Cycle 12.13
[X] Plan Vascular Organs and Nervous Systems.
-[X] [Stratagem] Discourage Dissidents. Broadcast on all frequencies and all stations that the current conflict is not worth dying for. It is better for those prospective patriots on the opposing side to stay at home and watch from the sidelines to see how it all unfolds. Costs two (2) Command Points. Will increase the opposing side's Militia Level depending on chance.
-[X] [Stratagem] Discourage Dissidents. Broadcast on all frequencies and all stations that the current conflict is not worth dying for. It is better for those prospective patriots on the opposing side to stay at home and watch from the sidelines to see how it all unfolds. Costs two (2) Command Points. Will increase the opposing side's Militia Level depending on chance.
You double-checked to make sure the voice masking program was online along with your other precautions, then pressed forward with the communication request. Fingers anxiously tapped against the arm of your chair, every cycle of the loading circle marking another second of delay. When the system finally reported somebody picking up on the other side, you almost suppressed a frustrated sigh to open up the discussion.
Almost. The noise was a perfect way to match with your anonymous employer mask, so you let it play out before speaking curtly. "Just what do you think you are doing?" You harshly demanded from the representative of the sellswords. "I have reports saying that you are moving erratically. Are you breaking our contract of cooperation with House Iris?"
"It is nothing of the sort," They stiffly replied with a low growl. "We still have a portion of our number committed to the taking of the city and working closely with their command. However, those who unneeded for the battle are being tasked with a different objective."
"One that is beyond the stated terms," You gritted out and eyed Dorothea's data feed. "There is well-justified concern now, especially with your sudden increase in numbers. Yes, that has been passed to me, and no, I will not be paying for them!"
"We don't expect you to, but we will be taking them along regarding the other terms of provision." They didn't even wait for your affirmative on that before continuing with their explanation. "Our and their goals align anyhow. What's more, it should also correspond with yours about ending this conflict as soon as possible."
"How so?" You demanded, entirely waving aside the matter of payment. They'd still fit anyway on the provided ship. "Will you be launching an attack on the untouched reserves?'
"No. We will go instead for the head." They finally revealed and your eyes widened when you caught on. "Our returned comrades know where the 'governor' is. We will remove her from play."
This...was an unexpected development. Your sister had, like any leadership figure, wisely withdrawn from her usual haunts to take command from an undisclosed location, one likely hidden in plain sight among the many smaller settlements that dotted the planet. It was hardly anything new or surprising when one's planet came under attack and it usually was more effort than it was worth to track it down to assault, especially when there were other defenders to consider dealing with first. Plus it was easy to waylay decoys or bounce signals about to complicate the search, leading to a frustrating game of cat and mouse one usually didn't want to bother with unless they wanted to rattle their opponents.
But if those turncoat Brilliance Knights actually knew the current location, and were willing to lead their comrades to it? Well, it would definitely be a masterstroke way to end this all, one that was quite convenient without needing to put in that much more effort on your part. In fact, the more you thought about it, the more you realized with a growing grin that you actually didn't have to do anything extra. What with your regular forces currently tied up fighting in Bastion, meaning that you had a perfect excuse to not risk your soldiers...why in fact, you could even spin this more!
You cleared your throat to help quell the eagerness to keep up the dour mask. "This is an...appropriate adjustment to your contract," You ponderously declared. "I will in fact even support it so and communicate with House Iris about keeping a diversionary effort going in Bastion. They will hopefully understand and give you the opportunity to raid the governor. Do not waste this chance."
There was an undeniable sigh of relief from the mercenary representative, followed by a deep note of gratitude that made you want to cackle. "We understand and are grateful for your employment. You will be remembered as a friend of our organization after today."
Idly, you wondered it if wasn't too late to slip some observation bugs and information taps into their equipment before you sent them off into the wider galaxy. Well, there could be time for that later, especially after you cleaned up this entire mess and made sure everything was nice for whatever incoming inheritance crisis House Iris was probably going to face soon. That made you blink and quickly tack on an additional order with a cough. "Oh, and try to capture the lady alive. I'm quite sure that the Solar Princess will be quite pleased so."
"Understood, we will try our best."
You gave it a full minute after the line disconnected, then quickly made sure your private room was still sealed. Then you raised both your arms up to the stars with a wide smile. Soon, soon! Your heart sang. Soon, I can shove this all off to somebody else and get back to my quiet darkness! It'll just be me and Radana, doing nothing but wasting time for fun! Ah, blissful days, await my coming!
"Nothing can go wrong now!" You cheered and threw yourself into eagerly sharing the news with your best friend, along with a quick ask to keep an eye on them. After a moment's thought, you also began to contact the attached media. You wanted this moment recorded to rewatch to your heart's content in the future.
House Iris Stratagems:
- Discourage Dissidents (88): Feeding into the growing anti-war sentiment has greatly reduced enthusiasm for supporting the war on the ground. Only the truly zealous would volunteer now.
House Iris (Separatists) Stratagems:
- Raise Supporters (Partial Success): A greatly reduced pool of bodies amid desperate times has led to the formation of half-strength militia units, useful for garrison duty but nothing else. It is strongly suspected that some are perhaps survivors or kin of the tragedy on Andernia III.

No enemy movement detected between planets.

Section D4: Signals indicates the formation of the 3rd Home Guard.
Issue a Plan Order!
-[ ] [Unit] 1st Andernian Guard
--[ ] Destination
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria
--[ ] Destination
--[ ] Destination
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria
--[ ] Destination
-[ ] [Unit] All Regiments
-[ ] [Unit] All Airwings
-[ ] [Unit] All Ships
-[ ] [Unit] All Units
-[ ] [Unit] All Airwings
-[ ] [Unit] All Ships
-[ ] [Unit] All Units
-[ ] [Unit] 1st Andernian Guard (92%)
--Current Position: Andernia III, Bastion
-[ ] [Unit] 2nd Andernian Guard (97%)
--Current Position: Andernia III, Bastion
--Current Position: Andernia III, Bastion
-[ ] [Unit] 2nd Andernian Guard (97%)
--Current Position: Andernia III, Bastion
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Wisteria (100%)
--Current Position: Andernia III orbit
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Callerya (50%)
--Current Position: Andernia IV orbit
--Current Position: Andernia III orbit
-[ ] [Unit] HMS Callerya (50%)
--Current Position: Andernia IV orbit
- There is a half-strength militia unit raised on D4, it'll probably be wiped to a gentle breeze. But it is bodies to garrison the airbase to make opportunities elsewhere.- What is stronger? Violet's delusions, or Murphy's invocation? Let's see.
12 hour moratorium to dream of shadows
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