Calling the vote here. I think there is a pretty much unanimous decision here.

Edit: Indeed.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Sep 18, 2018 at 1:57 PM, finished with 12 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Do it alone.
    -[X] Ambushing and decking the mage worked once. It can work again. And again. And again.
    [X] Do it alone.
    -[X] 1. Punch the nearest enemy 2. Keep punching until no more enemies are aggroed 3. Heal up 4. If(isExhausted = False) {Go to 1.}
Starting City - Part 5
You grinned at such a question, the answer was obvious. You don't need anyone to help you, you can do it by yourself. You'll build your character by scratch from your own hands and no one else will interfere. You'll make the name 'StormDoom' shine throughout this virtual world. YGGDRASIL's player base is increasing every day, every minute. Thousands of players will keep coming in, you'll just be a face among many but you don't want that, you want to stand out.

You don't admit it but you said to yourself many times that before on previous MMOs but you feel like this is the one. You wouldn't falter because everything ends when you'll give up. This game is too awesome to give up, this level of hyper-realism that goes beyond your wildest imaginations. YGGDRASIL took your expectations, smashed through them and flew even higher than ever and you can tell this is the only beginning and that there is more.

You couldn't help but feel giddy as excitement rose up from your chest, let's get down to business! You try to sneak up on a lonely group of Draugrs, just as you were about to jump on the mage of the group, he sidestepped you and avoided your punch. Well, there goes that excitement and dreams of glory, you sarcastically thought as you stumbled. The Draugrs this time had axes, they didn't waste any time to try and slash you down but as expected from someone like you. You dodged them easily,

The mage, of course, tried to retreat to cast its spell. You wouldn't let it, as you launched yourself after the mage. The damn skeletal bastard sidestepped you again, this one is more nimble than the others, damn it. This is annoying. You're far away enough from the other Draugrs that you had enough time to try and hit it for good this time. The nimble bastard couldn't try the same trick a third time as you hit squarely in the chest. It quickly crumbled.

You turned around just as the ax-wielding Draugrs were trying to take a swing toward you but they are so unskilled that you only needed to let your shoulders drop to dodge. You let the axes sweep past you by a few centimeters, it was risky but it raised your badass factor by a hundred and the Draugrs weren't enough of a threat for it to be an actual threat. They're just too easy! You wanted to try another maneuver, the Draugrs were too slow to actually do anything as you smashed their heads together, the rest of their body quickly crumbled into a pile of bone that would soon dissipate. The skulls themselves seem to be indestructible, as you would expect from a quest item. You noticed that the Draugr finally dropped something, gold coins, and a sword. You really must have taken the shortest straw last time if you didn't get any drop.

+3 Draugr Skull

+30 G

+1 Old Rusted Iron Sword
Gives a +1 to all Melee attacks. Approx. price: 7~ 10~ G

Now six down and four more to go! You tried to sneak up again on another Draugr patrol group, either you are really bad at stealth or the Draugrs are learning somehow because the damn mage dodged again! That fucker! You had it for a second there and you could have ended it easily! This would just delay their ultimate demise at your hands! Scratch that, it sounded way too cheesy but it still was true. The Mage couldn't keep dodging every one of her hits and it finally succumbed when it hit true. Seriously if it always take that long to cast your spell just change it for a new one.

You're pretty sure every player right now figured out the trick of targeting the Mage first. If it takes a long time to cast then it must be strong in some way or another, that's something you definitely don't want to happen. The rest of the two Draugrs were done quick work of and a few more drops as expected.

+3 Draugr Skull

+40 G

+1 Spellbook: Frostbolt
A small booklet. Almost certainly a book from which you can learn a spell. Approx. price: 15~ 20~ G

Level Up!

Fighter - Level 2 ---> Fightet - Level 3

New Ability can be unlocked!

6 Unspent Stat Points!

Pretty cool, the book had an old Norse word written on its cover, the system, fortunately, translated it for you... in Japanese. You can read it well enough, it means 'Frostbolt'. You'll have to check it back when you get back to the city. You still had one Draugr Skull to get before you can complete the quest. That's annoying and almost certainly purposefully from the devs since you'll need to attack again an entire patrol group again for just one skull. It isn't worth it.

You thought about it for a few moments until an idea pops up. A malicious grin split your face, you sneak up on some random player, what looked like in Heavy Iron Armor and a big sword, classical knight. While he was busy fighting the other Draugrs, you took the opportunity to pick up one of the dropped Draugr Skulls. You quickly ran away lest you'll be noticed. Well, that was easy.

You returned to the city after a good farming session! You leveled up again too. It's almost too easy. Let's see, you follow the quest marker and soon find yourself in front of an old burly guard NPC. This must be the Militia leader. You silently present your trophies, nine out of ten are totally deserved! That's the important part. The old Militia leader nod, his face was impassive and emotionless, oddly it fits him somehow, the mouth just flapping and not actually moving on how the words should be, but that's just a detail.

"So you actually did it? I expected you to die off somewhere while Draugrs feast on your dead body like the other newbies. Congratulations, here is your pay. 100 Gold. Complaining? Go and kill some more if you want to get more. 10 Gold per Draugr Skull." That's pretty neat, so this guy will always give 10 Gold for a skull? Seems like tedious farming that only crazy people would do rather than move on to a higher level area to earn more. Although, you definitely aren't complaining for that 100 Gold. Who would?

"Before you go, recruit. Come to talk to me later when you're ready. I have a mission fit of someone of your caliber." You could feel a bit of sarcasm there. Damn old bastard.

What do you do?

[] Go to the Plaza.
-[] Approach the smith shop.
--[] Buy.

-[] Approach the leather-cloth shop.
--[] Buy.

-[] Approach the Alchemy shop.
--[] Buy.

-[] Approach the player-made shop.
--[] Buy/Bargain.

[] Approach the group of players talking between themselves.
-[] Talk/Ask questions.

[] Go explore the city for a bit.

[] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, now.

[] Write-in.

Level Up!

Fighter - Level 2 ---> Fightet - Level 3

New Ability can be unlocked!

6 Unspent Stat Points!

[] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.
'Well Fitted': Give an additional +1 to damage reduction when wearing light armor or a +2 when wearing a heavy armor.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
-[] Choose weapon. 'Fists', 'One-Handed Sword/Axe', 'Two-Handed Sword/Axe', etc...
'Specialized Weapon': Choose one weapon to specialize in. When using this weapon you will have +1s to Damage, Attack, and Dodge rolls. However, your enemy will also be aware that this is your weapon of choice.

You have 185 Gold at your disposal.
Heavy Iron Armor
This type of armor is perfect if you want to defend yourself, although it'll come at the cost of your agility.
It'll absorb 2d6 of the damage and a permanent malus of -3 to Agility rolls if it
is is below 15 while wearing this armor.
Cost: 15 Gold

Light Iron Armor
This type of armor is perfect if you don't want to be slowed down while fighting while still keeping a moderately good defense.
It'll absorb d6 of the damage of any attack you take and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility rolls if it is below 10 while wearing this armor.
Cost: 15 Gold

Two-Handed Iron Sword/Axe
This weapon is made for slow players who want to deal as much damage as they can to the enemy. It is pretty heavy, however.
It'll deal an additional 2d6 of damage and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility tolls if it is below 10 while wielding this sword.
Cost: 10 Gold

One-Handed Iron Sword/Axe
This weapon is made for players that don't want to be too slow nor too fast while doing enough damage to the enemy.
It'll deal an additional d6 damage and a permanent malus of -1 to Agility rolls if it is below 5 while wielding this sword.
Cost: 10 Gold

Leather-Covered Wooden Shield.
This shield doesn't offer much protection but it is enough for players that don't want to be weighted down by a heavy shield.
It'll absorb d6 of the damage and a permanent malus of -1 to Agility rolls if it is below 5 while carrying this shield.
Cost: 5 Gold

Yew Bow:
Does 2d4 damage+ the user's Agility and Phys Atk modifiers at a distance. The Devs apologize to the users for not including such vital equipment.
Cost: 15 Gold

Wood Arrows:
Do standard bow damage.
Cost: 2 Gold per arrow bundle. (15 Arrows)

Brass Knuckle Dusters:
A pair of simple punching tools, these weapons will not add too much extra damage but are lighter and easier to conceal than most other weapons. Add 3d3 damage to melee attacks and get a stat bonus of +5 speed.
Cost: 20 Gold

Leather Armor
This type of armor is light and doesn't constrain the player from doing complicated moves or attacks.
It'll absorb 2d3 of the damage. There is no malus.
Cost: 10 Gold

Leather Clothes
Expensive fancy looking clothes, they don't offer any protection. They may be used by players for roleplaying or when trying to look official in a meeting between players.
Cost: 15 Gold

Studded Leather Gloves:
Serving as a backup weapon when an adventurer finds themselves with a lack of gear, these gloves have metal studs to add d3 damage to each melee strike.
Cost: 10 Gold.

Leather-Covered Wooden Staff
This is a staff that is both useful at melee fights and acting as a foci for the practitioners of magic. Any spell cast with this staff deal an additional 2d6 to damage.
Cost: 15 Gold.

Universal Remedy
This potion will cure you of any illness or disease up to Tier 2, that you got infected by through your adventures.
Cost: 300 Gold per bottle

Minor Healing Potion:
This potion when used will instantly restore 15 of your HP.
Cost: 5 Gold per bottle

Greater Healing Potion:
This potion when used will instantly restore 40 of your HP.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Fire Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all heat-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Ice Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all cold-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.

Draught of the Knight:
This potion is most effective when wielding bladed weapons. Your attack speed and damage are nearly tripled for three rounds so long as you are wielding a bladed weapon.
Cost: 4000 Gold per bottle.

Minor Magic Potion:
This potion when used will instantly restore 15 of your MP.
Cost: 5 Gold per bottle

Greater Magic Potion:
This potion when used will instantly restore 40 of your MP.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Lesser Dexterity
This potion is mostly for players who attack at range as it'll increase their chances of hitting the target for one round. This potion works for both mages or archers/rangers.
Cost: 5 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Lesser Strength
This potion offers an additional d3 to damage for one round.
Cost: 5 Gold per bottle

Enchanted Heavy Steel Armor
This type of armor is perfect if you want to defend yourself, although it'll come at the cost of your agility.
It'll absorb 2d8 of the damage and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility rolls if it is below 25 while wearing this armor.
Cost: 80 Gold

Enchanted Light Steel Armor
This type of armor is perfect if you don't want to be slowed down while fighting while still keeping a moderately good defense.
It'll absorb d8 of the damage of any attack you take and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility rolls if it is below 15 while wearing this armor.
Cost: 80 Gold

Enchanted Two-Handed Steel Sword/Axe
This weapon is made for slow players who want to deal as much damage as they can to the enemy. It is pretty heavy, however.
It'll deal an additional 2d8 of damage and a permanent malus of -3 to Agility tolls if it is below 15 while wielding this sword.
Cost: 70 Gold

Enchanted One-Handed Steel Sword/Axe
This weapon is made for players that don't want to be too slow nor too fast while doing enough damage to the enemy.
It'll deal an additional d8 damage and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility rolls if it is below 10 while wielding this sword.
Cost: 70 Gold

Potion of Fire Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all heat-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds.
Cost: 19.99 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Ice Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all cold-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds.
Cost: 19.99 Gold per bottle.

Ghostly Wooden Staff
This is a staff that is powerful as a foci for the practitioners of magic. Any spell cast with this staff deal an additional 2d8 to damage.
It is made out of Ghost Magical Wood, that can be found in the many Ghostly forests in the area.
Cost: 80 Gold.

Flaming Steel Sword:
A simple Iron object with glowing runes, this weapon is superheated and does 3d4 physical damage and 2d3 fire damage upon hitting. The buyer chooses the weapon commissioned. Also gets a bonus to damage that scales with the wielder's Phys Attack modifier.
Cost: 1000 Gold

Cracking Whip:
A dangerous medium-ranged weapon, that replaces Phys.Atk by Agility instead as a modifier when attacking and it does 2d6 of damage.
Cost: 25 Gold.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Fast Fists and Healthy Grinding
-[X] Agility 6 points
-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
--[X] Fists
-[X] Go to the Plaza
--[X] Approach the Alchemy shop.
---[X] Buy 7 Minor Healing Potion
-[X] Grind Draugur Skulls for Gold you ARE that crazy.

Let's keep going with punching everything and grab some potions for when things don't die in a single hit.
[X] Plan Fast Fists and Healthy Grinding

And just remembered, since we have bad ping, are there any plans to have it affect anything, like a small amount of "rounds" of combat selected randomly, having a chance to increase or decrease our AC or our chance to hit an enemy? Or is it going to just be flavor?
Actually, does 'Fists' count for legs too? We should try kicking to find out or at least use our feet in our fighting style.
And just remembered, since we have bad ping, are there any plans to have it affect anything, like a small amount of "rounds" of combat selected randomly, having a chance to increase or decrease our AC or our chance to hit an enemy? Or is it going to just be flavor?
It's mostly flavor. You're literally playing with your mind at speed of thoughts while nano-machines are going through your body. The bad ping Karen is talking about is a lag that's nearly unnoticeable at the level of technology they're currently in, right now. Its only 'bad ping' from her perspective and their 'modern' perspective.
Actually, does 'Fists' count for legs too? We should try kicking to find out or at least use our feet in our fighting style.
It doesn't count for legs. You'll get a second specialized weapon ability soon enough. You can take 'Legs' then and kick the shit out of enemies too. :tongue:
I'll go ahead and close the votes. The votes are pretty unanimous for this one too. Update should be up in a few hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Sep 19, 2018 at 1:39 PM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.
Starting City - Part 6
Yes, I rolled for all of those fights, yes it was tedious but that's the price of grinding and I took it all for you. Players! :p
Also, Karen has a god-like luck apparently as she kept blazing through everything and only got hit two times!

Ha, who are you kidding? You're that kind of crazy person that'll grind all day along in a low-level area to maximize your potential when you do get to higher-level areas. You just stated it, after all, you'll let the name 'StormDoom' shine through this virtual world. And for that, you'll need to do lots of efforts! The dreaded grinding being one of them, YGGDRASIL is not even that grind-heavy compared to other games, it's pretty easy to level up and so you'll take full advantage of that.

You quickly go make a slight detour to the plaza to buy a few more Minor Healing potions just in case. After that, you weave past NPCs and players in this bustling city and go back to Dalsfjoror's Snow Fields. Your previous level up was pretty awesome, you took all of your points and smashed them into Agility. You took the 'Specialized Weapon' ability which will make things a lot easier! The cool thing is that its effects always applies, as the chosen weapon is your fists, it's not like you can take them off, can you?

You picked up your usual strategy with the Draugrs, target the mage. Always. Your upgraded stats and abilities showed their usefulness as the poor skeletal bastard got demolished by your uppercut, you were way faster now and a hell of a lot stronger, you were already one-punching the Draugrs, but now? You're annihilating them, you do a lot more damage. You can tell that you're already beyond this starting area but that's the point, isn't it? You extend your hand and the skull that went flying upward fell on the palm of your hand.

Damn, that must have looked badass. You hoped someone saw that. Your confidence soaring, you turn around to see that the two Draugrs left are trying to attack you from behind. That's a good try, you admit but a futile one. Your smirk soon was replaced by a nasty scowl, however when you got a little bit too confident again and they both actually managed to hit you. Damn, the fuckers.

You took 4 Damage!

HP: 10/14
MP: 14/14

That was uncalled for to attack from behind! You are fully aware of the irony and hypocrisy of that sentence coming out of you of all people. You did your usual technique to finish up the both of them at the same time. You wait until they're close enough and then you smash both of their heads together. Its so satisfying to do that, really. Better than just normally punching them or letting the system control your movements.

And so you continue like this for a few more times, the fights gradually got easier and you managed to grind 18 Draugr Skulls. Well, that was quite an experience. You managed to level up, again. However, you have a gut feeling that trying to grind for any longer here will bring no immediate benefits as it'll take more time to level up than what is reasonable. You took another hit but it was quite light, you're down to 8 HP, however.

You took 4 Damage!

HP: 08/14
MP: 14/14

You return back to the city again, the militia leader didn't speak this time as you handed over your 18 skulls, that's 180 Gold more! Pretty cool, and totally deserved. Now, you have the option to go back shopping for a bit in the Plaza, go to the militia leader and get to the next part of the quest storyline.

Level Up!

Fighter - Level 3 ---> Fightet - Level 4

New Ability can be unlocked!

3 Unspent Stat Points!

[] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
[] Improve the 'Specialized Weapon(Fists)' ability.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.
'Well Fitted': Give an additional +1 to damage reduction when wearing light armor or a +2 when wearing a heavy armor.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
-[] Choose weapon.

[] Go to the Plaza.
-[] Approach the smith shop.
--[] Buy.

-[] Approach the leather-cloth shop.
--[] Buy.

-[] Approach the Alchemy shop.
--[] Buy.

-[] Approach the player-made shop.
--[] Buy/Bargain.

[] Approach the group of players talking between themselves.
-[] Talk/Ask questions.

[] Go explore the city for a bit.

[] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, now.

[] Write-in.

No change to the shops this time. You've got 330 G at your disposal.
Heavy Iron Armor
This type of armor is perfect if you want to defend yourself, although it'll come at the cost of your agility.
It'll absorb 2d6 of the damage and a permanent malus of -3 to Agility rolls if it
is is below 15 while wearing this armor.
Cost: 15 Gold

Light Iron Armor
This type of armor is perfect if you don't want to be slowed down while fighting while still keeping a moderately good defense.
It'll absorb d6 of the damage of any attack you take and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility rolls if it is below 10 while wearing this armor.
Cost: 15 Gold

Two-Handed Iron Sword/Axe
This weapon is made for slow players who want to deal as much damage as they can to the enemy. It is pretty heavy, however.
It'll deal an additional 2d6 of damage and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility tolls if it is below 10 while wielding this sword.
Cost: 10 Gold

One-Handed Iron Sword/Axe
This weapon is made for players that don't want to be too slow nor too fast while doing enough damage to the enemy.
It'll deal an additional d6 damage and a permanent malus of -1 to Agility rolls if it is below 5 while wielding this sword.
Cost: 10 Gold

Leather-Covered Wooden Shield.
This shield doesn't offer much protection but it is enough for players that don't want to be weighted down by a heavy shield.
It'll absorb d6 of the damage and a permanent malus of -1 to Agility rolls if it is below 5 while carrying this shield.
Cost: 5 Gold

Yew Bow:
Does 2d4 damage+ the user's Agility and Phys Atk modifiers at a distance. The Devs apologize to the users for not including such vital equipment.
Cost: 15 Gold

Wood Arrows:
Do standard bow damage.
Cost: 2 Gold per arrow bundle. (15 Arrows)

Brass Knuckle Dusters:
A pair of simple punching tools, these weapons will not add too much extra damage but are lighter and easier to conceal than most other weapons. Add 3d3 damage to melee attacks and get a stat bonus of +1 Agility.
Cost: 20 Gold

Leather Armor
This type of armor is light and doesn't constrain the player from doing complicated moves or attacks.
It'll absorb 2d3 of the damage. There is no malus.
Cost: 10 Gold

Leather Clothes
Expensive fancy looking clothes, they don't offer any protection. They may be used by players for roleplaying or when trying to look official in a meeting between players.
Cost: 15 Gold

Studded Leather Gloves:
Serving as a backup weapon when an adventurer finds themselves with a lack of gear, these gloves have metal studs to add d3 damage to each melee strike.
Cost: 10 Gold.

Leather-Covered Wooden Staff
This is a staff that is both useful at melee fights and acting as a foci for the practitioners of magic. Any spell cast with this staff deal an additional 2d6 to damage.
Cost: 15 Gold.

Universal Remedy
This potion will cure you of any illness or disease up to Tier 2, that you got infected by through your adventures.
Cost: 300 Gold per bottle

Minor Healing Potion:
This potion when used will instantly restore 15 of your HP.
Cost: 5 Gold per bottle

Greater Healing Potion:
This potion when used will instantly restore 40 of your HP.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Fire Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all heat-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Ice Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all cold-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.

Draught of the Knight:
This potion is most effective when wielding bladed weapons. Your attack speed and damage are nearly tripled for three rounds so long as you are wielding a bladed weapon.
Cost: 4000 Gold per bottle.

Minor Magic Potion:
This potion when used will instantly restore 15 of your MP.
Cost: 5 Gold per bottle

Greater Magic Potion:
This potion when used will instantly restore 40 of your MP.
Cost: 20 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Lesser Dexterity
This potion is mostly for players who attack at range as it'll increase their chances of hitting the target for one round. This potion works for both mages or archers/rangers.
Cost: 5 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Lesser Strength
This potion offers an additional d3 to damage for one round.
Cost: 5 Gold per bottle

Enchanted Heavy Steel Armor
This type of armor is perfect if you want to defend yourself, although it'll come at the cost of your agility.
It'll absorb 2d8 of the damage and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility rolls if it is below 25 while wearing this armor.
Cost: 80 Gold

Enchanted Light Steel Armor
This type of armor is perfect if you don't want to be slowed down while fighting while still keeping a moderately good defense.
It'll absorb d8 of the damage of any attack you take and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility rolls if it is below 15 while wearing this armor.
Cost: 80 Gold

Enchanted Two-Handed Steel Sword/Axe
This weapon is made for slow players who want to deal as much damage as they can to the enemy. It is pretty heavy, however.
It'll deal an additional 2d8 of damage and a permanent malus of -3 to Agility tolls if it is below 15 while wielding this sword.
Cost: 70 Gold

Enchanted One-Handed Steel Sword/Axe
This weapon is made for players that don't want to be too slow nor too fast while doing enough damage to the enemy.
It'll deal an additional d8 damage and a permanent malus of -2 to Agility rolls if it is below 10 while wielding this sword.
Cost: 70 Gold

Potion of Fire Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all heat-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds.
Cost: 19.99 Gold per bottle.

Potion of Ice Resistance:
Gives immunity to damage from all cold-related damage for one round and offer d6 absorption of fire damage for two more rounds.
Cost: 19.99 Gold per bottle.

Ghostly Wooden Staff
This is a staff that is powerful as a foci for the practitioners of magic. Any spell cast with this staff deal an additional 2d8 to damage.
It is made out of Ghost Magical Wood, that can be found in the many Ghostly forests in the area.
Cost: 80 Gold.

Flaming Steel Sword:
A simple Iron object with glowing runes, this weapon is superheated and does 3d4 physical damage and 2d3 fire damage upon hitting. The buyer chooses the weapon commissioned. Also gets a bonus to damage that scales with the wielder's Phys Attack modifier.
Cost: 1000 Gold

Cracking Whip:
A dangerous medium-ranged weapon, that replaces Phys.Atk by Agility instead as a modifier when attacking and it does 2d6 of damage.
Cost: 25 Gold.
Last edited:
[X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
-[X] 'Legs'
[X] Spend stat points half and half at hp and agility

[X] Go to the Plaza.
-[X] Approach the player-made shop.
--[X] Bargain for Enchanted Heavy Steel Armor. Be willing to go up to 75 gold

[X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.
Last edited:
[X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
-[X] 'Legs'
[X] Spend stat points on agility

[X] Go to the Plaza.
-[X] Approach the smith shop.
--[X] Buy Brass Knuckle Dusters
-[X] Approach the player-made shop.
--[X] Bargain for Enchanted Light Steel Armor. Be willing to go up to 75 gold

[X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.
[X] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.
[X] Spend stat points on agility

[X] Go to the Plaza.
-[X] Approach the smith shop.
--[X] Buy Brass Knuckle Dusters
-[X] Approach the player-made shop.
--[X] Bargain for Enchanted Light Steel Armor. Be willing to go up to 75 gold

[X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.

Based on the damage, we probably need a BIT more damage reduction over punchpower at present.
Last edited:
[X] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.
[X] Spend stat points on agility

[X] Go to the Plaza.
-[X] Approach the smith shop.
--[X] Buy Brass Knuckle Dusters
-[X] Approach the player-made shop.
--[X] Bargain for Enchanted Light Steel Armor. Be willing to go up to 75 gold

[X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.