[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Harbinger.
[X] "I'll like to stay with you guys. I enjoyed your company."
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion

Current build is kind of crap solo. We're built to gamble big, so we need at least a healer with us.
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[X] "I'll like to stay with you guys. I enjoyed your company."
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion

Current build is kind of crap solo. We're built to gamble big, so we need at least a healer with us.
I agree that more survivability would help soloing. But we'll never take survivability at this rate if we don't go solo first :D Essentially, our preferred playstyle should determine out build, not the other way around.
[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion
[X] "I'll like to stay with you guys. I enjoyed your company."
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion
[x] "I'll like to stay with you guys. I enjoyed your company."
[x] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.

[x] Champion
A champion, you are the one who steps forward, the one who takes on a path toward success, fame, and glory. The path is lined with the bodies of your enemies and your allies march by your side.

Too many asshole overlord quests. Lets be positive karma.

We wanna be a world champion.

Also do not reject. We might die.
[X] "I'll like to stay with you guys. I enjoyed your company."
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion
[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Harbinger.
[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion
[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Princeps
[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion
[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Princeps

Mostly because I like the description of Princeps better
[X] "I'll like to stay with you guys. I enjoyed your company."
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion
[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion
[X] I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for awhile.
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Harbinger.
[X] "I'll like to stay with you guys. I enjoyed your company."
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Princeps
[X] "I'll like to stay with you guys. I enjoyed your company."
[X] Split it into four. Each player will get 12 500 G if that is the case.
[X] Champion
Cash Shop
Here is the Cash Shop from which you can buy all sort of things. If you want to buy something from the cash shop, you can come back here as a reference, just put on a write-in vote for that at any time.
Example: [](Shop) Buy X item for 5 USD.
I'll add in some occasional things here from time to time, and even some suggestions from you, guys. Feel free.

The standard mount in all of YGGDRASIL, its a sturdy creature that can go through most areas but a pretty low speed compared to other mounts. Do not make it approach lethal areas, horses are not resistant to anything more than the basic elements! It has no weakness, however.
Cost: 1000 G

A mount that comes in a variety of brown and black colors of your own choosing! It is great for going through plains, forests! It is advised to take it when wandering the temperate areas of Midgard or the other realms. It is resistant to physical attacks and is weak to weak to magical attacks.
Cost: 2 USD

Winter Direwolf
A mount, wolf-like in appearance with snow-white fur. It is great to go through snowy, harsh biomes. It is advised to take it for Helheim and other such areas in the Nine Realms. It is resistant to cold attacks and is weak to fire attacks.
Cost: 2 USD

A mount with volcanic magma-like skin. It is great for going through hot, warm areas. It can easily swim in magma and go is immune to volcanic temperatures. It is advice for wandering Muspelheim, especially. It is resistant to fire attacks and weak to holy attacks.
Cost: 2 USD

A mount with clear-blue skin, it can come in different shades depending on your preferences. It is advised to take it for wandering around wide areas of water. It is not recommended to use it for underwater-diving however. It is resistant to magical attacks and weak to fire attacks.
Cost: 5 USD

Skeletal Undead Warhorse
A skeletal horse, it is immune to mental-debuffs and mental attacks and is generally capable of going through any realm without any difficulty. It is weak to all attacks, however.
Cost: 12 USD

A snow-white horse with wings. It is capable of flight, it can go through any realm, it is resistant to Holy attacks, Magical attacks, and physical ones. It is however weak to Unholy attacks, fire attacks, cold attacks.
Cost: 12 USD

A mount that comes in a variety of brown and black colors of your own choosing! It is great for going through any realm. It is resistant to physical attacks, magical attacks but it is weak to fire and cold attacks.
Cost: 12 USD

A mount that can have a variety of colors of your own choosing, no limits! It is great for going through any realm. It is resistant to physical attacks, fire attacks, and cold attacks. It is weak against magical attacks and unholy attacks, however.
Cost: 12 USD

Primeval Curse(Spellbook)
Tier 9 Spell.
Inflict a -20 HP/MP debuff for 3 seconds. You must have a Mag. Atk stat of at least 70, and a total level requirement of 50. There is no karma requirement.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold.

Heavenly Battle Dress/Armor
Legendary-Class Armor
Absorb 3d20 of damage inflicted on you. It completely nullifies all Holy attacks against you. It gives you a +5 to melee attacks and a +10 to damage. You must have a positive Karma between 400 and 500. Wearing this with a karma when you have a karma between 400 and 0 will gradually inflict damage on you until you remove it, its effects still apply, however. If you have a Karma of below 0, you will be immediately killed upon wearing it. You must have an agility of above 60 to be capable of wearing it without being completely immobilized by its sheer weight. Minimum required a total level of 50.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold

Blank NPC
A blank NPC you can buy, modify its appearance and race to your whims. It will follow you around and level up as you do but at a much slower rate. You can buy EXP packs to boost them up to level 100. EXP packs can only be used by NPCs.
Cost: 5 USD/500 Million Gold

NPC: The Killer Rabbit
By @veekie
A special NPC which has an alternate form.
The disguised form of the NPC is a deliberately harmless design, with a range of options in the Damsel in Distress, Helpless Servant, Cute Child, Creaky Elder, and Cuddly Pet archetypes, along with a preset range of appropriate reactions. In this form, it always has half the levels of its true form, all of which can only be allocated to non-combatant classes.
The true form of the NPC starts at level 20 in one of the following classes, chosen on a purchase: Werewolf, Doppelganger, Magical Girl, Aberration, Demon, Angel, Divine Beast, or Outsider. Levels beyond that are customizable, though the base class may provide additional options. Divination effects higher than the level of the true form can reveal the true capabilities of the NPC, but otherwise. The health status and equipment of both forms are tracked independently, except that both forms must be killed, otherwise death in one form simply reverts it to the other and it loses the ability to transform for one day. Transformation takes a 10-second sequence, and can't be interrupted even if the starting form was killed during or before it starts.
Cost: 8.5 USD/ 850 Million Gold

Sword of Rebellion
Legendary-Class Item
A Demonic Sword, it deals 3d20 of damage. It deals unholy attacks to enemies. It can launch a magical AoE blast of 2d20 of damage. It gives a +10 to melee attacks, a +15 to damage. You must have a negative Karma between -400 and -500. Wearing this while having a karma between -400 and 0 will gradually inflict damage on you until you remove it, its effects still apply, however. If you have a Karma of 0 and above, you will be immediately killed upon wielding it. You must have an agility of above 30 to be capable of wearing it without being completely immobilized by its sheer weight, a minimum of Phy. Atk and Def of 60 and a minimum Mag. Atk stat of 30. Minimum required a total level of 50.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold.

Rune Stones Ring
Divine-Class Item
Magic effective hit and damage rolls have a +15 both. There is no Karma requirement. A required Mag. Atk and Mag. Def stat of at least 60 and a minimum required a total level of 55.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold.

Wrathful Fist of God
Legendary-Class Item
A neutral-karma weapon, it deals 3d20 of damage. It deals unholy attacks to enemies. It can deal an AoE ground-punch of 2d20 of damage. It gives a +10 to melee attacks, a +15 to damage. You must have an agility of above 60 to be capable of wearing it without being completely immobilized by its sheer weight. Minimum required a total level of 50.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold.

Cloak of Shadows
By @Captain Spatula
Legacy-Class Item
A cloak that seems to envelop and obscure the body.
Once per battle negate an enemy critical. Recharges once a battle is finished.
Upgradeable through Data Crystals to negate consecutive/more critical hits per battle.
Cost: 5 USD/500 Million Gold.
Held in Inventory: 1.

Oni Monk's Rosary
By @veekie
Relic-Class Item
Legend has it that an Oni Monk who seeks worthy foes sent this into the world. A string of 108 smooth wooden beads in a loop, worn braided around an arm like a bracelet or wrapped around the body like a sash.
One bead changes color for each opponent of equal or higher level slain with natural weapons or monk weapons while wearing it. White for negative karma opponents, black for positive karma opponents and red for neutral opponents.
The effect varies depending on how it is worn.
-Arm: Grants a minor strength enhancement that increases when the number of colored beads reaches the thresholds 54,27,9 and 3. When all beads are colored, it also grants armor piercing quality to unarmed attacks and monk special attacks.
-Body: Grants a minor toughness enhancement that increases when the number of colored beads reaches the thresholds 54,27,9 and 3. When all beads are colored, it also grants resistance to special attacks.
Cost: 15 USD/1.5 Billion Gold

Ring of Troll's Vitality
By @Captain Spatula
Top-Class Item
A ring said to made using numerous troll hearts as a focus. Although the vitality is at times miraculous it still carries a trolls weakness to fire.
A ring that grants regeneration (10 per turn) except when the user is attacked by fire or a fire enchanted weapon.
Cost: 1 Million Gold

Heavenly Ribbons of Yggdrasil
By @veekie
Top-Class to Legacy-Class Items
White Ribbon
A long strip of plain white cloth worn around the head or used to bind hair.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a Mental or Spiritual status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Ribbon.
If the White Ribbon absorbs a status effect from a source at least 10 levels higher than you, it becomes the Blue Ribbon.
If you kill 10 opponents of the same race as you within the same day, it becomes the Red Ribbon.
If you obtain an item of Legendary class or rarer from a random source(loot drops from monsters and opening new chests count, as does the gacha, quest drops, looting players or trading do not), it becomes the Yellow Ribbon

Blue Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of sky blue cloth worn around the head or used to bind hair. There are wisps of white lace on it that seem like clouds.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a non-physical status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Blue Ribbon.
If the Blue Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If you kill 10 opponents of the same race as you within the same day, it becomes the Purple Ribbon.
If you obtain an item of Legendary class or rarer from a random source(loot drops from monsters and opening new chests count, as does the gacha, quest drops, looting players or trading do not), it becomes the Green Ribbon

Red Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of scarlet cloth worn around the head. It feels slightly moist.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a hostile Mental or Spiritual status effect, it is absorbed by the Ribbon. Additionally, each kill you make each battle grants a +1 to melee attack and damage, with a maximum of +10. An absorbed effect doubles the bonus.
If the Red Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If the Red Ribbon absorbs a status effect from a source at least 10 levels higher than you, it becomes the Purple Ribbon.
If you obtain an item of Legendary class or rarer from a random source(loot drops from monsters and opening new chests count, as does the gacha, quest drops, looting players or trading do not), it becomes the Orange Ribbon

Yellow Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of golden cloth worn around the head. It feels slightly stiff.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a hostile Mental or Spiritual status effect, it is absorbed by the Ribbon.
Additionally, for up to five minutes per day, your unarmed reach increases tenfold, manifesting as the ribbon extending in place of your limbs. It has all the same properties while doing so, with the exception that damage done to the ribbon is not done to your limbs, but instead damages the item.
With practice this does not occupy your actual limbs, and can perform any fine manipulation you normally could.
Each absorbed effect grants an additional five minutes of use in this form.
If the Yellow Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If the Yellow Ribbon absorbs a status effect from a source at least 10 levels higher than you, it becomes the Green Ribbon.
If you kill 10 opponents of the same race as you within the same day, it becomes the Orange Ribbon.

Purple Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of royal purple cloth worn around the head or used to bind hair. There are wisps of blue lace on it that seem like waves, and it leaves a brief bloody stain on whatever it touches.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a non-physical status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Purple Ribbon.
Additionally, each kill you make each battle grants a +1 to melee attack and damage, with a maximum of +20. An absorbed effect doubles the bonus.
If the Purple Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If you obtain an item of Legendary class or rarer from a random source(loot drops from monsters and opening new chests count, as does the gacha, quest drops, looting players or trading do not), it becomes the Void Ribbon

Green Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of forest green cloth worn around the head or used to bind hair. There are golden threads forming the designs of flowers running through the cloth and flecks of pale blue seeming like the sky seen through trees.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a non-physical status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Green Ribbon.
Additionally, for up to thirty minutes per day, your unarmed reach increases tenfold, manifesting as the ribbon extending in place of your limbs. It has all the same properties while doing so, with the exception that damage done to the ribbon is not done to your limbs, but instead damages the item.
With practice this does not occupy your actual limbs, and can perform any fine manipulation you normally could.
Each absorbed effect grants an additional five minutes of use in this form and renders the ribbon indestructible during these five minutes.
If the Green Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If you kill 10 opponents of the same race as you within the same day, it becomes the Void Ribbon.

Orange Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of orange cloth worn around the head. Its edged with red stains and threads of gold forms designs of claws and fangs
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a hostile Mental or Spiritual status effect, it is absorbed by the Ribbon. Additionally, each kill you make each battle grants a +1 to melee attack and damage, with a maximum of +20. An absorbed effect doubles the bonus.
Additionally, for up to thirty minutes per day, your unarmed reach increases tenfold, manifesting as the ribbon extending in place of your limbs. It has all the same properties while doing so, with the exception that damage done to the ribbon is not done to your limbs, but instead damages the item.
Each absorbed effect can be expended along with 10 kills to apply the absorbed effect to the target of an unarmed attack.
With practice this does not occupy your actual limbs, and can perform any fine manipulation you normally could.
If the Orange Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If the Orange Ribbon absorbs a status effect from a source at least 10 levels higher than you, it becomes the Void Ribbon.

Void Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of vantablack cloth worn around the head. It is flecked with prismatic stars.
Whenever you are targeted by a non-physical status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Void Ribbon.
Additionally, each kills you make each battle grants a +1 to melee attack and damage, with a maximum of +30. An absorbed effect doubles the bonus.
Additionally, your unarmed reach increases tenfold, manifesting as the ribbon extending in place of your limbs. It has all the same properties while doing so, with the exception that damage done to the ribbon is not done to your limbs, but instead damages the item.
With practice, this does not occupy your actual limbs and can perform any fine manipulation you normally could. While the Void Ribbon holds an absorbing effect, it is indestructible, but cannot absorb more effects. Such a charge can be held indefinitely or released at any time outside of battle. Each absorbed effect can be expended along with 10 kills to apply the absorbing effect to the target of an unarmed attack, this discharges the Void Ribbon, allowing it to absorb additional effects.
If the Void Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
Cost: It can only be obtained through the Gacha or a lucky drop.

Ring of the Wanderer
By @Ulrad
High-Class Item
"The wanderer goes where they will, undeterred by obstacle." Provides a moderate bonus to Debuff Resistance against effects such as Slow, Entangled, Rooted, etc... +10 to Resistance rolls against such effects. It can be upgraded.
Cost: 600k Gold

Drunken Immortal's Gourd
By @MrGazzer
High-Class Item
This seemingly humble wine gourd belongs to one of the Great Immortals to the East, it is said that his power flows from liquor, and the wine within the gourd is powerful indeed. The Gourd acts first as a Monk Weapon.
Second, it can act as a Middle-Tier Healing Potion once per day, by popping the cap and chugging a mouthful of divine wine. This imparts an intoxication debuff at the same time.
Thrid, as long as this item is equipped, this gourd can impart on its user temporary access to the [Drunken Fist] skill whenever they have the intoxication debuff. As even holding the Gourd grants you the smallest fraction of the Drunken Immortals enlightenment. This can item be improved with data crystals

Necklace of the Hearth
By @Ulrad
Middle-Class Item
The heat of this enchanted necklace imbues the wearer with strength, as well as providing resistance to being encased in ice. +2 Attack, Damage and +4 Damage Resistance against Ice Attacks. It can be upgraded.
Cost: 30k Gold

Rainbow Vial
By @Radical Sway
Cosmetic Item
An ornate phial containing a mysterious and magical liquid that shifts between every color of the spectrum. Drinking from this vial will permanently change your hair into a completely random color. It has 3 uses before the item is destroyed.
Cost: 1 USD. It cannot be obtained through in-game drops.

Necklace of Doors
By @Radical Sway
High-Class Item
A piece of knotted driftwood held on a simple length of hemp. A magical necklace that when worn allows the user to detect any hidden doors, entryways, or compartments within 20ft of the wearer. The necklace will grow warm, alerting the wearer that such a location is within the necklaces range but will not show the exact location.
Cost: 3 USD/300 Million Gold

Beaded Bracelet of a Disciplined Soul
By @Radical Sway
Middle-Class Item
Through precise control, disciplined focus, and a deep understanding of one's self and capabilities, a monk wearing this bracelet will find that techniques using Ki will be easier than before through the monk's enlightened understanding.
-Minus 10 Ki cost for all abilities that use Ki.
Cost: 1 Million Gold

Grand Alchemist's Spectacles
By @Radical Sway
High-Class Item
Enchanted old-fashioned spectacles that retain the experienced eye of their previous owner. The wearer of these glasses will find that all alchemy ingredients within the wearer's eyesight will be glowing, greatly easing the process of collecting materials and reagents.
Cost: 1 USD/100 Million Gold

Shadow Door
By @Radical Sway
Legacy-Class Item
An eight-foot-long magical disc of inscrutable darkness. By placing this magical item on any wall you create an artificial doorway that lasts for 30 minutes allowing the user to simply slip through even the most impenetrable of obstacles. This is a single use magical item.
Cost: 7 USD/700 Million Gold

Bad Penny
By @Radical Sway
Middle-Class Item
A magical coin of ill fortune. The coin has 3 charges, upon expending a charge, you can direct a bolt of negative entropic magic towards a target of your choice. Said energy will manifest as negative luck for the opponent in a random way. (E.g., an attack missing that otherwise would hit, a piece of armor breaking, tripping while running in an otherwise graceful stride, etc...) The magical energy of the coin is subject to the opponent's magical resistance, and an opponent with sufficient resistances can resist the effect of the coin.
Cost: 2 USD/200 Million Gold

Take your chance and spin the wheel for only 100 Yen(1 USD)! 1000 Yen(10 USD) for a 10-Pull spin! A 10--Pull spin has more chances of getting high-tier items and mounts!
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Should we buy a more normal mount so we aren't ganked for loot?
As long as we stay in isolated areas with only our level opponents, I don't think that using our super mount is going to get us killed any more than a normal mount would. We already have a cash shop armor on anyways, so if someone wants to gank us in hopes of jackpot, they'll do it regardless of the type of our mount. The pig is actually quite good in combat, and should be able to outrun a lesser mount when escaping if necessary.

Bying a horse might be a good idea if we plan to play solo in more popular areas, but the poor look would require that we take off our armor as well.
Calling the votes here! The update should be up in a few hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Oct 19, 2018 at 12:11 PM, finished with 38 posts and 29 votes.
The Ancient Tomb - Final Part
Wait, what? Permanently join them? They're nice and all but you aren't quite ready to just fully join their party. Yaoi-chan, Yasu-bud and even Nofuku-chan, they're cool people but you'll like to have some solo fun for a little while rather than being bound by a party. That's something you'll worry over later when you reach higher levels. Being part of a party then is necessary for survival, dungeon raids and PvP. No one actually does solo PvP unless they're really really stupid or the one their attacking is even more defenseless and stupid.

"I'd like to remain friends and we can party from time to time but I would like to go solo for a while. You know, just some fun on my own. I'm not cutting ties or anything! We can meet at any point or if you're having trouble." you try to explain to them without being rude. Yaoi-chan visibly slumps and Nofuku-chan just humph. Yasu-bud is impassive as always or it's just his expressionless avatar giving off that impression.

"We're still friends, however!" reassured Yaoi-chan. Yeah, you just told her that. No need to repeat it you know. Anyway, you still talk for a bit and your fears were proven false as there was no awkward silence on the way back. The party was just like it was for these last few days and you'll prefer to remember it like that until the end. You finally split off in front of the gate as apparently, they've still got some business to do. Namely looking for rare materials around. Yaoi-chan's last find, the Blue Mushroom Butterfly only encouraged her to search more and she convinced the others to escort her.

As they walked away, you took that chance to see what kind of Advanced class, you'll take. You have three options. Harbinger, Princeps and Champion. In that case, you'll choose Champion, because of the protection allowed by Karma penalty mechanics. You barely look at the description of the class which is just some flavor text. Positive karma will help you a lot in keeping yourself safe. So that's your immediate choice.

Unlocked Advanced Class: Champion!

Unlocked "Mystical Holy Strikes": Your instincts guiding your movements are flawless, graceful and elegant while still being brutally efficient with minimal movements. This ability is an AoE attack that can be used three times per fight.+4 to melee Attacks and Damage. Your fists are coated in Golden Divine Light. Holy Attribute.

"Oya, Oya. What do we have here? A lonely player walking alone in the middle of a dangerous cave?~" a young girl's sing-song voice comes out from somewhere above you which suddenly surprise you as you feel an arrow lodge itself right at your feet.

You turn to look at who's talking and you're met by the face of a High Elf with dark pink hair of all colors. She's standing on a nearby platform. Judging from her equipment a Ranger... For fuck's sake, what does she want? Try to loot you off? She's on for a bad surprise. You take on your basic fighting stance. Feet apart and hands raised to your chest. You're ready. You feel pretty confident in sending back any arrow she throws at you. She's wearing leather armor while you are wearing Mithril armor. This is going to be a short fight. As you see that she isn't making any moves, you prepare yourself to jump to reach her quickly and punch her out.

As you're about to, however, she holds up a hand. Her voice is a bit hasty and nervous. "Oi, Oi! I don't want to fight you! Sorry! I was just trying to act cool! Don't kill me please!" You nearly stumble as you suddenly interrupt your jump. What the heck is wrong with this girl? You just rub the back o your head, you are confused.

"Look. I'll spell it out easily for you. Leave me alone and we're gonna be good," you tell her simply and she nods quickly and nervously. What was the point of all of this? You start walking away, you keep her in your sight warily until you're out of sight. You keep going until you reach that player hub near the dungeon's entrance. Despite your armor, barely anyone gives you even a second glance. That's good. You were worried it would attract too much attention. Just as you're walking up the steps to get to the outside world, you feel someone watching you. You subtlely turn around and you can see them. It's the same girl you chased off following you for some reason or another. This is weird. Perhaps you did catch some party's attention and now they're tailing you to catch and PK you somewhere when you're alone? Too bad, you won't give them that chance.

Just as you exit, you see that there is the same usual heavy player activity in front of the entrance and the already fragile truce standing on a thin line. You're feeling pretty bold today, and it'll help to get that girl off your trail. So you do one of the craziest things you'll ever probably do. In the middle of a crowd of hundreds upon hundreds of players, you activate your debuffing aura. Most of these players are under level 15 and so they easily got affected, you can see rows and rows of players freezing, falling on the hard cobblestone ground and such. You notice a few successfully resisting it. Damn, some players with a higher level than yours. Fortunately, none of them is near you. Before, you go out, you turn to the girl who's been following you around. You give her including all the surrounding players that realized you were the source of the debuff, the best cheerful peace sign you can manage.

You immediately bail out after that. In just a few seconds you covered a dozen meters and then hundreds, high AGI is really useful in these cases. You can hear faint sounds of fightings and cries in the distance. Whoops. Well, anyway, you got that girl off your back now. You could have killed her at the start but you showed mercy, then she kept following. At that point, you couldn't simply kill her as there were many players around and a random PvP fight is sure to make a chain reaction that'll get you included in whenever you want it or not. Arguably, your recent stunt might've been even crazier but it's you who comes out safe and sound in the end so that's all that matters. You take a few seconds to message Yasu-bud and his party.

<Guys. If you want to leave the dungeon, then wait for a bit. Things are a bit messy in the entrance. Anyway, just avoid it for the time being or you'll get caught up in it too.>

<What did you do?> Why did they assume it was you who did something? Yeah, their assumption is right but still! You're one of their friends, shouldn't they have more trust in you?

<Just kind of debuffed the whole area? Anyway, gtg! Message me later!> you simply reply back before ending the conversation. You'll rather not get in some long ass lecture again from them. You wanted to warn them, well now its done! No need for unnecessary winding talk.

What do you do?

[] Go to the South-Western lands, you heard from that forum user that you could perhaps get a quest from which you can upgrade your new armor.
-[] Do some side-quests along the way.

[] Go to the South, you heard that there were some pretty heavy PvP areas there and in the edges of it, it was pretty light and good enough for rookies. You can try your luck.
-[] Do some side-quests along the way.

[] No, just stay in the Northern land for a bit longer. Look for some more quests to do.
-[] Explore the Ghostly Forests.
-[] Go sell your Draugr Skulls to the Militia Leader.

[] Write-in​
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[X] Go to the South, you heard that there were some pretty heavy PvP areas there and in the edges of it, it was pretty light and good enough for rookies. You can try your luck.
-[X] Do some side-quests along the way