiliary] 11th Saturn Airwing.
-[X] [Auxiliary] 16th Ababil Airwing.
-[X] [Auxiliary] 5th Mars Armored Regiment.
-[X] [Auxiliary] OSS Glorious Bust
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Jan 14, 2025 at 12:33 AM, finished with 11 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Rolling Thunder
    -[X] [Theater] Thera System. Two (2) planets, local military-industrial complex.
    -[X] [Auxiliary] 11th Saturn Airwing.
    -[X] [Auxiliary] 16th Ababil Airwing.
    -[X] [Auxiliary] 5th Mars Armored Regiment.
    -[X] [Auxiliary] OSS Glorious Bust
    [X] To The Capital! (Elite Ground Edition)
    -[X] [Theater] Utredt System. Four (4) planets, Kelon capital.
    -[X] [Auxiliary] 16th Ababil Airwing. (2 AP)
    -[X] [Auxiliary] Nakatomi Mecha-Idols (2 AP)
    -[X] [Auxiliary] Arcanis Archmages (2 AP)
Cycle 34.0
[X] Plan Rolling Thunder

Dorothea made her decision and jabbed a finger at the marker representing the Thera system. "The battlegroup from House Iris will focus on taking the industrial complex here," declared the Brilliance Knight. "We believe that taking it would not only hinder the Free States here, it would also give us a solid base to work from in the meantime should unforeseen complications arise."

There was some murmuring from the others, mostly unsure whispering. The Lycoris Knight didn't need enhanced hearing to make out what it was, uncertainty and doubt that this minor and untested House could actually achieve their goal. Sure they had brought a considerable amount of forces, but not a single one of their famed elites were among them. Without such warriors, did they have a chance with simple conventional forces in facing the frozen threat that loomed there?

The Head Keeper of House Kelon spoke up after a moment of gossip, raising her hand and gesturing to Dorothea. "We'll entrust the front to you then, and see to it that you receive support to help make it so." There was a meaningful look in the direction of the air section, where pilot officers gave somber nods after a moment of thought. It seemed like the fact that B-R1 lacked any aerial assets had not been lost to Layla and she sought to remedy it now with the assignment of some auxiliary forces.

All she could do was incline her head in thanks, then withdraw from the discussion. While the others continued to map out the grand strategy, Dorothea exited the command center to begin preparing and briefing her forces. After she sent a message of all the details to Her Majesty, of course.


"She made a good choice," you honestly praised while shutting down the secret livestream. "While it would be nice to seize something of greater value, we just don't really have the force concentration necessary for it. Nowhere near enough ships for the various engagements in Telhague, and don't even get me started on a direct capital assault right now!"

"Yet the others will still try," Radana pointed out with a frown. "Should she not caution and warn them against it? I think it'd be better to maybe look for some better and undefended targets- why are you shaking your head?"

"Because that would just be wasting both the time and resources of the campaign to claim territory on some system that matters little to the influence of the Free States in the area." You tapped at your desk to display a stellar map, lessons from your sire coming to the fore. "It's not just about how many planets you control. It's what you control. The Bolt was correct in that the three listed systems would have significant impact on the war in different ways, especially in this opening general offensive."

"So were we to toss everything we had at these three specifically, we would win. Why don't we?" Your friend wasn't that educated on military matters despite her reputation, a facet of her upbringing that was both a blessing and a curse. Her family had been only minor nobility compared to the line of Iris, meaning that they hadn't been versed in glory for better or worse.

So it was up to you to elucidate the issue. "If we had a guarantee that our forces marching through the streets on Utredt would be an immediate campaign victory, then yes. This is not the case, where the Free States would be willing to try their best to cling onto the region even if that meant launching their own counter-offensive." The holographic map flashed to show what that would look like. "And in the meantime, they could attempt to develop other substitute areas themselves to expand the front. That's going to be definitely the worst case scenario for us, where the conflict begins to stretch us so thin that we can't be everywhere deemed of value."

Your best friend studied the map and pressed her lips together. "I think I get it. Maybe." She shook her head and stepped back. "It's going to be terrible though, no matter what. A war comes for the people living there, one that would determine what flag they fly at the end of the day. If only we could talk it out, like how we reached an agreement with House Archon over Asenmach."

"We could, but only after we demonstrate just how much we are willing to fight them for it. Only then would the Free States take our demands to return the lost planets seriously, and be willing to leave them so." You rose up and moved around your desk to pat your friend's shoulder. "Have faith that our soldiers will do their part so that the diplomats can do theirs in time. Moving on, you did well in negotiating with Archon- I'll be granting your team greater laxity in figuring out how best to settle in our new territories. Consider that your reward for being such a loyal retainer."

In spite of this incredible generosity, Radana rolled her eyes. "You were going to give it to me anyway to help better integrate the Archon dissidents. Short-term tax exemption and the like would do wonders in assimilating them. Don't try to be sly about it, you're just giving me more work."

"Work that you enjoy, no less! Now, then, I need to find something for Hifumi to do before they start blabbering my ear off. Again."

Resource Stockpile: 85 -34 (B-R1) +22 (Resource Income) = 73/85

Create a plan that you and your aides will execute over the duration of the cycle. Each person will have a general order that they will attempt to carry out at your command. Orders can be repeatedly taken by multiple characters for greater progression, but characters will be locked in the order until it is finished. Many actions will require a target.

[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] [Character] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____
-[ ] [Officer] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____

-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
Busy with Commission Ship (Corona-class) (3/6)

-[ ] [Character] Radana, Camellia Knight
Busy with Colonial Expansion (Asenmach) (4/8)

-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism

-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
Busy with leading Battlegroup Rampart-One

-[ ] [Character] Hifumi, Holly Knight


--[ ] [Martial] Recruit Regiment. Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---[ ] Requires Base Housing
----[ ] Requires Regiment Name
-----[ ] Requires Battalion Composition (Four (4) Battalions)

-----[ ] Lily Guard Battalion. A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).

--[ ] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Berth Location
----[ ] Requires Ship Class/Name

---[ ] Wisteria-class Destroyer. A fast moving escort destroyer that can pack a surprising punch from afar. Requires Void Drydock (Wisteria-class). Requires three (3) progress.
---[ ] Corona-class Cruiser. A heavy cruiser equipped with robust defenses for any situation and can hold its own battle line. Requires Drydock (Corona-class). Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Martial] Adjust Stratagem. Adjust and adapt to the ever-evolving art of war, or be left behind. Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires Replacement Stratagem (Old Stratagem)

--[ ] [Martial] Battlegroup Management.
Create or change how a battlegroup is currently setup under the leadership of a chosen character. Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires New Battlegroup name or Existing Battlegroup name.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Goodwill Mission. Send diplomats armed and equipped with some expensive gifts to another in hopes of improving a positive relationship with them. Generate five (5) Goodwill with another faction. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Meet Leader.
Arrange for a personal trip to or for a people's leader, sitting down for a direct meeting to reevaluate your current relationship. Will generate a task to increase diplomatic standing. Cost Varies.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

---[ ] House (Current Standing: Unfriendly) Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires six (6) progress.
---[ ] House (Current Standing: Neutral) Costs 20 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] House (Current Standing: Friendly) Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Request Favor. Make use of your garnered goodwill to request a simple and plain boon from another, a way to even the scales on both ends. Time varies. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Requires Favor

Requires at least Standing: Neutral
----[ ] Non-Aggression Pact. If you stay on your side of the line, they'll stay on their side of the line, for now. Establish a non-aggression treaty promising neutrality no matter the occasion. A side that breaks this for whatever reason will incur a minor Goodwill loss with other powers. Costs 20 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Trade Agreement. A simple handshake to allow goods to flow just a bit easier between peoples.
Construct a Trade Post aligned to the faction that increase Resources and Wealth by two (2). Costs 20 Goodwill. Requires six (6) progress.
-----[ ] Requires Target City

----[ ] Senate Agenda.
Have a chat with the influential voters and policy makers in an attempt to change their thoughts on a topic. Attempt to convince the faction to swap their voting alignment on a topic. Costs 20 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress. Only applicable to United Empire Houses.
-----[ ] Requires Desired Agenda or Alignment.

Requires at least Standing: Friendly
----[ ] Defense Treaty. Together, you link arms to stand against whatever comes your way. Establish a defensive pact promising aid to each other in the event of an attack from the outside. Refusing to send aid will incur a major Goodwill loss with other powers. Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress. Will replace Non-Aggression Pact.

----[ ] Request Volunteers.
Be allowed to make a personal plea to the other side for able-bodied and willing individuals to courageously step up and travel to fight for your cause. Gain volunteer units from the House. Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress.

---[ ] Trade Port. Slowly begin to break down the barriers between your people and theirs, by having them get used to living next to one another in an experimental treaty port. Upgrade an existing Trade Post aligned to the faction into a Trade Port that now increases Resources and Wealth by five (5). Costs 60 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress. This will require a Post building slot.

----[ ] Petition Votes.
Call in favors and debts on your end to encourage a certain sort of voting preference you would want from a political ally. Convince the faction to contribute all their votes to a specific agenda and alignment next Senate meeting. This will not generate any Goodwill for this faction when tallied. Costs 40 Goodwill. Requires four (4) progress. Only applicable to United Empire Houses.
-----[ ] Requires Desired vote alignment.

Requires at least Standing: United
----[ ] Military Alliance. Support each other through thick and thin, no matter the occasion, like a true friend ought to. Establish a true alliance of equals in which their enemies are your enemies, that the blood shed by one in conflict is blood shared together. Either on attack or defense, you have each other's back no matter what. Refusing to honor this agreement will incur a significant Goodwill loss with other powers. Costs 60 Goodwill. Requires six (6) progress. Will replace Defense Treaty and Non-Aggression Pact.

----[ ] Trade District.
With the final parts of integrated nearing completion, declare the process a success and recognize your new duel citizens. Upgrade an existing Trade Port aligned to the faction into a Trade District that now also increases Military and Influence by five (5). Additionally, it will house two (2) unique hybrid units that will be recruited upon completion. Requires four (4) progress. This will require a Chain building slot.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Establish Claim. Spread the word and push forward a narrative among the others that your people have rightful ownership to a system, to muddy the waters when others claim otherwise. Gain a claim to a galactic system. Requires six (6) progress.
-----[ ] Requires System

--[ ] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion
. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
-----[ ] Requires System

--[ ] [Stewardship] Develop City. Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target City

--[ ] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Location
---[ ] Requires New City name

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
Meet with contractors and build a new specific industry in the system. Cost varies. Each building chain may only be built once per system.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Data Reliquary. The signature monument of the Helmsmen, a testament to their perceived duty to preserving information at all costs if the worst should ever come. The information kept below is reflected in the grandeur above, with only those ordained with the greatest duties able to access the sacred archives unfiltered. Increases Influence by ten (10). Requires two (2) progress. This building must be constructed first before all others in every system of House Iris.

----[ ] Solarium Forge. A monastery-forge that orbits around the local star, the only place in which the secret alloy of the Helmsmen may be created by skilled Prisms. It is both a place of worship and a place of industry at the same time, producing sacred solarium for use across the stars. Increases Resources and Influence by five (5). Requires five (5) progress.

----[ ] Chrysanthemum Scales. A regal and ornate building that serves as the system's headquarters for marketplace and trade officers. It is staffed by a mix of Brilliance Knights and Prisms suited for administrative duties, using their Solarium circuits to process incoming information quicker and come up with streamlined delivery chains to ensure a healthy marketplace for the people. Increases Wealth by eight (8). Decreases Resources by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Lycoris Sanctuary. The Lycoris Knights are those Brilliance Knights who help maintain public order, acting as both counselors and confessors for those in need. This also makes them quite keen on what the public currently feel is most pressing, and so what will best appeal to them. Increases Influence by ten (10). Decreases Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Arms Facility. Glowing sparks of industry fly between these interconnected factories, an ever hungering machine that consumes raw material to process and refine into tools of war. Already while the metals cool, the air is filled with the cries of soldiers being put through proficiency training to use these weapons fresh from the forge. It is a well-oiled union that fuels the fires of the defense industry.
Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified troop kit. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Troop Outfit

Infantry: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Void Drydock. In order to maximize production and streamline the process, it is best if large voidships are actually built in the vacuum of space, or as close as possible to it. The orbit around a planet is an ideal spot for such a task, especially when paired with a space elevator on the ground to facilitate efficient resource from planetside. Should this link be cut off, the facility grinds to a halt. Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified ship class. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Ship Class

Destroyers: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.
Cruisers: Increases Military by six (6). Decrease Resources and Wealth by six (6). Requires six (6) progress.

----[ ] Plane Factory. Erect massive and large warehouses, then fill them with the necessary specialist equipment for building jet aircraft. Each plane is laboriously worked on as an individual product with a dedicated team, every feature given only the best attention and focus as possible. After all, it is the trainee pilots in the adjacent airfield that will soon be entrusting their lives to these planes, so no mistakes or skips can be tolerated. Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires six (6) progress. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Aircraft Chassis

-----[ ] Star Armory.
The allure of grand fortifications remains strong even when among the stars, so the technique has simply been refined and adapted to suit the needs of modern war. It is on a larger scale than any similar structure that may have once existed on ancient Terra, a necessary adjustment to accommodate the more vast nature of stellar warfare. It is not unusual for an entire community to spring up around such a base to do business with those quartered within. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for three (3) regiments. Berth for one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

-----[ ] Fleet Port. What can be easily mistaken for construction around natural formations is actually purposefully shaped to accommodate for the planned housing of enormous ships meant to cross the void of space. Even when the star sailors onboard rest, the dock workers are awaken performing necessary maintenance and repairs in preparation for the next voyage. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for one (1) regiment. Berth for two (2) cruisers and one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

-----[ ] Space Terminal. Flatten out a large lot of land, reducing hills and mountains into plains if need be. Then build upon it, putting together a grand airport with multiple airstrips for both military and civilian craft. It is from here that one arrives to this part of space, and then catches a flight to elsewhere in the system. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for one (1) regiment. Berth for one (1) destroyer. Basing for three (3) wings. Requires six (6) progress.

----[ ] Stellar Archive. To preserve and safeguard sacred knowledge in this chaotic times, the librarians must take up arms themselves to defend them so. So are the Brilliance Knights charged with this holy duty, gathering and training in these hallowed halls to serve. Increases Influence and Military by two (2). Decreases Resources and Wealth by six (6). Requires eight (8) progress. Housing for two (2) elites (Brilliance Knights). Berth for one (1) destroyer.
-----[ ] Requires Named Order

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Post. Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Sunrise Bank. Accounts now guaranteed under government-subsidized insurance! Open an account today, withdraw your money a galaxy away! Increases Wealth by three (3). Decreases Resources by one (1). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Stellar Mall. Groceries, clothes, electronics, firearms, ships, and so much more from across the galaxy! If something's not in stock, just place an order and we'll ship it for pickup to your nearest location- for a small fee. Increases Influence by four (4). Decreases Resources by one (1) and Wealth by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Camp Barracks. It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

----[ ] Commercial Spaceport. Under the United Empire common law, no trader that does not posses hostile, hazardous, or forbidden material is to be turned away. They are to be allowed to ply their wares as they see fit, though local oversight is certainly permitted. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for two (2) destroyers OR one (1) cruiser. Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] City Airport. There exists a flourishing market for private single-seat aircraft, for either recreational purposes or a little bit of personal safety. Just be sure to have the IFF on in civilized space, or else. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) wing. Requires four (4) progress.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Upgrade Building. Commence extensive renovations and extensively remodel existing structures into augmented versions of themselves. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Upgrade Choice

----[ ] Solar Drydock. Ornately decorated shrines made of solarium batteries now provide the energy necessary for zero-g construction, greatly reducing operation costs while adding a sense of ceremony to ship-building. Upgrade for Void Drydock. Increases Resources by half of Resources consumption. Decreases Influence by half of Resources consumption. Requires six (6) progress.

----[ ] Riluo Bank. Low on credits? No problem, Riluo Bank has the best loan deals this side of the galaxy! Talk to us now and get a new account interest discount! Upgrade for Sunrise Bank. Decreases Resources by one (1). Increases Wealth by two (2). Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Production Retool. Instead of building entirely new factories, spend time reworking existing production lines to refit to new kits. Cost varies. Will be more time-consuming the more different the swap is.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Target Building (and Rework)

--[ ] [Stewardship] Abandon Building.
Foreclose and bulldoze over occupied land to ready it for fresh projects. Cost is equal to half the construction time, minimum two (2).
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Target Building

--[ ] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies. Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Intrigue] Establish Cells.
Establish contact with discontented parties and begin to discretely send them support, from plain and generic assets to subject experts willing to train sympathizers. Increase Cell count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Intrigue] Reveal Orders.
Have spies quietly break into private offices and servers to obtain top-secret orders of a specific power. Grants knowledge of a faction's planned actions based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy. Each additional Spy assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Number of Spies Committed

--[ ] [Intrigue] Incite Unrest.
Agitate the local dissidents into making their voices heard in a more direct manner, conveniently providing targets of opportunity for them to lash out against. Faction's planned actions will be inflicted a negative modifier depending on operational success. Minimum one (1) Cell. Each additional Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Number of Cells Committed

--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Salvage.
Have some of the more volatile troublemakers start rattling military targets, forcing deployment and perhaps even conflict. From there, have your spies discretely observe their operations while also paying handsomely for recovered salvage to study back home. Gain insight into a power's military structure and doctrines based on operational success. Minimum one (1) Spy and two (2) Cells. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Number of Spies and Cells Committed

--[ ] [Intrigue] Disillusion Voters.
Stir up a storm of sour feelings and negative attitudes towards the current regime through infiltrated agents spreading misinformation. Add in a spice of chaos from political violence, and suddenly the people don't feel like supporting their current government. Reduce a power's Senate votes depending operational success. Minimum (2) Spies and one (1) Cell. Each additional Spy and Cell assigned increases operational success. Requires six (6) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction
----[ ] Number of Spies and Cells Committed

--[ ] [Intrigue] Diplomatic Incident.
Plot and conspire a significant diplomatic incident to occur under this power's jurisdiction, perhaps even souring relations between them and another. If it gets large enough, it could even be the spark for open conflict! Sabotage relationships between two factions based on operational success. Minimum (2) Spies and two (2) Cells. Every additional two (2) Spies and Cells assigned increases operational success. Requires six (6) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (and other Faction)
----[ ] Number of Spies and Cells Committed

--[ ] [Learning] Outfit Troops. Consider what the gear your soldiers carry into battle, and create a new outfit for the boots on the ground to equip themselves with. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Troop Unit

---[ ] Infantry. The very basic, but essential, foot soldiers that both take and occupy ground when ordered so. Even with mechanized transports, they move fairly slowly around on the battlefield but when it comes to holding the line, their numbers help absorb dire hits. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Artillery. When more finesse is needed on the battlefield, it is the role of land artillery units to provide. They can bring some of the biggest guns of an army's arsenal to bear to flatten terrain and eradicate any remaining resistance from dug-in units. However, this comes at the price of being incredibly fragile and vulnerable themselves. Requires five (5) progress.
---[ ] Mechanized. Quick and fast fighting vehicles tear across the battlefield at lightning speeds, launching surprise attacks wherever gaps present themselves. While their weapons bark away at the enemy, the doors come slamming open to unload the infantry squads within to aid in the assault or begin already digging in. Speed is key for all in the unit. Requires five (5) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Ship. Break out pencils and call up interested naval contractors to kickstart the race to create, prototype, and sell an entirely new spaceship design for your forces. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Ship Type

---[ ] Destroyer. The smallest of notable navy vessels, but vital for domination of local space along and necessary for group troop transports. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Cruiser. Large voidships that traverse the stars and make up the bulk of any fleet that crosses systems. Requires six (6) progress.
---[ ] Warship. Humongous and heavily armed voidships that are not subtle in the very least. It is said that calling one to arms is all but a declaration of war. Requires eight (8) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Consecrate Order. Begin to gather Brilliance Knights under the formation of a new Order to add them to your active forces. Once supplied properly with a planned selection equipment and recruits, they will enthusiastically take on their sworn roles and fight in your name. Requires eight (8) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] System Expedition. Organize a research and scout team to travel afar and study a system beyond your current borders. They will conduct a full survey and report back anything of interest. Requires minimum two (2) progress, time may increase based on system size.
-----[ ] Requires System

--[ ] [Learning] Set Agenda.
Direct your scientists and engineers into pursuing a specific field of study. This should encourage the odds of them achieving a breakthrough in that specific field. Requires four (4) progress.
-----[ ] Requires new Civic or Military focus.

-----[ ] Civic Focus: None.
-----[ ] Civic Focus: Resources.
-----[ ] Civic Focus: Wealth.
-----[ ] Civic Focus: Influence.
-----[ ] Civic Focus: Military.

-----[ ] Military Focus: None.
-----[ ] Military Focus: Ground.
-----[ ] Military Focus: Air.
-----[ ] Military Focus: Navy.

--[ ] [Learning] Visit the Academies. Send somebody to go to the Imperial Academies and peruse their records or listen in on lectures to gain insights on the general progress of technology around the United Empire. Then see if you can't perhaps bring some of that back and adopt it to your people. Research option. Cost varies.
-----[ ] Requires Civic or Military focus.

--[ ] [Learning] Awaken Solarium.
The unique material of your people has strong cultural and religious significance owing to its empowering nature. Work with it now to unlock more of its potential for exploitation. Research option. Cost varies.
-----[ ] Requires Civic or Military focus.

- This would be the last regular cycle before we get into the subcycles that is the Thera campaign. I'm surprised that none of the elite mercenaries were taken, but I suppose it's because they're too costly at the moment. Or did people just want to have more conventional forces for now? I suppose we'll see.
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wasn't that educated on military matters despite her reputation, a faucet of her upbringing that was

versed in glory for better or worst.

I'm surprised that none of the elite mercenaries were taken, but I suppose it's because they're too costly at the moment.
In my plan, it was 100% the cost. I wanted to bring as powerful and well-rounded a force as possible. That meant a lot of units. Changing out the Armored Regiment for an Elite would've been an extra 5 Resources per cycle.

I also figured that we could use armoured/mechanized battalions as pseudo-elites given their speed, armour, and firepower. Given that said armoured Regiment is Stellar Guard, I was also betting on them being very good. I also figure having a decently sized airforce will make things a lot easier.

[ ] Plan Flaming Riches
-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[ ] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Calenwyrm II - Location A.
---[ ] Wyrmsbreath
-[ ] [Officer] Hifumi, Holly Knight
--[ ] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion
. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
-----[ ] Asenmach

The idea is very simple. Use Kat's Stewardship to build a new city, so we can build a Solarium Forge. That will cost us a few Resources for a few turns between her building the city and building the Forge but afterwards we will have the same amount of Resources but an extra city and more Influence.

To counteract the cost incurred by Wyrmsbreath, send Hifumi to work on Asenmach. This should roughly double our speed, allowing us to much more quickly get up to a tier 1 capital building - or even a tier 2 - before our troops start running low on Resources. Once they start looking low, we finish off colonising Asenmach and instantly our Resource income becomes positive.

Since Violet rolled pretty well on the cruiser so far, I am betting she gets 3 or 4 progress with this next cycle. If not, we may want to send someone to help her w/ the intrigue stuff later.
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[X] Plan Flaming Riches
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Calenwyrm II - Location A.
---[X] Wyrmsbreath
-[X] [Officer] Hifumi, Holly Knight
--[X] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion
. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
-----[X] Asenmach
[X] Plan Flaming Riches
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Calenwyrm II - Location A.
---[X] Wyrmsbreath
-[X] [Officer] Hifumi, Holly Knight
--[X] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion
. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
-----[X] Asenmach
[X] Plan Flaming Riches
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Calenwyrm II - Location A.
---[X] Wyrmsbreath
-[X] [Officer] Hifumi, Holly Knight
--[X] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion
. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
-----[X] Asenmach
[X] Plan Flaming Riches
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Calenwyrm II - Location A.
---[X] Wyrmsbreath
-[X] [Officer] Hifumi, Holly Knight
--[X] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion
. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
-----[X] Asenmach
[X] Plan Golden Asen
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Upgrade Building.
Commence extensive renovations and extensively remodel existing structures into augmented versions of themselves. Cost varies.
---[X] New Helm
----[X] Riluo Bank.
Low on credits? No problem, Riluo Bank has the best loan deals this side of the galaxy! Talk to us now and get a new account interest discount! Upgrade for Sunrise Bank. Decreases Resources by one (1). Increases Wealth by two (2). Requires six (6) progress.
-[X] [Officer] Hifumi, Holly Knight
--[X] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion
. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
-----[X] Asenmach

I want to use as few Resources as possible in order to maximise the time we can spend colonising Asenmach if we so wish. I believe that upgrading the Riluo banks in Andernia will cost us fewer Resources during this campaign than building Wyrmsbreath plus the Forge.

I am prioritising a strong colonisation in Asenmach over increased Influence in the Senate. I am also betting that Violet will be able to sabotage House York to the point that we will be able to arrange the Senate to our advantage regardless.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Jan 18, 2025 at 12:55 AM, finished with 6 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Flaming Riches
    -[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Stewardship] Found City. Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
    ---[X] Calenwyrm II - Location A.
    ---[X] Wyrmsbreath
    -[X] [Officer] Hifumi, Holly Knight
    --[X] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
    -----[X] Asenmach
    [X] Plan Golden Asen
    -[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Stewardship] Upgrade Building. Commence extensive renovations and extensively remodel existing structures into augmented versions of themselves. Cost varies.
    ---[X] New Helm
    ----[X] Riluo Bank. Low on credits? No problem, Riluo Bank has the best loan deals this side of the galaxy! Talk to us now and get a new account interest discount! Upgrade for Sunrise Bank. Decreases Resources by one (1). Increases Wealth by two (2). Requires six (6) progress.
    -[X] [Officer] Hifumi, Holly Knight
    --[X] [Diplomacy] Colonial Expansion. Begin to attract and gather people looking for a fresh start. Back their efforts and begin to slowly immigrate them to a new system, funneling resources to them while they get setup. Begin to found a colony on a new system. Requires eight (8) progress, time may increase based on system size and potential other claims.
    -----[X] Asenmach
Cycle 34.1
[X] Plan Flaming Riches

(Found City (Wyrmsbreath): 81 +17 (Kat) +6 (Wealth) = 104)

Progress: 4/4. Complete!

The City of Wyrmsbreath has been founded, increasing Industry by five (5) and reducing Resources by five (5).

Unlike the other two population centers on the planet of Calenwyrm II, Wyrmsbreath was a surprising breath of fresh air. Well, that wasn't exactly the most appropriate term. The locals had a more fitting saying about their newly established city.

"Wyrmsbreath is a breath of fresh water."

Said water did happen to fill the air quite often, being the closest to the eternal equatorial hurricane that regularly circumnavigated the planet. This definitely was not the most conductive location for any tourism or entertainment industry, so the city's focus shifted back to a more traditional spread of businesses. Research institutions in particular were plentiful here, scientists all over more than interested to study and observe the unusual cosmic phenomenon here. It was unlikely to be solved anytime soon though, remaining a welcomed puzzle for researchers to ply their intellect around.


(Commission Ship (Corona-class): 67 +14 (Violet) +6 (Wealth) = 87)

Progress: 6/6. Complete!

HMS Luminary is now ready for service in Prydwen Serol.

Codec Post: Welcome the Luminary!

Picture: A landscape photo of a newly commissioned Corona-class cruiser, now featuring a drawn-in mascot character that looks deviously at the camera.

Text: Oh my, look at this city! Such a naughty one, I think I'll be right at home here. Please take care of me~

LastDrink@3: Oh. Oh, now I understand. Glory to the Luminary.


-> SeventhSea: Welcome to the fold brother. See you at next week's congregation.


-> SmithHalu: Get some help ya'll.


SolBuddy: I can't. I'm going to say it. I'm going to say it! I'M GOING TO SAY IT, FORGIVE ME MOTHER STAR!


-> LastDrink@3: *Post is awaiting moderator approval.*



(Colonial Expansion (Asenmach): 51 +16 (Radana) +13 (Wealth) = 70)

Progress: 6/8. In Progress.

(Colonial Expansion (Asenmach): 74 +14 (Hifumi) +13 (Wealth) = 101)

Progress: 10/8 (Stage 1). Complete!

The air onboard the colonist ship was tense, the brief border conflict between the settlers of House Iris and Archon still quite fresh. The chosen representatives on both sides of course understood such times were behind them now, but it was hard still for each to openly mingle and converse at this diplomatic party. It would normally be a worrying sign of continuing underlying feelings about control over Asenmach, were it not put to rest through the efforts of a certain overactive retainer.

"So what do you trade out here from our lands? Foodstuff, that sounds tasty! I think they'd love a bite, do you have any?"

"Oh my, is this one of those crafted goods made by your Cultivators? Woah, I think that fellow's interested, have a gander!"

"Hm, what are Cultivators? It's those blessed machine minds, right? But I don't think I could explain it properly, maybe somebody from their side could do it better."

Hifumi was almost a blur with the way they weaved through the representatives, setting up conversations and leaving them just as quickly once participants were engaged into discussion with each other. A wealth of topics were brought up to interest both sides, gently goading casual talk to ease the tension. It wasn't long before the settlers were now freely chatting, getting to know their new neighbors and letting any previous hostility dissipate.

You watched the Holly Knight earnestly delight in this development, taking a moment to enjoy the more appropriate atmosphere before diving back into talks. "I think Hifumi just did your job for you," you mentioned to your best friend before taking a sip of the sparkling drink. The flavor was the perfect excuse to make an absent remark. "Hm, this tastes interesting."

"Having Hifumi about certainly does make things easier. Even the most reclusive member of House Archon can't hold out in wake of their question barrage, especially when it's coming from genuine curiosity." Radana drank from her own glass and hummed. "My, you weren't wrong. It's certainly tasty, but in a rather organized way. A bit stiff though," she hinted, a glint in her eyes knowing exactly what you were trying to do.

"Definitely. Could it perhaps be somebody's first time making such a drink?" You idly wondered aloud, more to fill the quota of your public appearance than actual interest. Yet none could call you out on it, Hifumi's too eager yapping more than enough of an effective smokescreen. Their actions also ensured that the settler representatives were too engrossed in conversations with one another, and didn't have time to approach you! All you needed to do was maintain a token presence that could be easily excused later, a foolproof plan that had you dancing jubilantly on the inside. Just a few more minutes, then you could leave this blasted spotlight!

That was, unless somebody had good reason to join the conversation. "Actually, I confess that this is something like my third iteration and batch." You and Radana turned to see the diplomat from House Archon walk up, a glass in the doll's hand. They sampled the drink too and their eyes glowed when sensors kicked in. "How curious, this surely meets the composition thresholds for optimal taste, but you say it fails still."

You smiled on the outside while cursing on the inside at the error. It seemed like you had accidentally invited somebody to join in by your rather unfortunate subject. Yet it wasn't totally unsolvable yet, some real criticism and measured hostility perhaps enough to help drive them off! "I see, this explains the peculiar taste. If I might make a suggestion though, adjustments might need be made to suit the tastes of your intended audience instead of empirical calculation."

The doll blinked, then frowned. "Creating a flawed taste better to suit the living instead of that which fulfills data points...you may have a point there," they conceded with a thoughtful look. "It's seemingly illogical though."

"My apologies then," you seized, making to excuse yourself as if chastised and embarrassed. "Certainly I would not have full downloaded expertise-"

"But that perhaps is what makes it more real than simply following the optimal methodology!" They exclaimed, the expression stopping you in your tracks. "Yes, I'm sure now, this is my next path of improvement. My next subject of study to refine from static theory into practical application! Lady Radana, Her Highness truly is the great mind you professed her to be. I cannot help but ask for more wisdom, if you could lend it so."

Your head swiveled to face your best friend with an expression of betrayal. What have you been saying about me to the others?! You wanted to scream, but maintained a stiff grin with a cough. "Ah, yes, of course." There was no way to politely refute that, not without harming the image of House Iris so publicly after that outburst. "Er, what did you wish to consult on?"

"It mainly concerns the subject matter of Asenmach's capital." The doll gestured with an arm to the interior of the colony ship they were on. "A central population center has yet to be determined between our two people here, and I have been asked to lend my thoughts on the matter. But I confess I have little experience on this matter here, and feel it inappropriate to make any decision so without consulting your expertise."

You frowned. Radana spoke up now, finally doing her job. "Quite the curious and unexpected challenge. If I might be so blunt, I daresay there isn't much interesting or standout on these planets that make it worth focusing upon. It is surely more the convenience of location than the actual resources therefore that sees people making homes here."

"True, and I especially question why some would settle on Asenmach II in particular," the House Archon doll muttered with a shake of their head. "Humans are truly illogical to me. Which is why I seek the suggestion of other humans then, as I could never hope to understand in a similar manner."

You sighed and mentally reviewed the maps in your head. You were suddenly glad you had done so before the party, if only to have a good idea of where each attending representative was from. Some additional mental commentary also suggested to you that the immediate absence of rare or valuable resources was simply justification for expansion in other avenues of interest. Maybe it was worth bringing that up now while people were building up their capital.

[ ] [Planetfall] Asenmach I
-[ ] Location A.
The dominating snowcap mountain that sat above all the others, allowing for a superior position.
-[ ] Location B. A large crag next to the site shows signs of thermal activity for the future settlement to use.

[ ] [Planetfall] Asenmach II
-[ ] Location A.
Out of all other locations, this appears to have the lowest toxicity that could enable unaided exposure lasting up to five minutes.
-[ ] Location B. A flat plain that could be a suitable site to build upon, using one of the spare prototype domes from Kingsdream's underwater Coral District.
-[ ] Location C. Heavy toxins cloud the way, draped so thickly that concentrated assaults would be quite limited.

[ ] [Planetfall] Asenmach III
-[ ] Location A.
The dormant volcano beneath this site shows not enough seismic activity to be worried, but enough to possibly source power from.
-[ ] Location B. One of the last active volcanoes on the planet is nearby, allowing for useful and convenience harvesting of the planet's inner riches.
-[ ] Location C. Thoroughly cooled and settled magma is slowly turning into fertile ashen soil that could prove suitable for tailored crops.

--[ ] Write-in a name!

[ ] [Capital] Expand into a Cultivation Market.
Asenmach being the central meeting point between House Iris and House Archon makes is the perfect spot in which the reclusive are gradually introduced into the wider galaxy. Advertise a part of the city tailored specifically to this, encouraging better trade relations between the two people. Advance to Stage 2 construction that costs eight (8) Progress. Upon completion, the capital will begin with a unique free building that increases Wealth and Military by two (2).

[ ] [Capital] Maintain the walls. The system's rather dull and uninteresting features don't suggest much interesting development. Keep it that way, avoiding unnecessary expense. The capital is founded for Asenmach.

- Compared to Calenwyrm, Asenmach tragically doesn't have any defining features. Unless you consider "incredibly grim weather" an attractive feature.
- So you are voting for three things: the location, the name, and the capital upgrade.

14 hour moratorium to make planetfall.
Ah, yes, a Capital Bargain that we totally need! :V Oh God, how deep will the rabbit hole go?!

Asenmach III feels like a ticking bomb, regardless of which spot we pick there... but it does seem to be the only one capable of bringing a crop boon in Location C, and rare ores in Location B.

Asenmach II seems... iffy. And Location B seems to be hinting that if something happens to the prototype Dome, we wouldn't be having a good day. :V

I'm inclined to the 'mystery' of Location B located in Asenmach I, as it only described it as 'thermal activity'. Might be a curious thing and should be a good thing to pair up with the Cultivation Market if it's of any interest.

Or it could be Hot Springs. If it's that, I'm down for it still. :V Hot Springs Capital anyone? :V
Oh God, how deep will the rabbit hole go?!
As long as the Resources last baby, Woo!

There are two sites I'm tossing up tbh.
Num. 1 is Location A on Asenmach I.
I want this solely because it's description is cool. Also a capital city built atop an enormous snowy mountain is very a e s t h e t I c

My optimizer brain is saying Location B in Asenmach II. The plan for the Asenmach system is to build a lot of factories and to get its Wealth up pretty high so we can use those factories quite efficiently and so our diplomacy with House Archon doesn't suffer much.

Factories need Resources, as do most forms of Wealth production. If we build our city on the "rare minerals here" sign, I'd guess that later stages of capital building will be more likely to give us more Resources.

As for name iunno. Names are usually pretty hard unless you have a theme in mind. Honestly just "Motherlode" could be fun lol.

EDIT: It has occurred to me that building on top of an enormous mountain might mean fun things with space elevators which might in turn mean fun things with Resources. But probably not.

Naming it motherlode has fun relations to the Mother Star of Helmsmen myth.

[ ] [Planetfall] Asenmach III
-[ ] Location B.
One of the last active volcanoes on the planet is nearby, allowing for useful and convenience harvesting of the planet's inner riches.
--[ ] Motherlode
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/possible science detected, engaging/
this to me seems like the most interesting, that and i want to have one city have a way too long a name. and this one gave the right amount of inspiration

[ ] [Planetfall] Asenmach I
-[ ] Location B.
A large crag next to the site shows signs of thermal activity for the future settlement to use.
--[ ] The Star Mother's whisper of knowledge, born from love. shorthand: mothers love or Whisper
[X] [Planetfall] Asenmach II
-[X] Location C.
Heavy toxins cloud the way, draped so thickly that concentrated assaults would be quite limited.
--[X] Name: Serpent's Gift

Imagine a dark poison shrouded palace where a dark queen of intrigue can plot the downfall of her enemies.

[X] [Capital] Expand into a Cultivation Market.