The Morrsley Village Experiment

I think I'll hold off my vote for now, only because being two off of hammer activating is making me paranoid of some random person jumping into the vote.

As long as one town is alive at the end of the game, I win. I have a kill ability and a couple of other abilities
That sounds like an SK wincon, not gonna lie.

I swear, if that's the actual name of the role :rofl:

Yeah, was kinda shocked when I got it. Essentially, I get a random name each night phase and I have to protect them or I die
This sounds too... odd to actually be one of your "supposed" powers imo.

I wish, I had to protect ItzNarcotic on the first night and wasted my jail ability on him, kinda why Nictis has been rubbing me the wrongw ay
Let's say that what you are proposing is true. Who did you protect last night, then?
I'm not 100% sure I buy this.

On the positive side, this sort of role would makes Nictis roleclaim make a bit more sense.

On the other hand, an unlimited, town aligned vig who is immune to nightkills is really hard to square with how town heavy this game is. And the name is a weird break with the theme.

That seems like a totally broken mechanic. There is no play you can make that directly protects your target.

Sorry, but I don't think this makes sense.

This seems like something to have claimed Day 2. Also, wrapping someone in duct tape seems like a roleblock power, not a jailer flavor. IJW might disagree, but none of this feels right.

I'm keeping my vote where it is. If you flip "Yandere" I will be very surprised.
Prepare to be suprised then I guess and to Narcotic, I protected OneStopChopShop last night
So let's consider two cases.

Case 1: Hybrid is lying.
They are about 99% certain to be a fairly standard SK. Literally everyone should want them dead fastlike, and they are the obvious lynch.

Case 2: Hybrid is honest.
Test subjects want them dead by the end of the game. Control group wants them dead by the end of the game. They are a perfectly acceptible lynch.
We all side-eye IJW.
Cause he was a bit more discrete than the rest of yous, I figured he had less chance of getting offed
I mean, I'll be honest here and no offense to OneStopChopShop, but I'd definitely prioritize a confirmed Town role - especially one who is likely a Power Role - over an unclaimed and unknown player.
Hol up

Prepare to be suprised then I guess and to Narcotic, I protected OneStopChopShop last night
Cause he was a bit more discrete than the rest of yous, I figured he had less chance of getting offed
Hybrid chooses to protect OneStop, because he was more discrete yadda yadda.

Yeah, was kinda shocked when I got it. Essentially, I get a random name each night phase and I have to protect them or I die
Hybrid gets a random target they need to protect, as in they do not choose who they need to protect.
Either they chose to protect someone other than the person they need to, which ??????
Or this is a load of horseshit.

Also, thinkin about this a little more, Hybrid's 'protect' action is a pretty braindead decision. 'Hmm, do I protect the person I need to live, or some random schlub? I WONDER'
If this is a role, then it's a mistake of a role.
@Hybrid The problem is that even if your claim were reasonable and within the theme of the game, your actions make no sense. You claim to have protected ItzNarcotic because of your requirement, but you protected OneStop because they are the least likely to get hit. That doesn't make a lick of sense.

And your targets were one of the scum, but there is no way that anybody could have known that night one, so basically a random player, and Cyricubed, who was an experienced probable townie that wouldn't have investigatives or protectives visiting them.
Ah, I was about to quote the same thing.

Yeah, this seems, at most, a flimsy and hurriedly made defense. The contradiction, as pointed out by IH, is a clear example of this, with how you "have to" protect me, whereas you "chose to" protect OneStopChopShop.
I have one person specifically who I need to survive so that I win, theyre pretty much guarenteed town so ill help that side out
If you were on town's side, why are you just telling us now? You are pretty clearly immune to night kills, so usual concerns over security don't seem very likely.
If you were on town's side, why are you just telling us now? You are pretty clearly immune to night kills, so usual concerns over security don't seem very likely.
Firstly, my role name is Yandere and that does not come with any positive connatations with it whatsover. Secondly, if I come clean with my role, I have to come clear with who I have to protect which means that they have more chance of getting attacked. Thirdly? it makes me a target for whoever the hell the strongman is and I can guess that there is someone that acts as a strongman
So, I am pretty much 100% onboard the ItzNarcotic is town train. Obviously, Nictis isn't town, by their own admission, nor is Hybrid.

That leaves InterstellarHobo OneStopChopShop and RaptorusMaximus as potentially th scum killer.

I really think IH is probably town, but not anything like 100% sure. More like 80%. Mind you, that 20% is reserved for "Damn IH is an amazing scum player". The other two are quite hard to read.

The other two I find myself hard pressed to pick between. I have a vague feeling OneStop is more likely the killer, but that is all. Any thoughts?
Firstly, my role name is Yandere and that does not come with any positive connatations with it whatsover. Secondly, if I come clean with my role, I have to come clear with who I have to protect which means that they have more chance of getting attacked. Thirdly? it makes me a target for whoever the hell the strongman is and I can guess that there is someone that acts as a strongman
Imma be honest, this would've been better to know before we reached the point where hammer is only one vote away from activating.

Besides, even if this claim is or isn't true, the timing isn't too good, especially with all the suspicion and doubt on you at the moment. Posting this at the beginning of this Day Phase would've helped your case a lot more instead of now.
If yous like I could reveal who I have to protect but I will point out im putting myself at a disadvantage to do so
Imma be honest, this would've been better to know before we reached the point where hammer is only one vote away from activating.

Besides, even if this claim is or isn't true, the timing isn't too good, especially with all the suspicion and doubt on you at the moment. Posting this at the beginning of this Day Phase would've helped your case a lot more instead of now.
Youre the one ive to protect, you absolute maniac
If yous like I could reveal who I have to protect but I will point out im putting myself at a disadvantage to do so
I don't understand why you wouldn't have used your unlimited use protection power on them everynight. I mean if that is your win condition and you are immune to nightkills, this seems like a very simple game for you.
Again? Really?

That seems a little... weird, to be honest with you. Out of all the players, why me again, especially after you supposedly protected me on N1?
I think the new claim is that they've always had just one player to protect and made up the bit about getting a different name every night. I don't believe it, but I think that is what is being claimed.
I think the new claim is that they've always had just one player to protect and made up the bit about getting a different name every night. I don't believe it, but I think that is what is being claimed.
It is, I realise that the whole random bt has kinda cornered me but im being truthful here. I can "jail" Narcotic for a night for protection and if he/she (sorry) dies then I win if I personally kill the killer