Cycle 10.0
The video flickered and sped forwards to the timestamp. Then it began to play, your sister's face smugly in the frame. "-so thus, additional security measures must be taken. We must not only be at peace on land, but in the air as well!"

There was a chorus of scripted applause from the crowd and she stepped back to gesture upwards. "I am proud then to say that already, we have implemented such effects! From today on, look up and hope for a better future- and know that upon experienced wings do they carry them towards the future!"

On cue then, there was a loud scream when a fighter jet rocketed overhead, not too far away from the podium-

Your hand shot up and hit the pause button right there, capturing the still of a fighter jet in motion. You stared at it for a moment longer before letting out an exasperated sigh. "She did it. She actually did it."

"She actually got planes," Radana numbly repeated with a shake of the head. "Say what you will, but that's a-"

"-stupid and idiotic stopgap!" You finished with a slam on your desk, then frowned at Radana's surprised reaction. "Wait, are we on the same page?"

"I'm not quite sure?" She weakly suggested with a tilt of the head. "Or well, rather, I don't understand. All I see is your sister somehow being able to produce jets out of thin air and pilots to go along with."

You blinked and rubbed your chin, eyes lighting up when realization kicked in. "Right, you probably haven't studied actual military history in detail. Or hell, you've probably just gone about seeing what the posters commonly depict. Huh, now that I think about it, maybe my sister is actually onto something neat, albeit ill-advised."

"I really am lost now," Your friend confessed and shook her locks about. "Please, what am I missing?"

"Namely that," A gesture to the captured video frame, "Is a modern fighter jet...of the Iron Flower incident."

"The incident that brought His Late Highness close to the Stellarch?" She considered for a moment, then blinked. "But that was...ages ago!"

"Yep. It's wonderfully outdated and outclassed by every other modern aircraft, and was actually retired long ago. The remaining stock was then sold off to private collectors...which then explains how my sister probably acquired them," You reasoned out and nodded slowly, seeing the puzzle pieces fall into place. There was one last piece you wanted to confirm and you activated an interface program for unit recognition, targeting the painted insignia on the jet's tail.

While the program ran, Radana continued to ask away to clear up her ignorance of the subject. "If it's that old, then why was it still plastered everywhere? I recall it being quite prominent in a few of Dorothea's movies, to the point where it seemingly was invincible."

"Because it's become something of a popular icon thanks to the Iron Flowers incident," You answered with a slight grumble. "It was so popular that any 'realistic' take on their antiquated nature simply failed to catch on. It didn't help that even as it was being phased out, a lot of veteran aces happened to cling on and prefer it over any offered replacement. Such as- aha."

The insignia recognition chimed with a successful match and you flicked the display about to show a curious Camellia Knight. "Behold. The 92nd Intercessor Squadron, a distinguished unit from the old days. Listed as retired, all personnel discharged."

"But clearly not anymore," Radana pointed out and began to piece together the picture herself. "So perhaps then that those retired pilots came along on this expedition, so your sister simply reactivated them. They might have even brought along their old planes, though I feel that is somewhat a stretch."

"Could be, or my sister already had them nicely tucked away on a ship somewhere listed as civilian cargo." You paused, then checked to make sure your office door was truly sealed. "Which has an...implication in itself."

The noble diplomat's eyes narrowed. "You think she had them in reserve for a reason," She concluded and put it out there, words that normally should never leave the lips of a House Iris retainer. "Treason, likely against the First Princess."

"I could see it. She has the chance to build up here, and if put in that light, her rather scrupulous scrimping and scraping for any military force makes sense. Along with enforcing total control over the populace- she doesn't want them to go to the other side of whatever grand conflict she has planned." You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, deep in thought. "What a mess. I absolutely want no part in this struggle for the title."

Radana calmly leveled a gaze on you. "But you're right now the one the people of Andernia follow. So you're already involved. Unless somehow there is something bigger...ah. I see."

You grinned and reached over your desk to pat where the Solarium Codex was hidden. "I think then my plan to negotiate and disappear just got a lot more legs to it. Whoever has this little thing has a massive advantage in whatever conflict, so the price is definitely high. Best of all, I get to set the price as well!"

"I can't believe this actually worked out completely in your favor then," Radana mumbled, half in disbelief and half in awe. "Violet, your luck is quite out there for this to all just line up to your favor."

"True, but it's still going to be some work to do. Namely, starting the negotiations for said price." You rubbed your hands together and locked eyes with your most trusted secret-keeper. "Radana. I want you to start putting out feelers to try and bring my sister to the table."

"Of course," She responded instantly without hesitation. "I'll start the preparations. Just let me know when you want to have it done by."

"Right. Thanks, and hang in there. I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, one final push then we're out!"

Resource Stockpile: 30/30

Create a plan that you and your aides will execute over the duration of the cycle. Each person will have a general order that they will attempt to carry out at your command. Orders can be repeatedly taken by multiple characters for greater progression, but characters will be locked in the order until it is finished. Many actions will require a target.

[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] [Character] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____
-[ ] [Officer] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____

-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
Busy with Recruit Regiment (2/7)

-[ ] [Character] Radana, Camellia Knight

-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
Busy with Construct Post (2/3)

-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight


--[ ] [Martial] Recruit Regiment. Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---Requires Base Housing
----Requires Regiment Name
-----Requires Battalion Composition (Four (4) Battalions)

-----[ ] Lily Guard Battalion. A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).

--[ ] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---Requires Berth Location
----Requires Ship Class/Name

---[ ] Wisteria-class Destroyer. A fast moving escort destroyer that can pack a surprising punch from afar. Requires Void Drydock (Wisteria-class). Requires three (3) progress.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] House Divided. It's time to step in and try to negotiate with your sister to end this standoff. Requires two (2) progress. This option will begin the end of the start.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Develop City. Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target City

--[ ] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Location
---[ ] Requires New City name

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
Meet with contractors and build a new specific industry in the system. Cost varies. Each building chain may only be built once per system.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Data Reliquary. The signature monument of the Helmsmen, a testament to their perceived duty to preserving information at all costs if the worst should ever come. The information kept below is reflected in the grandeur above, with only those ordained with the greatest duties able to access the sacred archives unfiltered. Increases Influence by ten (10). Requires two (2) progress. This building must be constructed first before all others in every system of House Iris.

----[ ] Chrysanthemum Scales. A regal and ornate building that serves as the system's headquarters for marketplace and trade officers. It is staffed by a mix of Brilliance Knights and Prisms suited for administrative duties, using their Solarium circuits to process incoming information quicker and come up with streamlined delivery chains to ensure a healthy marketplace for the people. Increases Wealth by eight (8). Decreases Resources by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Lycoris Sanctuary. The Lycoris Knights are those Brilliance Knights who help maintain public order, acting as both counselors and confessors for those in need. This also makes them quite keen on what the public currently feel is most pressing, and so what will best appeal to them. Increases Influence by ten (10). Decreases Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Arms Facility. Glowing sparks of industry fly between these interconnected factories, an ever hungering machine that consumes raw material to process and refine into tools of war. Already while the metals cool, the air is filled with the cries of soldiers being put through proficiency training to use these weapons fresh from the forge. It is a well-oiled union that fuels the fires of the defense industry.
Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified troop kit. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Troop Outfit
Infantry: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Void Drydock. In order to maximize production and streamline the process, it is best if large voidships are actually built in the vacuum of space, or as close as possible to it. The orbit around a planet is an ideal spot for such a task, especially when paired with a space elevator on the ground to facilitate efficient resource from planetside. Should this link be cut off, the facility grinds to a halt. Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified ship class. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Ship Class

Destroyers: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

-----[ ] Star Armory. The allure of grand fortifications remains strong even when among the stars, so the technique has simply been refined and adapted to suit the needs of modern war. It is on a larger scale than any similar structure that may have once existed on ancient Terra, a necessary adjustment to accommodate the more vast nature of stellar warfare. It is not unusual for an entire community to spring up around such a base to do business with those quartered within. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for three (3) regiments. Berth for one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

-----[ ] Fleet Port. What can be easily mistaken for construction around natural formations is actually purposefully shaped to accommodate for the planned housing of enormous ships meant to cross the void of space. Even when the star sailors onboard rest, the dock workers are awaken performing necessary maintenance and repairs in preparation for the next voyage. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for one (1) regiment. Berth for two (2) cruisers and one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Post. Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Sunrise Bank. Accounts now guaranteed under government-subsidized insurance! Open an account today, withdraw your money a galaxy away! Increases Wealth by two (2). Decreases Resources by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Camp Barracks. It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

----[ ] Commercial Spaceport. Under the United Empire common law, no trader that does not posses hostile, hazardous, or forbidden material is to be turned away. They are to be allowed to ply their wares as they see fit, though local oversight is certainly permitted. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for two (2) destroyers or one (1) cruiser. Requires four (4) progress.

--[ ] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Cells. Plant the seeds now for future spycraft opportunities by establishing local support and cover opportunities to slip agents hidden among the populace. Create a spy network in another power. Requires four (4) progress. Further sabotage options require this option first.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Intrigue] Cause Unrest.
Instruct your cells to purposefully cause chaos in another power, drawing attention away from whatever other covert operations you have orchestrated at the same time. Reduces the chance of discovery on the turn it completes. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Intrigue] Send Spies.
Have sharp-eyed spies pass through a rival power, using existing cells to help provide a cover for the experts to work and deduce what the enemy is doing now. Discover what primary action another power is focusing on. Requires one (1) progress. Has a low chance for discovery.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Espionage.
Direct agents to circumvent security systems and access classified military information to pass onto you, a highly risky but priceless operation. Reveals a power's military composition and current numbers. Requires six (6) progress. Has a moderate chance for discovery.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Learning] Outfit Troops. Consider what the gear your soldiers carry into battle, and create a new outfit for the boots on the ground to equip themselves with. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Troop Unit

---[ ] Infantry. The very basic, but essential, foot soldiers that both take and occupy ground when ordered so. Even with mechanized transports, they move fairly slowly around on the battlefield but when it comes to holding the line, their numbers help absorb dire hits. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Artillery. When more finesse is needed on the battlefield, it is the role of land artillery units to provide. They can bring some of the biggest guns of an army's arsenal to bear to flatten terrain and eradicate any remaining resistance from dug-in units. However, this comes at the price of being incredibly fragile and vulnerable themselves. Requires five (5) progress.
---[ ] Mechanized. Quick and fast fighting vehicles tear across the battlefield at lightning speeds, launching surprise attacks wherever gaps present themselves. While their weapons bark away at the enemy, the doors come slamming open to unload the infantry squads within to aid in the assault or begin already digging in. Speed is key for all in the unit. Requires five (5) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Ship. Break out pencils and call up interested naval contractors to kickstart the race to create, prototype, and sell an entirely new spaceship design for your forces. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Ship Types

---[ ] Destroyer. The smallest of notable navy vessels, but vital for domination of local space along and necessary for group troop transports. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Cruiser. Large voidships that traverse the stars and make up the bulk of any fleet that crosses systems. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.

- If you want an idea of how outdated the plane would be, it'd probably be akin to the Phantom II at this point in time.

14 hour moratorium to make a cycle plan.
Travels of Dr. Trench: Sidun
Dr Tamara Trench's Guide to the Realms and Peoples of the United Empire: The Heortarch of Sidun
-[X] [Primary Technology] Mobile Factory. When built at a large enough scale with enough automation, it is possible for spaceships to become vessels of industry themselves.
--[X] Ark homes. The spaceship features all the necessities to host a population onboard for theoretically forever, should resources continue to resupply its holds.

-[X] [Technology] Psionic Mind. Targeted activation of certain parts of the human brain along with intense refinement of will result in a psychic awakening of cognitive faculties to translate will into reality.
--[X] Telepathic enlightenment. The mind hears and speaks all, from wordless communication to intruding into the thoughts of others.

-[X] [Technology] Artificial Intelligence. When software has become so advanced to outpace human learning, the next step is to make the computer that outpaces humanity itself.
--[X] A digital life. Start from scratch with learning models that improve with every passing moment and experience, limited only by the hardware they are based upon, until they are their own person in totality.

-[X] [Technology] Clone Experts. From artificial growth vats comes more life, refined and optimized in a way that cannot be found through natural biology.
--[X] Life anew. The vats are artificial wombs in which genetic material is remixed to bring about wholly new life, one that varies from the donors.

-[X] [Pillar] AI Ruler. This society is governed not by being of flesh and blood, but by one or more AI systems.
-[X] [Pillar] Foreign Technology Dependent. This society is wholly dependent on foreign technology to continue to exist and needs regular resupply from the technology's originators to survive.

Founding of Sidun and the Mission of the Sidun-Class ARK Ship:
The story of Sidun starts way before its construction, with the Sidon Design Bureau. Sidon DB was a small ship design company in the Age of Expansion, specialising in luxury ships, the Sidun Class was dreamt as the "logical" endpoint of this. A massive, mobile and self-sufficient space station, built with every luxury imaginable (and some unimaginable ones). It was imagined as a centre of luxury, indulgence and vice, meant to travel the galaxy as a monument to mankind's greatness, serving only the wealthiest clientele.

Of course, this plan was never realised by Sidon. It was a design bureau, its resources not enough for even one percent of the colossal undertaking that the Sidon Class would be. So the schematics would spend its first decades in storage, figuratively gathering dust.

Entre Arru Spaceworks, the second largest shipbuilding company in the galaxy. The company was at this time on top of the world, flush with cash with its Nassau Class proving an unimaginable commercial success. It went on a consolidation spree, buying up hundreds of smaller companies and design bureaus, among them Sidon.

A new set of managers brought in from Arru dug through Sidon's vast schematic library and found the Sidun Class. Even for a company the size of Arru it wouldn't be easy, but it was possible.

When the schematics finally made it up the corporate ladder, the board of directors were impressed. They agreed to back the project. Through several public-private partnerships, some outsourcing for special parts and a lot of fundraising, the company got the resources it needed and construction began. It would take the combined work of 4 corporations, 2 governments, 5 Nassau Class ships and a dozen resource colonies to build the station, but in the end, after 14 years of hard work, it was finished. Alarms were raised about the project's financial sustainability, but these were at first ignored as pessimistic alarmism which would keep Arru permanently in second place. As the project continued, the sunk-cost fallacy kicked in and any warnings were even more fervently ignored.

By the time of its completion, it was one of the largest stations ever built and the prestige of its completion launched Arru to finally overtake its rival RamFront, as the biggest and most influential shipbuilding company in the galaxy.

THe Development of Sidun and The Introduction of the REGENT System:
Sidun Station itself was a success, though an underwhelming one. It was truly a marvel and drew in enough people to generate a small fortune every day, but it took a very large fortune to keep the station supplied and staffed. The warnings had been correct, already the project's sheer cost had led to the complete economic collapse of a small country and it seemed it might become the slow and very luxurious death of Arru, though that information was kept secret.

Sidon's dream had turned into Arru's nightmare. It had managed to build the station, but now it had to find some way of making the station profitable in the long term.

First came cost-cutting. The need to remain at the forefront of anything luxurious meant that the consumer-side couldn't be compromised in any way, Sidun earned a lot of money on the promise of there being no place in the galaxy better than it. So cost-cutting fell on the employees.

Hallon, the biggest and most preeminent company in the cloning sector, was more than willing to get involved. A cutting-edge cloning bay was built in one of the station's many sections(1) and soon the natural human employees were slowly replaced with specialised Hallon clones, willing and able to work seven days a week, 365 days a year for no pay.

These Sidunites would prove both cheaper and better than normal humans, with employee expenses decimated and consumer satisfaction rising as the replacement was implemented.

Still, there was always more money that could be saved and next came automation. Khepron had recently made a breakthrough in the area of super-advanced AI and Arru needed that edge to keep the station (and the company) afloat. Luckily Arru had a branch office and many connections in the Khepron system and after they explained what they needed the AI for, the relevant companies were willing to sell an AI system for a not too outrageous price(2).

The AI (self-designated as REGENT) would quickly prove its worth, massively reducing the needed administrative staff, optimising the general running of the station and would even prove vital in the final project, the way that Sidun would be able to truly claim the role as the centre of hedonistic pleasure in the known universe.

In the waning days of the Age of Expansion, Sidun Station would dock near the planet Mazdak, home of the Mentax Followers(3). The reason Arru sought out the Mentax Followers was to obtain the secrets of the Mentax Meditations, a set of mental exercises and physical modifications used to achieve a form of psionic awakening. It would take several years and many favours paid to the Mentax Followers before they gave REGENT the secrets of even one of the more basic forms of the Mentax Meditations, but for REGENT it was enough.

REGENT mixed the many exotic technologies that had been used to build and upgrade Sidun Station. With Hallon cloning technology it cloned brand new brains(5), which it then in turn modified with the Mentax Meditations to awaken their psionic potential and finally, using its own malleable form, it connected these brains to its own AI system core. REGENT was now, in every way that mattered, a psionically awakened AI.

REGENT could now, in just a few minutes, scour the mind of anyone entering the station, finding their deepest desires and use that knowledge to handcraft a perfect experience for every individual visitor.

Sidun Station was now unrivalled, a machine perfected to serve the whims of the galactic elite. Perfectly in time for the Age of Troubles to begin.

Troubles of Sidun and Reign of the REGENT system:
Like for most, the early days of the Age of Troubles wasn't itself too trouble filled. By now Sidun Station was racking in an ocean of wealth, making Arru fabulously wealthy and spreading its legend wherever it went.

But conflict was flaring up. At first Sidun simply bought a small army of mercenaries for security, keeping them on permanent retainer, but with isolationism growing and with the Troubles truly beginning, the station was recalled to Arru headquarters at Luyten. They wished both to keep the station near the profitable markets of the galactic centre while at the same time keeping it safe from any threats.

Sadly these intentions wouldn't keep the stations safe for long.

The Core Wars would change the destiny of Sidun Station, as during a visit to the Kama system, the Burning of Luyten happened. The surprise attack caught the defenders and inhabitants completely off-guard and the proceeding destruction of the planet killed billions, among them the leadership of Arru and Sidon DB.

The only survivor, a board member who'd been visiting Sidun at the time, was now the last member of the governing board. This Elis Liepa would take over Sidun Station, fleeing the galactic core.
Sidun Station was now independent of external rule, Liepa the only person able to command the REGENT AI which controlled the station. He continued serving the galaxy with every joy and pleasure that Sidun Station could offer, while also evolving what the Station was.

While the destruction of Arru removed all restrictions for Sidun Station, it also meant that the station had no external backers and security guarantees anymore. So, with complete control of all finances, Liepa expanded the mercenary fleet into a true armada, one which could provide a challenge for any foe who might wish to take the station for themselves.

Still, not all was good with Mr Liepas. Having lost all family and friends during the Burning of Luyten, he became deeply depressed. He used work and the threat of the station's destruction to motivate himself, but with the station now (relatively) safe, he saw little reason to continue. His final act was to hand complete station control over to REGENT. He then retired to his own section of the base(4).

REGENT was now the master of Sidun Station and under their management the station would carry on through the galaxy. Under REGENT, Sidun grew to become more than just the pleasure barge it had been under Arru and Liepas, it became a cultural institution. Has visited almost every human polity at least once and has become a true legend.

Its strict political neutrality, combined with its massive armada, meant that no one really wished to threaten it. Its popularity among the galactic elite even caused some groups to sign international agreements to not hinder Sidun's operations.

Sidun also served as a massive arcology for the preservation of flora and fauna. This was not for any grand moral reason, simply because the station, with how massive it was, both could and wished to house as many exotic plants and animals for the consumption or keeping of its visitors.

This status quo would continue and for the rest of the Age of Troubles, Sidun Station served as a hub of culture, peace and pleasure.

Unification of Sidun and Power of Mentax Meditations:
The Age of Troubles was ending, the blooming of a new age had begun and REGENT was more than willing to reap the profits.

A mighty fleet had emerged out of the core and its leaders had managed to sway the Elox Hierarchy and Carolian Reavers to gather for a massive peace conference. This gathering of immensely powerful and wealthy people drew Sidun Station to it like a moth to a lamp. If this new galactic contender managed to reconcile the two rivals, Sidun was a more than suitable venue for peace celebrations, if it failed, it wouldn't be much of a danger for Sidun.

And when the mighty station and its armada entered the system, it seemed like it was headed towards the latter. The fleets were armed and positioned for fighting to begin at any moment. But the arrival of this fourth party had changed things.

The Stellarch, being wise in the ways of diplomacy and negotiations, swiftly seized the opportunity that Sidun presented. With just a quick exchange of messages, it was agreed to move negotiations over to Sidun. REGENT was even willing to hand out some generous discounts.

The flow of alcohol, food and other luxuries helped cool tempers, giving the Stellarch much needed breathing room. As the leaders and diplomats were engaging with the amenities generously provided by REGENT, it and the Stellarch came to another, even greater agreement.

Using the personality data which REGENT could gather through its Mentax augmented brains, it aided the Stellarch to steer the negotiations to a peaceful end, leaving everyone more satisfied than what a compromise peace reasonably should have.

The shared victory allowed REGENT to ask for several privileges for its own integration into the Stellarch's empire. Even to this day, Sidun Station pays no taxes, has very favourable trade agreements with all imperial-owned companies and institutions and its leader, the REGENT system, holds the unique title of Heortarch(5).

Following the Peace of Torano, Sidun Station continued like it had been before its integration into the Empire, while also filling several new niches. During the first Stellarch's reunification campaign, Sidun would regularly serve as the site of negotiations. REGENT also served as an important diplomatic advisor to the Stellarch, though only those times when the two were at the same place.

As the expansion slowed down and the galaxy entered a new normal, Sidun got yet another important role. Many vassal states within the Empire had people it would want to get rid off, like claimants to thrones, powerful political enemies, etc. The traditional way to permanently remove enemies like these may sometimes not be an option due to cultural, religious or political reasons.

It was the Eloxian Praetor who first came up with the idea of sending her opponents (in this case the family of the last Hierarch) to be sent to Sidun Station. In exchange for a sizable donation to the station, REGENT agreed to keep these prisoners safe and secure on the station.

It was a genius move. The Sidun armada meant that breaking in or out of the station would be almost impossible, but the unrivalled luxury of Sidun, combined with the Mentax-enhanced charisma of REGENT itself, meant that the prisoners' will to even try and escape was steadily ground down. Over the course of many years, Sidun has become the home of many exiles, who now form their own small society on the station.

Nowadays Sidun serves all these roles, diplomatic centre, luxury prison and greatest hub of decadence in the known galaxy.

Dr. Trench Authors Note: The following extract from my travel diary has been heavily edited. By its very nature, many parts of the Sidunian experience can't be accurately explained in a way appropriate for a book meant for use in educational institutions like this one. This does not mean I haven't been as thorough as possible in my research of Sidun Station. I was even forced to extend my stay multiple times, at great personal expense, to gain a level of knowledge I felt was needed to accurately describe it in this chapter.

"When I told my friend Chava that I would be going to Sidun Station to study and document its society, she laughed out loud. I imagine this will be the reaction of many of this book's readers too. Sidun Station has a not wholly underserved reputation for luxury and excess, but I would like to remind you, dear reader, that this is not everything this renowned station is. In the proper text you'll surely have read of the station and its leaders' august history, as well as the many ways it serves humanity.
After having reached out to the station's foreign office, I was surprised to find a personal invitation by Regent, the Heortrach of Sidun and its associated armada. They were interested in aiding my academic work as best as it could, even giving me a discount to make my stay less taxing on my finances.
When I arrived I was allowed to meet with Regent themself. This first meeting wasn't anything exceptional, it was mostly just a social call. Of note was that this was when I was first introduced to Apate, one of the clone staff of Sidun and my personal butler for the duration of my stay. She and I quickly became good friends and she was a great help in my study of the station.
After this meeting I spent several days just exploring the station. It's truly massive, with entire forests and lakes just for the preservation and breeding of a staggeringly diverse collection of animals. My home planet of Lanarc has this wonderfully tasty fish known as the Lanarcian White Spotted Fish and when I asked to eat one, they actually had it, Apate even asked if I wanted the northern or southern (I of course chose northern). It was one of the best meals I've ever eaten, especially as paid for a temporary gene-mod, which allowed me to experience more flavour than any unmodified human ever could.
Anyhow, my stay wasn't just food. I traversed and made several sketches of some of the natural environments the station is host to and they are equally wonderful. There I also met some of the station's nobility. Sidunian nobility aren't made up of any natives, instead they are the people who have, for one reason or another, been made permanent residents of the station. A Lamarcian Director-Prince, a Pogoran Boss and a Cythoni Marcher-Lord. They had all been exiled to SIdun, but had settled down quite well and enjoyed their lives at their new home. They made for good company and the Cythoni invited me to stay a couple days at his estate.
When I first heard this I was confused. Apparently these nobility have their own estates on the station, usually in one of the many nature preserves. The Cythoni specifically had a small castle of dark grey stone, located in one of the tundra biomes. It was truly like being at Cython again, minus the murderous robot dragons. I can truly see why people don't feel like leaving this place.
I stayed with the Cythoni for a few days. On the last day, as thanks for my company, he held a ball in my honour, with many of his fellow nobles visiting to take part. Even Regent made an appearance on a massive screen put up just for them. Apate once again proved her worth many times over, helping me get a dress made for me and doing my makeup for me.
After that I visited one of the "Spice Halls". These are the places in which one can test any known medicinal substance in the United Empire. I spent a couple days just trying out various types, before settling on some Pogoran AEEs to help me organise my notes for the next edition of my book. I finished with a quick round of anti-addiction gene edits, putting me back to normal.
I could of course not resist trying out…
[Censored sections have been removed by Papermaker Publishing]
Finally I had reached the end of my very long stay on the station. I wished I could have stayed longer, but duty and contractual obligations called. Lastly I had a goodbye meeting with Regent.
This meeting was nothing like the first. Firstly, Regent chose to appear in a female-presenting form this time. She had quite a stunning look, with long curly black hair and dark brown eyes. I feel this longer meeting truly allowed me to get to know them. They were funny and charming and felt much more in their element. We discussed my plans for my book and what I'd write about Sidun. They helped me organise my many notes, while also clearing up some mistakes and misunderstandings, which was very useful.
We also discussed other things, like my friendship with Apate, Regent's own history and Elis Liepa, the first proper leader of Sidun.
It was a wonderfully useful discussion and I'd like to say that I managed to forge at least a budding friendship with Regent that last day of my stay."

(1) Sidun wasn't allowed to produce its own replacement parts though, which meant the station was dependent on Hallon for said parts and technical knowledge. Nowadays it's the United Kingdoms of Hallow who serves the august role.
(2) REGENT apparently still keeps in contact with its AI "siblings" in the Consuldom of Khepron. They are also the only ones who produce the rare AI technology that REGENT needs to remain operational.
(3) The Mentax Followers are a religious group who use the psionic powers obtained via the Mentax Meditations to create, in their words, a perfectly harmonious society. Their insular nature means I haven't yet had the possibility to go on an in depth study of their society.
(4) REGENT refused to answer any questions of what Liepas did after his retirement.
(5) REGENT explained to me that the title roughly translates to "Feast Ruler".

This chapter is dedicated to Apate Hendekás for her hospitality and friendship during my stay at Sidun

And that's another chapter done!

As I said last time, I never know when the muses will leave, but I'm finally back, at least for the moment. No Khepron sadly, you'll have to be happy with just one (1) hot AI this time.

Also, you didn't read wrong, I did put four technologies in the Origins section. I had an idea which required all of them, so I just used all of them, that's it. I hope its somewhat balanced by the Foreign Technology Dependent pillar. Sidun isn't some mega advanced haven of scientific development, REGENT just uses pay-to-win.

I actually thought about having one of the nobles that Tamara met be a Solar Princess from Helm, but I didn't feel like waiting on Cel to approve it before publishing (It's 1 am as I'm writing this).

Anyhow, that's everything for this time. Hopefully we won't have to wait so long until the next installment of the series.

Edit: Also, first non-Preatorium!

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Plane Stats
Seeing as how folks seem to want to have at least a peek at how making their own jets can go, let's do a basic premise and explanation of the important stats.

While traversing between the stars to distant planets is the latest form in which humanity has soared, neither did they forget how they once took flight. Indeed, instead of being written off the moment the first spaceship lifted off, the field of personal aeronautics has simply adapted to include the idea of smaller craft also flying through space. As such, the various jets of humanity now boast the ability to seamlessly transition between atmospheric and space flight while also boasting often multirole capabilities, maintaining a strong independent presence that cannot be simply discounted.

A typical Airwing is usually divided into two (2) Squadrons, each of them tracked separately when their pilots are ordered to prepare for a sortie. Elite Airwings usually only have one (1) Squadron in comparison but they are also almost exclusively all veteran aces, meaning that their very few numbers hide the significant battlefield presence they can have.

Squadrons are characterized by the following stats, which then typically are based off the planes they fly. They are as follow:
Chassis: A measure of the average overall health of the entire Squadron, including both active and downed craft.
Sorties: A measure of how many times a Squadron can fly out on in a single round of combat.
Attack: A measure of how effective the Squadron is at engaging targets. This can be further divided into specific categories.
Agility: A measure of how quickly the Squadron can react and adjust to developing situations, for either maneuvering through dogfights or evading damage.
Launch Bay: A simple yes/no that determines if a Squadron loaded onto a ship can also launch missions directly from its hangers.

This an abstract measure of a Squadron's current health, representing how many pilots and aircraft are still service-capable. It is a value usually determined by the overall airframe they are flying and will go down during sorties if they come under attack. Even more importantly is that at a threshold of every ten (10) points lost, they will need to make a critical effect check. This is to determine if they have lost critical personnel such as officers or if their jets have begun to malfunction from continual wear and tear.

When the value hits zero (0) or if a severe enough critical effect is applied, the Squadron is considered to be lost in action. From there, it must make a roll to determine its ultimate fate, including if the pilots are able to be safely rescued in time.

Squadrons will usually be tasked with a specific duty to act as they see fit, and they will fly over the battlefield so long as they still have fuel in their tanks and ammunition on their wings. Sometimes they will return back to base for a quick refill or even receive mid-air replenishment from available Pelicans. So to represent this ability to possible engage multiple times, a Sortie value is assigned that is usually based off the aircraft in question.

If a round of combat ends without a Squadron able to exhaust all its Sorties, it will regain a small amount of Chassis proportional to the current remaining value reflect the time spent on maintenence and repairs instead of combat.

The advent of multirole jet craft means that Squadrons can be outfitted and equipped with a dizzying variety of weapons on the go. However, even then, there will be some aircraft that happen to have a favored target it was designed to be effective against. As such, there are two parts to the Attack value, the overall value and then the subcategories.

The overall Attack value that a Squadron has applies to all situations, and is the value first considered. However, there are also three subvalues that can boost the value higher if an appropriate target is engaged. These also each have their own Damage value to determine how effective they are at dealing lasting damage to their targets.

Air is for when the Squadron fights against other nimble small craft wherever in intense dogfights.
Ground is used when the Squadron focuses on delivering arms strafing on ground units.
Naval is appropriate when the Squadron is making bomb runs on larger voidships.

Most small craft are not designed to take direct hits and contine flying impeded, owing to their very precise streamlined design. Even glancing hits can spiral quickly into a cascade of failure when systems begin to lock up from continued stress. It means that the best defense aircraft have when under attack can boil down to one thing. This also happens to be the same aspect used for aircraft attempting to engage one another in air-to-air combat.

Agility as such is a vital value for aircraft, being both how they will attempt to mitigate incoming damage and how well they can attempt to maneuver in a scrum. It is a value base derived from the plane model, and will have modifiers applied depending on the situation at hand.

Launch Bay
For all the celebrated versatility thanks to advancements in technology, there is still an undeniable and underlying requirement that has yet to be cracked: the need for enough space to build up speed before taking off. On planets it is hardly an issue, but the void of space doesn't have much room to work with, as ironic as that might sound. As such, special launch and receiving facilities have to be built into ships and aircraft properly adjusted with matching systems so.

The sight at least is something to behold, a feat of engineering that is capable of being an airfield away from home.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on May 5, 2024 at 1:07 AM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Steady As She Goes
    -[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
    --[X] [Intrigue] Send Spies. Have sharp-eyed spies pass through a rival power, using existing cells to help provide a cover for the experts to work and deduce what the enemy is doing now. Discover what primary action another power is focusing on. Requires one (1) progress. Has a low chance for discovery.
    ---[X] House Iris Separatists
    -[X] [Character] Radana, Camellia Knight
    --[X] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress
Air Combat
The wide expanse of the skies and the diminutive size of jets in comparison means that there isn't just a simple singular grand battle to get engaged in. Rather, they will come into contact with one another while on missions, getting into brief flashes of frantic engagement before breaking off to reform or evacuate depending on their judgements.

To represent this, there are a number of listed concepts that describe the influences that contribute to resolving Squadrons acting while deployed, including how damage is inflicted and resolved.

Duty Tasking
When Airwings are nominated to join a battle, it comes with each Squadron then being assigned to one of two duties they will focus on carrying out through the round. These two duties are the following:

Fighters which focus primarily on securing aerial superiority and interception roles.
Bombers which focus primarily on initiating and attacking enemy targets.

Aerial Superiority
When aircraft get involved in a battle, they are essentially opening up a new front to consider. Part of this involves being able to secure aerial corridors to reach the battlefield, even in the presence of enemy fighters that may be on the prowl. To represent this, Aerial Superiority defines how much of the relative space is controlled by both sides.

The way it is determined is a ratio calculation based off how many Squadrons each side has assigned to Fighter duties. Each Squadron will generate 1d10 points (elites generating 2d10 instead), and the total then all combined together for one's side number. Once both sides have been tallied up, then a ratio is created and then rounded down to one of three following states:

Aerial Parity (5:5) - There is no clear victor, both sides have a flat 50% of arriving per fight.
Aerial Control (7:3) - One side has an edge that establishes a strong aerial presence, giving their missions a good 70% chance of showing up while their opponents must make do with 30%.
Aerial Domination (9:1) - There is no question about one side winning the war on the skies for now, giving a significant 90% chance of manifesting sorties while the overwhelmed losers fight desperately to get a 10% chance up.

In the event one side only having aircraft in a battle, it defaults to Aerial Domination regardless of fighter count.

Damage Resolution
Throughout the battle, there will be calls for aircraft dealing or receiving damage. For ease of reference, this is defined now. Damage from and done to planes are done similarly to the standard, simply replacing Armor with Agility.

When a Squadron attacks they make a roll to hit, adding or substracting any appropriate modifiers. Depending on the final total, the following list determines how success their attack was.
0-25: Failed attack, no damage.
26-50: Ineffective attack, does only minimum damage.
51-75: Successful attack, add 1d10 to damage.
76+: Critical attack, add 2d10 to damage. Any roll over 100 will apply the excess as a negative modifier to the defender's Armor roll.

When coming under fire, Squadrons must rely on their Agility to evade incoming attacks and will roll appropriately to determine the success of their attempted evasion.
0-50: Evasion failed, the attack goes through unmodified.
51-75: Partial evasion, the attack is reduced by 1d10.
76-100: Good evasion, the attack is reduced by 2d10.
100+: Pristine evasion, the attack is reduced by 2d10 that can exceed the minimum damage.

Directed Airstrikes
After objectives and numbers are established, Squadrons tasked to Bomber duties will have an offered opportunity to perform a preemptive strike on chosen enemy targets. These orders are issued during the tactical planning stage and are usually the only time priority targets are marked.

They will then launch a mass strike at the appropriate time, flying in and unleashing their payloads before swiftly evacuating. This rapid and quick attack is typically characterized by being more like a hurried strafe than proper run, so there is a malus to the Attack roll. However, such also throws off anti-air targeting systems, giving them an equal penalty as well.

Independent Attacks
After any assigned Directed Airstrikes are carried out, any Squadrons on Bomber duty with Sorties still available will swap to standby and be on call for close air strikes. These can occur throughout a battle, the likelihood of it occurring defined by the generated Aerial Superiority ratio. When the roll occurs, a random standby Squadron will fly in and attempt to make a regular strike, this time without the benefit or hindrance of extreme speed.

Anti-Air Defense
The most common opposition to Bombers doing their jobs is their target or nearby supporting elements having anti-air capabilities. They are usually capable of immediately detecting approaching hostile craft and warming quickly up, becoming ready to fire by the time the attack run lines up. At this point, pilots have no choice but to trust a mix of skill and luck to fly through the enemy attack before unleashing their own attack.

Only one anti-air attack can be made per bombing run, and it is usually the closest unit capable. If there are multiple in equal distance, it is randomly chosen.

Interception Chance
When Squadrons on Bomber duties show up, there is a chance that a random opposing Squadron on Fighter duty could show up as well to try and intercept the attack before it even begins. The odds of this are determined by the Aerial Superiority situation meaning the more hotly contested the air is, the greater the odds.

However in turn, there is also a chance of a random allied Squadron also on Fighter duty will too appear to ambush and draw away the opposition. Once again, the odds are based on the Aerial Superiority. All this assumes that these relevant Squadrons on Fighter duty have Sorties available, and only one Squadron assigned to Fighter duty can show up per side.

Aerial Dogfighting
When two opposing Squadrons meet in the skies, the result is undoubtedly an air-to-air engagement to shoot each other down. The way this is done is broken into stages of attacker and defender, the roles of which could swap wildly through the scrumfight. The general rule is that the last Squadron to show up is the Attacker, and the previous the Defender.

A single stage of combat is as follows:
  1. The attacker strikes first, being in an advantageous position in which they are on the defender's tail.
  2. After this attack is resolved, the defender may now attempt an Agility roll to reverse the situation. A good roll can even give them a bonus to their upcoming attack.
  3. If the Agility roll is successful, then the roles are reversed and return to the first step, though the stress of the maneuver puts an increasing burden on all the pilots.
  4. If the Agility roll is failed, then the attacker may now make an Agility roll to stay on their target. Like before, a good roll will set them up for a superior attack position.
  5. If this Agility roll is successful, then return to the first step, although the stress of the dogfight is too beginning to wear on them.
  6. If this Agility roll is a failure, then the defenders have successful disengaged and retreated. The dogfight is over.
There are two general considerations to keep in mind when going through an aerial engagement. The first is that every time the conflict returns to the beginning, there is a growing penalty to Agility rolls to represent the pilots tiring from continued high-G maneuvers. This then ties into the next understanding that the moment there are two successive failed Agility rolls from both sides to continue the engagement, then the fight is over.
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Cycle 10.1
[X] Plan Steady As She Goes
-[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[X] [Intrigue] Send Spies. Have sharp-eyed spies pass through a rival power, using existing cells to help provide a cover for the experts to work and deduce what the enemy is doing now. Discover what primary action another power is focusing on. Requires one (1) progress. Has a low chance for discovery.
---[X] House Iris Separatists
-[X] [Character] Radana, Camellia Knight
--[X] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress

Radana watched the people in various business attire fill into the meeting room and resisted the urge to sigh in front of them. For one, it would be ghastly impolite and inappropriate to show such reluctance so openly when she was the host of this gathering for aviation experts. All of these individuals were respected experts in the field, many of them at least boasting an engineering background or likewise related familiarity in tandem with a business focus. Though not many present could boost to be direct masters of the craft, that being the realm of Prisms and their learned art.

Rather, the purpose of this meeting was simply to establish the goals and outline of what the Solar Princess was asking for. That was in fact the other reason why Radana was holding back her exasperation at being asked to participate in weapons development once again, in spite of being an elegant diplomat first and foremost-!

No. She closed her eyes briefly to take a moment to calm herself. As the current situation within House Iris was, there was no need for a levelheaded gossip collector on the greater stage. The more important part was that this was necessary to help her best friend through a truly rough time for her. Even though Radana knew above else that Violet absolutely deserved all the praise and acclaim for guiding the Helmsmen through these turbulent times, the woman loathed all the attention and wanted nothing more than to return to the shadows.

That was why, Radana would forever argue, her best friend was the perfect one to step up in the wake of His Majesty's passing.

But her friend wanted otherwise and so, the Camellia Knight would respect it. All she could otherwise now was open her eyes and survey the seated design firm representatives, eager looks in their assorted gazes. They more than likely have already heard about her work in getting the local firearms industry kickstarted, and they now hoped for a possibly equally profitable relationship in this new venture. She couldn't blame them either, especially when she decided to fan the flames with a bold declaration to begin the meeting.

"I would confess that until as of recently, I had been under the impression that the most advanced fighter craft of our time was that which was most depicted in the movies. That relic of the Iron Flowers incident." There was a quiet murmur that ran through the others, one that soon died down at Radana's gaze. "I have since been informed of numerous deficiencies and outdated systems that have resulted in the plane being retired ages ago. But yet it still lingers so in the media, causing a cascade of continued misinformation and wronged preconceptions about what our pilots are flying.

"To that end, I would like to state I have a singular bold task set before us all." She flashed a smile filled with a little more teeth than normal and activated the projector built into the table. "I would like for us to design a new generation of aircraft that not only features the very latest in military technology as we have, but one that will also shatter the image of the past. Would any of you happen to be interested in becoming the next household name now?"

Stunned silence was then broken by eager whispering and head bobbing. Good, it looked like her little dare had lit a fire among them. Of course the exact specifications and actual blueprints would be left up to the Prisms, but the overall design goals and functions would be determined by this early committee, with a lucky firm being sworn to spearhead the effort. Considering then that the greater duties one has the greater power one is bestowed through solarium, it was indeed both a burden and gift.

Radana knew that quite well, and was resolved to ensure those entrusted so had the support they needed then to carry out their schemes.

Create a Plane Plan!
[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] Airframe
--[ ] System (s)
-[ ] Name

Choose an Airframe
-[ ] [Airframe] Mutt Mk1 State of the art weapon computers embedded within this aggressive frame ensure rapid locks and even quicker safety toggles to great effect.
Chassis: 40
Sorties: 2
Attack: +10
- Damage (Air): 3
- Damage (Ground): 3
- Damage (Ship): 3
Agility: +0
Launch Bay: No
Systems: 2

-[ ] [Airframe] Hawk Mk1 Sleek, smooth, and superb are all words that come to mind that describe the elegance of this swift and nimble chassis in flight.
Chassis: 40
Sorties: 2
Attack: +0
- Damage (Air): 3
- Damage (Ground): 3
- Damage (Ship): 3
Agility: +10
Launch Bay: No
Systems: 2

-[ ] [Airframe] Zeke Mk1 An advanced aircraft with multiple built-in electronic systems, including the ability to launch smoothly out of hangers onboard ships.
Chassis: 40
Sorties: 2
Attack: +0
- Damage (Air): 3
- Damage (Ground): 3
- Damage (Ship): 3
Agility: +5
Launch Bay: Yes
Systems: 1


Choose Systems
[ ] [System] Catapult Integration Mk 1 To launch directly from voidships, the aircraft must be adjusted and reinforced with alternative materials to keep the weight the same, while also tough enough to resist being flung out into space to launch.
Systems: 1
Modifiers: None
Special: This aircraft may now sortie from Launch Bays.

-[ ] [System] Fuel Port Mk1 Mount a special nozzle that the pilot can toggle open mid-flight to connect with a hose extended from a Pelica for mid-air refueling operations to extend their current flight time.
Systems: 1
Modifiers: +1 Sortie
Special: None

-[ ] [System] Gyro Overhaul Mk1 Go extensively through the entire frame and painstakingly add more gyros into the various moving parts, increasing the aircraft's response time and hopefully maneuverability while at it.
Systems: 1
Modifiers: +5 Agility
Special: None

-[ ] [System] Grey Guidance Mk1 Adjust the plane's payloads to feature a universally useful propellant that has increased efficiency against majority targets.
Systems: 1
Modifiers: +5 Attack
Special: None


Finish it with a Name!
-[ ] [Name] ____ Aircraft
--[ ] Manufacturing Firm (Optional)

- I've decided to rename the HP of Squadrons from Planes to Chassis after some thought. It rolls a bit better overall.
- Systems are basically like ship slots, and are addons that further tweak/differentiate planes. Word's still out about their overall balance, but I'm not afraid to redo stuff as it comes and goes. I just hope that all these systems are going to be fun, I know I certainly am having so coming up with them.

14 hour moratorium to come up with a new aircraft.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on May 9, 2024 at 12:25 AM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Hellkitty
    -[X] Airframe: Mutt mk1
    --[X] [System] Catapult Integration Mk 1
    --[X] [System] Fuel Port Mk1
    -[X] Name: Hellcat mk1
    -[X] Manufacturer: Rostok Aerodyne
    [X] Plan The Fighting Fae
    -[X] [Airframe] Hawk Mk1 Sleek, smooth, and superb are all words that come to mind that describe the elegance of this swift and nimble chassis in flight.
    --[X] [System] Catapult Integration Mk 1
    --[X] [System] Gyro Overhaul Mk. 1
    -[X] [Name] Witchfire mk. 1
    --[X] Avalon Aeronautics
Cycle 10.2

Radana resisted the urge to massage her temples at the fact the design team was deadlocked, disappointingly for a good reason that made it difficult to simply overrule. It seemed that while all were in agreement that a specialized aircraft was what House Iris needed, the nature of said focus was highly disputed. Half the room wanted an interceptor around winning the fight in the air, while the other insisted that a general all purpose aircraft that would be of more use everywhere.

Eventually, she held up her hand to forestall another bubbling round of roundabout arguments, taking charge as the moderator of the discussion. There were some fearful looks when she stood up to address the room, so she tactfully began with reassurance. "You all prove yourselves worthy during this discussion, but I fear that while my lady is very ambitious," Ambitious in the sense she wants to find a way to be lazy all day, "We have the resources to move only one project ahead to completion at the moment. Seeing how time-sensitive the nature of this request is, then I will simply have it be whoever can build, prototype, and refine their product first."

This earned a round of side-eye looks and slightly uneasy glances. Radana closed her eyes and reflected that this might not necessarily be the best or safest way to resolve the issue. It was entirely possible that corporate espionage or forced overtime might tilt the scales either project's odds. But she had little choice and besides, there was once critical thing: her best friend likely already had spies infesting these companies. If they pulled something dirty or abusive, the Solar Princess could more than easily notice and flag it for later review.

Though it meant more work for the perpetually complaining royalty as well. The Camelia Knight let out a very undignified snort at that, not caring about the slightly shocked looks from the suits. Serves her right for doing this to me again.


(Construct Post (Camp Barracks): 39 +17 (Kat) +1 (Wealth) = 57)

Progress: 5/3. Completed!

Camp Barracks have been built in Gawain. Wealth -2, Influence -2, Military +2

The vehicle salesman swallowed at the sight of the military lawyers examining the contract he laid out. After a quiet exchange with one another, they nodded and pushed the paper back to the dealership owner. "Acceptable." One of them gruffly told the relieved dealer and rose up from the chair. "Barely. We will be back if we hear you've changed the interest rates."

"Though if you keep your word, expect more than a few to come your way from word of mouth," The other lawyer mentioned with a nod. "The military does pay well after all."

"O-of course. I wouldn't want to take advantage of our brave soldiers!"


(Design Aircraft (Hellkitty): 59 +7 (Radana) +1 (Wealth) = 67)
(Design Aircraft (Witchfire): 99 + 7 (Radana) +1 (Wealth) = 107)

Progress: 4/6. In Progress.

You let out a low whistle while reading through the report, slowly shaking your head in a mix of disbelief and awe. "Wow. I have to admit, I was a bit suspect about the rate they were going through test pilots, but they actually did it."

"It's still in the testing phase, and hardly the most effective of outfits compared to our Guardian suits," Radana mentioned while bringing over a pot of tea. "It's also only working with this specific cockpit model at the moment with in-house software as well. They aren't sharing, despite the petitions of the other team."

You shrugged and dropped the report on your desk to pick up a filled cup. "They've earned the right to sit on those laurels for now, but I wouldn't count their rivals out yet. I'll leave it to you to decide if both sides deserve a fair shake at things. After all," You couldn't help and gave her a wide teasing grin, "You are the Marquise of Guns- ack!"

"Oh my," Radana flatly drawled at your choked coughing. "I think I may have forgotten to let the tea cool before serving. How clumsy of me."

"Curse this scorching yet delectable beverage!" At least she had a bottle of cold water to help cool your tongue down afterwards.


(Recruit Regiment (1st Andernian Guards): 28 +14 (Violet) +1 (Wealth) = 43)

Progress: 4/7. In Progress.

The door slammed open and the lights violently flicked on, inciting a round of exhausted groans from the slumbering recruits. Some even had the gall to protest, begging for sleep after a long day of physical training. The Drill Sergeant wasn't having any of it.

"You think the enemy's going to give you a chance for a good night's sleep?! No, they're going to slit your throats, and you won't hear a damn thing with all your snoring!" They hollered, grabbing and shaking the bedframes to force the boots to roll off. "I'm not having you sleep through a night raid, so get used to it! Up, in your gear, now! Go assemble and get ready in five minutes! And so help me, if any of you are missing equipment when I check, that's a smoking for all of you. So get moving and cover each other!"

Five minutes later, the red-eyed recruits were assembled. Ten minutes later, they nearly collapsed when their punishment push-ups were finally over. Fifteen minutes later, they were already back in their bunks, some of them weeping and others wondering if they would last another week like this.

Thirty minutes later, the lights came on again and the screams resumed. Sleep didn't come easy that night for the future soldiers of House Iris.


(Send Spies (House Iris Separatists): 4 +14 (Dorothea) +1 (Wealth) = 19)

Progress: 1/1. Completed!

Results: 89 -10 (Easy Operation) +20 (Spider's Web) = 99. Silenced Success.

The buggy was left behind and the operative carefully climbed up the small hill of black stones, taking care to not kick any rocks loose. Having the sound of a bouncing pebble draw attention to them now and ruin the operation now would be a disaster, especially after all the effort put into uncovering the Solar Princess' itinerary. Even then, it was a hassle to covertly 'borrow' an off-road vehicle to follow the small transport craft out beyond the city.

But it was all worth it now, as the spy inched forward on their belly and drew out a small electric scanner, one with a handy zoom function. It also happened to have a record and broadcast trigger, though they didn't know about it, especially as it was an aftermarket modification by their own boss. It meant that when the device was activated and the lens focused on what was being seen in the distance, the information was already being broadcast all the way to Andernia IV.

So that was how two daughters of the Late Solar King were looking at the grounded ruins of a colony ship with matching contemplative expressions.

- I'll still roll to see if the Hellkitty will catch up, but Witchfire smacked it out of the park for research and development. If it wins, it wins.
- You discovered your sister's plans early, so you have a slight wiggle room. Though not by much.
Cycle 11.0
Kat studied the provided picture intensely despite her shaking nervous hands, her talent shining through the nerves for a moment. " definitely not going to...going to lift off soon," The Hyacinth declared with a quivering note to her voice. "The h-hull is in so many broken pieces, though the skeleton is...mostly intact."

"I see. Thank you for the insight," Dorothea praised and then turned to you with thin lips. "But my lady, I must inform you that there has been stirrings from what little industry your sister has at her disposal. I'm not quite yet firm on all the details so I don't want to alarm you unnecessarily, just please keep it in mind for now."

You carefully put on an expression that was worrisome relief, making sure to stress your supposed ignorance of the topic. "I understand, and I thank you for keeping an eye on it. I however must insist that I be kept read into the developing situation our spies report back." You laced your fingers together and looked between the two retainers of House Iris. "Is there anything else? If not, both of you are free to excuse yourselves."

Once they had given the appropriate gestures of respect and the office door sealed closed behind them, you let out a groan and slumped in your chair. "My sister is absolutely going to try and get colony ships patched up and working to begin expanding outwards," You declared as a matter of fact and your best friend let out a matching quiet exhale.

"It would line up with the activity you've been observing for a while," Radana agreed and began to meander over to the kitchenette unit. "I think we need a cup of flame blossom with that news."

"It's not so really as much news as it is just showing that soon, we can't pretend that she's contained any longer," You firmly concluded and pulled up a map of the system, along with a fleet description. "We might have two ships of our own, but she's looking to match us in those numbers and the sizes are roughly equal too. The main thing we'll have then is that our ships are actually in one piece and not stitched together to the point where a single lovetap would cause a hull breach."

"Yet they still are ships, and your sister does also happen to have an air force," Your friend reminded and you cursed when your desk interface helpfully added matching angry red planes to the force composition. "It would make even attempting to move into the orbit of Andernia III exceedingly difficult at our current stage."

"I know, I know, especially when we're really starting to feel how cramped we are by our current limits. I still find it slightly baffling that my great-however-many-grandparents were willingly to live like this." You grimaced at the concept, definitely finding it less than desired. "Still no progress on the mystery of the FTL beacon, by the way. Kat's even had a good look herself, and she can't figure out the issue. It seems to be working, but we're just not being allowed to transmit or receive data."

There was some silent contemplation that followed, one that was soon broken by a kettle whistling when the water reached boiling. Swiftly, Radana took if off the heat and began to pour it into a teapot, speaking brokenly while doing so. "Violet...I know that I'm not exactly the most technically minded individual, but please, hear me out. Could your sister be restricting our access there somehow?"

"Impossible," You instantly shot down with a firm shake of the head. "FTL beacons are meant to be open and free-flowing sources of information across civilized space. That's why they have ridiculous levels of self-encryption and firewalls, to the point of easily defeating any attempted hacking or manipulation. They have to be kept neutral and independent of political entities, including the Houses."

"Except one."

That quiet reminder nearly had you falling out of your chair when the pieces began to come together in your head. "Except...House Sol. The ones whose people and past birthed the technology in the first place. The one who logically could have the access keys to bypass the data protections." You fell silent, eyes wide and mind churning to link it together. "The one who His Late Majesty was very close too." Then all of the sudden, just as Radana approached your desk with the tea set, you leapt out of your chair and bounded over to a hidden part of your office. It was where you kept things hidden from reporting visitors to your abode.

You now dragged out your tack board of conspiracy and went through it quickly, looking for a certain picture. After a moment, you found it and violently swore, still not quite believing it. A quick rip, then a storm over back to your desk to slam the damn picture on and show your best friend. "I don't believe it. The one time I actually manage to succeed and not get dragged into a public family gathering, and it's the one that I really should've been!"

While you ranted and raved, Radana quietly picked up and studied the familiar photo. It was a rather monumental one that featured almost all of House Iris making a public appearance for a ceremony, namely the one where the governor of Andernia was to be declared. Quickly, her eyes trailed along until settling on a certain figure being bestowed a necklace by the Solar King, a pseudo-crown of sorts to represent His favor.

From that necklace dangled a gleaming data crystal, not unlike ones that would have been used for security programs favored by House Sol.

"I see," Your aide flatly concluded the moment you were done cursing out your luck. "So reason has it that your sister does actually have access to the FTL beacon, but she is the only one thanks to her appointment. Which means right now, she's the sole person who can reach out and talk to the rest of House Iris."

"Which means she can paint whatever damn narrative she wants...without me being there to control it!" You snarled, not enjoying the feeling of control being ripped out from your fingertips. "At the rate she's going as well, she's actually going to ruin this entire setup of mine!"

"That'd be quite unfortunate." Radana hummed while pouring out some tea. "Even though you do have the Solarrium Codex, it would be your word against her and with the unfortunate passing of His Late Majesty, it could get...complicated about the succession of House Iris."

"I know," You finally crashed into your chair and grabbed a cup of tea, feeling drained at the possible hard choice you may have to make. "Which is why I might need to really consider reaching out to her soon. Before she decides to test us so with her completed forces to be the dominant one making demands. I won't stand for that."

"Neither will your followers," She gently encouraged while taking a sip. "So do what you have to.'

Resource Stockpile: 30/30

Create a plan that you and your aides will execute over the duration of the cycle. Each person will have a general order that they will attempt to carry out at your command. Orders can be repeatedly taken by multiple characters for greater progression, but characters will be locked in the order until it is finished. Many actions will require a target.

[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] [Character] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____
-[ ] [Officer] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____

-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
Busy with Recruit Regiment (4/7)

-[ ] [Character] Radana, Camellia Knight
Busy with Design Aircraft (4/6)

-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism

-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight


--[ ] [Martial] Recruit Regiment. Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---Requires Base Housing
----Requires Regiment Name
-----Requires Battalion Composition (Four (4) Battalions)

-----[ ] Lily Guard Battalion. A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).

--[ ] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---Requires Berth Location
----Requires Ship Class/Name

---[ ] Wisteria-class Destroyer. A fast moving escort destroyer that can pack a surprising punch from afar. Requires Void Drydock (Wisteria-class). Requires three (3) progress.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] House Divided. It's time to step in and try to negotiate with your sister to end this standoff. Requires two (2) progress. This option will begin the end of the start.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Develop City. Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target City

--[ ] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Location
---[ ] Requires New City name

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
Meet with contractors and build a new specific industry in the system. Cost varies. Each building chain may only be built once per system.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Data Reliquary. The signature monument of the Helmsmen, a testament to their perceived duty to preserving information at all costs if the worst should ever come. The information kept below is reflected in the grandeur above, with only those ordained with the greatest duties able to access the sacred archives unfiltered. Increases Influence by ten (10). Requires two (2) progress. This building must be constructed first before all others in every system of House Iris.

----[ ] Chrysanthemum Scales. A regal and ornate building that serves as the system's headquarters for marketplace and trade officers. It is staffed by a mix of Brilliance Knights and Prisms suited for administrative duties, using their Solarium circuits to process incoming information quicker and come up with streamlined delivery chains to ensure a healthy marketplace for the people. Increases Wealth by eight (8). Decreases Resources by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Lycoris Sanctuary. The Lycoris Knights are those Brilliance Knights who help maintain public order, acting as both counselors and confessors for those in need. This also makes them quite keen on what the public currently feel is most pressing, and so what will best appeal to them. Increases Influence by ten (10). Decreases Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Arms Facility. Glowing sparks of industry fly between these interconnected factories, an ever hungering machine that consumes raw material to process and refine into tools of war. Already while the metals cool, the air is filled with the cries of soldiers being put through proficiency training to use these weapons fresh from the forge. It is a well-oiled union that fuels the fires of the defense industry.
Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified troop kit. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Troop Outfit
Infantry: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Void Drydock. In order to maximize production and streamline the process, it is best if large voidships are actually built in the vacuum of space, or as close as possible to it. The orbit around a planet is an ideal spot for such a task, especially when paired with a space elevator on the ground to facilitate efficient resource from planetside. Should this link be cut off, the facility grinds to a halt. Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified ship class. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Ship Class

Destroyers: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

-----[ ] Star Armory. The allure of grand fortifications remains strong even when among the stars, so the technique has simply been refined and adapted to suit the needs of modern war. It is on a larger scale than any similar structure that may have once existed on ancient Terra, a necessary adjustment to accommodate the more vast nature of stellar warfare. It is not unusual for an entire community to spring up around such a base to do business with those quartered within. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for three (3) regiments. Berth for one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

-----[ ] Fleet Port. What can be easily mistaken for construction around natural formations is actually purposefully shaped to accommodate for the planned housing of enormous ships meant to cross the void of space. Even when the star sailors onboard rest, the dock workers are awaken performing necessary maintenance and repairs in preparation for the next voyage. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for one (1) regiment. Berth for two (2) cruisers and one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Post. Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Sunrise Bank. Accounts now guaranteed under government-subsidized insurance! Open an account today, withdraw your money a galaxy away! Increases Wealth by two (2). Decreases Resources by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Camp Barracks. It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

----[ ] Commercial Spaceport. Under the United Empire common law, no trader that does not posses hostile, hazardous, or forbidden material is to be turned away. They are to be allowed to ply their wares as they see fit, though local oversight is certainly permitted. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for two (2) destroyers or one (1) cruiser. Requires four (4) progress.

--[ ] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Cells. Plant the seeds now for future spycraft opportunities by establishing local support and cover opportunities to slip agents hidden among the populace. Create a spy network in another power. Requires four (4) progress. Further sabotage options require this option first.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Intrigue] Cause Unrest.
Instruct your cells to purposefully cause chaos in another power, drawing attention away from whatever other covert operations you have orchestrated at the same time. Reduces the chance of discovery on the turn it completes. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Intrigue] Send Spies.
Have sharp-eyed spies pass through a rival power, using existing cells to help provide a cover for the experts to work and deduce what the enemy is doing now. Discover what primary action another power is focusing on. Requires one (1) progress. Has a low chance for discovery.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Espionage.
Direct agents to circumvent security systems and access classified military information to pass onto you, a highly risky but priceless operation. Reveals a power's military composition and current numbers. Requires six (6) progress. Has a moderate chance for discovery.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Learning] Outfit Troops. Consider what the gear your soldiers carry into battle, and create a new outfit for the boots on the ground to equip themselves with. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Troop Unit

---[ ] Infantry. The very basic, but essential, foot soldiers that both take and occupy ground when ordered so. Even with mechanized transports, they move fairly slowly around on the battlefield but when it comes to holding the line, their numbers help absorb dire hits. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Artillery. When more finesse is needed on the battlefield, it is the role of land artillery units to provide. They can bring some of the biggest guns of an army's arsenal to bear to flatten terrain and eradicate any remaining resistance from dug-in units. However, this comes at the price of being incredibly fragile and vulnerable themselves. Requires five (5) progress.
---[ ] Mechanized. Quick and fast fighting vehicles tear across the battlefield at lightning speeds, launching surprise attacks wherever gaps present themselves. While their weapons bark away at the enemy, the doors come slamming open to unload the infantry squads within to aid in the assault or begin already digging in. Speed is key for all in the unit. Requires five (5) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Ship. Break out pencils and call up interested naval contractors to kickstart the race to create, prototype, and sell an entirely new spaceship design for your forces. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Ship Type

---[ ] Destroyer. The smallest of notable navy vessels, but vital for domination of local space along and necessary for group troop transports. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Cruiser. Large voidships that traverse the stars and make up the bulk of any fleet that crosses systems. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.

- The official reveal! You want to see, meet, and talk with the rest of the galaxy? Your sister is the one in the way now.
- I've also gone and updated the maps for Andernia's planets. Hopefully they look much better now, even if I downsized the resolution a fair bit.

14 hour moratorium to make a cycle plan
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The Sol System is the birthplace of humanity, specifically the third planet that orbits the sun. But one could easily be mistaken for not thinking it so, for the planet is a far cry from its original form. Where there were once continents and oceans, there is nothing but an endless plain of green in a barely-functional atmosphere, meaning that one can only spend a brief moment of time before risking overexposure to solar radiation.

This is the result of years of industrialization, exploitation, and pollution that had gone on for nearly too long. By the time the first colony ships were lifting off, the rot was already too deeply embedded in the cradle of humanity to totally reverse even with advanced cleanup technology. The most that they could do was halt the descent, leaving the cradle of humanity in its current permanent state of between life and death.

That was a long time ago and while technology has eventually advanced to consider the possibility of totally reversing all the damage, there is an unspoken agreement to finally leave their mother planet to rest in its quiet retirement. It had brought them this far to wish them all farewell when humanity finally left their nest, and it was only right that it now watch from the side how humanity truly adapted to living so far from their origins. House Sol has since declared the planet a sacred gathering spot for humanity, for only the most world-shaking of encounters and meetings to be set down below. Time will tell if it will be the birthplace of more greatness, or the tomb for more disaster.
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