The Power(Harry Potter/The Gamer)

Because duh. Not sure who else should go.
Why not Susan? Hannah, Ron, and Draco I can see not including because we're barely friends with them (though Hannah at least is close to Susan so there's a kind of friends-by-proxy thing), but Susan's almost as close to us as Neville and Hermione.

[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Susan Bones
[X] Hannah Abbot
*looks at where the relationship gains with Snape puts the numbers. And starts making plans to taunt you all by always having you teetering on the brink of moving to friendly, but never quite managing.*
Why not Susan? Hannah, Ron, and Draco I can see not including because we're barely friends with them (though Hannah at least is close to Susan so there's a kind of friends-by-proxy thing), but Susan's almost as close to us as Neville and Hermione.
Yeah, I altered my vote after looking over other people's. Hannah gets a free ride because she's close friends with Susan, and we will become close friends with her over time.
*looks at where the relationship gains with Snape puts the numbers. And starts making plans to taunt you all by always having you teetering on the brink of moving to friendly, but never quite managing.*
Speaking of which, to groups, you might as well add the various houses. We are going to be making lots of impressions, especially with Gryffindor.
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No reason unless you really don't learn anything from class that you shouldn't be able to get a few levels in that skill per lesson

Yes. But you already gained something from it. this is just the results of voting for who you're paired with for the classes during the week. You already gained 7 herbology for the class last update. And you'll get more after this when I do the time-skip to Halloween. Since the duel isn't going to happen, with with improved relations with Draco and all.
[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Ron Weasley
[X] Susan Bones
[X] Hannah Abbot

Not sure why for the last two but just about anyone is better than Draco which would make no sense. I'm not real sure that inviting Susan or Hanah to his hut makes sense but it's social... and meet the games keeper... I guess. But yeah Neville and Hermione for sure, Ron because you need something to offset the potions with Draco plan.

That and I'm not remembering anyone that would want to go other than possibly Ron...
(could be convinced to change votes if there is a vote for someone other than Draco that makes sense.)
[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Ron Weasley
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Susan Bones
[X] Hannah Abbot
That went surprisingly well..and I can't say I mind that Ron's upset. His ego's about the same size as Draco's, if in a different way, and he's surrounded by positive influences...better to focus on befriending Draco. The worst that can happen is Ron not wanting to befriend us...which is kind off minor, compared to drawing Slytherins away from Voldemort's cause.

That said, showing up with Draco to visit Hagrid might be a bad idea, considering what he thinks of him. Ron would work, but he tends to be incredibly irritating, and isn't really reliable if you need someone to keep his mouth shut...and, if we end up dragged into the woods for a quest or something, it'd be good to test out the party system without any gossip leaking out.

[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Susan Bones
[X] Hannah Abbot
[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Ron Weasley
[X] Susan Bones
[X] Hannah Abbot

Not sure why for the last two but just about anyone is better than Draco which would make no sense. I'm not real sure that inviting Susan or Hanah to his hut makes sense but it's social... and meet the games keeper... I guess. But yeah Neville and Hermione for sure, Ron because you need something to offset the potions with Draco plan.

That and I'm not remembering anyone that would want to go other than possibly Ron...
(could be convinced to change votes if there is a vote for someone other than Draco that makes sense.)
Susan makes sense because we are great friends with her (60/150), and we are planning on eventually making her a part of our party. Hannah gets a free-pass, cause she's best friends with Susan, and we are making some good ground with her in the friendship department.

Ron over all makes the least amount of sense, 4/150. We are only slightly friendly with him, why does he get to come along?

@Halpo133 Can you tell us what the various friendship levels are?
Any gains made with Draco at school... are going to disappear once he goes back home over Christmas or Summer break.

Lucius and his mother are going to re-indoctrinate him quite quickly if you try and moderate him. Just that simple. They're pureblood bigots and they want their son the same way. Actually they're pretty much fanatics and will be for quite some time.

Yeah, changing vote... Core crew is best crew.

[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Susan Bones
[X] Hannah Abbot
Hated(-31 to -150), unfriendly(0 to -30), neutral(0 to 30), friendly(31 to 150), revered(150 to 500). Maybe one beyond revered.
Shouldn't that be hated(-31 to -180), friendly (31 to 180) and revered (181 to 680) since each level starts at 0 progress towards the next?
Ron being at 4/150 friendly wouldn't make any sense with the figures you gave.
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[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Ron Weasley
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Susan Bones
[X] Hannah Abbot

Not a fan of Ron, but I'm really not a fan of Draco.
So vote for neither. I doubt we HAVE to bring 5.
If he values not bringing Draco highly enough it makes sense to vote for the most likely other fifth just so that spot isn't available.

For example if there are 100 people voting with 450 votes total, Hermione 100 Neville 100 Susan 70 Hanna 65 Ron 60 Draco 55, then the only reason Draco fails to get in would be that all spots are occupied.