The Power(Harry Potter/The Gamer)

[ ] Stay with the Dursleys, but with the MoM watching them for incidents.
Ok Dumbledore states there are protections set in place for us if we live with the Dursleys, can people inform me what these protections are and if it can be set up for the other living quarters of the people we decide to move in with.

For skills...

[X] Speaking with Animals
[X] Jump
I fully veto any and all waifu-based decisions.

Also, as a note, I kinda support this. I don't mind adding romance to the quest, at all. But Harry is eleven. Friends? Sure. Girls who are friends? Great. Girlfriends? Should probably hold off until he's a bit older. On the other hand, the books give the impression James was chasing Lily from the start...
Also, as a note, I kinda support this. I don't mind adding romance to the quest, at all. But Harry is eleven. Friends? Sure. Girls who are friends? Great. Girlfriends? Should probably hold off until he's a bit older. On the other hand, the books give the impression James was chasing Lily from the start...

Dear god I just imagined what the waifu wars in this quest will be like....:cry::cry::cry:
I don't really have a big opinion on the other options (staying with Dumbledore would actually be pretty awesome, and it would be something I don't think I've ever seen done before), but speaking with animals.

I want speaking with animals.

I will not be 100% satisfied with this quest until we can walk by Hedwig, say "'Sup?", and have her go, "Not much, man." And really, can anyone in this thread, no, this forum say in all honesty that they do not want to strike some conversations with animals? Didn't think so.
[ ] Stay with the Dursleys, but with the MoM watching them for incidents.

Partially, I think that moving out would expose whoever we live with to Death Eater attacks. So there's pros to this, in that this gives us the benefit of the protective spells, while potentially fixing up the Dursleys over time.

We do know there's hope for Dudley.

[ ] Move in with...
-[ ] Madam Bones

We hardly know her. Likely to be decently defended at least

-[ ] The Longbottoms

We just met Neville, and while his grandmother is quite supportive, his family SERIOUSLY won't be able to endure another attack.

-[ ] Maybe Hermione?

Expose her family to danger, and moving in with a muggle family...all the drawbacks, none of the benefits.

-[ ] Hagrid! He's awesome!

He lives in a shack on the school grounds. This won't be considered acceptable.

-[ ] Dumbledore

In character, not much reason to make that choice except he's the headmaster of our school.
OOC, probably the best possible choice if we do move out. He's the only one of the options badass enough to deal with any Death Eaters and even a returning Voldemort, plus he's already a target anyway.

[ ] "What... What would emancipation take?" 10 int required(And you have it after point distribution)

If we take this route, we'd lose the protections, though as an emancipated minor, we got a lot of options. Tempting though, since we'd be able to authorize ourselves anything.

Deferring the decision until I can think over it.
Ok Dumbledore states there are protections set in place for us if we live with the Dursleys, can people inform me what these protections are and if it can be set up for the other living quarters of the people we decide to move in with.

For skills...

[X] Speaking with Animals
[X] Jump

Dumbledore: "She may have taken you grudgingly, furiously, unwillingly, bitterly, yet still she took you, and in doing so, she sealed the charm I placed upon you. Your mother's sacrifice made the bond of blood the strongest shield I could give you."

Basically, sacrifice based protection made stronger by a charm Dumbledore cast, but one which required remaining with a blood relative to remain strong and effective.
Also, as a note, I kinda support this. I don't mind adding romance to the quest, at all. But Harry is eleven. Friends? Sure. Girls who are friends? Great. Girlfriends? Should probably hold off until he's a bit older. On the other hand, the books give the impression James was chasing Lily from the start...
Doesn't the Gamer Mind and Gamer body makes us asexual?
-[ ] The Longbottoms

We just met Neville, and while his grandmother is quite supportive, his family SERIOUSLY won't be able to endure another attack.


In 1997, after Death Eaters had taken control of the Ministry of Magic, Neville was one of the leaders of the student rebellion against Alecto and Amycus Carrow at Hogwarts. In an attempt to force Neville to be more cooperative, Auror John Dawlish was ordered to capture Augusta and take her hostage to ensure Neville's behaviour. Augusta, however, put up a fight, which Dawlish wasn't expecting; according to Neville, she put Dawlish in St. Mungo's. After this, Augusta went on the run.

She later re-emerged at the Battle of Hogwarts to assist Neville when he called everyone to arms against the Death Eater army. She expressed great pride in her grandson for following in his parents' footsteps.[7] Augusta fought during the battle and survived.[8]

It has the protection of whatever wards are there, and someone who sounds like a badass old lady.
Basically, sacrifice based protection made stronger by a charm Dumbledore cast, but one which required remaining with a blood relative to remain strong and effective.
IIRC it's massive resistance to permanent harm from dark magic in general.

Ah heck, I don't think canon Harry would have survived to year 3 if he wasn't so protected that Voldemort couldn't even FIND him outside of physically tracking him down in school.

[X] Stay with the Dursleys, but with the MoM watching them for incidents.
[X] Detect Evil
[X] Speak with Animals

The Dursleys with the MoM's eye on them would behave certainly, which lets us use the protective charm until we get good enough to protect ourselves.

Detect Evil would greatly expedite our problems. Very useful for identifying things like Quirrel and Horcruxes early,

And Speak with Animals because it's cool.
We do have good reason to raise Int and Wis - it gives us more MP and higher MP regen, which allows us to grind skills that consume MP more frequently and for longer. Since spells will be our primary skillset, that's valuable for us.

As far as improving everything Harry is going through, I'd prefer to do that through skill and good planning rather than pure luck.

Which again is not necessary. Normal grinding will effect it enough for our needs at this point in time. Furthermore we have plenty of skills that don't need MP to be used, we can easily work on those while we wait for our MP to regen.

And once more this is suboptimal in the long run. Trading our future gains for short term ones.
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It has the protection of whatever wards are there, and someone who sounds like a badass old lady.
I meant in the sense of emotionally. Poor Neville is traumatized enough without us adding to it.
Thief-Steal 10 items, pick 10 locks, or any combination of the two
Mage-Gain 5 levels in a magic type using any D&D mage spell, or defeat 1 enemy using only D&D spells
Cleric-Gain 10 levels in Faith
Paladin-Smite 5 undead to death
Bard-Entertain a group of 10 with your music
Druid-Gain 10 levels in woodlore.
Incidentally, Thief, Mage and Paladin seems the easiest to level for now.
Doesn't the Gamer Mind and Gamer body makes us asexual?
No? The manwha pretty much directly contradicts that.

Which actually makes sense in that Gamer's Mind doesn't work in terms of 'always always always remain calm' like some people mistakenly believe. It works as in 'you are only affected by things that happen to you as you would be for a character you are playing in a video game'. As many can sadly attest, this is poor defense against video game waifus.

[x]Change Self
[x]Speak with Animals

Who needs Polyjuice?

[X] Stay with the Dursleys, but with the MoM watching them for incidents.
-[X] Specifically, by putting on an expansion to the house and arranging a wizarding lodger willing to tone down their magic. A muggleborn, perhaps, or someone who has a lot of experience with the muggle world...
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How do we already have 10 levels in woodlore, and thus have the Druid class?

As for the last two spells, I think we'd probably best take
Spells choice
[x]Animal Friendship
[x]Speak with Animals

As for whom to live with... I doubt we could just barge in on Hermione, though for some reason I get the impression that she'd, at first, be ecstatic then would get grumpy. I think it was established that Neville's Gran was off putting to us... Hagrid would be immediately denied... and while Dumbledore would have lots and lots of books, you can bet he'll have them all locked up... where even our new lock pick skill can't get at them. So... that leaves

[X] Ask Dumbledore what kind of protection the Dursleys provide.
-[X] If the answer is satisfactory, stay with them.
-[X] If the answer is not, stay with Madam Bones.

Surly she'd be protected rather nicely, and hey! We can get some wizarding law info Plus we get to meet her niece, might make it easier to convince Hermione and Neville into Hufflepuff... though we may need to deal with "Susan Bones: Fan of the Boy-Who-Lived fictional series character... is dissapointed" Can just see her joining us in meeting with Hermione and Neville... and Amelia telling us to be careful, and let her know where we go... Though it does remove our money making quests in the neighborhood, and will require us to exchange gallons (sp?) to pounds for any mundane books, or clothes. Probably have to get even more wizard robes though... ugh... for some reason I just got the image of Susan, Hanna, and Hermione deciding to get us better clothes, and somehow we rope Neville into joining us (don't know why, but I'm apparently a Neville/Hanna shipper) and we end up on a shopping quest. :

Survive the shopping trip of doooom! Or alternatively, that shopping trip that you'll have nightmares about for weeks from now.
Susan, Hanna, and Hermione all agree, you need better clothes... Hermione somehow has convinced Susan that you need muggle clothes as well as wizarding ones... so, it's off to the mall, and madam malkins. You can either fight this, or work with them... either way, its going to be a lo~ng day.
Clothes: Outfits ??/?? quality ??/??
Alternatives: Outfits ??/?? quality ??/??
Wizarding: Outfits ??/?? quality ??/??
Formal: Outfits ??/?? quality ??/??
Rewards: Are you still standing? Wow. You've got [insert number of outfits, types, and quality here]. You also managed [list bonus achievements]. You get [damningly small amount of xp for what you just went through]. And cost you [amounts of galleons spent, including conversion].
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How do we already have 10 levels in woodlore, and thus have the Druid class?

You have to GAIN ten levels in it. Not just have 10 levels. And the ninjutsu book actually unlocked it first, as a result of learning to hide in wilderness. The druid class gave the 10 levels.

Also as per the shopping quest, if Neville is also dragged along: -1 relationship with Neville("Why would you do this to me, Harry? I thought we were friends!")
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[X] Ask Dumbledore what kind of protection the Dursleys provide.
-[X] If the answer is satisfactory, stay with them.
-[X] If the answer is not, stay with Madam Bones.

[x]Animal Friendship
[x]Speak with Animals

i wants to be friends with Fluffy!
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Question @Halpo133

Would a write-in asking for further information about the protections allow us to then work out a deal where literally only go to the Dursley's for however long is needed to charge the protection, while living with someone else most of the time? Or does the act of calling somewhere else home negate the protection?

second question:
You buy some books in the bookstore and when you return home you are DEVO-er... Absorb the knowledge. Tasty, tasty bo-Knowledge.
-Pick two others from any first level AD&D spell list(List)
Does Read Magic synergize with the skill book eating power? Can we use it to read a book and gain the skills without physically destroying the book?
Question @Halpo133

Would a write-in asking for further information about the protections allow us to then work out a deal where literally only go to the Dursley's for however long is needed to charge the protection, while living with someone else most of the time? Or does the act of calling somewhere else home negate the protection?

second question:

Does Read Magic synergize with the skill book eating power? Can we use it to read a book and gain the skills without physically destroying the book?

If it is well written, sure. You'd have to convince Dumbledore to spill about it with all these people around. He doesn't share secrets lightly.

Question the second: No. It would allow you to read runic arrays more easily, however, which would in turn make learning runes, breaking wards based on runes, and figuring out rune-based enchantments easier.